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// XTPCalendarCaptionBarControl.h: interfaces for Time Zone Helper classes.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPCalendarCaptionBarControl_H__)
#define __XTPCalendarCaptionBarControl_H__
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
class CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme;
class CXTPNotifySink;
class CXTPWinThemeWrapper;
// Office2007
Switch View Bar:
// LabelPart
Scroll Date Bar:
ButtonViewDay : SwitchViewButtonPart
ButtonViewWeek : SwitchViewButtonPart
ButtonViewMonth : SwitchViewButtonPart
ShowWorkWeek : RadioButtonPart
ShowFullWeek : RadioButtonPart
ScrollPrevDate : ScrollDateButtonPart
ScrollNextDate : ScrollDateButtonPart
DateLabel : DateLabelPart
// Summary:
// Enumerates Calendar Caption Bar graphical objects .
enum XTPEnumCalendarCaptionBarThemeObject
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_Unknown = 0, // Defines Unknown (NULL) value.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ButtonViewDay = 0x00000001, // Defines SwitchViewBar DayViewButton.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ButtonViewWeek = 0x00000002, // Defines SwitchViewBar WeekViewButton.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ButtonViewMonth = 0x00000004, // Defines SwitchViewBar MonthViewButton.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ShowWorkWeek = 0x00000010, // Defines SwitchViewBar ShowWorkWeek radio button.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ShowFullWeek = 0x00000020, // Defines SwitchViewBar ShowFullWeek radio button.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ShowTimeline = 0x00000040, // Defines SwitchViewBar ShowTimeline radio button.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_MultiColumnsWeek = 0x00000080, // Defines SwitchViewBar MultiColumnsWeek radio button.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ScrollPrevDate = 0x00000100, // Defines ScrollDateBar PrevDateButton.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ScrollNextDate = 0x00000200, // Defines ScrollDateBar NextDateButton.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_DateLabel = 0x00000400, // Defines ScrollDateBar DateLabel.
xtpCalendarCaptionBar_ButtonExpand = 0x00000800 // Defines ScrollDateBar Expand Buton.
// Summary:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl represents CalendarCaptionBar control and
// used as a part of CXTPCalendarControl object. They looks and works as
// a single control but separated on 2 objects for customization
// possibilities.
// Remarks:
// This class is used as owner (host, events source) window for
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object which implements the most control logic.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme, CXTPCalendarControl
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl : public CWnd
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// See Also:
// ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl
// Summary:
// Default object destructor.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl
virtual ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl();
// Summary:
// This member function retrieves the minimum size required to show a
// CaptionBar control.
// Parameters:
// bExactSize - BOOL flag for calc mode
// Remarks:
// This member function call CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::CalcMinRect
// function.
// Returns:
// A minimum rectangle required to show CaptionBar control.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::CalcMinRect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CRect CalcMinRect(BOOL bExactSize = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create the CaptionBar control window.
// Parameters:
// dwStyle : Specifies the window style attributes.
// rect : A RECT object that contains the coordinates of the
// window, in the client coordinates of pParentWnd.
// pParentWnd : A CWnd pointer to the parent window.
// nID : A UINT that contains the ID of the child window.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful. Otherwise 0.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout
// depending on the provided bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// pDC : Pointer to a valid device context (may be NULL).
// prcWnd : A CRect object containing the dimensions of the bounding
// rectangle for this part.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC = NULL, const CRect* prcWnd = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain pointer to
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* GetTheme() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set theme object.
// Parameters:
// pTheme - A pointer to CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
void SetTheme(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme);
// Summary:
// Register the window class if it has not already been registered.
// Parameters:
// hInstance - Instance of resource where control is located
// Returns:
// TRUE if the window class was successfully registered. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL RegisterWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout depending
// on the provided bounding rectangle.
// Returns:
// A CRect object containing the dimensions of the bounding rectangle
CRect GetBorders() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout depending
// on the provided bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// nLeft - rectange data
// nTop - rectange data
// nRight - rectange data
// nBottom - rectange data
virtual void SetBorders(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout depending
// on the provided bounding rectangle.
virtual void UpdateBorders();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to show or hide Timeline button.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - BOOL falg to pass
// see also m_bTimelineEnable
void EnableTimeline(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get state of m_bTimelineEnable
// Returns:
// TRUE if the time line is enabled, FALSE else.
