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// XTPTabBase.h : header file
// This file is a part of the XTREME CONTROLS MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
class CXTPTabCtrlButtons;
class CXTPTabBaseTheme;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Enumeration used to determine navigation button display for a
// CXTPTabCtrl object.
// Remarks:
// XTPNavBtnState type defines the constants used by the
// CXTPTabCtrl class to determine which navigation buttons to display.
// See Also:
// CXTPTabCtrl
// <KEYWORDS xtpNavBtnArrows, xtpNavBtnClose, xtpNavBtnShowAll>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum XTPNavBtnState
xtpNavBtnArrows = 1, // Display arrow buttons.
xtpNavBtnClose = 2, // Display close button.
xtpNavBtnShowAll = 3 // Display arrow and close buttons.
// Summary:
// CXTPTabBase is a stand alone base class. It is used to draw an XP
// style tab control.
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPTabBase object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPTabBase object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPTabBase();
// Summary:
// Retrieves a pointer to the associated tab control.
// Remarks:
// This member function is called by the base class to manage a
// pointer for the derived class CTabCtrl object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CTabCtrl object if successful, otherwise NULL.
CTabCtrl* GetTabCtrlImpl();
// Summary:
// Retrieves a pointer to the tab control navigation button object.
// Remarks:
// This member function is called to retrieve a to the tab control
// buttons used for navigating and closing tab windows.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPTabCtrlButtons object if successful, otherwise NULL.
CXTPTabCtrlButtons* GetButtons();
// Summary:
// This member function copies the child coordinates of the CTabCtrl client
// area into the object referenced by 'rcChild'. The client coordinates
// specify the upper-left and lower-right corners of the client area.
// Parameters:
// rcChild - A reference to a CRect object to receive the client coordinates.
virtual void GetChildRect(CRect& rcChild) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set visibility of the navigation buttons. These
// buttons are used in place of the default forward and back buttons that are
// displayed when the tab control is not wide enough to display all tabs. You can
// also define a close button to be used to close the active tab. This will give
// the tab control a VS.NET style tabbed interface.
// Parameters:
// dwFlags - The value can be one or more of the values listed in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise
// OR (|) operator. It can be one or more of the following:
// * <b>xtpNavBtnArrows</b> To show arrow buttons.
// * <b>xtpNavBtnClose</b> To show close button.
// * <b>xtpNavBtnShowAll</b> To show arrow and close buttons.
void ShowNavButtons(DWORD dwFlags);
// Summary:
// Call this member to switch the visual theme of the control.
// Parameters:
// eTheme - New visual theme. Can be any of the values listed in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// eTheme can be one of the following:
// * <b>xtpControlThemeDefault</b> Use default theme.
// * <b>xtpControlThemeOfficeXP</b> Use Office XP theme.
// * <b>xtpControlThemeOffice2003</b> Use Office 2003 theme.
BOOL SetTheme(XTPControlTheme eTheme);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get a pointer to the currently selected theme.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPTabBaseTheme object representing the currently selected theme.
CXTPTabBaseTheme* GetTheme();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to refresh theme colors and redraw the control.
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the CXTPTabBase class to
// perform initialization when the window is created or sub-classed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the window was successfully initialized, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL Init();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to associate the tab control with this object.
// Parameters:
// pTabCtrl - Points to a valid tab control object.
void ImplAttach(CTabCtrl* pTabCtrl);
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the tab control to add padding to a
// tab label for use with XP style tabs.
// Parameters:
// strLabelText - Tab label to add padding to.
virtual void OnAddPadding(CString& strLabelText);
bool m_bBoldFont; // true to set the selected tab font to bold.
bool m_bXPBorder; // true to draw an XP border around the tab child window.
BOOL m_bAutoCondensing; // TRUE for auto-condensing tabs.
CTabCtrl* m_pTabCtrl; // Pointer to the tab control associated with this object.
CXTPTabCtrlButtons* m_pNavBtns; // Arrow buttons.
CXTPTabBaseTheme* m_pTheme; // Pointer to the current theme object.
