You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

538 lines
19 KiB

; Black
;PremultiplyImages = 1
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WorkspaceClientTop = 71 71 71
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AutoHideFaceDark = 189 194 200
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NormalText = 55 60 67
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CaptionText = 0 0 0
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ItemHotCaptionDark = 232 234 236
ItemCaptionText = 0 0 0
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CaptionDark = 194 199 205
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CategoryText = 0 0 0
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;// Day View colors
DayBorder = 145 153 164
;DayViewCellWorkBk = 255 255 255 ; OK by default
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DayViewCellWorkBorderBottomInHour = 232 234 236
DayViewCellWorkBorderBottomHour = 199 203 209
DayViewCellNonWorkBorderBottomInHour = 221 224 227
DayViewCellNonWorkBorderBottomHour = 199 203 209
DayViewAllDayEventsBk = 199 203 209
DayViewAllDayEventsBorderBottom = 145 153 164
MultiDayEventBorder = 145 153 164
;MultiDayEventSelectedBorder = 0 0 0 ; OK by default
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MultiDayEventBkGRto = 213 216 220
MultiDayEventFromToDates = 76 83 92
DayViewSingleDayEventBorder = 145 153 164
;DayViewSingleDayEventSelectedBorder = 0 0 0 ; OK by default
;DayViewSingleDayEventBkGRfrom = 255 255 255 ; OK by default // single-day event gradient fill Light
DayViewSingleDayEventBkGRto = 210 213 218
;// Month view colors
MonthViewWeekHeaderFreeSpaceBk = 240 241 242
MonthViewWeekDayHeaderBk = 240 241 242
MonthViewWeekDayHeaderText = 76 83 92
;MonthViewDayBkLight = 255 255 255 ; OK by default
MonthViewDayBkDark = 199 203 209
MonthViewDayBkSelected = 232 234 236
MonthViewEventTime = 76 83 92
MonthViewSingleDayEventBorder = 232 234 236
;MonthViewSingleDayEventSelectedBorder = 0 0 0 ; OK by default
MonthViewSingleDayEventBkGRfrom = 253 253 253
MonthViewSingleDayEventBkGRto = 222 224 228
;// Week view colors are same as month view
;WeekViewDayBkLight = 255 255 255 ; OK by default
WeekViewDayBkDark = 199 203 209
WeekViewDayBkSelected = 232 234 236
WeekViewEventTime = 199 203 209
WeekViewSingleDayEventBorder = 232 234 236
;WeekViewSingleDayEventSelectedBorder = 0 0 0 ; OK by default
WeekViewSingleDayEventBkGRfrom = 253 253 253
WeekViewSingleDayEventBkGRto= 222 224 228
;// CaptionBar colors
CaptionBarSwitchViewBarBk = 145 153 164 ; DayBorder
CaptionBarDateBarBk = 240 241 242 ; TimeScaleBk
CaptionBarBorders = 76 83 92 ; TimeScaleLine
MonthBorder = 145 153 164
MonthHeaderBack = 210 213 218
MonthHeaderButton = 145 153 164
Background = 255 255 255
BackgroundDisabled = 239 239 239
Border = 255 255 255
BorderHilite = 255 190 107
BorderPressed = 255 142 57
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ButtonLt = 198 203 214
ButtonDk = 165 170 181
ButtonHiliteLt = 255 247 198
ButtonHiliteDk = 255 223 123
ButtonPressedLt = 255 154 57
ButtonPressedDk = 255 182 90
ButtonDisabled = 239 239 239
Glyph = 0 0 0
GlyphDisabled = 181 181 181
Background = 239 235 239
BackgroundHilite = 255 255 255
BackgroundDisabled = 239 239 239
Border = 140 138 140
BorderHilite = 140 138 140
BorderPressed = 140 138 140
BorderDisabled = 206 207 206
FileButton = Office2007Black\FileButton.bmp
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WorkspaceTopLeft = Office2007Black\WorkspaceTopLeft.bmp
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FrameSystemButton52 = Office2007Black\FrameSystemButton52.bmp
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ToolbarExpandButtonVertical = Office2007Black\ToolbarExpandButtonVertical.bmp
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ContextTabPurpleGroupButton = Office2007Black\ContextTabPurpleGroupButton.bmp
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ContextTabYellowGroupButton = Office2007Black\ContextTabYellowGroupButton.bmp
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ContextTabOrange = Office2007Black\ContextTabOrange.bmp
ContextTabGreen = Office2007Black\ContextTabGreen.bmp
RibbonGroupButton = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupButton.bmp
ContextTabCyan = Office2007Black\ContextTabCyan.bmp
ContextTabYellow = Office2007Black\ContextTabYellow.bmp
ContextTabBlue = Office2007Black\ContextTabBlue.bmp
ContextTabRed = Office2007Black\ContextTabRed.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSplit22 = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSplit22.bmp
ToolbarButtons22 = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtons22.bmp
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ToolbarButtonSpinArrowsVertical = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonSpinArrowsVertical.bmp
ToolbarButtonSpinArrowsHorizontal = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonSpinArrowsHorizontal.bmp
ToolbarButtonSpinArrowGlyphs = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonSpinArrowGlyphs.bmp
ToolbarButtonRadioButton = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonRadioButton.bmp
MenuSelectedItem54 = Office2007Black\MenuSelectedItem54.bmp
ControlGalleryPopup = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryPopup.bmp
ControlGalleryUp = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryUp.bmp