BOOL IsTimelineEnable();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to show or hide Multi-Columns mode button.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - BOOL falg to pass
// see also m_bMulticolumnsEnable
void EnableMulticolumns(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get state of m_bMulticolumnsEnable
// Returns:
// TRUE if the this button enable.
BOOL IsMulticolumnsEnable();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get state of GetTheme()->m_bIsOneLine -
// Parameters:
// bSet - BOOL flag to toggle CaptionMode 2-lines or 1-line modes
void UseOneLine(BOOL bSet);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get state of GetTheme()->m_bIsOneLine -
// flag to toggle CaptionMode 2-lines or 1-line modes
// Returns:
// TRUE if the this One Line mode used
BOOL IsUseOneLine(); // get state of m_bIsOneLine
// Summary:
// This member function is used to Set Button Text if text not empty
// and hide button and adjust Caption Bar if text is empty
// Parameters:
// iButtonNumber - ordinal number of button starting from 0
// sButtonText - CString of text passed
void SetButtonText(int iButtonNumber, CString sButtonText);
// Smart function which allow to set custom text on Caption Bar buttons and
// hide - if text EMPTY at least MonthView, WeekView and DayView buttons to prevent user switch mode
//(for restricted app)
/* example of using with button numbers linked to specific View type:
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(0, _T("D")); - DayView
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(1, _T("W")); - WeekView
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(2, _T("M")); - MonthView
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(3, _T("TL")); - TimeLine
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(4, _T("WW")); - WorkWeek
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(5, _T("FW")); - FullWeek
GetCalendarCaptionBarCtrl().SetButtonText(6, _T("III")); - Multi-Columns mode
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* m_pTheme; // Store pointer to CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
CRect m_Borders; // Store options to draw border lines;
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg void OnNcPaint();
afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* lpncsp);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
// afx_msg void OnEnable(BOOL bEnable);
// afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode();
// afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
afx_msg void OnKillFocus (CWnd* pNewWnd);
// Summary:
// This class used as a base class for graphical Parts of CalendarCaptionBar
// paint theme.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart : public CXTPCalendarWMHandler
friend class CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pTheme - Pointer to parent CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
// nPartID - An object identifier (value from enum XTPEnumCalendarCaptionBarThemeObject).
// See Also:
// ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID);
// Summary:
// Default object destructor.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
virtual ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout depending
// on the provided bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context (may be NULL).
// rcRect - A CRect object containing the dimensions of the bounding
// rectangle for this part.
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the part content utilizing
// the specified device context.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
// system settings. Base implementation do nothing.
virtual void RefreshMetrics() {};
// Summary:
// This member function initiates the CalendarCaptionBar control's redrawing.
// Parameters:
// bUpdateNow : Set this parameter to TRUE if you'd like to force
// control's redrawing.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to request or force the control's
// redrawing.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::Redraw, AdjustLayout
virtual void Redraw(BOOL bUpdateNow = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine is the specified point
// over visible object rectangle.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint object reference that contains the point to test.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the point is inside the caption bar, FALSE else.
virtual BOOL HitTest(const CPoint& pt) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain pointer to parent
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme object.
virtual CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* GetTheme() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain current paint theme.
// Returns:
// A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
virtual XTPCalendarTheme GetPaintTheme() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain an object identifier.
// Returns:
// An object ID (value from enum XTPEnumCalendarCaptionBarThemeObject).
virtual int GetPartID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain an object rectangle.
// Returns:
// An object rectangle.
virtual CRect GetRect() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain an object text.
// Returns:
// An object text as CString.
// See Also: SetText
virtual CString GetText() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set object text.
// Parameters:
// pcszText - An object text to set.
// See Also: GetText
virtual void SetText(LPCTSTR pcszText);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get is part object visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if object is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetVisible
virtual BOOL IsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set visible object's state.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define visible state.
// See Also: GetVisible
virtual void SetVisible(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get checked state.
// Returns:
// Non-zero if object is checked, 0 (zero) otherwise.
// See Also: SetCheck
virtual int GetCheck() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set checked state.
// Parameters:
// nCheck - Set as Non-zero if object is checked, 0 (zero) otherwise.
// See Also: GetCheck
virtual void SetCheck(int nCheck);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get object state (flags from
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::EStates enum).
// Returns:
// Current object state flags.
// See Also: SetState
int GetState() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set object state as set of flags
// from CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::EStates enum.
// Parameters:
// nState - Current object state flags.
// See Also: SetState
virtual void SetState(int nState);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get object text color.
