You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1466 lines
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1466 lines
65 KiB
// XTPTaskDialog.h: interface for the CXTPTaskDialog class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPTASKDIALOG_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode;
// Summary:
// The CXTPTaskDialog class creates, displays, and operates a task
// dialog. A task dialog is similar to, while much more flexible than,
// a basic message box. The task dialog contains application-defined
// messages, title, verification check box, command links and push
// buttons, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPTaskDialog : public CXTPTaskDialogFrame
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPTaskDialog object.
// Parameters:
// pWndParent - Points to the parent or owner window object
CXTPTaskDialog(CWnd* pWndParent = NULL);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPTaskDialog object, handles cleanup and
// deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPTaskDialog();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the window title for the task
// dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used for the
// task dialog title.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If this parameter is NULL, the filename of the executable
// program is used.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, EnableCancellation, EnableRelativePosition,
// EnableRtlLayout, EnableMinimize, OnDialogConstructed
void SetWindowTitle(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the label for the verification
// checkbox to be displayed in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used to label
// the verification checkbox.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If this parameter is NULL, the verification checkbox is not
// displayed in the task dialog.
// See Also:
// OnVerificationClicked, SetVerifyCheckState, IsVerificiationChecked,
// ClickVerification
void SetVerificationText(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the expanded control text for the
// task dialog. This function is ignored unless SetExpandedInformation
// has been called.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used to label
// the button for collapsing the expandable information.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If this parameter is NULL, then the value set with
// SetCollapsedControlText will be used for the expanded control text
// as well.
// See Also:
// SetCollapsedControlText, SetExpandedInformation, ExpandedByDefault,
// ExpandFooterArea, OnExpandoButtonClicked
void SetExpandedControlText(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the collapsed control text for the
// task dialog. This function is ignored unless SetExpandedInformation
// has been called.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used to label
// the button for expanding the expandable information.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If this parameter is NULL, then the value set with
// SetExpandedControlText will be used for the collapsed control text
// as well.
// See Also:
// SetExpandedControlText, SetExpandedInformation, ExpandedByDefault,
// ExpandFooterArea, OnExpandoButtonClicked
void SetCollapsedControlText(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the main instruction text for the
// task dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used for the main
// instruction.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL SetMainInstruction(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the content text for the task
// dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used for the
// dialog's primary content.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If EnableHyperlinks has been called, then this string may
// contain hyperlinks in the form:
// <code>
// <A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text\</A>.
// </code>
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
// See Also:
// OnHyperlinkClicked, SetExpandedInformation, SetFooter, EnableHyperlinks
BOOL SetContent(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the expanded information text for
// the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used for displaying
// additional information.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. The additional information is displayed either immediately
// below the content or below the footer text depending on whether
// ExpandFooterArea has been called. If EnableHyperlinks has been called,
// then this string may contain hyperlinks in the form:
// <code>
// <A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text\</A>.
// </code>
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
// See Also:
// SetCollapsedControlText, SetExpandedControlText, ExpandedByDefault,
// ExpandFooterArea, OnExpandoButtonClicked,
// SetContent, OnHyperlinkClicked, SetFooter, EnableHyperlinks
BOOL SetExpandedInformation(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the footer text for the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used in the footer
// area of the task dialog.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. If EnableHyperlinks has been called, then this string may
// contain hyperlinks in the form:
// <code>
// <A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text\</A>.
// </code>
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
// See Also:
// SetContent, SetExpandedInformation, OnHyperlinkClicked, EnableHyperlinks
BOOL SetFooter(LPCTSTR pszText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the icon for the Main Instruction
// area of the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// hIcon - A handle to an Icon that is to be displayed in the task
// dialog Main Instruction area. If this member is NULL, no
// icon will be displayed.
// pszResource - Pointer that references the icon to be displayed in
// the task dialog footer area. If this parameter is
// NULL no icon will be displayed.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszResource</i> must be an integer resource
// identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro, or one of the
// following predefined values:
// * <b>TD_ERROR_ICON</b> A stop-sign icon appears in the task
// dialog.
// * <b>TD_WARNING_ICON</b> An exclamation-point icon appears in
// the task dialog.
// * <b>TD_INFORMATION_ICON</b> An icon consisting of a lowercase
// letter <b>i</b> in a circle appears
// in the task dialog.
