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// XTPResize.h: interface for the CXTPResize class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CONTROLS MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPRESIZE_H__)
#define __XTPRESIZE_H__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Enumeration used to determine attributes for resizing windows.
// Remarks:
// XTPResize type defines the constants used by the CXTPResize
// class to determine how a window will appear when it is resized.
// See Also:
// CXTPResize
// <KEYWORDS xtpResizeNoSizeIcon, xtpResizeNoHorizontal, xtpResizeNoVertical, xtpResizeNoMinsize, xtpResizeNoClipChildren, xtpResizeNoTransparentGroup>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
enum XTPResize
xtpResizeNoSizeIcon = 0x01, // Do not add size icon.
xtpResizeNoHorizontal = 0x02, // No horizontal resizing.
xtpResizeNoVertical = 0x04, // No vertical resizing.
xtpResizeNoMinsize = 0x08, // Do not require a minimum size.
xtpResizeNoClipChildren = 0x10, // Do not set clip children style.
xtpResizeNoTransparentGroup = 0x20 // Do not set transparent style for group boxes.
class CXTPResize;
// Summary:
// CXTPResizeItem is a stand alone helper class. It is used by CXTPResize to
// maintain information about each item to be sized or moved.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPResizeItem
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPResizeItem object
// Parameters:
// pWnd - Pointer to the window to be sized or moved.
// rrcSizing - Reference to a CXTPResizeRect object.
// rcWindow - Reference to a CRect object.
// bAutoDelete - TRUE if the window is to be deleted.
CXTPResizeItem(CWnd* pWnd, const CXTPResizeRect& rrcSizing, CRect& rcWindow, BOOL bAutoDelete);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPResizeItem object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPResizeItem();
// Summary:
// Called by CXTPResize to make group box controls window style
// transparent.
// Parameters:
// pXTPResize - Points the resize manager.
// Returns:
// True if the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style was set for the window,
// otherwise false.
virtual bool MakeTransparent(CXTPResize* pXTPResize);
BOOL m_bIsGroupBox; // TRUE if the window is a group box.
BOOL m_bAutoDelete; // TRUE if the window is to be deleted.
BOOL m_bInitialSize; // Initial size/move has been completed.
CWnd* m_pWnd; // A pointer to the window to be sized or moved.
CXTPResizeRect m_rrcSizing; // Sizing option.
CXTPResizeRect m_rrcWindow; // Last control size.
CXTPResizeRect m_rrcInitWindow; // Initial control size.
// Summary:
// The CXTPSizeIcon class is a CStatic derived helper class. It is used
// by CXTPResize to display the sizing grip in the lower right corner of
// a sizing window.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSizeIcon : public CScrollBar
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPSizeIcon object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSizeIcon object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPSizeIcon();
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
HCURSOR m_hCursor; // Handle to the cursor displayed for the size icon
// Summary:
// CXTPResize is a base class. It is used by resizing dialogs, property
// sheets, and form views. It acts as a manager to maintain size and location
// of the dialog and dialog items.
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPResize object
// Parameters:
// pWnd - Points to the parent or owner window object, of type CWnd, to which the
// resizing object belongs.
// nFlags - Flags that are to be passed to CXTPResize that specify the attributes
// of the resizing property page. See Remarks section for a list of flags.
// Remarks:
// Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise
// OR (|) operator. It can be one or more of the following:
// * <b>xtpResizeNoSizeIcon</b> Do not add size icon.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoHorizontal</b> No horizontal resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoVertical</b> No vertical resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoMinsize</b> Do not require a minimum size.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoClipChildren</b> Do not set clip children style.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoTransparentGroup</b> Do not set transparent style for group boxes.
CXTPResize(CWnd* pWnd, const UINT nFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPResize object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPResize();
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// left - How much the left side will move when the dialog is resized.
// top - How much the top side will move when the dialog is resized.
// right - How much the right side will move when the dialog is resized.
// bottom - How much the bottom side will move when the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(const UINT nID, XTP_RESIZE left, XTP_RESIZE top, XTP_RESIZE right, XTP_RESIZE bottom);
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// rrcSizing - How much the left, top, right, and bottom sides will move when
// the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(const UINT nID, const XTP_RESIZERECT& rrcSizing);
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// hWnd - HWND of the dialog item to be sized.