// Returns:
// m_clrTextColor value returned if it is defined, otherwise
// GetTheme()->m_clrTextColor value returned.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::m_clrTextColor,
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::m_clrTextColor
virtual COLORREF GetTextColor();
// Summary:
// Defines the part object states flags.
enum EStates
xtpBtnStateNormal = 0, // defines a normal state.
xtpBtnStateMouseOver = 0x001, // defines a mouse over state.
xtpBtnStatePressed = 0x002, // defines a pressed state.
xtpBtnStateChecked = 0x004, // defines a checked state.
xtpBtnStateFocused = 0x008, // defines a ficused state.
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes mouse movement events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that is used to indicate whether various virtual
// keys are down.
// point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the parent object when the user
// moves the mouse cursor.
virtual void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process left mouse button down events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - An int that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled successfully, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the parent object when the user
// presses the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process left mouse button up events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - An int that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled successfully, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the parent object when the user
// releases the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrTextColor; // Store the object's text color.
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* m_pTheme; // Store pointer to a parent theme object.
int m_nPartID; // Store a Part ID.
CRect m_rcRect; // Store a Part rectangle.
CString m_strText; // Store a Part text.
int m_nState; // Store a Part state.
BOOL m_bVisible; // Store a Part visible state.
// Summary:
// This class CalendarCaptionBar control drawing, user interaction logic
// and interaction logic with attached Calendar control.
// paint theme.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme : public CXTPCalendarWMHandler
friend class CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl;
friend class CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// See Also:
// ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme
// Summary:
// Default object destructor.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme
virtual ~CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme();
double m_dScale; //The scale.
// Summary:
// This class implements SwitchView button part of the SwitchViewBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CSwitchViewButtonPart: public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CSwitchViewButtonPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This class implements Radio button part of the SwitchViewBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CRadioButtonPart : public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CRadioButtonPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This class implements Checkbox button part of the SwitchViewBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CCheckboxButtonPart : public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CCheckboxButtonPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This class implements Scroll Date button part of the ScrollDateBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CScrollDateButtonPart : public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CScrollDateButtonPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
virtual void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
virtual LPCTSTR _GetImageName();
virtual void DrawScrollTriangle(CDC* pDC, CRect rcRect, BOOL bLeftDirection, COLORREF clrColor);
// Summary:
// This class implements Date Label part of the ScrollDateBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CDateLabelPart : public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CDateLabelPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
virtual CString _FormatDate(COleDateTime dtDay1, COleDateTime dtDay2, BOOL bShowMonthDay);
void UserAction_FormatCaptionBarLabel(CString& strCaption, COleDateTime dtDay1);
CXTPCalendarThemeFontValue m_fntTextFont; // Store the text font.
// Summary:
// This class implements Expand button part of the ScrollDateBar.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CExpandButtonPart : public CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart
CExpandButtonPart(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* pTheme, int nPartID) :
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart (pTheme, nPartID) {};
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
//virtual LPCTSTR _GetImageName();
//virtual void _DrawTriangle(CDC* pDC, CPoint pt0, CPoint pt1, CPoint pt2, COLORREF clrColor);
virtual void DrawExpandTriangle(CDC* pDC, CRect rcRect, BOOL bDownDirection, COLORREF clrColor);
// Summary:
// This member function retrieves the minimum size required to show a
// CaptionBar control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context (may be NULL).
// bExactSize - BOOL flag to make Caption Bar minimum height if TRUE
// and 11 pixels more if not (esthetic choice)
// Returns:
// A minimum rectangle required to show CaptionBar control.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl::CalcMinRect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CRect CalcMinRect(CDC* pDC = NULL, BOOL bExactSize = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the object's layout depending
// on the provided bounding rectangle.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context (may be NULL).
// rcRect - A CRect object containing the dimensions of the bounding
// rectangle for this part.
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
// Summary:
// Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
// system settings. Base implementation do nothing.
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
// Summary:
// This member function initiates the CalendarCaptionBar control's redrawing.
// Parameters:
// bUpdateNow : Set this parameter to TRUE if you'd like to force
// control's redrawing.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to request or force the control's
// redrawing.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::Redraw, AdjustLayout
virtual void Redraw(BOOL bUpdateNow = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is CaptionBar object visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// SetSwitchViewButtons, SetScrollDateButtons, SetDateLabel
BOOL IsSwitchViewButtons() const;
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is Scroll Date Buttons object visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object is visible, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsScrollDateButtons() const;
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is Date Label object visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object is visible, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsDateLabel() const;
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is Expand Button object visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object is visible, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsExpandButton() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set visible Switch View Buttons object's state.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define visible state.