// * <b>TD_SHIELD_ICON</b> A shield icon appears in the task
// dialog.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL SetMainIcon(HICON hIcon);
BOOL SetMainIcon(LPCWSTR pszResource); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::SetMainIcon@HICON>
// Summary:
// Call this member function to use system icons
// Parameters:
// bUseSysIcons - TRUE to use system icons when available for TD_ERROR_ICON,
// instead of Codejock Software icons. This parameter is
// ignored when <i>bUseComCtl32</i> is set to TRUE.
void SetUseSysIcons(BOOL bUseSysIcons = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to use ComCtl32.dll in Vista to show TaskDialog.
// Parameters:
// bUseComCtl32 - TRUE to use ComCtl32.dll in Vista to show TaskDialog.
void SetUseComCtl32(BOOL bUseComCtl32 = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the icon for the Footer
// area of the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// hIcon - A handle to an Icon that is to be displayed in the task
// dialog footer area. If this member is NULL, no icon will
// be displayed.
// pszResource - Pointer that references the icon to be displayed in
// the task dialog footer area. If this parameter is
// NULL no icon will be displayed.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszResource</i> must be an integer resource
// identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro, or one of the
// following predefined values:
// * <b>TD_ERROR_ICON</b> A stop-sign icon appears in the task
// dialog.
// * <b>TD_WARNING_ICON</b> An exclamation-point icon appears in
// the task dialog.
// * <b>TD_INFORMATION_ICON</b> An icon consisting of a lowercase
// letter <b>i</b> in a circle appears
// in the task dialog.
// * <b>TD_SHIELD_ICON</b> A shield icon appears in the task
// dialog.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL SetFooterIcon(HICON hIcon);
BOOL SetFooterIcon(LPCWSTR pszResource); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::SetFooterIcon@HICON>
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the width of the task dialog's
// client area.
// Parameters:
// cxWidth - Specifies the width of the task dialog's client area
// in dialog units. If 0, task dialog will calculate the
// ideal width.
// bPixelToDLU - TRUE indicates the size specified by cxWidth are pixel
// units and need to be converted into dialog units (DLU).
// See Also:
// SetWindowTitle, EnableCancellation, EnableRelativePosition,
// EnableRtlLayout, EnableMinimize, OnDialogConstructed
void SetWidth(int cxWidth, BOOL bPixelToDLU = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add a user defined button to the
// task dialog's command area.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used to label
// the button.
// nButtonID - Indicates the value to be returned when this button
// is selected.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro. When using Command Links, you delineate the command from
// the note by placing a new line character in the string.
// See Also:
// OnButtonClicked, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void AddButton(LPCTSTR pszText, int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add a user defined radio button to the
// task dialog's command area.
// Parameters:
// pszText - Pointer that references the string to be used to label
// the radio button.
// nButtonID - Indicates the value to be returned when this button
// is selected.
// Remarks:
// The parameter <i>pszText</i> can be either a null-terminated string
// or an integer resource identifier passed to the MAKEINTRESOURCE
// macro.
// See Also:
// OnRadioButtonClicked, SetDefaultRadioButton, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, ClickRadioButton, EnableRadioButton
void AddRadioButton(LPCTSTR pszText, int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add a user input box to the
// task dialog's command area.
// Remarks:
// Call SetInputBoxText to set default value for input box
// See Also:
// SetInputBoxText, GetInputBoxText
void AddInputBox();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set default value for input box field
// Remarks:
// Call AddInputBox to add user input box for task dialog.
// See Also:
// AddInputBox, GetInputBoxText
// Parameters:
// lpszInputBoxText : Text to display in the input box.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetInputBoxText(LPCTSTR lpszInputBoxText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get text entered by user in input box field.
// Remarks:
// Call AddInputBox to add user input box for task dialog.
// See Also:
// AddInputBox, SetInputBoxText
CString GetInputBoxText() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to indicate the buttons specified with
// AddButton should be displayed as command links (using a standard
// task dialog glyph) instead of push buttons. This function is ignored
// if AddButton has not been called.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable command links, FALSE to disable.
// bShowIcon - TRUE if the command links should display a glyph.
// Remarks:
// When using command links, all characters up to the first new line
// character in AddButton's pszText argument will be treated as the
// command link's main text, and the remainder will be treated as the
// command link's note.
// See Also:
// AddButton, OnButtonClicked, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void EnableCommandLinks(BOOL bEnable = TRUE, BOOL bShowIcon = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Enables hyperlink processing for the strings specified for the
// functions SetContent, SetExpandedInformation and SetFooter.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable hyperlinks, FALSE to disable.