BOOL m_bSubclassed; // TRUE if the window was sub-classed.
virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, LPCTSTR lpszSection);
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg LRESULT OnSetTheme(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
AFX_INLINE CTabCtrl* CXTPTabBase::GetTabCtrlImpl() {
return m_pTabCtrl;
AFX_INLINE CXTPTabCtrlButtons* CXTPTabBase::GetButtons() {
return m_pNavBtns;
AFX_INLINE CXTPTabBaseTheme* CXTPTabBase::GetTheme() {
return m_pTheme;
#define DECLATE_TABCTRL_BASE(ClassName, Tab, Base)\
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS ClassName : public Tab, public Base\
virtual void PreSubclassWindow() {\
} \
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) {\
if (!Tab::PreCreateWindow(cs))\
return FALSE;\
return Base::PreCreateWindow(cs);\
} \
afx_msg void OnPaint() {\
} \
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) {\
return Base::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC);\
} \
afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, LPCTSTR lpszSection) {\
Base::OnSettingChange(uFlags, lpszSection);\
} \
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange() {\
} \
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) {\
if (Tab::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)\
return -1;\
return Base::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct);\
} \
afx_msg LRESULT OnSetTheme(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {\
return Base::OnSetTheme(wParam, lParam);\
} \
// Summary:
// CXTPTabExBase is a stand alone base class. It is used to draw an XP
// style tab control.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPTabExBase : public CXTPTabBase
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPTabExBase object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPTabExBase object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPTabExBase();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable or disable the control from
// being redrawn or updated.
// Parameters:
// bRedraw - Specifies the state of the redraw flag. If this parameter
// is TRUE, the redraw flag is set; if FALSE, the flag is cleared.
void EnableRedraw(BOOL bRedraw);
// Summary:
// This member function is called to initialize the font for the tab control
// associated with this view.
virtual void InitializeFont();
// Summary:
// This member function retrieves the handle of the tooltip control associated
// with the tab control. The tab control creates a tooltip control if
// it has the TCS_TOOLTIPS style. You can also assign a tooltip control
// to a tab control by using the SetToolTips member function.
// Returns:
// The handle of the tooltip control if successful; otherwise returns NULL.
virtual CToolTipCtrl* GetTips();
// Summary:
// Call this function to assign a tooltip control to the tab control.
// You can associate the tooltip control with a tab control by making
// a call to GetToolTips.
// Parameters:
// pWndTip - Pointer to a tooltip control.
virtual void SetTips(CToolTipCtrl* pWndTip);
// Summary:
// Call this function to register a tab with the tooltip control so
// that the information stored in the tooltip is displayed when the cursor
// is on the tab.
// Parameters:
// nIDTab - Index of the tab.
// lpszText - Pointer to the text for the tool.
virtual void AddToolTip(UINT nIDTab, LPCTSTR lpszText);
// Summary:
// Call this function to update the tooltip text for the specified tab.
// Parameters:
// nIDTab - Index of the tab.
// pViewClass - CRuntimeClass associated with the tab.
// lpszText - Pointer to the text for the tool.
virtual void UpdateToolTip(int nIDTab, LPCTSTR lpszText);
virtual void UpdateToolTip(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, LPCTSTR lpszText); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::UpdateToolTip@int@LPCTSTR>
// Summary:
// This member function is called to reset the values for the tooltip
// control based upon the information stored for each tab.
virtual void ResetToolTips();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable or disable tooltip usage.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable tooltip usage.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the tooltip control was found and updated, otherwise returns
virtual BOOL EnableToolTipsEx(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add a view to the tab control associated
// with this view.
// Parameters:
// lpszLabel - Pointer to the text for the tab associated with the view.
// pView - An existing view to be added to the tab control.
// pViewClass - CView runtime class associated with the tab.
// pDoc - CDocument associated with the view.
// pContext - Create context for the view.
// iIndex - -1 to add to the end.
// iIconIndex - Icon index for the tab. If -1, 'iIndex' is used to determine the index.
// lParam - Application defined parameter
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL AddView(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, CView* pView, int iIndex = -1, int iIconIndex = -1, LPARAM lParam = 0);
virtual BOOL AddView(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, CDocument* pDoc = NULL, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL, int iIndex = -1, int iIconIndex = -1, LPARAM lParam = 0); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::AddView@LPCTSTR@CView*@int@int@LPARAM>
// Summary:
// This member function is called to add a control to the tab control
// associated with this view.
// Parameters:
// lpszLabel - Pointer to the text for the tab associated with the view.
// pWnd - CWnd object associated with the tab.
// iIndex - Tab index of where to insert the new view. Default is -1 to add to
// the end.
// iIconIndex - Icon index for the tab. If -1, 'iIndex' is used to determine the index.
