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// XTPCalendarControl.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarControl class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCalendarView;
class CXTPCalendarPaintManager;
class CXTPCalendarData;
class CXTPCalendarDayView;
class CXTPCalendarWeekView;
class CXTPCalendarMonthView;
class CXTPCalendarTimeLineView;
class CXTPCalendarOptions;
class CXTPNotifyConnection;
class CXTPNotifySink;
class CXTPCalendarRemindersManager;
class CXTPCalendarResources;
class CXTPCalendarResourcesNf;
class CXTPCalendarTheme;
class CXTPMarkupContext;
class CXTPMarkupUIElement;
class CXTPCalendarTip;
// Summary:
// Class CXTPCalendarControl implements the calendar's view interface.
// Remarks:
// A CXTPCalendarControl object implements a calendar view interface
// similar to Outlook 2003 interface.
// There are 2 main separated concepts: Calendar data contents
// and Calendar views representing this contents.
// It can show 3 types of following predefined views. Also any type
// of user view could also be implemented as a descendant of CXTPCalendarView class.
// * Day and work week views - using CXTPCalendarDayView class.
// * Week view - using CXTPCalendarWeekView class.
// * Month view - using CXTPCalendarMonthView class.
// One of the other main Control's concepts is Calendar Resources.
// Resource is the source of Calendar data contents with some additional
// properties. This concept is designed to represent a schedule of a
// separate person, or a shared resource (sic!) like a conference room,
// a projector, and any similar entity. Each Resource has its own Data
// Provider, therefore the Control can show different data sources on the
// same screen. For example, you can configure Control to show your own
// Outlook events in "your" resource (using MAPI Data Provider), then
// you can use some shared resource data using Database Data Provider, etc.
// Note that each event now has standard "Schedule" property, defining
// which user's schedule it belongs to. And each resource has a collection
// of Schedule ID's to represent on it. For example, you can have only
// one common Data Provider which stores events data for all members of
// your organization. Every member has a corresponding schedule (i.e.
// Jeff - ID 1, Matt - ID 2, John - ID 3, Room 1 - ID 10, Room 2 - ID 11, etc).
// You can configure a number of resources to show data for every team
// member separately, and one resource to show events for both room 1 and
// room 2 together. Or for example, you want to show a common view of all
// events for a specified team including only some of employees. You will
// add their schedule ID's to the corresponding Resource collection, and
// see all of them. Of course, when you open event details, you'll see
// who it belongs to.
// There are 2 regular models of using your custom data source with Calendar control.
// a) Firstly, you can use built-in Memory data provider, which will handle
// all the data in itself. If you do not specify neither XML nor Binary
// filename, it will not be automatically loaded or saved. In this case,
// you'll have 2 entry points in your application:
// -- Loading all data from your data source (could be done on form load
// for example). Your data access code would transfer CalendarEvents
// records from the data storage to objects and add them into
// corresponding Calendar's collection.
// -- Saving data to your data storage. You'll have to iterate all CalendarEvents,
// transfer them into your data records and upload into the database.
// This could be implemented on pressing Save button for example.
// This is the most easy way.
// b) Second idea is to handle basic data storage operations by yourself.
// This is called "custom data provider model". It could be needed when
// you have a very lot of CalendarEvents records and do not want to store
// them all in memory because of a huge size. Another possible need of
// using this model is having all the information always updated if your
// data storage is shared.
// For some predefined examples of this functionality look Calendar Samples,
// and menu items: MultiSchedules configuration and Load sample configurations...
// See Also: CXTPCalendarView, CXTPCalendarData, CXTPCalendarResource
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarControl : public CWnd
friend class CXTPCalendarView;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewDay;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewGroup;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
friend class CCalendarControlCtrl;
friend class CXTPCalendarControlView;
friend class CXTPCalendarResource;
friend class CXTPCalendarThemePart;
// Summary:
// This member function constructs a CXTPCalendarControl object.
// Remarks:
// Construct a CXTPCalendarControl object in two steps.
// First, call the constructor CXTPCalendarControl and then
// call Create method, which initializes the window.
// Example:
// <code>
// Declare a local CXTPCalendarControl object.
// CXTPCalendarControl myCalendar;
// // Declare a dynamic CXTPCalendarControl object.
// CXTPCalendarControl* pMyCalendar = new CXTPCalendarControl();
// // Create a window
// if (!myCalendar.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, rcRect, this, ID_CALENDAR_CONTROL))
// {
// TRACE(_T("Failed to create calendar control window\n"));
// }
// </code>
// See Also: Create
// Summary:
// This member function destroys a CXTPCalendarControl object and
// handles cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarControl();
// Summary:
// This member function handles control window creation.
// Parameters:
// dwStyle - Specifies the window style attributes.
// rect - The size and position of the window, in client coordinates of pParentWnd.
// pParentWnd - The parent window.
// nID - The ID of the child window.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
virtual BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
// Summary:
// This member function populates the active control view with
// events data.
// Remarks:
// Creates a new events views collection for the view, populating it
// with the data objects taken from the associated data provider.
// See Also:
virtual void Populate();
// Operations
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain current paint theme.
// Returns:
// A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
virtual XTPCalendarTheme GetPaintTheme() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set current paint theme.
// Parameters:
// ePaintTheme - A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
virtual void SetPaintTheme(XTPCalendarTheme ePaintTheme);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain current theme ID. Basically
// this can be used to check if 2010 of 2007 theme is used.
// Returns:
// A theme version ID from enum XTPCalendarThemeVersion.
XTPCalendarThemeVersion GetThemeVersion() const;
// drawing related
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the associated paint
// manager.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain the paint manager object used
// for drawing a calendar control window.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarPaintManager pointer to the associated paint manager object.
// See Also:
CXTPCalendarPaintManager* GetPaintManager() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the associated theme
// object.