// See Also: GetVisible
void SetSwitchViewButtons(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to set Scroll Date Buttons object visible or not.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define visible state.
void SetScrollDateButtons(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to set Date Label object visible or not.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define visible state.
void SetDateLabel(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to set Expand Button object visible or not.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define visible state.
void SetExpandButton(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to set Expand Button Checked state.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - A BOOL value to define checked state.
void SetExpandButtonCheck(BOOL bCheck);
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is Expand Button object checked.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object is checked, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL GetExpandButtonCheck();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain current paint theme.
// Returns:
// A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
virtual XTPCalendarTheme GetPaintTheme() const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set current paint theme.
// Parameters:
// nTheme : A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void SetPaintTheme(XTPCalendarTheme nTheme);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get Notify Connection object
// Returns:
// pointer to CXTPNotifyConnection object;
CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the object content utilizing
// the specified device context.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// ----------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the object borders
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcRect - object rectangle
// Borders - border rectangle
// ----------------------------
virtual void DrawBorders(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect, const CRect& Borders);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain an object rectangle.
// Returns:
// An object rectangle.
virtual const CRect& GetRect();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain an owner (parent, host) window.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CWnd object.
CWnd* GetOwnerWnd() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set owner (parent, host) window.
// Remarks:
// CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl::SetTheme call this method.
// Parameters:
// pCaptionBar - A pointer to CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl window.
virtual void SetOwner(CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl* pCaptionBar);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to attach to CalendarControl to interact
// as a single control.
// Parameters:
// pCalendar - A pointer to CXTPCalendarControl object or set as NULL
// to detach from calendar.
// See Also: GetCalendarCtrl
virtual void AttachCalendar(CXTPCalendarControl* pCalendar);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain attached calendar control.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPCalendarControl object.
virtual CXTPCalendarControl* GetCalendarCtrl() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is called to update CaptionBar controls states
// correspondingly to attached calendar control.
virtual void UpdateControlsState();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to read color by name from resources.
// Parameters:
// pcszColorName : string with Color Name
// clrDefault : COLORREF of default color
// Returns:
// A RGB color value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual COLORREF GetColor2(LPCTSTR pcszColorName, COLORREF clrDefault);
// Summary:
// This member function is called when user click on the caption bar
// element (part).
// Parameters:
// nPartID - An identifier of clicked part object.
virtual void OnPartClick(int nPartID);
BOOL m_bTimelineEnable; // Flag to show (and able to use) button to toggle TimeLine mode
BOOL m_bMulticolumnsEnable; // Flag to show (and able to use) button to toggle Multi-Column / 2-Column Week modes
virtual int GetChildHandlersCount() const;
virtual CXTPCalendarWMHandler* GetChildHandlerAt(int nIndex) const;
virtual void OnBeforeDestroy();
virtual void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual BOOL OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
virtual void OnKillFocus (CWnd* pNewWnd);
virtual BOOL _UpdateControlsHotState(BOOL* pbMouseLeave = NULL);
CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl* m_pCaptionBar; // Store pointer owner CaptionBar control.
CXTPCalendarControl* m_pCalendar; // Store pointer attached calendar control.
CRect m_rcRect; // Store object rect.
UINT_PTR m_nCheckHotStateTimerID; // Store timer ID to refresh controls hot state.
XTPCalendarTheme m_nPaintTheme; // Store current paint theme.
CSwitchViewButtonPart* m_pButtonViewDay; // Store Switch to DayView button part object.
CSwitchViewButtonPart* m_pButtonViewWeek; // Store Switch to WeekView button part object.
CSwitchViewButtonPart* m_pButtonViewMonth; // Store Switch to MonthView button part object.
CRadioButtonPart* m_pShowWorkWeek; // Store Show Work Week radio button part object.
CRadioButtonPart* m_pShowFullWeek; // Store Show Full Week radio button part object.
//CRadioButtonPart* m_pShowMcWeek; // Store Show Multicolumns Week radio button part object.
CCheckboxButtonPart* m_pShowMcWeek; // Store Show Multicolumns Week radio button part object.
CCheckboxButtonPart* m_pShowTimeline; // Store Show Timeline radio button part object.
CScrollDateButtonPart* m_pScrollPrevDate; // Store Scroll Date Prev button part object.
