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// XTPSyntaxEditPaintManager.h interface for the CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl;
#define XTP_DECLARE_COLOR_PROP(propName) \
OLE_COLOR OleGet##propName();\
void OleSet##propName(OLE_COLOR oleColor);
// Summary:
// This class used by CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl as the paint manager.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager object, handles cleanup
// and deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager();
// Summary:
// Initializes default paint manager bitmaps, should be called after
// creating control window.
virtual void InitBitmaps();
// Summary:
// This method is called to refresh the visual metrics of manager.
virtual void RefreshMetrics();
// Summary:
// Update internal text font object (if need) and select it to DC.
// Parameters:
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// lf : [in] Reference to font options structure.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the edit control font was updated, otherwise FALSE.
// See also:
// struct LOGFONT
virtual BOOL UpdateTextFont(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl, const XTP_EDIT_FONTOPTIONS& lf);
// Summary:
// Draw the line numbers and returns the column position to start
// rest of the drawing.
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcRect : [in] A rectangle to draw.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number for which to draw.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
virtual void DrawLineNumber(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcRect, int nTextRow,
CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Draw the line Collapsible node icon
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcNode : [in] A rectangle to draw node.
// rcNodeFull : [in] A full node area rectangle.
// dwType : [in] Line Node type flags.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number for which to draw.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
virtual void DrawLineNode(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcNode, const CRect& rcNodeFull,
DWORD dwType, int nTextRow, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Fill the line node background.
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcNodeFull : [in] A full node area rectangle.
// dwType : [in] Line Node type flags.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number for which to draw.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
virtual void DrawLineNodeBackground(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcNodeFull, DWORD dwType,
int nTextRow, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Draws frames around collapsed text blocks.
// Parameters:
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context.
virtual void DrawCollapsedTextMarks(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl, CDC *pDC);
// Summary:
// Draws marks for line.
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcRect : [in] A rectangle to draw.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number for which to draw.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
virtual void DrawLineMarks(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcRect, int nTextRow,
CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Draws a single line.
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcTextLine : [in] A rectangle to draw.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number.
// nLine : [in] The screen (page) line number.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// The height to draw row text.
virtual int DrawLineTextEx(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcTextLine, int nTextRow, int nLine,
CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Print a row text.
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to draw to.
// rcTextLine : [in] A rectangle to draw.
// nTextRow : [in] The text row number.
// nLine : [in] The screen (page) line number.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// nFlags : [in] Additional printing options. The folowing are supported:
// Returns:
// The height to print row text.
virtual int PrintLineTextEx(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcTextLine, int nTextRow,
int nLine, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl, int nFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// Draws editor text line and calculates selection position.
// Parameters:
// txtBlk : [in] Reference to XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK structure.
// nSelStartX : [in] Start coordinate.
// nSelEndX : [in] End coordinate.
// arTxtBlk : [in] Array of references to XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK structures.
// bUseBlk : [in] Array of references to BOOL.
// See also:
virtual void DrawLineCalcSel(const XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK& txtBlk,
int nSelStartX, int nSelEndX,
XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK (&arTxtBlk)[4], BOOL (&bUseBlk)[4]);
// Summary:
// Draws marks for line.
// Parameters:
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// pBookmark : [in] Pointer to structure with mark parameters.
// See also:
virtual void DrawLineMark(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl, XTP_EDIT_SENMBOOKMARK* pBookmark);
// Summary:
// Draw the line numbers border .
// Parameters:
// pDC : [in] Pointer to device context to print to
// rcLineNum : [in] Line number rect
// clrBorder : [in] Border color
virtual void DrawLineNumbersBorder(CDC *pDC, const CRect& rcLineNum, const COLORREF clrBorder);
// Summary :
// Sets line selection cursor.
// Parameters:
// hCurLine : [in] Handle to the cursor. The cursor must have been
// created by the CreateCursor function or loaded
// by the LoadCursor or LoadImage function.Cursor
// appears in lines selection area.
// Returns:
// Handle of previous cursor.
HCURSOR SetLineSelCursor(HCURSOR hCurLine);
// Summary:
// Sets cursor shape for "copy" cursor.
// Parameters:
// hCurCopy : [in] Handle to the cursor. The cursor must have been
// created by the CreateCursor function or loaded
// by the LoadCursor or LoadImage function.
// Returns:
// Handle of previous cursor.
HCURSOR SetCopyCursor(HCURSOR hCurCopy);
// Summary:
// Sets cursor shape for "move" cursor.
// Parameters:
// hCurMove : [in] Handle to the cursor. The cursor must have been
// created by the CreateCursor function or loaded
// by the LoadCursor or LoadImage function.
// Returns:
// Handle of previous cursor.
HCURSOR SetMoveCursor(HCURSOR hCurMove);
// Summary: Get text color.
// Returns: Text color.
// See Also: SetTextColor
COLORREF GetTextColor() const;
// Summary: Get background color.
// Returns: Background color.
// See Also: SetBackColor
COLORREF GetBackColor() const;
// Summary: Get corresponding background color for edit mode or for
// read-only mode.
// Parameters:
// pEditCtrl : pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl
// Returns: Background color.
// See Also: SetBackColor, GetBackColor
COLORREF GetBackColorEx(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary: Get selected text color.
// Returns: Selected text color.
// See Also: SetHiliteTextColor
COLORREF GetHiliteTextColor() const;
// Summary: Get Hilite back color.
// Returns: Selected Hilite back color.
COLORREF GetHiliteBackColor() const;
// Summary: Get selected text color when control has no focus.
// Returns: Selected text color when control has no focus.
COLORREF GetInactiveHiliteTextColor() const;
// Summary: Get selected background color when control has no focus.
// Returns: Selected background color when control has no focus.