// Remarks:
// Themes are used for drawing a calendar control window instead of
// a Paint manager.
// This is a new feature of Calendar control which will be further
// developed.
// Some new drawing features will be added for themes only
// (no for Paint manager). But the Paint manager will also be used
// for compatibility.
// Initial version. Themes will be expanded in the feature.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarTheme pointer to the associated theme object or NULL.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView::GetTheme, GetPaintManager
CXTPCalendarTheme* GetTheme() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets (or disable) the new control drawing
// theme.
// Parameters:
// pTheme - A CXTPCalendarTheme pointer to the theme object.
// If pTheme is NULL - themes are disabled and the paint
// manager is used.
// Remarks:
// Themes are used for drawing a calendar control window instead of
// a Paint manager.
// This is a new feature of Calendar control which will be further
// developed.
// Some new drawing features will be added for themes only
// (no for Paint manager). But the Paint manager will also be used
// for compatibility.
// Initial version. Themes will be expanded in the feature.
// See Also: GetPaintManager
void SetTheme(CXTPCalendarTheme* pTheme);
// resources related
// Summary:
// Obtain a pointer to collection of Calendar Resources.
// Remarks:
// Use this method to retrieve a pointer to the Calendar Resources
// collection of this Calendar control.
// Returns:
// CXTPCalendarResources pointer.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarResources overview
CXTPCalendarResources* GetResources() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the new Resources collection for the control.
// Parameters:
// pResources - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarResources collection object.
// pOptionsDataProvider - A pointer to the Data Provider object for
// using on Calendar Options.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to programmatically set the new
// Resources collection for the control.
void SetResources(CXTPCalendarResources* pResources, CXTPCalendarData* pOptionsDataProvider = NULL);
// data provider related
// Summary:
// This member function sets the custom data provider for the control.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the custom data provider
// that is currently used by this calendar control. Note that
// custom data provider must be a descendant of CXTPCalendarData.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarData, XTPCalendarDataProvider, GetDataProvider
void SetDataProvider(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the custom data provider for the control.
// Parameters:
// pDataProvider - Pointer to the custom data provider object.
// bCloseDataProviderWhenDestroy - BOOL value shows whether data
// provider should be closed with the
// control's destruction.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the custom data provider
// that is currently used by this calendar control. Note that
// custom data provider must be a descendant of CXTPCalendarData.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarData, XTPCalendarDataProvider, GetDataProvider
void SetDataProvider(CXTPCalendarData* pDataProvider, BOOL bCloseDataProviderWhenDestroy = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the custom data provider for the control.
// Parameters:
// eDataProvider - Data provider type.
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the custom data provider
// that is currently used by this calendar control. Note that
// custom data provider must be a descendant of CXTPCalendarData.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarData, XTPCalendarDataProvider, GetDataProvider
void SetDataProvider(XTPCalendarDataProvider eDataProvider, LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString = NULL);
// Summary:
// Returns common data provider if it was previously set.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the common data provider if it was previously set;
// otherwise, returns NULL.
CXTPCalendarData* GetDataProvider() const;
// view related
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the current calendar view.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain the calendar view object
// currently used in this calendar control.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarView pointer to the associated calendar view object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView overview, SetActiveView,
// GetViewDay, GetWeekView, GetMonthView
virtual CXTPCalendarView* GetActiveView() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the Day calendar view.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain Day calendar view object
// regardless of its visibility.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarView pointer to the associated calendar view object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView overview, GetActiveView, GetWeekView, GetMonthView
CXTPCalendarDayView* GetDayView() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the Week calendar view.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain Week calendar view object
// regardless of its visibility.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarView pointer to the associated calendar view object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView overview, GetActiveView, GetDayView, GetMonthView
CXTPCalendarWeekView* GetWeekView() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the Month calendar view.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain Month calendar view object
// regardless of its visibility.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarView pointer to the associated calendar view object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView overview, GetActiveView, GetWeekView, GetDayView
CXTPCalendarMonthView* GetMonthView() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the TimeLine calendar view.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to obtain TimeLine calendar view object
// regardless of its visibility.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarView pointer to the associated calendar view object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarView overview, GetActiveView, GetWeekView, GetDayView, GetMonthView
CXTPCalendarTimeLineView* GetTimeLineView() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets a predefined calendar view for the control.
// Parameters:
// eView - Calendar view type.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the predefined calendar view
// that is currently used by this calendar control.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarView overview, XTPCalendarViewType, GetAvtiveView
virtual void SwitchActiveView(XTPCalendarViewType eView);
// Implementation
// drawing related
// Summary:
// Call this member to set right-to-left mode.
// Parameters:
// bRightToLeft - TRUE to set right-to-left reading-order properties.
void SetLayoutRTL(BOOL bRightToLeft);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if right-to-left mode is active
// Returns:
// TRUE if right-to-left mode is enabled and FALSE otherwise
BOOL IsLayoutRTL() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to get current TimeLine mode.
// Returns:
// An integer representing one of the following values.
// xtpTSPID_Day = 1,
// xtpTSPID_Week = 2,
// xtpTSPID_Month = 3,
// xtpTSPID_WorkWeek = 4,
int GetTimeLineScale() const;
// Summary:
// This member function initiates the Calendar control's redrawing.
// Parameters:
// bForce : Set this parameter to TRUE if you'd like to force
// control's redrawing even if update is locked.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to force the control's
// redrawing. The control will be redrawn to reflect its latest state.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarControl::CUpdateContext, AdjustLayout, AdjustScrollBar,
// LockUpdate, UnlockUpdate.
virtual void RedrawControl(BOOL bForce = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member function adjusts the main control parts depending
// on the current control's size.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcView - A rectangle for calendar control.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarControl::CUpdateContext, AdjustScrollBar, RedrawControl
virtual void AdjustLayout();
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcView);
// Summary:
// This member function adjusts the scroll bar to reflect the current
// control's state.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarControl::CUpdateContext, AdjustLayout, RedrawControl
// Parameters:
// nSBType : Specifies the scroll bar type to be adjusted.