// lParam - Application defined parameter
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL AddControl(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, CWnd* pWnd, int iIndex = -1, int iIconIndex = -1, LPARAM lParam = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function returns a pointer to a view from the specified
// runtime class.
// Parameters:
// nView - Tab index.
// pViewClass - CView runtime class associated with the tab.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CView object, otherwise returns NULL.
virtual CWnd* GetView(int nView);
virtual CWnd* GetView(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::GetView@int>
// Summary:
// This member function returns a pointer to the active view associated
// with the selected tab.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the active view, otherwise returns NULL.
virtual CWnd* GetActiveView();
// Summary:
// This member function is called to activate the specified view and deactivate
// all remaining views.
// Parameters:
// pTabView - CWnd object to make active.
virtual void ActivateView(CWnd* pTabView);
// Summary:
// This member function will set a view active based on the specified
// runtime class.
// Parameters:
// nActiveTab - Tab index.
// pTabView - CWnd object to make active.
// pViewClass - CView runtime class associated with the tab.
virtual void SetActiveView(int nActiveTab);
virtual void SetActiveView(CWnd* pTabView); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::SetActiveView@int>
virtual void SetActiveView(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::SetActiveView@int>
// Summary:
// This member function will remove a view based on the specified
// tab index.
// Parameters:
// nView - Tab index of the view.
// pView - Points to the CWnd object associated with the tab.
// pViewClass - CView runtime class associated with the tab.
// bDestroyWnd - TRUE to destroy the list item.
virtual void DeleteView(int nView, BOOL bDestroyWnd = TRUE);
virtual void DeleteView(CWnd* pView, BOOL bDestroyWnd = TRUE); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::DeleteView@int@BOOL>
virtual void DeleteView(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, BOOL bDestroyWnd = TRUE); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::DeleteView@int@BOOL>
// Summary:
// This member function will return the name for a view based on the tab
// index.
// Parameters:
// nView - Tab index of the view.
// pViewClass - CView runtime class associated with the tab.
// Returns:
// A NULL terminated string that represents the tab item text.
virtual LPCTSTR GetViewName(int nView);
virtual LPCTSTR GetViewName(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::GetViewName@int>
// Summary:
// This member function is called when the tab control is resized.
// It is responsible for updating internal structures that are
// dependent on the control's size
virtual void RecalcLayout();
// Summary:
// Helper methods
// Parameters:
// hDWP - Handle to a multiple-window - position structure that contains
// size and position information for one or more windows.
// pView - A pointer to a CWnd object to be resized.
virtual BOOL Defer(HDWP& hDWP, CWnd* pView);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to resize the tab view specified by 'pView'.
// Parameters:
// pView - A pointer to a CWnd object to be resized.
virtual void ResizeTabView(CWnd* pView);
// Summary:
// This member function is used by the tab control bar to remove an item
// from the tab view list.
// Parameters:
// pos - The POSITION value of the item to be removed.
// bDestroyWnd - TRUE to destroy the list item.
virtual void RemoveListItem(POSITION pos, BOOL bDestroyWnd = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to remove all the tabs, including all associated
// views.
// Parameters:
// bDestroyWnd - TRUE to destroy the window associated with the tab item.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL RemoveAllTabs(BOOL bDestroyWnd = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the tab index from the current cursor
// position.
// Parameters:
// point - Pointer to a CPoint object that contains the cursor screen coordinates.
// Use default for current cursor position.
// Returns:
// An integer based index of the tab; or -1, if no tab is at the specified 'point'.
virtual int GetTabFromPoint(CPoint point);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to see if the specified CWnd object is a
// child of the tab control.
// Parameters:
// pView - A pointer to a CWnd object.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the specified CWnd object is a child of the tab control, otherwise
// returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL IsChildView(CWnd* pView);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the text for the specified tab.
// Parameters:
// nTab - Index of the tab.
// pView - CWnd object associated with the tab.
// pViewClass - CRuntimeClass of the CWnd associated with the tab.
// lpszLabel - New text for the tab label.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL SetTabText(int nTab, LPCTSTR lpszLabel);
BOOL SetTabText(CWnd* pView, LPCTSTR lpszLabel); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::SetTabText@int@LPCTSTR>
BOOL SetTabText(CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, LPCTSTR lpszLabel); // <combine CXTPTabExBase::SetTabText@int@LPCTSTR>
// Summary:
// This member function is called to activate the next view in the tab
// control.
// Returns:
// A CWnd pointer to the newly activated view.