// Remarks:
// When enabled, Content, Expanded Information and Footer strings
// can contain hyperlinks in the form:
// <code>
// <A HREF="executablestring">Hyperlink Text\</A>.
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetContent, SetExpandedInformation, SetFooter, OnHyperlinkClicked
void EnableHyperlinks(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary: Call this method to enable markup for TaskDialog
// Input: bEnable - TRUE to enable markup
void EnableMarkup(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to allow dialog cancellation for the
// task dialog.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to allow cancellation, otherwise FALSE.
// Remarks:
// When <i>bAllow</i> is TRUE, this indicates that the dialog should
// be able to be closed using Alt-F4, Escape and the title bar's close
// button even if no cancel button is specified by the
// SetCommonButtons or AddButton member functions.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, SetWindowTitle, EnableRelativePosition,
// EnableRtlLayout, EnableMinimize, OnDialogConstructed
void EnableCancellation(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to position the task dialog relative to the
// parent window.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to reposition dialog, otherwise FALSE.
// Remarks:
// When <i>bEnable</i> is TRUE, this indicates that the task dialog
// should be positioned (centered) relative to the window specified by
// the hWndParent argument in the DoModal member function. If bEnable
// is FALSE, or hWndParent is NULL, the task dialog is positioned
// (centered) relative to the monitor.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, EnableCancellation, SetWindowTitle,
// EnableRtlLayout, EnableMinimize, OnDialogConstructed
void EnableRelativePosition(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to display a Progress Bar for the
// task dialog.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE indicates that a Progress Bar should be displayed.
// bMarquee - TRUE indicates the progress bar should be Marquee style.
// See Also:
// SetMarqueeProgressBar, SetProgressBarState, SetProgressBarRange,
// SetProgressBarPos, StartProgressBarMarquee
void ShowProgressBar(BOOL bShow, BOOL bMarquee = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable right to left text display for
// the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE indicates that text should be displayed reading
// right to left.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, EnableCancellation, EnableRelativePosition,
// SetWindowTitle, EnableMinimize, OnDialogConstructed
void EnableRtlLayout(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to display the text specified by the
// SetExpandedInformation member function when the dialog is initially
// displayed. This function is ignored if the SetExpandedInformation
// member function has not been called.
// Parameters:
// bExpanded - TRUE indicates that the string specified by the
// SetExpandedInformation member function should be displayed
// when the dialog is initially displayed.
// See Also:
// SetCollapsedControlText, SetExpandedInformation, SetExpandedControlText,
// ExpandFooterArea, OnExpandoButtonClicked
void ExpandedByDefault(BOOL bExpanded = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to display expanded information at the bottom of
// the task dialog's footer. This function is ignored if the
// SetExpandedInformation member function has not been called.
// Parameters:
// bExpandFooter - TRUE indicates that the string specified by the
// SetExpandedInformation member should be displayed
// at the bottom of the dialog's footer area instead
// of immediately after the dialog's content.
// See Also:
// SetCollapsedControlText, SetExpandedInformation, ExpandedByDefault,
// SetExpandedControlText, OnExpandoButtonClicked
void ExpandFooterArea(BOOL bExpandFooter = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the default button ID for the
// task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the default button for the dialog.
// Remarks:
// nButtonID may be any of the values specified when calling the
/// AddButton member function, or one of the IDs corresponding to the
// buttons specified in the SetCommonButtons member function:
// * <b>IDCANCEL</b> Make the Cancel button the default.
// * <b>IDNO</b> Make the No button the default.
// * <b>IDOK</b> Make the OK button the default.
// * <b>IDRETRY</b> Make the Retry button the default.
// * <b>IDYES</b> Make the Yes button the default.
// * <b>IDCLOSE</b> Make the Close button the default.
// If this member is zero or its value does not correspond to any button ID
// in the dialog, then the first button in the dialog will be the default.
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, OnButtonClicked, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void SetDefaultButton(int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the default radio button ID for the
// task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the default radio button for the dialog.
// Remarks:
// nButtonID may be any of the values specified when calling the
// AddRadioButton member function. If this member is zero or its value
// does not correspond to any radio button ID in the dialog, then the
// first button in the dialog will be the default.
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, OnRadioButtonClicked, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, ClickRadioButton, EnableRadioButton
void SetDefaultRadioButton(int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to disable default radio button selection.
// Parameters:
// bNoDefault - TRUE indicates that no default item will be selected.