// rrcSizing - How much the left, top, right, and bottom sides will move when
// the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(const UINT nID, const HWND hWnd, const XTP_RESIZERECT& rrcSizing);
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// hWnd - HWND of the dialog item to be sized.
// rpTopLeft - How much the top and left sides will move when the dialog is resized.
// rpBottomRight - How much the bottom and right sides will move when the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(const UINT nID, const HWND hWnd, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpTopLeft, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpBottomRight);
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// rpTopLeft - How much the top and left sides will move when the dialog is resized.
// rpBottomRight - How much the bottom and right sides will move when the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(const UINT nID, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpTopLeft, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpBottomRight);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the minimum size explicitly. Initial size
// is the default.
// Parameters:
// sz - Specifies the minimum width and height the dialog can be sized to.
void SetMinSize(CSize& sz);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the maximum size. No maximum is the default.
// Parameters:
// sz - Specifies the maximum width and height the dialog can be sized to.
void SetMaxSize(CSize& sz);
// Summary:
// This member function saves the window placement to the registry.
// Parameters:
// pszSection - Name of a section in the initialization file or a key in the Windows
// registry where placement information is stored.
// Returns:
// TRUE if succeeds
BOOL SavePlacement(LPCTSTR pszSection);
// Summary:
// This member function loads saved window placement information from
// the registry.
// Parameters:
// pszSection - Name of a section in the initialization file or a key in the Windows
// registry where placement information is stored.
// Returns:
// TRUE if position was changed
BOOL LoadPlacement(LPCTSTR pszSection);
// Summary:
// This member function loads saved window placement information from
// the registry. This version is the same as LoadPlacement but there
// is no need for calling SavePlacement when the window is destroyed.
// This will be called automatically.
// Parameters:
// pszSection - Name of a section in the initialization file or a key in the Windows
// registry where placement information is stored.
// Returns:
// TRUE if position was changed
BOOL AutoLoadPlacement(LPCTSTR pszSection);
// Summary:
// The SetResize function specifies how much each side of a control will
// move when the dialog is resized. If a control should be repositioned
// (e.g. an OK button) then all four sides should move by the same amount
// of pixels, as the dialog is resized. If a control should be resized
// just as much as the dialog (e.g. the list control in the file dialog),
// then the left and top sides shouldn't move, and the right and bottom
// sides should move by the same amount of pixels as the dialog.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// pWnd - Points to the dialog item to be resized.
// hWnd - HWND of the dialog item to be sized.
// rrcSizing - How much the left, top, right, and bottom sides will move when
// the dialog is resized.
// rcWindow - Initial size of the dialog item.
// left - How much the left side will move when the dialog is resized.
// top - How much the top side will move when the dialog is resized.
// right - How much the right side will move when the dialog is resized.
// bottom - How much the bottom side will move when the dialog is resized.
// rpTopLeft - How much the top and left sides will move when the dialog is resized.
// rpBottomRight - How much the bottom and right sides will move when the dialog is resized.
void SetResize(CWnd* pWnd, const CXTPResizeRect& rrcSizing, CRect rcWindow);
// Summary:
// This member function is called to remove the specified dialog item
// from the list of items to be resized.
// Parameters:
// nID - Specifies the control's ID.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL RemoveResize(const UINT nID);
// Summary:
// This member function is called to purge the list that contains dialog
// items to be sized.
void RemoveAllControls();
// Summary:
// This member function is called from OnInitDialog or OnInitialUpdate
// to initialize the resize manager.
virtual void Init();
// Summary:
// This member function is called from OnSize to move and resize the dialog
// items that are managed.
virtual void Size();
// Summary:
// This member function is called when a property sheet in wizard mode
// has changed pages to alert the resize manager that the property sheet
// (common control) has moved the page back to its original size/position
// on the sheet.
void Reset();
// Summary:
// Called to offset dialog items by the amount specified by ptOffset.
// Parameters:
// ptOffset - CPoint determines the amount in pixesl to offset
// dialog items.
void Offset(CPoint ptOffset);
// Summary:
// Call this method to reset m_rrcWindow for item.
// Parameters:
// pWnd - Window to reset.
void UpdateControlRect(CWnd* pWnd);
// Summary:
// This member function is called from OnGetMinMaxInfo to get the
// maximized position or dimensions or the minimum or maximum tracking
// size. The maximized size is the size of the window when its borders
// are fully extended. The maximum tracking size of the window is the
// largest window size that can be achieved by using the borders to size
// the window. The minimum tracking size of the window is the smallest
// window size that can be achieved by using the borders to size the window.