// This parameter can be either of the following:
// * SB_HORZ - Horizontal scroll bar.
// * SB_VERT - Vertical scroll bar.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void AdjustScrollBar(int nSBType = -1);
// Summary:
// This member function switch calendar to timeline mode
void OnCalendarTimeline();
// Always updates the screen on exit block
void BeginUpdate();
void EndUpdate();
// Update the screen on exit block only when something has changed
void LockUpdate();
void UnlockUpdate();
// Adjusts layout on exit block
void BeginAdjust(BOOL bWithScrollBar = FALSE);
void EndAdjust(BOOL bWithScrollBar = FALSE);
// managing calendar settings
// Summary:
// This member function obtains the bitwise mask of the work week.
// Returns:
// An integer containing the bitwise day mask.
// See Also: SetWorkWeekMask, XTPCalendarWeekDay
int GetWorkWeekMask() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the bitwise mask for the work week.
// Parameters:
// nMask - An int that contains the new bitwise mask for the work week.
// See Also: GetWorkWeekMask, XTPCalendarWeekDay
void SetWorkWeekMask(const int nMask);
// Summary:
// This member function obtains the first day of the week.
// Returns:
// First day of the week represented by an integer from
// range between 1 and 7, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so on.
// See Also: SetFirstDayOfWeek, XTPCalendarWeekDay
int GetFirstDayOfWeek() const;
// Summary:
// This member function give the first week of year days.
// Returns:
// An integer denoting the first week of year days,
int GetFirstWeekOfYearDays() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the first day of the week.
// Parameters:
// nFirstDayOfWeek - An int that contains the new first day of the
// week. An integer from range between 1 and 7,
// where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so on.
// See Also: GetFirstDayOfWeek, XTPCalendarWeekDay
void SetFirstDayOfWeek(const int nFirstDayOfWeek);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the first week of year days.
// Parameter:
// nFirstWeekOfYearDays - An integer denoting the first week of year days,
void SetFirstWeekOfYearDays(const int nFirstWeekOfYearDays);
// Summary:
// This member function obtains the begin time of the working day.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A reference to the COleDateTime value to store the result.
// nHour - An int. A reference to the hour part of the result.
// nMin - An int. A reference to the minutes part of the result.
// nSec - An int. A reference to the seconds part of the result.
// See Also: SetWorkDayStartTime, GetWorkDayEndTime, SetWorkDayEndTime
void GetWorkDayStartTime(COleDateTime& dtTime) const;
void GetWorkDayStartTime(int& nHour, int& nMin, int& nSec) const; // <COMBINE CXTPCalendarControl::GetWorkDayStartTime@COleDateTime&@const>
// Summary:
// This member function obtains the end time of the working day.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A reference to the COleDateTime value to store the result.
// nHour - An int. A reference to the hour part of the result.
// nMin - An int. A reference to the minutes part of the result.
// nSec - An int. A reference to the seconds part of the result.
// See Also: SetWorkDayEndTime, GetWorkDayStartTime, SetWorkDayStartTime
void GetWorkDayEndTime(COleDateTime& dtTime) const;
void GetWorkDayEndTime(int& nHour, int& nMin, int& nSec) const; // <COMBINE CXTPCalendarControl::GetWorkDayEndTime@COleDateTime&@const>
// Summary:
// set format for Cell's Day Header in Month View
// Parameters:
// pcszCustomFormat - An string sd custom format.
void SetLongDayHeaderFormat(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// Summary:
// set format for Cell's Day Header in Month View
// Parameters:
// pcszCustomFormat - An string sd custom format.
void SetSmallDayHeaderFormat(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the begin time for the working day.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A new begin time value.
// See Also: GetWorkDayStartTime, GetWorkDayEndTime, SetWorkDayEndTime
void SetWorkDayStartTime(const COleDateTime& dtTime);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the begin time for the working day.
// Parameters:
// nHour - An int. The hour part of the new time value.
// nMin - An int. The minutes part of the new time value.
// nSec - An int. The seconds part of the new time value.
// See Also: GetWorkDayStartTime, GetWorkDayEndTime, SetWorkDayEndTime
void SetWorkDayStartTime(int nHour, int nMin, int nSec);
// Summary:
// This member function sets an end time for the working day.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A new end time value.
// See Also: GetWorkDayEndTime, GetWorkDayStartTime, SetWorkDayStartTime
void SetWorkDayEndTime(const COleDateTime& dtTime);
// Summary:
// This member function sets an end time for the working day.
// Parameters:
// nHour - An int. The hour part of the new time value.
// nMin - An int. The minutes part of the new time value.
// nSec - An int. The seconds part of the new time value.
// See Also: GetWorkDayEndTime, GetWorkDayStartTime, SetWorkDayStartTime
void SetWorkDayEndTime(int nHour, int nMin, int nSec);
// Summary:
// This member function adds custom time interval for an event to choose in the event properties dialog
// Parameters:
// nMin - An int. Custom reminder interval in minutes
// szCustomMeaning - A string that describes this interval (e.g. hour, day). Default string is CXTPCalendarUtils::FormatTimeDuration(nMin)
// bIgnoreDefaultValues - Tells the event properties dialog to ignore default reminder time intervals (1,5,10,15 minutes)
void AddCustomTimeIntervalForReminder(int nMin, LPCTSTR szCustomMeaning = NULL, BOOL bIgnoreDefaultValues = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if the AutoResetBusyFlag is set.
// Returns:
// Value of AutoResetBusyFlag.
// See Also: MonthView_SetCompressWeekendDays
BOOL DayView_IsAutoResetBusyFlag() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set the AutoResetBusyFlag.
