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// XTPCalendarRecurrencePattern.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCalendarData;
class CXTPCalendarEvent;
class CXTPCalendarEvents;
class CXTPPropExchange;
class CXTPCalendarCustomProperties;
// Summary:
// This structure describes a reminder for an occurrence of a
// recurrence event.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence()
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member items deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence();
DATE m_dtOccurrenceStartTime; // Start time of the described occurrence.
DATE m_dtOccurrenceEndTime; // End time of the described occurrence.
int m_nbIsReminder; // XTPEnumCalendarReminderForOccurrenceParameters
DATE m_dtNextReminderTime_Snoozed; // Date/time of the next reminder event.
// Summary:
// Copy operator.
// Parameters:
// rSrc - Pointer to a source data object.
// Returns:
// A Constant reference to updated object
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence
const CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence& operator=(const CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence& rSrc);
// Summary:
// This class implements a collection of CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence
// objects as well as some common operations on it.
class CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray : public
CArray<CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence, const CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence&>
// Summary:
// Default collection constructor.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray()
// Summary:
// Default collection destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member item deallocation. Decreases reference of all
// stored CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence objects.
// See Also: RemoveAll()
virtual ~CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray();
// Summary:
// Finds an index of the occurrence event.
// Parameters:
// pOccEvent - Pointer to the occurrence event object.
// Returns:
// An index of the occurrence event object in the array if found;
// or -1 if not found.
// See Also: Find()
int Find(CXTPCalendarEvent* pOccEvent) const;
// Summary:
// Finds an index of the occurrence event by its start and end time.
// Parameters:
// dtOccStartTime - Occurrence start time.
// dtOccEndTime - Occurrence end time.
// Returns:
// An index of the occurrence event object in the array if found;
// or -1 if not found.
// See Also: Find()
int Find(DATE dtOccStartTime, DATE dtOccEndTime) const;
// Summary:
// Updates occurrence custom properties with the values from the
// array if necessary one is found there.
// Parameters:
// pOccEvent - Pointer to the occurrence event object.
// pPattern - Pointer to the parent Recurrence Pattern object for
// those occurrences.
// Returns:
// Non-zero if updated successfully; zero if update failed.
// See Also:
// UpdateOccIfNeedEx
int UpdateOccIfNeed(CXTPCalendarEvent* pOccEvent,
CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// Updates occurrence custom properties with the values from the
// provided CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence structure.
// Parameters:
// pOccEvent - Pointer to the occurrence event object.
// pOccRmdData - Pointer to the Reminder data for the occurrence.
// pPattern - Pointer to the parent Recurrence Pattern object for
// those occurrences.
// Returns:
// Non-zero if updated successfully; zero if update failed.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence overview, UpdateOccIfNeed
static int UpdateOccIfNeedEx(CXTPCalendarEvent* pOccEvent,
const CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrence* pOccRmdData,
CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// Loads an array of occurrences information from Calendar
// Custom Properties object.
// Parameters:
// pProps - Pointer to a source CXTPCalendarCustomProperties object.
// Returns:
// TRUE when loaded successfully; FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// Save()
BOOL Load(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps);
// Summary:
// Saves an array of occurrences information to the Calendar
// Custom Properties object.
// Parameters:
// pProps - Pointer to a destination CXTPCalendarCustomProperties
// object.
// pPattern - Pointer to the parent Recurrence Pattern object for
// those occurrences.
// Returns:
// TRUE when saved successfully; FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// Load()
BOOL Save(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps, CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// An utility method which clears all occurrences custom properties
// which was previously set by Save method.
// Parameters:
// pProps - Pointer to CXTPCalendarCustomProperties object to be
// cleared.
// See Also:
// Save(), Load()
static void ClearProperties(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps);
static void _PropName(LPCTSTR pcszProp, int nIndex, CString& rstrPropNameI);
// Summary:
// This structure defines a set of Recurrence Pattern options and is used
// by a CXTPRecurrencePattern to easily manage and transfer recurrence
// pattern data.