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, SetDefaultRadioButton, OnRadioButtonClicked,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, ClickRadioButton, EnableRadioButton
void NoDefaultRadioButton(BOOL bNoDefault);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the checked state for the verification
// checkbox when the dialog is initially displayed. This function is
// ignored if the SetVerificationText member function has not been called.
// Parameters:
// bChecked - TRUE indicates that the verification checkbox in the
// dialog should be checked when the dialog is initially
// displayed.
// See Also:
// OnVerificationClicked, OnVerificationClicked, IsVerificiationChecked,
// ClickVerification
void SetVerifyCheckState(BOOL bChecked = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable the callback timer.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE indicates that the task dialog's callback should
// be called approximately every 200 milliseconds.
// See Also:
// OnTimer, ModifyTaskStyle
void EnableCallbackTimer(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable the the task dialog to be minimized.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE indicates that the task dialog's title bar and system
// menu contain the minimize command.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, EnableCancellation, EnableRelativePosition,
// EnableRtlLayout, SetWindowTitle, OnDialogConstructed
void EnableMinimize(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Specifies the push buttons displayed in the task dialog. If no
// common buttons are specified and no custom buttons are specified using
// the AddButton member function, the task dialog will contain the OK
// button by default.
// Parameters:
// dwButtons - Can be any combination of the flags listed in the
// remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Any of the following flags can be used with the dwButtons parameter:
// * <b>TDCBF_OK_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>OK</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_YES_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Yes</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_NO_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>No</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Cancel</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Retry</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Close</b>.
// If the Cancel button is specified, the task dialog will respond to
// typical cancel actions (Alt-F4 and Escape).
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, OnButtonClicked,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void SetCommonButtons(TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS dwButtons);
// Summary:
// Specifies the push buttons displayed in the task dialog. If no
// common buttons are specified and no custom buttons are specified using
// the AddButton member function, the task dialog will contain the OK
// button by default.
// Parameters:
// bOk - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>OK</b>.
// bYes - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>Yes</b>.
// bNo - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>No</b>.
// bCancel - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>Cancel</b>.
// bRetry - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>Retry</b>.
// bClose - TRUE if the task dialog contains the push button: <b>Close</b>.
// Remarks:
// Any of the following flags can be used with the dwButtons parameter:
// * <b>TDCBF_OK_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>OK</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_YES_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Yes</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_NO_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>No</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Cancel</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Retry</b>.
// * <b>TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON</b> The task dialog contains the push button: <b>Close</b>.
// If the Cancel button is specified, the task dialog will respond to
// typical cancel actions (Alt-F4 and Escape).
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, OnButtonClicked,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void SetCommonButtons(BOOL bOk, BOOL bYes, BOOL bNo, BOOL bCancel, BOOL bRetry, BOOL bClose);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to display the task dialog and return
// the selected button when done.
// Parameters:
// bUseComCtl32 - TRUE to use ComCtl32.dll version of Task Dialog. This
// parameter is ignored for operating systems older than
// Windows Vista.
// Returns:
// The return value is one of the button IDs specified in the AddButton
// member function or one of the following values:
// * <b>0</b> Function call failed.
// * <b>IDCANCEL</b> Cancel button was selected, Alt-F4 was pressed, Escape
// was pressed or the user clicked on the close window button.
// * <b>IDNO</b> No button was selected.
// * <b>IDOK</b> OK button was selected.
// * <b>IDRETRY</b> Retry button was selected.
// * <b>IDYES</b> Yes button was selected.
// Example:
// <code>
// CXTPTaskDialog taskDlg(this);
// taskDlg.AddButton(_T("Change password"), IDOK);
// taskDlg.SetCommonButtons(TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON);
// taskDlg.SetMainIcon(TD_WARNING_ICON);
// taskDlg.SetMainInstruction(_T("Change Password"));
// taskDlg.SetContent(_T("Remember your changed password."));
// int nRet = taskDlg.DoModal();
// switch (nRet)
// {
// case 0:
// AfxMessageBox(_T("Task Dialog could not be created!"));
// break;
// case IDOK:
// // the user pressed the OK button, change password.
// break;
// case IDCANCEL:
// // user canceled the dialog.
// break;
// };
// </code>
virtual INT_PTR DoModal();
INT_PTR DoModal(BOOL bUseComCtl32); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::DoModal>
// Summary:
// Call this member function to create modeless task dialog
// Parameters:
// pParentWnd - Parent Window
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the ID of the button used
// to close the task dialog.