CScrollDateButtonPart* m_pScrollNextDate; // Store Scroll Date Next button part object.
CDateLabelPart* m_pDateLabel; // Store Date Label part object.
CExpandButtonPart* m_pExpandButton; // Store Expand button part object.
BOOL m_bIsSwitchViewButtons; // Store option is SwitchViewBar visible.
BOOL m_bIsScrollDateButtons; // Store option is ScrollDate buttons visible.
BOOL m_bIsDateLabel; // Store option is date Label visible.
BOOL m_bIsExpandButton; // Store option is Expand button visible.
BOOL m_bIsOneLine; // flag to present 1-line (if TRUE) or 2-lines object layout
int m_nScrollDateButtonsMargin;
CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrSwitchViewBarBk; // Store SwitchViewBar background color.
CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrScrollDateBarBk; // Store ScrollDateBar background color.
CXTPCalendarThemeFontValue m_fntTextFont; // Store the text font.
CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrTextColor; // Store the text color.
CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrBorders; // Store border lines color.
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to get is CaptionBar layout use 1-line shape.
// Returns:
// TRUE if corresponding object use 1-line shape, FALSE if 2-lines shape.
BOOL IsOneLine() { return m_bIsOneLine; }
// Summary:
// This member functions is used to set CaptionBar layout to use 1-line shape.
// Parameters:
// bSet - BOOL (TRUE to use 1-line shape, FALSE to use 2-lines shape)
void SetOneLine(BOOL bSet) { m_bIsOneLine = bSet; }
typedef CXTPCalendarPtrCollectionT<CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart> CThemePartsArray;
CThemePartsArray m_arMembers;
CXTPWinThemeWrapper* m_themeButton;
virtual void _DrawTriangle(CDC* pDC, CPoint pt0, CPoint pt1, CPoint pt2, COLORREF clrColor);
CXTPNotifyConnection* m_pConnection;
CXTPNotifySink* m_pSink;
virtual void OnEvent_Calendar(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual void OnEvent_ResourceImagesChanged(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
friend class CCalendarCaptionBarCtrl;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl::GetBorders() const {
return m_Borders;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarControl* CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::GetCalendarCtrl() const {
return m_pCalendar;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* CXTPCalendarCaptionBarControl::GetTheme() const {
return m_pTheme;
AFX_INLINE const CRect& CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::GetRect() {
return m_rcRect;
AFX_INLINE CWnd* CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::GetOwnerWnd() const {
return m_pCaptionBar;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::IsSwitchViewButtons() const{
return m_bIsSwitchViewButtons;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::IsScrollDateButtons() const {
return m_bIsScrollDateButtons;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::IsDateLabel() const {
return m_bIsDateLabel;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::IsExpandButton() const {
return m_bIsExpandButton;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetSwitchViewButtons(BOOL bVisible) {
m_bIsSwitchViewButtons = bVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetScrollDateButtons(BOOL bVisible) {
m_bIsScrollDateButtons = bVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetExpandButton(BOOL bVisible) {
m_bIsExpandButton = bVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetExpandButtonCheck(BOOL bCheck)
m_pExpandButton->SetCheck(bCheck ? 1 : 0);
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::GetExpandButtonCheck()
return (m_pExpandButton->GetCheck() > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetDateLabel(BOOL bVisible) {
m_bIsDateLabel = bVisible;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarTheme CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::GetPaintTheme() const {
return m_nPaintTheme;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme::SetPaintTheme(XTPCalendarTheme nTheme) {
m_nPaintTheme = nTheme;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCaptionBarTheme* CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetTheme() const {
return m_pTheme;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarTheme CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetPaintTheme() const {
return m_pTheme ? m_pTheme->GetPaintTheme() : xtpCalendarThemeUnknown;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetRect() const {
return m_rcRect;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetText() const {
return m_strText;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::SetText(LPCTSTR pcszText) {
m_strText = pcszText;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetPartID() const {
return m_nPartID;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::IsVisible() const {
return m_bVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::SetVisible(BOOL bVisible) {
m_bVisible = bVisible;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetCheck() const {
return !!(m_nState & xtpBtnStateChecked);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::SetCheck(int nCheck) {
if (nCheck)
m_nState = m_nState | xtpBtnStateChecked;
m_nState = m_nState & (~xtpBtnStateChecked);
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::GetState() const {
return m_nState;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarCaptionBarThemePart::SetState(int nState)
m_nState = nState;
#endif // !defined(__XTPCalendarCaptionBarControl_H__)