// See Also:
// XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType,
// XTPCalendarWeekDay,
// XTPCalendarWeekDay_Masks,
// XTPCalendarWeekDay,
// XTPCalendarWeek,
// CXTPRecurrencePattern
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Daily pattern.
BOOL bEveryWeekDayOnly; // Flag determines if the event occurs every week day.
int nIntervalDays; // Event occurs every nIntervalDays days
// beginning from a start date.
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Weekly pattern.
int nIntervalWeeks; // Event occurs every nIntervalWeeks with the
// first week beginning from a start date.
int nDayOfWeekMask; // Determines the days of the week when an event occurs.
// See Also: XTPCalendarWeekDay, XTPCalendarWeekDay_Masks.
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Month pattern.
int nIntervalMonths;// Event occurs every nIntervalMonths with the
// first month beginning from the start date.
int nDayOfMonth; // Determines the day of the month when an event occurs.
// See Also: XTPCalendarWeek.
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Month pattern.
int nIntervalMonths;// Event occurs every nIntervalMonths month
// beginning from start date.
int nWhichDay; // Determines the day of the month or nth order of day.
int nWhichDayMask; // Weekday code.
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Year pattern.
int nMonthOfYear; // The month of every year that the event occurs on.
int nDayOfMonth; // The day of month that the event occurs on.
// Summary:
// Defines a group of parameters to describe the Year pattern.
int nWhichDay; // Determines the day of the month or the nth order of the day.
int nWhichDayMask; // Weekday code.
int nMonthOfYear; // Month of the year.
// Summary:
// Default class constructor.
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
// --------------------------
// Summary:
// Copy operator.
// Parameters:
// rSrc : The source object refferens;
// Returns:
// This object reference.
// --------------------------
memcpy(this, &rSrc, sizeof(*this));
return *this;
XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType m_nRecurrenceType; // Recurrence type, See Also: XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType.
// union stores active set of pattern parameters.
PATTERN_DAILY m_Daily; // Options for Daily Recurrence type.
PATTERN_WEEKLY m_Weekly; // Options for Weekly Recurrence type.
PATTERN_MONTHLY m_Monthly; // Options for Monthly Recurrence type.
PATTERN_MONTHNTH m_MonthNth; // Options for MonthNth Recurrence type.
PATTERN_YEARLY m_Yearly; // Options for Yearly Recurrence type.
PATTERN_YEARNTH m_YearNth; // Options for YearNth Recurrence type.
// Summary:
// Saves this object data as 4 long values.
// Parameters:
// rnData1 - [out] Reference to data variable number 1
// rnData2 - [out] Reference to data variable number 2
// rnData3 - [out] Reference to data variable number 3
// rnData4 - [out] Reference to data variable number 4
// Remarks:
// Useful to save data in data storage;
// See Also:
// SetData()
void GetData(long& rnData1, long& rnData2, long& rnData3, long& rnData4) const
rnData1 = m_nRecurrenceType;
rnData2 = m_YearNth.nWhichDay;
rnData3 = m_YearNth.nWhichDayMask;
rnData4 = m_YearNth.nMonthOfYear;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Restore this object data from 4 long values previously retrieved
// using GetData() member function.
// Parameters:
// nData1 : [in] data value number 1
// nData2 : [in] data value number 2
// nData3 : [in] data value number 3
// nData4 : [in] data value number 4
// Remarks:
// Useful to load data from data storage;
// See Also:
// GetData()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetData(long nData1, long nData2, long nData3, long nData4)
ASSERT(nData1 >= 0 && nData1 <= 6); // just to check.
m_nRecurrenceType = (XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType)nData1;
m_YearNth.nWhichDay = nData2;
m_YearNth.nWhichDayMask = nData3;
m_YearNth.nMonthOfYear = nData4;
// Summary:
// This class represents a recurrence pattern and stores data to build
// schedule for recurrence events.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent overview.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPCalendarData;
friend class CXTPCalendarEvent;
// Summary:
// Protected pattern constructor.
// Parameters:
// pDataProvider - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarData object.