COLORREF GetInactiveHiliteBackColor() const;
// Summary: Get Line Numbers text color.
// Returns: Line Numbers text color.
// See Also: SetLineNumberTextColor
COLORREF GetLineNumberTextColor() const;
// Summary: Get Line Numbers background color.
// Returns: Line Numbers background color.
// See Also: SetLineNumberBackColor
COLORREF GetLineNumberBackColor() const;
// Summary: Set text color.
// Parameters:
// crText - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetTextColor
BOOL SetTextColor(COLORREF crText, BOOL bUpdateReg=FALSE);
// Summary: Set background color.
// Parameters:
// crBack - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetBackColor
BOOL SetBackColor(COLORREF crBack, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary: Set background color for read-onlymode.
// Parameters:
// crBack - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetBackColor
BOOL SetReadOnlyBackColor(COLORREF crBack, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary: Set selected text color.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetHiliteTextColor
BOOL SetHiliteTextColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Set selected background color.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetHiliteBackColor
BOOL SetHiliteBackColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Set selected text color when control has no focus.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetInactiveHiliteTextColor
BOOL SetInactiveHiliteTextColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Set selected background color when control has no focus.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetInactiveHiliteBackColor
BOOL SetInactiveHiliteBackColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Set Line Numbers text color.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetLineNumberTextColor
BOOL SetLineNumberTextColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg=FALSE);
// Summary:
// Set Line Numbers background color.
// Parameters:
// color - A color value.
// bUpdateReg - Set TRUE to save color in registry.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetLineNumberBackColor
BOOL SetLineNumberBackColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bUpdateReg=FALSE);
// Summary: Get common font.
// Returns: A pointer to CFont object.
// See Also: SetFont
CFont* GetFont();
// Summary: Get editor text font.
// Returns: A pointer to CFont object.
// See Also: SetFontText
CFont* GetFontText();
// Summary: Get line numbers font.
// Returns: A pointer to CFont object.
// See Also: SetFontLineNumber
CFont* GetFontLineNumber();
// Summary: Get ToolTip font.
// Returns: A pointer to CFont object.
// See Also: SetFontToolTip
CFont* GetFontToolTip(); // ToolTip font.
// Summary: Set common font.
// Parameters:
// pLogfont - A pointer to LPLOGFONT structure.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetFont
BOOL SetFont(LPLOGFONT pLogfont);
// Summary: Set editor text font.
// Parameters:
// pLogfont - A pointer to LPLOGFONT structure.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetFontText
BOOL SetFontText(LPLOGFONT pLogfont);
// Summary: Set line numbers font.
// Parameters:
// pLogfont - A pointer to LPLOGFONT structure.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetFontLineNumber
BOOL SetFontLineNumber(LPLOGFONT pLogfont);
// Summary: Set ToolTip font.
// Parameters:
// pLogfont - A pointer to LPLOGFONT structure.
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetFontToolTip
BOOL SetFontToolTip(LPLOGFONT pLogfont);
// Summary:
// Set all editor fonts.
// Parameters:
// pLogfont - A pointer to LPLOGFONT structure.
// bUpdateReg - flag for registry update
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetFont, SetFontText, SetFontLineNumber, SetFontToolTip
BOOL CreateFontIndirect(LPLOGFONT pLogfont, BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Get Cursor to show on line selection area.
// Returns:
// HCURSOR handle to cursor.
// See Also: SetLineSelCursor
HCURSOR GetCurLine();
// Summary:
// Get Cursor for moving text.
// Returns:
// HCURSOR handle to cursor.
// See Also: SetMoveCursor
HCURSOR GetCurMove();
// Summary: Get Cursor for copying text.
// Returns: A HCURSOR handle to cursor.
// See Also: SetCopyCursor
HCURSOR GetCurCopy();
// Summary: Get standard NO cursor.
// Returns: A HCURSOR handle to cursor.
// Summary: Get standard IBEAM cursor.
// Returns: A HCURSOR handle to cursor.
HCURSOR GetCurIBeam();
// Summary: Get standard ARROW cursor.
// Returns: A HCURSOR handle to cursor.
HCURSOR GetCurArrow();
CString m_sLineNumberFormat;
//String to customize Line Number format (e.g. keep it fixed legnth like %04d)
// If empty - Control used default - variable legnth Line Numbers)
// fonts
CFont m_font; // Default font for normal text.
CFont m_fontText; // Current text font
CFont m_fontLineNumber; // The font for line numbering
CFont m_fontToolTip; // The font for tool tip text
// cursors
HCURSOR m_hCurLine; // Cursor to show on line selection area
HCURSOR m_hCurMove; // Cursor for moving text
HCURSOR m_hCurCopy; // Cursor for copying text
HCURSOR m_hCurNO; // Standard NO cursor
HCURSOR m_hCurIBeam; // Standard IBEAM cursor
HCURSOR m_hCurArrow; // Standard ARROW cursor
CImageList m_ilBookmark; // Image list with all bookmark images
CPen m_penGray; // Standard common gray pen
XTP_EDIT_COLORVALUES m_clrValues; // Default color
// Summary: Get Bookmarks image list.
// Returns: A pointer to CImageList.
virtual CImageList* GetBookmarks();
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetTextColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crText;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetBackColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crBack;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetBackColorEx(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl) {
return m_clrValues.GetBackColorEx(pEditCtrl);
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetHiliteTextColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crHiliteText;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetHiliteBackColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crHiliteBack;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetInactiveHiliteTextColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crInactiveHiliteText;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetInactiveHiliteBackColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crInactiveHiliteBack;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetLineNumberTextColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crLineNumberText;
AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPSyntaxEditPaintManager::GetLineNumberBackColor() const {
return m_clrValues.crLineNumberBack;
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