// Returns:
// The return value is one of the button IDs specified in the AddButton
// member function or one of the following values:
// * <b>0</b> Function call failed.
// * <b>IDCANCEL</b> Cancel button was selected, Alt-F4 was pressed, Escape
// was pressed or the user clicked on the close window button.
// * <b>IDNO</b> No button was selected.
// * <b>IDOK</b> OK button was selected.
// * <b>IDRETRY</b> Retry button was selected.
// * <b>IDYES</b> Yes button was selected.
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// OnButtonClicked, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
int GetSelectedButtonId() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the ID of the radio button
// that was selected when the task dialog was closed.
// Returns:
// The return value is one of the button IDs specified in the
// AddRadioButton member function.
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, SetDefaultRadioButton, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// OnRadioButtonClicked, ClickRadioButton, EnableRadioButton
int GetSelectedRadioButtonId() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the checked state of the
// verification checkbox when the dialog was closed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the verification check box was checked when the task
// dialog was closed, otherwise false.
// See Also:
// SetVerificationText, SetVerifyCheckState, OnVerificationClicked,
// ClickVerification
BOOL IsVerificiationChecked() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to modify the style for the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// dwRemove - Specifies the styles to be removed.
// dwAdd - Specifies the styles to be added.
// Remarks:
// Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise
// OR (|) operator. The style can be any combination of the following
// values:
// * <b>TDF_ENABLE_HYPERLINKS</b> See EnableHyperlinks.
// * <b>TDF_USE_HICON_MAIN</b> See SetMainIcon.
// * <b>TDF_USE_HICON_FOOTER</b> See SetFooterIcon.
// * <b>TDF_ALLOW_DIALOG_CANCELLATION</b> See EnableCancellation.
// * <b>TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS</b> See EnableCommandLinks.
// * <b>TDF_USE_COMMAND_LINKS_NO_ICON</b> See EnableCommandLinks.
// * <b>TDF_EXPAND_FOOTER_AREA</b> See ExpandFooterArea.
// * <b>TDF_EXPANDED_BY_DEFAULT</b> See ExpandedByDefault.
// * <b>TDF_VERIFICATION_FLAG_CHECKED</b> See SetVerifyCheckState.
// * <b>TDF_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR</b> See ShowProgressBar.
// * <b>TDF_SHOW_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR</b> See ShowProgressBar.
// * <b>TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER</b> See EnableCallbackTimer.
// * <b>TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW</b> See EnableRelativePosition.
// * <b>TDF_RTL_LAYOUT</b> See EnableRtlLayout.
// * <b>TDF_NO_DEFAULT_RADIO_BUTTON</b> See NoDefaultRadioButton.
// * <b>TDF_CAN_BE_MINIMIZED</b> See EnableMinimize.
// Returns:
// TRUE if style was successfully modified; otherwise, FALSE.
// Summary:
// Call this member function to simulate the action of a button click
// in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the button ID to be selected.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CSimulateClickDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// BOOL bClick = TRUE;
// if (bClick)
// {
// ClickButton(IDCANCEL);
// }
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, OnButtonClicked, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
void ClickButton(int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to simulate the action of a radio button click
// in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the radio button ID to be selected.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CSimulateClickDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// BOOL bClick = TRUE;
// if (bClick)
// {
// ClickRadioButton(100);
// }
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, SetDefaultRadioButton, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, OnRadioButtonClicked, EnableRadioButton
void ClickRadioButton(int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to simulate the action of clicking the
// verification checkbox in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// bChecked - TRUE to set the state of the checkbox to be checked,
// and FALSE to set it to be unchecked.
// bSetKeyFocus - TRUE to set the keyboard focus to the checkbox, and
// FALSE otherwise.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CSimulateClickDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// BOOL bClick = TRUE;
// if (bClick)
// {
// ClickVerification(TRUE, FALSE);
// }
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetVerificationText, SetVerifyCheckState, IsVerificiationChecked,
// OnVerificationClicked
void ClickVerification(BOOL bChecked, BOOL bSetKeyFocus);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable/disable a push button in
// the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the ID of the push button to be enabled/disabled.
// bEnable - FALSE to disable the button, TRUE to enable the button.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CEnableButtonDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// EnableButton(IDOK, FALSE);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, OnButtonClicked, SetButtonElevationRequired
void EnableButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to enable/disable a radio button in
// the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates the ID of the radio button to be enabled/disabled.