// See Also:
// ~CXTPCalendarEvent()
CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern(CXTPCalendarData* pDataProvider);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member items deallocation. Decreases reference of
// stored objects: CXTPCalendarEventLabels and
// CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern();
// Summary:
// Returns a unique pattern ID.
// Returns:
// A DWORD containing a uniqu pattern ID.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern()
virtual DWORD GetPatternID() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get start date-time.
// Returns:
// COleDateTime object containing start date-time.
// See Also: SetStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart)
virtual COleDateTime GetStartTime() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new start date and time.
// Parameters:
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the new start date value.
// See Also: GetStartTime()
virtual void SetStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get a duration in minutes.
// Returns:
// Integer value of a duration in minutes
// See Also: SetDurationMinutes(int nMinutes), GetDuration()
virtual int GetDurationMinutes() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new duration value.
// Parameters:
// nMinutes - An int that contains the new duration value in minutes.
// See Also: GetDurationMinutes()
virtual void SetDurationMinutes(int nMinutes);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the duration as
// a COleDateTimeSpan object.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTimeSpan object with a duration interval.
// See Also: SetDuration(COleDateTimeSpan spDuration, BOOL bKeepStart = TRUE)
virtual COleDateTimeSpan GetDuration() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the occurrence start date-time.
// Parameters:
// dtOccurrenceStartDate - COleDateTime representing the start date.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the parent's start date-time.
// See Also: SetStartOccurrenceTime(COleDateTime dtStart)
virtual COleDateTime GetStartOccurrenceTime(COleDateTime dtOccurrenceStartDate) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the occurrence end date-time
// by its start time.
// Parameters:
// dtOccurrenceStartDate - A COleDateTime object that contains
// the date-time occurrence to identify.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object containing the occurrence end date-time.
// See Also: SetStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart)
virtual COleDateTime GetEndOccurrenceTime(COleDateTime dtOccurrenceStartDate) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the value of the recurrence type flag.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the previous value of the Recurrence type flag.
// See Also: XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType, XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS,
// SetRecurrenceOptions(const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& Options)
virtual int GetRecurrenceType() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a set of recurrence options.
// Returns:
// Reference to an XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS struct.
// SetRecurrenceOptions(const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& Options)
virtual const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& GetRecurrenceOptions() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the recurrence options.
// Parameters:
// Options - Reference to a XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS struct.
// SetRecurrenceOptions(const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& Options)
virtual void SetRecurrenceOptions(const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& Options);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the start pattern DateTime.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object containing the parent's start DateTime.
// See Also: SetPatternStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart)
virtual COleDateTime GetPatternStartDate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new start pattern date and time.
// Parameters:
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the new date value.
// See Also: GetPatternStartTime()
virtual void SetPatternStartDate(COleDateTime dtStart);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the end pattern DateTime.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the parent's end DateTime.
// See Also: SetPatternEndDate(COleDateTime dtEnd)
virtual COleDateTime GetPatternEndDate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new end pattern date.
// Parameters:
// dtEnd - A COleDateTime object that contains the new date value.
// See Also: COleDateTime GetPatternEndDate()
virtual void SetPatternEndDate(COleDateTime dtEnd);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the "End After occurrences"
// recurrence pattern option.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the occurrence count for the pattern end.
// See Also: SetEndAfterOccurrences, GetPatternEndDate, IsNoEndDate
virtual int GetEndAfterOccurrences() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the "End After occurrences"
// recurrence pattern option.
// Parameters:
// nOccurrences - An int that contains the occurrence count for the
// pattern end.
// See Also: GetEndAfterOccurrences, GetPatternEndDate, IsNoEndDate
virtual void SetEndAfterOccurrences(int nOccurrences);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determines if the pattern has
// an end date.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the pattern end is not set. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetNoEndDate(), GetEndAfterOccurrences(), GetPatternEndDate()
virtual BOOL IsNoEndDate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to reset the pattern end date.
// See Also: IsNoEndDate(), GetEndAfterOccurrences(), GetPatternEndDate()
virtual void SetNoEndDate();
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve the value of the "use end" flag.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the "use end" flag value.