ControlGalleryDown = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryDown.bmp
RibbonGroups = Office2007Black\RibbonGroups.bmp
RibbonQuickAccessButton = Office2007Black\RibbonQuickAccessButton.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSplitDropDown22 = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSplitDropDown22.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitLeft = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitLeft.bmp
RibbonQuickAccessMore = Office2007Black\RibbonQuickAccessMore.bmp
MenuSelectedDisabledItem54 = Office2007Black\MenuSelectedDisabledItem54.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownRight = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownRight.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSingle = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSingle.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitCenter = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitCenter.bmp
FrameCaptionButton = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionButton.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitRight = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitRight.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollThumbVertical = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollThumbVertical.bmp
ContextTabGroupClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabGroupClient.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialLeft = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialLeft.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownCenter = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownCenter.bmp
ContextTabOrangeClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabOrangeClient.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownLeft = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialSplitDropDownLeft.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialRight = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialRight.bmp
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ContextTabGreenClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabGreenClient.bmp
ContextTabYellowClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabYellowClient.bmp
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ContextTabRedClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabRedClient.bmp
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ContextTabBlueClient = Office2007Black\ContextTabBlueClient.bmp
MenuSelectedItem22 = Office2007Black\MenuSelectedItem22.bmp
ContextTabGreenHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabGreenHeader.bmp
ContextTabBlueHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabBlueHeader.bmp
RibbonGroupClient = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupClient.bmp
ToolbarButtonsSpecialCenter = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsSpecialCenter.bmp
ContextTabOrangeHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabOrangeHeader.bmp
RibbonOptionButton = Office2007Black\RibbonOptionButton.bmp
ContextTabRedHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabRedHeader.bmp
ContextTabCyanHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabCyanHeader.bmp
ContextTabYellowHeader = Office2007Black\ContextTabYellowHeader.bmp
MenuSelectedDisabledItem22 = Office2007Black\MenuSelectedDisabledItem22.bmp
ToolbarButtonsComboDropDown = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonsComboDropDown.bmp
FrameCaptionClose23 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionClose23.bmp
MenuCheckedItemMark = Office2007Black\MenuCheckedItemMark.bmp
FrameCaptionRestore23 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionRestore23.bmp
ContextTabGroupCaption = Office2007Black\ContextTabGroupCaption.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollArrowGlyphs = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollArrowGlyphs.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollArrowsVerticalLight = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollArrowsVerticalLight.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollArrowsHorizontalDark = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollArrowsHorizontalDark.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollArrowsHorizontalLight = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollArrowsHorizontalLight.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollHorizontalDark = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollHorizontalDark.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollHorizontalLight = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollHorizontalLight.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollThumbGripperHorizontal = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollThumbGripperHorizontal.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollThumbHorizontal = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollThumbHorizontal.bmp
FrameCaptionClose17 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionClose17.bmp
RibbonGroupCaption = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupCaption.bmp
FrameTopLeft = Office2007Black\FrameTopLeft.bmp
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FrameCaptionMaximize23 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMaximize23.bmp
FrameCaptionClose13 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionClose13.bmp