// Parameters:
// bAutoResetBusyFlag - A BOOL.
// TRUE to set the AutoResetBusyFlag.
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_SetCompressWeekendDays
void DayView_SetAutoResetBusyFlag(BOOL bAutoResetBusyFlag = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine whether weekend days are
// drawn compressed in month view or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if weekend days are drawn compressed. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_SetCompressWeekendDays
BOOL MonthView_IsCompressWeekendDays() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to specify whether weekend days are
// drawn compressed in the month view.
// Parameters:
// bCompress - A BOOL. TRUE if weekend days are drawn compressed.
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_IsCompressWeekendDays
void MonthView_SetCompressWeekendDays(BOOL bCompress = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine whether the end date is
// shown for events in the month view.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the end date is shown. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_SetShowEndDate
BOOL MonthView_IsShowEndDate() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to specify whether the end date is
// shown in the month view.
// Parameters:
// bShowEnd - A BOOL. TRUE if the end date is shown in month view.
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_IsShowEndDate
void MonthView_SetShowEndDate(BOOL bShowEnd = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if the time is
// shown as a graphical clock for events in the month view.
// Returns:
// TRUE for time shown as graphical clock. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: MonthView_SetShowTimeAsClocks
BOOL MonthView_IsShowTimeAsClocks() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Call this method to specify if the events start and end time is
// shown as a graphical clock in the month view.
// Parameters:
// bShowClocks : A BOOL. TRUE if the time is shown as a graphical clock.
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// MonthView_IsShowTimeAsClocks
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MonthView_SetShowTimeAsClocks(BOOL bShowClocks= TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if the end date is
// shown for events in the week view.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the end date is shown. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: WeekView_SetShowEndDate
BOOL WeekView_IsShowEndDate() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to specify if the end date is
// shown in week view.
// Parameters:
// bShowEnd - A BOOL. TRUE if the end date is shown in week view.
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: WeekView_IsShowEndDate
void WeekView_SetShowEndDate(BOOL bShowEnd);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if the time is
// shown as a graphical clock for events in the week view.
// Returns:
// TRUE for time shown as graphical clocks, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: WeekView_SetShowTimeAsClocks
BOOL WeekView_IsShowTimeAsClocks() const;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Call this method to specify if the events start and end time is
// shown as a graphical clock in week view.
// Parameters:
// bShowClocks : A BOOL. TRUE for time to be shown as graphical clocks, FALSE
// otherwise.
// See Also:
// WeekView_IsShowTimeAsClocks
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WeekView_SetShowTimeAsClocks(BOOL bShowClocks);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the new control drawing PaintManager.
// Parameters:
// pPaintManager - A CXTPCalendarPaintManager pointer to the
// new paint manager object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the paint manager object used
// for drawing a calendar control window.
// See Also: GetPaintManager
void SetPaintManager(CXTPCalendarPaintManager* pPaintManager);
// Summary:
// This member function updates the mouse cursor in relation with
// the control's state.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the mouse cursor was updated to one of the known modes,
// FALSE if the mode is unknown and the cursor was set to default arrow.
virtual BOOL UpdateMouseCursor();
//---- Time Management functions ----------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine if the provided date is "today"
// The today date may be overriden with SetTodayDateOverride() call or with custom time provider
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the provided date is "today" for this calendar control instance, FALSE otherwise
virtual BOOL IsToday(const COleDateTime& dtDate) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine the "today" date
// The today date may be overriden with SetTodayDateOverride() call or with custom time provider
// Returns:
// COleDateTime with "today" date for this calendar control instance
COleDateTime GetTodayDate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to override the "today" date. Calendar control will assume the date provided as "today"
// The today date is used to draw highlight border for day views (mark them as today)
// Parameters:
// COleDateTime object with date which you want to highlight in calendar as "today"
void SetTodayDateOverride(const COleDateTime& dtTodayOverride);
// Summary:
// This member function returns override for "today" date is it was set with SetTodayDateOverride() call.
// If the GetState() member function of COleDateTime returns invalid flag for returned date, then no override was applied
// Returns:
// COleDateTime object with override today date
COleDateTime GetTodayDateOverride() const;
// Summary:
// This member function resets override for "today" date to the current date. If no override is applied the calls to GetTodayDate()
// and IsToday() will use the CXTPCalendarUtils::GetCurrentTime() to determine the current time on user machine
void ResetTodayDateOverride();
// for compatibility with previous versions
// use xtp_wm_UserAction for the feature
// Summary:
// This member function queues the calendar view while changing
// to the day view for the specified day.
// Parameters:
// dtDate - A specified date to change to.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function for changing calendar view
// to the day view for the specified day.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarDayView overview, XTPCalendarViewType,
// GetAvtiveView, SetAvtiveView
virtual void QueueDayViewSwitch(DATE dtDate);
// Summary:
// Register the window class if it has not already been registered.
// Parameters:
// hInstance - Instance of resource where control is located
// Returns:
// TRUE if the window class was successfully registered. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL RegisterWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function performs all of the drawing logic of the
// calendar control window.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// See Also: OnPaint
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This member function sets the custom calendar view for the control.
// Parameters:
// pView - Pointer to the custom calendar view object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the custom calendar view
// currently used by the calendar control. Note that
// custom calendar view must be descendant of CXTPCalendarView.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarView overview, GetAvtiveView
virtual void SetActiveView(CXTPCalendarView* pView);
// Summary:
// This member function creates a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimeOut_ms - Duration of timer in milliseconds.
// Returns:
// The identifier of the timer.
virtual UINT SetTimer(UINT uTimeOut_ms);
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the framework before the
// view is destroyed.
virtual void OnBeforeDestroy();
// Summary:
// This member function adjusts the scroll bar to reflect the current
// control's state.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarControl::CUpdateContext, AdjustLayout, RedrawControl
// Parameters:
// nSBType : Specifies the scroll bar type to be adjusted.