// See Also:
// XTPCalendarPatternEnd.
virtual XTPCalendarPatternEnd GetUseEndMethod() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve the end pattern value.
// Returns:
// A reference of the associated pattern end structure.
// See Also:
virtual const XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END& GetPatternEnd() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set the end pattern value.
// Parameters:
// patternEnd - A reference to the source pattern end structure.
// See Also:
// GetPatternEnd()
virtual void SetPatternEnd(const XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END& patternEnd);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the occurrence dates
// from the pattern in the given interval.
// Parameters:
// rArDates - A CDatesArray reference to an array of dates to be returned.
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the interval's begin date.
// dtEnd - A COleDateTime object that contains the interval's end date.
// See Also: CDatesArray
virtual void GetOccurrencesDates(CXTPCalendarDatesArray& rArDates, COleDateTime dtStart,
COleDateTime dtEnd) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the occurrence dates
// from the pattern in the given interval.
// Parameters:
// pEventsArray- Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvents object that contains
// the returned collection of slave events (occurrences).
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the interval's begin date.
// dtEnd - A COleDateTime object that contains the interval's end date.
// pMasterEvent- Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the
// master event.
// Returns:
// TRUE if succesfully obtain the dates, FALSE else.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvents, CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual BOOL GetOccurrences(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEventsArray, COleDateTime dtStart,
COleDateTime dtEnd, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a pointer to the read-write
// copy of the pattern object.
// Returns:
// Smart pointer to CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern.
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr ClonePattern();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the pattern data from
// the given pattern.
// Parameters:
// pNewData - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object
// that contains the pattern to update.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object that contains
// the updated pattern.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern.
virtual BOOL Update(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pNewData);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the master event ID value.
// Returns:
// A DWORD that contains the master event ID value.
// See Also: SetMasterEventID(DWORD dwEventID).
virtual DWORD GetMasterEventID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the master event ID value.
// Parameters:
// dwEventID - A DWORD that contains the new master event ID value.
// See Also: GetMasterEventID().
virtual void SetMasterEventID(DWORD dwEventID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a pointer to the read-only
// interface of the master event.
// Returns:
// Smart pointer to CXTPCalendarEvent object.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr GetMasterEvent() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to add an exception to the master event.
// Parameters:
// pException - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object which
// represents the exception.
// pMasterEventToUpdate - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object
// that is updated with the exception.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the update is successful. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual BOOL SetException(CXTPCalendarEvent* pException, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEventToUpdate = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to remove an exception from the
// master event.
// Parameters:
// pException - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that
// represents the exception.
// pMasterEventToUpdate - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object
// from which the exception is removed.
// Returns:
// TRUE is success; FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, CXTPCalendarEvent, RemoveAllExceptions()
virtual BOOL RemoveException(CXTPCalendarEvent* pException, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEventToUpdate = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to remove all of the exceptions
// from the master event.
// See Also: RemoveException(CXTPCalendarEvent* pException, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEventToUpdate = NULL),
// SetException(CXTPCalendarEvent* pException, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEventToUpdate = NULL)
virtual void RemoveAllExceptions();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to return the read-only collection
// with the exception events.
// Returns:
// Smart pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvents object that contains the read-only
// collection of exception events.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, CXTPCalendarEvent, RemoveAllExceptions()
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr GetExceptions();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to Store/Load a recurrence pattern
// using the specified data object.
// Parameters:
// pPX - Source or destination CXTPPropExchange data object reference.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to store or load pattern data to or
// form an storage.
virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// Get custom (named, user defined) properties collection.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPCalendarCustomProperties object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCustomProperties.
CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* GetCustomProperties() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to assign an ID to a pattern.
// Parameters:
// dwID - Identifier to set.
// See Also: GetPatternID()
void SetPatternID(DWORD dwID);
void _GetOccurrenceStartEnd(const COleDateTime& dtOccStartDate, COleDateTime& rdtOccStart, COleDateTime& rdtOccEnd) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to find the index of the exception
// event by its original start and end dates.