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FrameCaptionRestore13 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionRestore13.bmp
FrameCaptionMaximize17 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMaximize17.bmp
MenuCheckedItem = Office2007Black\MenuCheckedItem.bmp
FrameTopRight = Office2007Black\FrameTopRight.bmp
RibbonGroupQuickAccess = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupQuickAccess.bmp
RibbonQuickAccessFrame = Office2007Black\RibbonQuickAccessFrame.bmp
RibbonQuickAccessArea = Office2007Black\RibbonQuickAccessArea.bmp
FrameCaptionMaximize13 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMaximize13.bmp
StatusBarDevider = Office2007Black\StatusBarDevider.bmp
FrameCaptionMinimize23 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMinimize23.bmp
ToolbarButtonDropDownGlyph = Office2007Black\ToolbarButtonDropDownGlyph.bmp
StatusBarSeparator = Office2007Black\StatusBarSeparator.bmp
PopupBarFrame = Office2007Black\PopupBarFrame.bmp
MorePopupBarFrame = Office2007Black\MorePopupBarFrame.bmp
FrameCaptionMinimize17 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMinimize17.bmp
FrameCaptionMinimize13 = Office2007Black\FrameCaptionMinimize13.bmp
StatusBarGripper = Office2007Black\StatusBarGripper.bmp
StatusBarLight = Office2007Black\StatusBarLight.bmp
StatusBarDark = Office2007Black\StatusBarDark.bmp
FrameBottomRight = Office2007Black\FrameBottomRight.bmp
FrameBottomLeft = Office2007Black\FrameBottomLeft.bmp
RibbonTabSeparator = Office2007Black\RibbonTabSeparator.bmp
ContextTabSeparator = Office2007Black\ContextTabSeparator.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollThumbGripperVertical = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollThumbGripperVertical.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollVerticalLight = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollVerticalLight.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollArrowsVerticalDark = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollArrowsVerticalDark.bmp
ControlGalleryScrollVerticalDark = Office2007Black\ControlGalleryScrollVerticalDark.bmp
FrameTopCenter = Office2007Black\FrameTopCenter.bmp
RibbonGroupsScrollLeft = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupsScrollLeft.bmp
RibbonGroupsScrollLeftGlyph = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupsScrollLeftGlyph.bmp
RibbonGroupsScrollRight = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupsScrollRight.bmp
RibbonGroupsScrollRightGlyph = Office2007Black\RibbonGroupsScrollRightGlyph.bmp
RibbonSystemMenu = Office2007Black\RibbonSystemMenu.bmp
RibbonSystemMenuButton = Office2007Black\RibbonSystemMenuButton.bmp
MenuSplitDropDown = Office2007Black\MenuSplitDropDown.bmp
MenuSplitItem = Office2007Black\MenuSplitItem.bmp
MenuPopupGlyph = Office2007Black\MenuPopupGlyph.bmp
PopupBarResizeGripperFace = Office2007Black\PopupBarResizeGripperFace.bmp
PopupBarResizeGripperWidth = Office2007Black\PopupBarResizeGripperWidth.bmp
PopupBarResizeGripperHeight = Office2007Black\PopupBarResizeGripperHeight.bmp
ListBox = Office2007Black\ListBox.bmp
StatusBarSwitches = Office2007Black\StatusBarSwitches.bmp
SliderDown = Office2007Black\SliderDown.bmp
SliderThumb = Office2007Black\SliderThumb.bmp
SliderTick = Office2007Black\SliderTick.bmp
SliderTrack = Office2007Black\SliderTrack.bmp
SliderUp = Office2007Black\SliderUp.bmp
ShortcutBarItems = Office2007Black\ShortcutBarItems.bmp
ShortcutBarNavigateItem = Office2007Black\ShortcutBarNavigateItem.bmp
ShortcutBarGlyphs = Office2007Black\ShortcutBarGlyphs.bmp
ShortcutBarGripper = Office2007Black\ShortcutBarGripper.bmp
ProgressTrack = Office2007Black\ProgressTrack.bmp
ProgressChunk = Office2007Black\ProgressChunk.bmp
CalendarHeader = Office2007Black\CalendarHeader.bmp
CalendarHeaderDVGroup = Office2007Black\CalendarHeaderDVGroup.bmp
CalendarHeaderMVDay = Office2007Black\CalendarHeaderMVDay.bmp
CalendarHeaderMVWeek = Office2007Black\CalendarHeaderMVWeek.bmp
CalendarHeaderWVDay = Office2007Black\CalendarHeaderWVDay.bmp
CalendarCaptionBarSwitchViewButton = Office2007Black\CalendarCaptionBarSwitchViewButton.bmp
CalendarCaptionBarPrevDateButton = Office2007Black\CalendarCaptionBarPrevDateButton.bmp
CalendarCaptionBarNextDateButton = Office2007Black\CalendarCaptionBarNextDateButton.bmp
CalendarCaptionBarExpandButton = Office2007Black\CalendarCaptionBarExpandButton.bmp
CalendarPrevNextEventButton = Office2007Black\CalendarPrevNextEventButton.bmp
CalendarPrevNextEventButtonArr = Office2007Black\CalendarPrevNextEventButtonArr.bmp
AccessTab = Office2007Black\AccessTab.bmp
BackstageMenuBackground = Office2007Black\BackstageMenuBackground.bmp
BackstageMenuCommand = Office2007Black\BackstageMenuCommand.bmp
BackstageMenuPage = Office2007Black\BackstageMenuPage.bmp
BackstageMenuPageGlyph = Office2007Black\BackstageMenuPageGlyph.bmp
BackstageTopBorder = Office2007Black\BackstageTopBorder.bmp
BackstageButton = Office2007Common\BackstageButton.bmp
BackstageButtonShadow = Office2007Common\BackstageButtonShadow.bmp
BackstageButtonGlyph = Office2007Common\BackstageButtonGlyph.bmp
BackstagePaneSeparator = Office2007Common\BackstagePaneSeparator.bmp
SystemIconSeparator = Office2007Common\SystemIconSeparator.bmp
; Common
RibbonQuickAccessAreaDwm = Office2007Black\RibbonQuickAccessAreaDwm.bmp
TooltipFrame = Office2007Black\TooltipFrame.bmp