// Parameters:
// pMMI - Points to a MINMAXINFO structure that contains information about a
// window's maximized size and position and its minimum and maximum
// tracking size. For more information about this structure, see the
// MINMAXINFO structure.
void GetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* pMMI);
// Summary:
// This method called in Size method to adjust window rectangle to fit real client size
// Parameters:
// rcWindow - Window rectangle to change
virtual void AdjustResizeRect(CSize& rcWindow);
protected: // flags
// Summary:
// This member function is called to determine if the specified flag
// has been set for the resize manager.
// Parameters:
// eFlag - Flag to check, it can be one of the values in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Styles to be added can one of the following:
// * <b>xtpResizeNoSizeIcon</b> Do not add size icon.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoHorizontal</b> No horizontal resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoVertical</b> No vertical resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoMinsize</b> Do not require a minimum size.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoClipChildren</b> Do not set clip children style.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoTransparentGroup</b> Do not set transparent style
// for group boxes.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the specified flag has been set, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL HasFlag(XTPResize eFlag);
// Summary:
// This member function is called to set a specific flag for the resize
// manager.
// Parameters:
// eFlag - Flag to check, it can be one of the values in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Styles to be added can one of the following:<p/>
// * <b>xtpResizeNoSizeIcon</b> Do not add size icon.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoHorizontal</b> No horizontal resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoVertical</b> No vertical resizing.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoMinsize</b> Do not require a minimum size.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoClipChildren</b> Do not set clip children style.
// * <b>xtpResizeNoTransparentGroup</b> Do not set transparent style
// for group boxes.
void SetFlag(XTPResize eFlag);
protected: // helper methods
// Summary:
// Called by CXTPResize to resize a child window.
// Parameters:
// hdwp - [in] Handle to a multiple-window - position structure that contains size and position information for one or more windows. This structure is returned by BeginDeferWindowPos or by the most recent call to DeferWindowPos.
// pItem - [in] Pointer to a CXTPResizeItem object that contains additional information about the window being sized.
// dx - [in] Specifies the window's new width, in pixels.
// dy - [in] Specifies the window's new height, in pixels.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL Defer(HDWP& hdwp, CXTPResizeItem* pItem, int dx, int dy);
typedef CArray<CXTPResizeItem*, CXTPResizeItem*&> CResizeItemArray; // Used by CXTPResize to maintain a list of children that are sizable.
UINT m_nFlagsXX; // flags passed from constructor
CWnd* m_pWnd; // the associative relation to the window to be resized
CSize m_szWindow; // last dialog size
CSize m_szInitWindow; // Initial dialog size
CSize m_szMin; // smallest size allowed
CSize m_szMax; // largest size allowed
CString m_strSection; // section in registry where window placement information is saved.
CXTPSizeIcon m_scSizeIcon; // size icon window
CResizeItemArray m_arrItems; // array of controls
friend class CXTPResizeItem;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetMinSize(CSize& sz) {
m_szMin = sz;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetMaxSize(CSize& sz) {
m_szMax = sz;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPResize::HasFlag(XTPResize eFlag) {
return (m_nFlagsXX & eFlag) != 0;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetResize(const UINT nID, const HWND hWnd, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpTopLeft, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpBottomRight) {
SetResize(nID, hWnd, CXTPResizeRect(rpTopLeft.x, rpTopLeft.y, rpBottomRight.x, rpBottomRight.y));
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetResize(const UINT nID, const XTP_RESIZERECT& rrcSizing) {
SetResize(nID, NULL, rrcSizing);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetResize(const UINT nID, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpTopLeft, const XTP_RESIZEPOINT& rpBottomRight) {
SetResize(nID, CXTPResizeRect(rpTopLeft.x, rpTopLeft.y, rpBottomRight.x, rpBottomRight.y));
AFX_INLINE void CXTPResize::SetResize(const UINT nID, XTP_RESIZE left, XTP_RESIZE top, XTP_RESIZE right, XTP_RESIZE bottom) {
SetResize(nID, CXTPResizeRect(left, top, right, bottom));
#endif // !defined(__XTPRESIZE_H__)