CWnd* NextView();
// Summary:
// This member function is called to activate the previous view in the
// tab control.
// Returns:
// A CWnd pointer to the newly activated view.
CWnd* PrevView();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable or disable the tab auto-condensing
// mode. Auto-condensing mode affects the tab control's behavior when
// there is not enough room to fit all tabs. Without auto-condensation,
// the CXTPTabCtrl control behaves like a standard tab control (i.e. it
// will display a slider control that allows the user to pan between tabs).
// With the auto-condensing mode enabled, CXTPTabCtrl attempts to fit all
// tabs in the available space by trimming the tab label text. This behavior
// is similar to the behavior displayed by Visual C++'s Workspace View.
// For instance, you can see the FileView tab shrink if you shrink the
// Workspace View.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable auto-condense mode.
void SetAutoCondense(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// This member function returns the state of the tab control's auto-condense
// mode. See SetAutoCondense() for a full explanation of this mode.
// Returns:
// TRUE if auto-condense is enabled, or FALSE if it is disabled.
BOOL GetAutoCondense();
// Summary:
// This member function will modify the style for the tab control associated
// with this view and set the appropriate font depending on the tab's
// orientation.
// Parameters:
// dwRemove - Specifies window styles to be removed during style modification.
// dwAdd - Specifies window styles to be added during style modification.
// nFlags - Flags to be passed to SetWindowPos, or zero if SetWindowPos should
// not be called. The default is zero. See CWnd::ModifyStyle for more
// details.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if the style was successfully modified, otherwise returns zero.
virtual BOOL ModifyTabStyle(DWORD dwRemove, DWORD dwAdd, UINT nFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get the last known view that belongs
// to the frame.
// Returns:
// A CView pointer to the last known view.
CView* GetLastKnownChildView();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the resource ID for the popup menu
// used by the tab control.
// Parameters:
// popupMenuID - ID for the tab control popup menu.
// nPos - Index position in the menu resource.
virtual void SetMenuID(UINT popupMenuID, int nPos = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function returns the menu resource associated with the
// tab control.
// Returns:
// The resource ID of the menu associated with the tab control.
virtual UINT GetMenuID();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to allow WM_INITIALUPATE message to be sent
// to views after creation.
// Parameters:
// bInitialUpdate - TRUE to send initial update message.
virtual void SendInitialUpdate(BOOL bInitialUpdate);
// Summary:
// This member function is called whenever the theme has changed.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlThemeManagerStyleHost::OnThemeChanged(), CXTPHeaderCtrl::OnThemeChanged()
virtual void OnThemeChanged();
// Summary:
// Override this member function to handle a TCN_SELCHANGING event in
// your derived class to provide additional functionality.
// See Also:
virtual void OnSelChanging();
// Summary:
// Override this member function to handle a TCN_SELCHANGE event in
// your derived class to provide additional functionality.
// See Also:
virtual void OnSelChange();
// Summary:
// This member function is called to set the tooltip and tab text for
// the specified tab.
// Parameters:
// nTab - Index of the tab.
// pMember - Address of an CXTPTcbItem struct associated with the tab.
// lpszLabel - NULL terminated string that represents the new tab label.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL UpdateTabLabel(int nTab, CXTPTcbItem* pMember, LPCTSTR lpszLabel);
// Summary:
// This member function creates the CWnd object that is associated
// with a tab control item.
// Parameters:
// pViewClass - CView runtime class to be created.
// pDocument - CDocument associated with view.
// pContext - Create context for the view.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the newly created CWnd object, otherwise returns NULL.
virtual CWnd* CreateTabView(CRuntimeClass *pViewClass, CDocument *pDocument, CCreateContext* pContext);
// Summary:
// This member function is used internally by the tab control to calculate
// the width of a tab based on its label text.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Points to the current device context.
// sLabel - Represents the tab label text.
// bHasIcon - Set to true if the tab item has an icon.
// Returns:
// An integer value that represents the width of a tab.
int CalculateTabWidth(CDC* pDC, CString& sLabel, bool bHasIcon);
// Summary:
// This member function is used internally by the tab control to shrink,
// or un-shrink, tabs based on the control's width and the state of the
// auto-condensation mode. See SetAutoCondense() for more information.
void Condense();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the CXTPTabExBase class to
// perform initialization when the window is created or sub-classed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the window was successfully initialized, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL Init();
virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
virtual void OnPreWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);
virtual void OnPostWindowPosChanged();
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg BOOL OnSelchange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg BOOL OnSelchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
CList <CXTPTcbItem*, CXTPTcbItem*> m_tcbItems; // Template list containing tab information.
int m_nPos; // Index of the popup menu contained in the menu.