// This parameter can be either of the following:
// * SB_HORZ - Horizontal scroll bar.
// * SB_VERT - Vertical scroll bar.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void AdjustScrollBarEx(int nSBType);
// Summary:
// This member function internally sets the custom data provider
// for the control.
// Parameters:
// pDataProvider - Pointer to the custom data provider object.
// bCloseDataProviderWhenDestroy - BOOL value shows whether data
// provider should be closed with the
// control's destruction.
// Remarks:
// This method is used by SetDataProvider().
// See Also:
// SetDataProvider
virtual void _SetDataProvider(CXTPCalendarData* pDataProvider,
BOOL bCloseDataProviderWhenDestroy = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Obtain a pointer to the notification connection object.
// Remarks:
// Used to subscribe (Advice) for notification events from the
// control.
// Returns:
// Connection object pointer.
// See Also: CXTPNotifyConnection overview,
// IXTPNotificationSink overview
CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sends a notification to all control's
// event subscribers.
// Parameters:
// EventCode - A specific code identifying the event.
// wParam - First custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
// See specific event description for details.
// lParam - Second custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
// See specific event description for details.
// Remarks:
// This member function is called internally from inside the
// control when a notification is sent to all notification
// listeners.
// SendNotification depends on EnableSendNotifications flag.
// SendNotificationAlways - Performs send in any case.
// See Also: XTP_NOTIFY_CODE, GetConnection
virtual void SendNotification(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
// Summary:
// This member function always sends a notification to all control's
// event subscribers.
// Parameters:
// EventCode - A specific code identifying the event.
// wParam - First custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
// See specific event description for details.
// lParam - Second custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
// See specific event description for details.
// Remarks:
// This member function is called internally from inside the
// control when a notification is sent to all notification
// listeners.
// SendNotification depends on EnableSendNotifications flag.
// SendNotificationAlways - Performs send in any case.
// See Also: XTP_NOTIFY_CODE, GetConnection
virtual void SendNotificationAlways(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam); // <COMBINE SendNotification>
// Summary:
// This member function enables or disables sending a notification
// to all control's event subscribers.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to allow sending notifications,
// FALSE to disallow.
// See Also:
// SendNotification
virtual void EnableSendNotifications(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Obtain an associated Reminders Manager object.
// Remarks:
// Use this method to retrieve a pointer to the Reminders Manager
// object associated to this Calendar control..
// Returns:
// Calendar Reminders Manager.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarRemindersManager overview
virtual CXTPCalendarRemindersManager* GetRemindersManager() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process the command with
// specified ID.
// Parameters:
// uCommandID - Command ID. Specifies which command to process.
// See Also: OnUndo, OnCut, OnCopy, OnPaste
virtual void OnEditCommand(UINT uCommandID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process undo commands.
// See Also: OnCommand, OnCut, OnCopy, OnPaste
afx_msg virtual void OnUndo();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process the "Cut" command.
// See Also: OnCommand, OnUndo, OnCopy, OnPaste
afx_msg virtual void OnCut();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process the "Copy" command.
// See Also: OnCommand, OnUndo, OnCut, OnPaste
afx_msg virtual void OnCopy();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process the "Paste" command.
// See Also: OnCommand, OnUndo, OnCut, OnCopy
afx_msg virtual void OnPaste();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the user interface
// object represented by pCmdUI.
// Parameters:
// pCmdUI - pointer to the CCmdUI object.
// See Also: OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateCut, OnUpdateCopy, OnUpdatePaste
afx_msg virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the user interface
// object represented by pCmdUI for the "Undo" command only.
// Parameters:
// pCmdUI - pointer to the CCmdUI object.
// See Also: OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateCut, OnUpdateCopy, OnUpdatePaste
afx_msg virtual void OnUpdateUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the user interface object
// represented by pCmdUI for the "Cut" command only.
// Parameters:
// pCmdUI - pointer to the CCmdUI object.
// See Also: OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateCopy, OnUpdatePaste
afx_msg virtual void OnUpdateCut(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the user interface object
// represented by pCmdUI for the "Copy" command only.
// Parameters:
// pCmdUI - pointer to the CCmdUI object.
// See Also: OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateCut, OnUpdatePaste
afx_msg virtual void OnUpdateCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to update the user interface
// object represented by pCmdUI for the "Paste" command only.
// Parameters:
// pCmdUI - pointer to the CCmdUI object.
// See Also: OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateUndo, OnUpdateCut, OnUpdateCopy
afx_msg virtual void OnUpdatePaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// Summary:
// This member function is called by WindowProc, or is called during
// message reflection.
// Parameters:
// message - Specifies the message to be sent.
// wParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// pResult - The return value of WindowProc. Depends on the message; may be NULL.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
afx_msg virtual BOOL OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to catch messages before child
// windows (like Subject editor).
// Remarks:
// The child windows must call OnWndMsg_Children() for the messages
// which are interesting for other calendar control parts (main control
// window, view, day view, event view). The OnWndMsg() method may be
// overridden for this purposes. This mechanism is used instead of
// PreTranslateMessage() for ActiveX builds.
// Parameters:
// message - Specifies the message to be sent.
// wParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// pResult - The return value of WindowProc. Depends on the message;
// may be NULL.
// Returns:
// TRUE if message was handled; otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewEventSubjectEditor, OnWndMsg().
virtual BOOL OnWndMsg_Children(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
LRESULT* pResult);
// Summary:
// This member function deletes specified event from the calendar.
// Parameters:
// pViewEvent - View of the event to delete.
// Remarks:
// Call member function if you want to delete an event basing
// on its View object.
// Returns:
// TRUE if event was deleted successfully; otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
virtual BOOL DoDeleteEvent(CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent);
// Summary:
// This member function deletes selected events from the calendar.