// bEnable - FALSE to disable the radio button, TRUE to enable the radio button.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CEnableRadioButtonDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// EnableRadioButton(100, FALSE);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, SetDefaultRadioButton, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, ClickRadioButton, OnRadioButtonClicked
void EnableRadioButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to indicate whether the progress bar should
// be displayed in marquee mode or not.
// Parameters:
// bMarquee - Specifies whether the progress bar should be shown in
// Marquee mode. A value of TRUE turns on Marquee mode.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CProgressDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// SetMarqueeProgressBar(TRUE);
// SetProgressBarState(PBST_NORMAL);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// ShowProgressBar, SetProgressBarState, SetProgressBarRange,
// SetProgressBarPos, StartProgressBarMarquee
void SetMarqueeProgressBar(BOOL bMarquee = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the current state of the
// progress bar.
// Parameters:
// nState - Specifies the bar state. The parameter can be one of the
// following values:
// * <b>PBST_NORMAL</b> Sets the progress bar to the normal state.
// * <b>PBST_PAUSE</b> Sets the progress bar to the paused state.
// * <b>PBST_ERROR</b> Set the progress bar to the error state.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CProgressDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// SetProgressBarPos(25);
// SetProgressBarRange(0, 100);
// SetProgressBarState(PBST_PAUSE);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetMarqueeProgressBar, ShowProgressBar, SetProgressBarRange,
// SetProgressBarPos, StartProgressBarMarquee
void SetProgressBarState(int nState);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the minimum and maximum values
// for the progress bar.
// Parameters:
// wMinRange - Minimum range value. By default, the minimum value is zero.
// wMaxRange - Maximum range value. By default, the maximum value is 100.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CProgressDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// SetProgressBarPos(25);
// SetProgressBarRange(0, 100);
// SetProgressBarState(PBST_PAUSE);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetMarqueeProgressBar, SetProgressBarState, ShowProgressBar,
// SetProgressBarPos, StartProgressBarMarquee
void SetProgressBarRange(WORD wMinRange = 0, WORD wMaxRange = 100);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to se the current position for the
// progress bar.
// Parameters:
// nPosition - Signed integer that becomes the new position.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CProgressDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// SetProgressBarPos(25);
// SetProgressBarRange(0, 100);
// SetProgressBarState(PBST_PAUSE);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetMarqueeProgressBar, SetProgressBarState, SetProgressBarRange,
// ShowProgressBar, StartProgressBarMarquee
void SetProgressBarPos(int nPosition);
// Summary:
// Similar to SetMarqueeProgressBar, this member function is used to
// indicate whether the progress bar should be displayed in marquee
// mode or not with the ability to determine marquee speed as well.
// Parameters:
// bStartMarquee - Indicates whether to start marquee.
// dwMilliSeconds - Indicates the speed of the marquee in milliseconds.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CProgressDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// virtual void OnDialogConstructed()
// {
// StartProgressBarMarquee(TRUE, 10);
// SetProgressBarState(PBST_NORMAL);
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// SetMarqueeProgressBar, SetProgressBarState, SetProgressBarRange,
// SetProgressBarPos, ShowProgressBar
void StartProgressBarMarquee(BOOL bStartMarquee, DWORD dwMilliSeconds);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to designate whether a given Task Dialog
// button or command link should have a User Account Control (UAC)
// shield icon (whether the action invoked by the button requires
// elevation).
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - Indicates ID of the push button or command link to be updated.
// bRequired - FALSE to designate that the action invoked by the button does
// not require elevation; TRUE to designate that the action does
// require elevation.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CElevationDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// protected:
// void OnButtonClicked(int nButtonID, BOOL& bCloseDialog)
// {
// switch (nButtonID)
// {
// case IDOK:
// SetButtonElevationRequired(nButtonID, TRUE);
// bCloseDialog = FALSE;
// break;
// case IDCANCEL:
// SetButtonElevationRequired(nButtonID, FALSE);
// bCloseDialog = TRUE;
// break;
// }
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, OnButtonClicked
void SetButtonElevationRequired(int nButtonID, BOOL bRequired = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to simulate a wizard style task dialog.
// By using multiple CXTPTaskDialog objects that define the aspects
// of each page, you can incorporate Back and Next buttons that can
// be used to update the appearance and behavior of the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// taskDlg - Reference to a CXTPTaskDialog object that contains
// attributes for the appearance and behavior of the new
// task page.
// Remarks:
// This member function should only be called from a derived class,
// and only after the task dialog has been initialized.
