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79 lines
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79 lines
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#pragma once
#include "afxwin.h"
#include "afxcmn.h"
#include "ShadeButtonST.h"
#include "SendControlCommand.h"
#include "EditInput.h"
// CControlDlgFH96Page1 对话框
class CControlDlgFH96Page1 : public CDialogEx
CControlDlgFH96Page1(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // 标准构造函数
virtual ~CControlDlgFH96Page1();
// 对话框数据
enum { IDD = IDD_DLG_CONTROL_96_1 };
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
CSendControlCommand* m_SendControlCommandDlg;
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
void SetPayloadCtrlProtocol(int Protocol);
int GetPayloadCtrlProtocol();
void DlgStyleSet();
BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
void OnDestroy();
// 地图载荷导引显示函数
LRESULT ShowMapZHGuide(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_SpeedConfig; //速度配置
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_LockMode; // 锁定模式
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ScanMode; // 扫描模式
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_TurretReset; // 平台复位
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_CompensateDrift_AzumithMinus; // 补漂方位-
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_CompensateDrift_AzumithAdd; // 补漂方位+
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_CompensateDrift_PitchMinus; // 补漂俯仰-
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_CompensateDrift_PitchAdd; // 补漂俯仰+
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ManualMode; // 手动模式
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_TrackMode; // 跟踪模式
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_IRWH; // 红外白热
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_IRBH; // 红外黑热
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_FocusAdd; //焦距+
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_FocusMinus; //焦距-
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_IRFOVMinus; //红外小视场
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_IRFOVAdd; //红外大视场
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_OSDON; //OSD ON/OFF
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ImgSwitch; //图像切换
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_PIPON; //画中画开
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_PIPOFF; //画中画关
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ImgStablizeOFF; //图像稳定关
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ImgStablizeON; //图像稳定开
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_DEFOGOne; //可见光透雾1
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_DEFOGTwo; //可见光透雾2
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_DEFOGThree; //可见光透雾3
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_DEFOGOFF; //可见光透雾关
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_ContinuousShoot; //开始连续照相
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_StopShoot; //停止照相
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_SingleShoot; //拍一张照
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_LaserRangingON; //激光测距开
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_LaserRangingOFF; // 激光测距关
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_LaserPowerON; // 激光电源开
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_LaserPowerOFF; // 激光电源关
CShadeButtonST m_Btn_DigitalBootMode; // 数字引导模式
// 主界面数引控制
CEditInput str_Guide_Azimuth; //方位角
CEditInput str_Guide_Pitch; //俯仰角
float m_Guide_Azimuth; //方位角
float m_Guide_Pitch; //俯仰角