// Parameters:
// pViewEvent - View of the last event to delete.
// Remarks:
// Call member function if you want to delete all selected events.
// Returns:
// TRUE if events were deleted successfully; otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
virtual BOOL DoDeleteSelectedEvents(CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get direct access to calendar options
// data.
// Remarks:
// This member function wraps CXTPCalendarData::GetCalendarOptions()
// method. If you read or change returned structure members
// no additional checks are made and no notifications are sent.
// The preferred way is to use CXTPCalendarControl options methods
// like GetWorkWeekMask(), SetWorkWeekMask(), GetFirstDayOfWeek(),
// SetFirstDayOfWeek(), ... etc.
// Returns:
// A pointer to calendar options data class CXTPCalendarOptions.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarOptions, CXTPCalendarData::GetCalendarOptions().
CXTPCalendarOptions* GetCalendarOptions() const;
// -----------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is making attempt to select event by passed event ID
// Parameters:
// dEventID : DWORD of event id
// bSelect : BOOL - EnsureVisible && Select if bSelect = TRUE, EnsureVisible only if bSelect = FALSE
// Returns:
// TRUE is Success
// -----------------------------
BOOL SelectEventById(DWORD dEventID, BOOL bSelect = TRUE);
// -----------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is making attempt to select view event by passed Schedule ID and event ID
// Parameters:
// nScheduleID: Schedule ID - used in case with multiple links
// dEventID : DWORD of event id
// bSelect : BOOL - EnsureVisible && Select if bSelect = TRUE, EnsureVisible only if bSelect = FALSE
// Returns:
// TRUE is Success
// -----------------------------
BOOL SelectViewEventByIdAndGroup(int nScheduleID, DWORD dEventID, BOOL bSelect = TRUE);
//## Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg LRESULT OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pos);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt);
afx_msg void OnMouseLeave();
afx_msg void OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged(CWnd* pWnd);
afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode();
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
afx_msg void OnTimeChange();
afx_msg LRESULT OnTimeZoneChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg LRESULT OnSwitchView(WPARAM nDate, LPARAM); // for compatibility with previous versions
afx_msg LRESULT OnUserAction(WPARAM dwParam1, LPARAM dwParam2);
afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnEnable(BOOL bEnable);
CXTPNotifySink* m_pSink;
virtual void OnEvent_FromDataProvider(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
virtual void OnEvent_Reminders(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
virtual void OnFinalRelease();
virtual CScrollBar* GetScrollBarCtrl(int nBar) const;
virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
virtual void _InitCalendarView();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the calendar control when calendar
// option was changed.
// Remarks:
// It is called from the set option methods like SetWorkWeekMask(),
// SetFirstDayOfWeek(), SetWorkDayStartTime(), SetWorkDayEndTime(),
// DayView_SetAutoResetBusyFlag(), ... etc.
// See CXTPCalendarOptions for details.
// Default implementation sends XTP_NC_CALENDAROPTIONSWASCHANGED
// notification.
// Parameters:
// nOptionRelation - Changed option relation (or kind).
// Value -1 specify global or common option.
// Value from XTPCalendarViewType enum specify
// which kind of view changed option is related.
// Returns:
// TRUE if events were deleted successfully; otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarOptions, CXTPCalendarData::GetCalendarOptions(),
virtual void OnOptionsChanged(int nOptionRelation);
virtual void AdviseToDataProvider();
virtual void _AdviseToReminders_StartMonitoring();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to show a ToolTip rectangle.
// Parameters:
// strText - A text to be shown inside a tooltip rectangle.
// rcToolTip - A rect for a tooltip window.
// pFont - Font for to draw tooltip text.
// bAdvanced - TRUE for advanced processing (Office2007 theme "add new appt")
virtual void ShowToolTip(const CString& strText, const CRect rcToolTip,
CFont* pFont, BOOL bAdvanced = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to hide the ToolTip rectangle.
// See Also:
// IsToolTipVisible
virtual void HideToolTip();
// Summary:
// This member function is the ToolTip rectangle visible on the screen.
// Returns:
// TRUE if ToolTip rectangle visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// HideToolTip
virtual BOOL IsToolTipVisible() const;
// Summary:
// This member function returns TRUE if the ToolTips enabled,
// FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the ToolTips enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// EnableToolTips
BOOL IsToolTipsEnabled() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to enable or disable ToolTips
// for the control.
// See Also:
// IsToolTipsEnabled
// Parameters:
// bEnable : A BOOL. Specifies whether ToolTips should be
// enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
void EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function returns TRUE if the Reminders functionality
// is enabled for this Calendar control and FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// TRUE if reminders are enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// EnableReminders()
BOOL IsRemindersEnabled() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to enable or disable Reminders
// functionality for the control.
// Parameters:
// bEnable : A BOOL. Specifies whether Reminders functionality
// should be enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE).
// See Also:
// IsRemindersEnabled
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
void EnableReminders(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function returns set of flags which define calendar items
// to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification.
// If Calendar theme is set - return value is got from the theme object,
// otherwise it is got from the paint manager object.
// Returns:
// Set of flags from enums XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx.
// See Also:
// XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx,
// CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::GetAskItemTextFlags,
// CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::SetAskItemTextFlags,
// CXTPCalendarTheme::GetAskItemTextFlags,
// CXTPCalendarTheme::SetAskItemTextFlags, XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT
virtual DWORD GetAskItemTextFlags() const;
// Summary:
// This member function returns TRUE if Markup functionality
// is enabled for this Calendar control and FALSE otherwise.
// In enabled state is automatically process static Markup text for
// events, and enables processing of dynamic Markup text customization
// using XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE if Markup feature is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent::GetMarkupText()
BOOL IsMarkupEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to enable or disable Markup
// functionality for the control. Enabling this functionality allows
// a control to process customized special property xtpMarkupTemplate
// which could be set for each event. If this property exists and
// contains text with Markup information, it will be drawn inside the
// Event rectangle (instead of Subject and Body).