// Parameters:
// dtStartOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the start date.
// dtEndOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the end date.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the value of the index in the collection.
// -1 if the exception is not found in the collection.
virtual int FindExceptionIndex(COleDateTime dtStartOrig, COleDateTime dtEndOrig) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to find the exception event by its
// original start and end dates.
// Parameters:
// dtStartOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the start date.
// dtEndOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the end date.
// Returns:
// If the exception event is found, then the function returns a pointer
// to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the exception event.
// If the exception event is not found, then the function returns NULL.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual CXTPCalendarEvent* FindException(COleDateTime dtStartOrig, COleDateTime dtEndOrig) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to find an exception event by its
// original start and end dates.
// Parameters:
// pEvents - A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer that points to the collection of events to be found.
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the start date of the search interval.
// dtEnd - A COleDateTime object that contains the end date of search interval.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. The base class implementation alway returns TRUE.
// This function should return TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvents
virtual BOOL FindExceptions(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents, COleDateTime dtStart, COleDateTime dtEnd) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to retrieve a collection of reminders
// settings for occurrences of this recurrence pattern.
// Returns:
// An array of CXTPCalendarReminderForoccurrence objects for every
// occurrence with configured Reminders settings.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarReminderForoccurrenceArray overview
CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray* GetOccReminders();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to setup an occurrence with new
// Reminder settings.
// Parameters:
// pOccEvent - A CXTPCalendarEvent pointer that points to the occurrence
// event which is to be modified.
// nbIsReminder - Trigger value showing whether to change enabled
// reminder flag for this occurrence or not.
// dtNextReminderTime_Snoozed - Reminder snooze time.
// See Also:
// GetOccReminders(),
// XTPEnumCalendarReminderForoccurrenceParameters overview
void SetOccReminder(CXTPCalendarEvent* pOccEvent,
int nbIsReminder = xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange,
DATE dtNextReminderTime_Snoozed = xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange);
// void ResetReminderForOccFromThePast(CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent);
DWORD m_dwPatternID;
DWORD m_dwMasterEventID;
CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray m_arOccReminders;
CXTPCalendarEvents* m_parExceptionEvents;
CXTPCalendarData* m_ptrDataProvider;
COleDateTime m_dtStartTime;
int m_nDurationMinutes;
COleDateTime m_dtPatternStartDate;
CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* m_pCustomProperties; //Custom properties collection object.
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetPatternID() const {
return m_dwPatternID;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetStartTime() const {
return m_dtStartTime;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::SetStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart) {
m_dtStartTime = dtStart;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetDurationMinutes() const {
return m_nDurationMinutes;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::SetDurationMinutes(int nMinutes) {
m_nDurationMinutes = nMinutes;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetRecurrenceType() const {
return m_Options.m_nRecurrenceType;
AFX_INLINE const XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS& CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetRecurrenceOptions() const {
return m_Options;
AFX_INLINE const XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END& CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetPatternEnd() const {
return m_PatternEnd;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetPatternStartDate() const {
return m_dtPatternStartDate;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetPatternEndDate() const {
return m_PatternEnd.m_dtPatternEndDate;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetEndAfterOccurrences() const {
return m_PatternEnd.m_nEndAfterOccurrences;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::SetEndAfterOccurrences(int nOccurrences) {
m_PatternEnd.m_nEndAfterOccurrences = nOccurrences;
m_PatternEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndAfterOccurrences;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::IsNoEndDate() const {
return (m_PatternEnd.m_nUseEnd == xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::SetNoEndDate() {
m_PatternEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarPatternEnd CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetUseEndMethod() const {
return m_PatternEnd.m_nUseEnd;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetMasterEventID() const {
return m_dwMasterEventID;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::SetMasterEventID(DWORD dwEventID) {
m_dwMasterEventID = dwEventID;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetCustomProperties() const {
return m_pCustomProperties;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarReminderForOccurrenceArray* CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern::GetOccReminders() {
return &m_arOccReminders;