// Example:
// <code>
// class CNavigateDlg : public CXTPTaskDialog
// {
// CXTPTaskDialog m_dlgBack;
// CXTPTaskDialog m_dlgNext;
// protected:
// void OnButtonClicked(int nButtonID, BOOL& bCloseDialog)
// {
// switch (nButtonID)
// {
// case IDBACK:
// NavigatePage(m_dlgBack);
// bCloseDialog = FALSE;
// break;
// case IDNEXT:
// NavigatePage(m_dlgNext);
// bCloseDialog = FALSE;
// break;
// }
// }
// };
// </code>
// See Also:
// OnNavigated
void NavigatePage(CXTPTaskDialog& taskDlg);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to reset the configuration attributes for
// the task dialog to the default state.
void ResetContent();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Call this method to show thed dialog even if standard window theme
// used
// Parameters:
// bEnable : TRUE to enable the style.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void EnableMessageBoxStyle(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to create dialog from XML resource.
// Parameters:
// hInstance - Instance of resources
// nIDResource - Resource identifier
// lpszDialog - Dialog xml section
// rglpsz - Array of strings that will be replaced in XML strings
// nString - Number of parameter strings
// pPX - CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode node.
BOOL CreateFromResource(UINT nIDResource, LPCTSTR lpszDialog);
BOOL CreateFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nIDResource, LPCTSTR lpszDialog); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::CreateFromResource@UINT@LPCTSTR>
BOOL CreateFromResourceParam(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nIDResource, LPCTSTR lpszDialog, LPCTSTR const* rglpsz, int nString); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::CreateFromResource@UINT@LPCTSTR>
BOOL CreateFromResourceParam(CXTPPropExchangeXMLNode* pPX, LPCTSTR const* rglpsz, int nString); //<COMBINE CXTPTaskDialog::CreateFromResource@UINT@LPCTSTR>
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog once the task dialog
// has been created and before it is displayed.
// See Also:
// SetWidth, EnableCancellation, EnableRelativePosition,
// EnableRtlLayout, EnableMinimize, SetWindowTitle
virtual void OnDialogConstructed();
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog once the task dialog
// has been destroyed.
// See Also:
// OnDialogConstructed
virtual void OnDialogDestroyed();
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when a user clicks
// on a hyperlink in the Task Dialog's content
// Parameters:
// pszURL - Pointer to a wide-character string containing the URL
// of the hyperlink.
// See Also:
// SetContent, SetExpandedInformation, SetFooter, EnableHyperlinks
virtual void OnHyperlinkClicked(LPCTSTR pszURL);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when a user selects
// a button or command link in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - The ID corresponding to the button selected.
// bCloseDialog - Set to TRUE if the task dialog should close.
// See Also:
// AddButton, EnableCommandLinks, SetDefaultButton, SetCommonButtons,
// GetSelectedButtonId, ClickButton, EnableButton, SetButtonElevationRequired
virtual void OnButtonClicked(int nButtonID, BOOL& bCloseDialog);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when a user selects
// a radio button in the task dialog.
// Parameters:
// nButtonID - The ID corresponding to the radio button that was clicked.
// See Also:
// AddRadioButton, SetDefaultRadioButton, NoDefaultRadioButton,
// GetSelectedRadioButtonId, ClickRadioButton, EnableRadioButton
virtual void OnRadioButtonClicked(int nButtonID);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when the user clicks
// on the task dialog's verification check box.
// Parameters:
// bChecked - TRUE if the verification checkbox is checked, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
// SetVerificationText, SetVerifyCheckState, IsVerificiationChecked,
// ClickVerification
virtual void OnVerificationClicked(BOOL bChecked);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when the user presses
// F1 on the keyboard while the dialog has focus.
virtual void OnHelp();
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when the value
// of the input box has changed.
virtual void OnInputBoxChanged();
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when the user clicks
// on an expando in the Task Dialog.
// Parameters:
// bExpanded - TRUE if the dialog is expanded, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
// SetCollapsedControlText, SetExpandedInformation, ExpandedByDefault,
// ExpandFooterArea, SetExpandedControlText
virtual void OnExpandoButtonClicked(BOOL bExpanded);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog approximately every
// 200 milliseconds when the EnableCallbackTimer member function has
// been called.
// Parameters:
// dwMilliSeconds - Number of milliseconds since the dialog was created
// or bReset was set to TRUE.
// bReset - TRUE to reset the tickcount, otherwise the tickcount
// will continue to increment.