// Parameters:
// bEnableMarkup : Specifies whether Markup functionality
// should be enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE).
void EnableMarkup(BOOL bEnableMarkup = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns markup context
// Returns:
// A pointer to the markup context object.
CXTPMarkupContext* GetMarkupContext() const;
// Summary:
// This member function Refresh Caption Bar after some layout modifications
void RefreshCaptionBar();
BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
// Summary:
// Class CUpdateContext updates context and redraws control parts
// depending on input parameters.
// See Also: XTPCalendarUpdateOptions,
// AdjustLayout, AdjustScrollBar, RedrawControl
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CUpdateContext
// Summary:
// Constructs a CUpdateContext object.
// Parameters:
// pControl - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarControl to adjust.
// nOptions - A bitwise combination of the adjusting
// parameters.
// Remarks:
// When constructing a CUpdateContext object, specify
// if the control's layout needs adjustment and/or
// redrawing.
// See Also: XTPCalendarUpdateOptions
CUpdateContext(CXTPCalendarControl* pControl, int nOptions = xtpCalendarUpdateLayout | xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw) :
// WARNING. (no error)
// There is no need to use xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw and xtpCalendarUpdateRedrawIfNeed together
ASSERT(!((nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw) && (nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedrawIfNeed)));
m_nOptions = nOptions;
if (!m_pControl)
if (m_nOptions & (xtpCalendarUpdateLayout | xtpCalendarUpdateScrollBar))
m_pControl->BeginAdjust(nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateScrollBar);
if (m_nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw)
if (m_nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedrawIfNeed)
// Summary:
// Destroys a CUpdateContext object and calls all the required
// Calendar Control adjusting and redrawing functions.
// See Also: XTPCalendarUpdateOptions
if (!m_pControl)
if (m_nOptions & (xtpCalendarUpdateLayout | xtpCalendarUpdateScrollBar))
m_pControl->EndAdjust(m_nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateScrollBar);
if (m_nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw)
if (m_nOptions & xtpCalendarUpdateRedrawIfNeed)
CXTPCalendarControl* m_pControl;
int m_nOptions;
// Summary:
// Class CViewChangedContext used to avoid multiple sending of
// XTP_NC_CALENDARVIEWWASCHANGED notification for one action.
class CViewChangedContext
// Summary:
// Constructs a CViewChangedContext object.
// Parameters:
// pView - Pointer to parent CXTPCalendarView object.
// pControl - Pointer to parent CXTPCalendarControl object.
// eType - Value from enum XTPCalendarViewChangedUpdateOptions.
CViewChangedContext(CXTPCalendarView* pView, int eType = xtpCalendarViewChangedSend);
CViewChangedContext(CXTPCalendarControl* pControl, int eType = xtpCalendarViewChangedSend); //<COMBINE CXTPCalendarControl::CViewChangedContext::CViewChangedContext@CXTPCalendarView*@int>
// Summary:
// Destroys a CViewChangedContext object and send notification
// if this is last locker object.
virtual ~CViewChangedContext();
void Init(CXTPCalendarControl* pControl, int eType);
CXTPCalendarControl* m_pControl;
int m_eType;
friend class CUpdateContext;
friend class CViewChangedContext;
// Summary:
// Class CViewChanged_ContextData is used as locker context for
// CViewChangedContext.
class CViewChanged_ContextData
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
int m_nLockCount; // View change notification lock counter.
BOOL m_bRequest; // View change send notification request.
CViewChanged_ContextData m_cntViewChanged; // Locker context for CViewChangedContext.
int m_nRowsPerWheel; // Amount of rows to scroll when using the mouse wheel.
CString m_strUndoUIText; // Text label for the Undo UI command.
CString m_strRedoUIText; // Text label for the Redo UI command.
BOOL m_bUpdateWhenEventChangedNotify; // Whether to update control when notification comes about an event change.
CXTPCalendarRemindersManager* m_pRemindersManager; // Stores reminders manager object.
CXTPMarkupContext* m_pMarkupContext; //The markup context.
BOOL m_bChanged;
int m_nLockUpdateCount;
int m_nLockAdjustCount;
BOOL m_bAdjustScrollBar;
CXTPCalendarView* m_pActiveView;
CXTPCalendarDayView* m_pDayView;
CXTPCalendarMonthView* m_pMonthView;
CXTPCalendarWeekView* m_pWeekView;
CXTPCalendarTimeLineView* m_pTimeLineView;
CXTPCalendarResourcesNf* m_pResourcesNf; // Resources array
CXTPCalendarTheme* m_pTheme;
CXTPCalendarPaintManager* m_pPaintManager;
CXTPNotifyConnection* m_pConnection;
CXTPCalendarOptions* m_pOptions; // This member stores user's calendar view options.
CBitmap m_bmpCache; // Current view cached picture
CXTPCalendarTip* m_pWndTip;
UINT m_uNextTimerID;
BOOL m_bEnableToolTips;
BOOL m_bEnableSendNotifications;
UINT m_uPopulateRequest_TimerID;
UINT m_uRedrawRequest_TimerID;
XTP_CONNECTION_ID m_cnidOnReminders;
COleDateTimeSpan m_spRemindersUpdatePeriod;
LCID m_lcidActiveLocale;
int m_nFirstWeekOfYearDays; // This member shows the first Week Of Year Days.
COleDateTime m_dtTodayOverride;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get state of Read-only mode
// Returns:
// TRUE if current mode is Read-only.
BOOL IsReadonlyMode() const;
XTPCalendarMouseMode m_mouseMode; // Current mouse operation mode.
BOOL m_bDeleteOnFinalRelease; // If TRUE - Delete self OnFinalRelease() call.