UINT m_popupMenuID; // Popup menu resource ID.
BOOL m_bInitialUpdate; // TRUE to send initial update to views when created.
CWnd* m_pParentWnd; // Points to the parent and will equal 'm_pParentFrame' in non-dialog applications.
CView* m_pLastActiveView; // Points to the last active view that belongs to the main frame window.
CFrameWnd* m_pParentFrame; // Points to the parent frame.
int m_nOldIndex;
AFX_INLINE CWnd* CXTPTabExBase::GetActiveView() {
return GetView(m_pTabCtrl->GetCurSel());
AFX_INLINE CView* CXTPTabExBase::GetLastKnownChildView() {
return m_pLastActiveView;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTabExBase::SetMenuID(UINT popupMenuID, int nPos) {
m_popupMenuID = popupMenuID; m_nPos = nPos;
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_pTabCtrl->GetSafeHwnd())); return m_popupMenuID;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTabExBase::SendInitialUpdate(BOOL bInitialUpdate) {
m_bInitialUpdate = bInitialUpdate;
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPTabCtrlBaseEx : public CXTPTabExBase // CXTPTabCtrlBaseEx deprecated, use CXTPTabExBase instead (included for backward compatibility).
virtual BOOL EnableToolTipsImpl(BOOL bEnable) {
return CXTPTabExBase::EnableToolTipsEx(bEnable);
void OnRButtonDownImpl(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
CXTPTabExBase::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
int OnCreateImpl_Post(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) {
return CXTPTabExBase::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct);
void OnDestroyImpl_Pre() {
BOOL OnSelchangeImpl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {
return CXTPTabExBase::OnSelchange(pNMHDR, pResult);
BOOL OnSelchangingImpl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {
return CXTPTabExBase::OnSelchanging(pNMHDR, pResult);
void OnWindowPosChangedImpl_Pre(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) {
void OnWindowPosChangedImpl_Post(WINDOWPOS FAR*) {
BOOL PreTranslateMessageImpl(MSG* pMsg) {
return CXTPTabExBase::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
void PreSubclassWindowImpl_Post() {
BOOL OnCmdMsgImpl_Pre(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) {
return CXTPTabExBase::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
ASSERT(0); return 0; // this is deprecated, tab is self initializing via Init().
void OnInitialUpdateImpl() {
#define DECLATE_TABCTRLEX_BASE(ClassName, Tab, Base)\
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS ClassName : public Tab, public Base \
{ \
protected: \
virtual void PreSubclassWindow() { \
Tab::PreSubclassWindow(); \
Base::PreSubclassWindow(); \
} \
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) {\
if (!Tab::PreCreateWindow(cs))\
return FALSE;\
return Base::PreCreateWindow(cs);\
} \
virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { \
if (Base::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) \
return TRUE; \
return Tab::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); \
} \
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { \
if (Base::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)) \
return TRUE; \
return Tab::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); \
} \
afx_msg void OnPaint() { \
Base::OnPaint(); \
} \
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { \
return Base::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC); \
} \
afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, LPCTSTR lpszSection) { \
Tab::OnSettingChange(uFlags, lpszSection); \
Base::OnSettingChange(uFlags, lpszSection); \
} \
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange() { \
Tab::OnSysColorChange(); \
Base::OnSysColorChange(); \
} \
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { \
if (Tab::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) \
return -1; \
return Base::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct); \
} \
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { \
Base::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); \
} \
afx_msg void OnDestroy() { \
Base::OnDestroy(); \
Tab::OnDestroy(); \
} \
afx_msg BOOL OnSelchange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { \
return Base::OnSelchange(pNMHDR, pResult); \
} \
afx_msg BOOL OnSelchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { \
return Base::OnSelchanging(pNMHDR, pResult); \
} \
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) { \
Base::OnPreWindowPosChanged(lpwndpos); \
Tab::OnWindowPosChanged(lpwndpos); \
Base::OnPostWindowPosChanged(); \
} \
afx_msg LRESULT OnSetTheme(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {\
return Base::OnSetTheme(wParam, lParam);\
} \
#endif // __XTTABCTRLBASE_H__