// See Also:
// EnableCallbackTimer, ModifyTaskStyle
virtual void OnTimer(DWORD dwMilliSeconds, BOOL& bReset);
// Summary:
// This notification is sent by the Task Dialog when a navigation
// has occurred.
// See Also:
// NavigatePage
virtual void OnNavigated();
// Summary: This virtual method is called when some notification was send from TaskDialog
// Input: uNotification - Notification identifier
// wParam - Extended parameter of notification
// lParam - Extended parameter of notification
// Returns: S_OK if successful
// See Also: OnDialogConstructed, OnNavigated, OnButtonClicked, OnHyperlinkClicked, OnTimer, OnRadioButtonClicked, OnVerificationClicked, OnExpandoButtonClicked
virtual HRESULT OnDialogNotify(UINT uNotification, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
int m_nSelButtonID; // ID of the button that was selected when the task dialog was closed.
HWND m_hwndTaskDialog; // Real window handle of TaskDialog
TASKDIALOGCONFIG m_config; // Structure contains information used to display a task dialog
CArray<TASKDIALOG_BUTTON,TASKDIALOG_BUTTON&> m_arrButtons; // Array of TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structures containing the definition of the custom buttons that are to be displayed in the dialog.
CArray<TASKDIALOG_BUTTON,TASKDIALOG_BUTTON&> m_arrRadioButtons; // Array of TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structures containing the definition of the custom radio buttons that are to be displayed in the dialog.
BOOL m_bUseComCtl32; // TRUE to use Vista ComCtl32.dll to show task dialog.
BOOL OnAttach(HWND hWndNew);
HWND OnDetach();
static HRESULT CALLBACK TaskDialogCallbackProc(
HWND hwnd,
UINT uNotification,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam,
DWORD_PTR dwRefData);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnDialogConstructed() {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnDialogDestroyed() {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnHyperlinkClicked(LPCTSTR pszURL) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnButtonClicked(int nButtonID, BOOL& bCloseDialog) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnRadioButtonClicked(int nButtonID) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnVerificationClicked(BOOL bChecked) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnHelp() {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnInputBoxChanged() {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnExpandoButtonClicked(BOOL bExpanded) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnTimer(DWORD dwMilliSeconds, BOOL& bReset) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::OnNavigated() {
AFX_INLINE int CXTPTaskDialog::GetSelectedButtonId() const {
return m_nSelButtonID;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPTaskDialog::GetSelectedRadioButtonId() const {
return m_nSelRadioButtonID;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPTaskDialog::IsVerificiationChecked() const {
return m_bVerification;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::ClickButton(int nButtonID) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_CLICK_BUTTON, nButtonID, 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::ClickRadioButton(int nButtonID) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_CLICK_RADIO_BUTTON, nButtonID, 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::ClickVerification(BOOL bChecked, BOOL bSetKeyFocus) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_CLICK_VERIFICATION, bChecked, bSetKeyFocus);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::EnableButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnable) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_ENABLE_BUTTON, nButtonID, bEnable);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::EnableRadioButton(int nButtonID, BOOL bEnable) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_ENABLE_RADIO_BUTTON, nButtonID, bEnable);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetMarqueeProgressBar(BOOL bMarquee) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_MARQUEE_PROGRESS_BAR, bMarquee, 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::StartProgressBarMarquee(BOOL bStartMarquee, DWORD dwMilliSeconds) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_MARQUEE, bStartMarquee, dwMilliSeconds);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetProgressBarState(int nState) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_STATE, nState, 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetProgressBarPos(int nPosition) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_POS, nPosition, 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetProgressBarRange(WORD wMinRange, WORD wMaxRange) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_PROGRESS_BAR_RANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(wMinRange, wMaxRange));
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetButtonElevationRequired(int nButtonID, BOOL bRequired) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_SET_BUTTON_ELEVATION_REQUIRED_STATE, nButtonID, bRequired);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::NavigatePage(CXTPTaskDialog& taskDlg) {
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hwndTaskDialog)); ::SendMessage(m_hwndTaskDialog, TDM_NAVIGATE_PAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&taskDlg.m_config);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetUseSysIcons(BOOL bUseSysIcons) {
m_bUseSysIcons = bUseSysIcons;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::SetUseComCtl32(BOOL bUseComCtl32) {
m_bUseComCtl32 = bUseComCtl32;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPTaskDialog::EnableMessageBoxStyle(BOOL bEnable) {
m_bMessageBoxStyle = bEnable;
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(__XTPTASKDIALOG_H__)