BOOL m_bDisableRedraw; // If TRUE - control window is not redraw, it is draw last window content (draw cached bitmap). FALSE by default.
BOOL m_bTimelineMode; // flag to separate timeline (if TRUE) and other calendar modes
XTPCalendarViewType m_eViewType; // current view type
int m_nTimelineScale; // current timeline scale type
int m_nCaptionHeight; // height param - can be used for custom layout adjustment
BOOL m_bPreventAutoAllDayMode; // Flag to prevent dragging event into AllDay zone
BOOL m_bMultiColorScheduleMode; // Flag to show Schedules titles in different colors
BOOL m_bMultiColumnWeekMode; // Flag to select Outlook2007 and Outlook2003 behavior
BOOL m_bHideCaptionBar; // Flag to Hide Caption Bar when TimeLine mode used
BOOL m_bReadOnlyMode; // View- and Print-only mode to use Calendar
BOOL m_bFullDateMode; // Useful for Multi-schedules case flag to use DayHeader special format
BOOL m_bTooltipUnderMouse; // 2-way tooltip positioning - TRUE - under mouse cursor, FALSE - on the top of mouse cursor
BOOL m_bShowLinks; //flag to show or hide 'virtual' view events
BOOL m_bHideLinkContainer; //flag to hide or show 'virtual' view events container column
BOOL m_bPromptToDeleteRecurrentEvent; //flag to use Ocurrence or Master case selector (default = TRUE)
BOOL m_bDeleteOcurrenceEventIfNoPrompt; //True to delete Ocurrence event, False - delete Master (default = TRUE)
CString m_OwnerUser; // string as current user name place holder
CString m_sCustomFormat4Tooltip; // Free-styled tooltip tag-based way to fill tooltip string used tags <BODY>,<LOC>,<SUBJ>,<TIME> in any combination with fillers
CString m_sCustomTitle; //used for unique title - e.g. for PrintJob name
BOOL m_bForcePagination; //flag to Force Pagination during PrintPreview
BOOL m_bShowTooltipForNotFocused; //flag to Show Tooltip For Not Focused Control
BOOL m_bShowTooltipForAllDayEvents; //flag to Show Tooltip For All Day Events
BOOL m_bSwitchToDayViewIfPickedSingleDay; //flag to switch to DatView on DatePicker one day selection (if TRUE) or keep previous view (FALSE)
BOOL m_bMultipleSchedulesMode; //flag to use MutilpleSchedulesModel (one event - many view events case)
BOOL m_bMultipleSchedulesNoSelfLinks; //flag to use MutilpleSchedulesModel (one event - many view events case - allow to eliminate selflinks)
// custom time intervals for reminder
CMap<int,int,CString,CString&> m_mapCustomReminderValues;
BOOL m_bIgnoreDefaultReminderValues;
// Summary:
// Call this method to create a data provider from
// a specified Calendar connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which creates calendar's data provider of
// the specified type with settings taken from the connection string.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the created Calendar Data Provider object.
static CXTPCalendarData* AFX_CDECL CreateDataProvider(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
// Summary:
// Call this method to create a data provider of the
// specified type.
// Parameters:
// eDataProvider - A member of XTPCalendarDataProvider enumeration,
// which specifies a type of the Data Provider to create.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which creates calendar's data provider of
// the specified type.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the created Calendar Data Provider object.
static CXTPCalendarData* AFX_CDECL CreateDataProvider(XTPCalendarDataProvider eDataProvider);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve a type of the data provider from
// its connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// eDPDefault - Default data provider type to be returned if
// it can't be determined from the string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which parses a connection string and
// identifies a type of the data provider which is specified there.
// Returns:
// One of the values from XTPCalendarDataProvider enumeration.
// See Also:
// DataSourceFromConStr(), CreateDataProvider()
static XTPCalendarDataProvider AFX_CDECL DataProviderTypeFromConStr(
LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString,
XTPCalendarDataProvider eDPDefault = xtpCalendarDataProviderUnknown);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve a data source connection string from
// a regular Calendar connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which parses a connection string and
// identifies a data source connection string there.
// Returns:
// Identified data source connection string.
// See Also:
// DataProviderTypeFromConStr(), CreateDataProvider()
static CString AFX_CDECL DataSourceFromConStr(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarControl::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) {
return CWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarPaintManager* CXTPCalendarControl::GetPaintManager() const {
return this ? m_pPaintManager : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarTheme* CXTPCalendarControl::GetTheme() const {
return this ? m_pTheme : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPNotifyConnection* CXTPCalendarControl::GetConnection() const {
return this ? m_pConnection : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarRemindersManager* CXTPCalendarControl::GetRemindersManager() const {
return this ? m_pRemindersManager : NULL;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarControl::IsToolTipsEnabled() const {
return m_bEnableToolTips;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarControl::EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable) {
if (!bEnable && IsToolTipVisible())
m_bEnableToolTips = bEnable;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarControl::EnableSendNotifications(BOOL bEnable) {
m_bEnableSendNotifications = bEnable;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarControl::IsMarkupEnabled() const {
return m_pMarkupContext != NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPMarkupContext* CXTPCalendarControl::GetMarkupContext() const {
return m_pMarkupContext;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarView* CXTPCalendarControl::GetActiveView() const {
return m_pActiveView;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarDayView* CXTPCalendarControl::GetDayView() const {
return m_pDayView;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarWeekView* CXTPCalendarControl::GetWeekView() const {
return m_pWeekView;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarMonthView* CXTPCalendarControl::GetMonthView() const {
return m_pMonthView;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarTimeLineView* CXTPCalendarControl::GetTimeLineView() const {
return m_pTimeLineView;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarOptions* CXTPCalendarControl::GetCalendarOptions() const {
return m_pOptions;
#endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARCONTROL_H__)