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// XTPRibbonGroup.h: interface for the CXTPRibbonGroup class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME RIBBON MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPRIBBONGROUP_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPRibbonGroups;
class CXTPRibbonBar;
class CXTPRibbonTab;
class CXTPControl;
class CXTPControlPopup;
// Summary:
// Represents a single group that is added to a CXTPRibbonTab.
// Remarks:
// Each CXTPRibbonTab can contain one or more CXTPRibbonGroup objects
// that are used to hold CXTPControl objects. The Caption of
// a CXTPRibbonGroup is a title bar that visually "groups" the CXTPControl
// objects that have been added to the RibbonGroup Items Collection (CXTPRibbonGroup::GetAt).
// Groups are added to the CXTPRibbonTab Groups Collection using the
// CXTPRibbonGroups::AddGroup and CXTPRibbonGroups::InsertAt methods. Items are added to a group
// using the CXTPRibbonGroup::Add method.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonGroup::GetAt
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPRibbonGroup : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPRibbonGroup object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPRibbonGroup object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPRibbonGroup();
// Summary:
// Sets the text to display in the group title bar.
// Parameters:
// lpszCaption - Text to display in the group title bar.
// Remarks:
// The Caption is the text string that is displayed in the group's
// title bar. The Caption of the group is initially set when it is
// added or inserted.
// See Also: GetCaption, CXTPRibbonGroups::AddGroup, CXTPRibbonGroups::InsertAt
void SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszCaption);
// Summary:
// Gets the text displayed in the group title bar.
// Remarks:
// The Caption is the text string that is displayed in the group's
// title bar. The Caption of the group is initially set when it is
// added or inserted.
// Returns:
// Text displayed in the group title bar.
// See Also: SetCaption, CXTPRibbonGroups::AddGroup, CXTPRibbonGroups::InsertAt
CString GetCaption() const;
// Summary:
// Sets the bounding rectangle for the group.
// Parameters:
// rc - A CRect containing the bounding rectangle for the group.
// Remarks:
// The rectangle is the size of the entire group, including the
// group caption and group popup if present.
// See Also: GetRect
virtual void SetRect(CRect rc);
// Summary:
// Gets the bounding rectangle for the group.
// Remarks:
// The rectangle is the size of the entire group, including the
// group caption and group popup if present.
// Returns: A CRect containing the bounding rectangle for the group.
// See Also: SetRect
CRect GetRect() const;
// Summary:
// Gets the bounding rectangle for the group caption.
// Remarks:
// The rectangle is the size of the group caption.
// Returns: A CRect containing the bounding rectangle for the group caption.
// See Also: SetRect
CRect GetCaptionRect() const;
// Summary:
// The CXTPRibbonBar object the CXTPRibbonGroup belongs to.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPRibbonBar object the CXTPRibbonGroup belongs to.
// This is the RibbonBar that the group is displayed in.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonBar
CXTPRibbonBar* GetRibbonBar() const;
// Summary:
// The CXTPRibbonTab object the CXTPRibbonGroup belongs to.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPRibbonTab object the CXTPRibbonGroup belongs to.
// This is the tab that the group is displayed in.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonTab
CXTPRibbonTab* GetParentTab() const;
// Summary:
// Gets whether the group is currently highlighted.
// Remarks:
// A group becomes highlighted when the mouse cursor is positioned
// over the group or any items in the group.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the group is currently highlighted, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonBar::GetHighlightedGroup
BOOL IsHighlighted() const;
// Summary:
// Returns an index of the provided CXTPControl object.
// Parameters:
// pControl - control item which index need to retrieve.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to get the zero-based index
// of items in the group. If the item is not found, it returns
// -1
// Returns:
// Zero-based index of provided item
int IndexOf(CXTPControl* pControl) const;
// Summary:
// Total number of CXTPControl objects that have been
// added to the CXTPRibbonGroup.
// Returns:
// Integer containing the total number of CXTPControl objects that have been
// added to the CXTPRibbonGroup.
// Remarks:
// A CXTPRibbonGroup is used to hold one ore more CXTPControl
// objects. The total number of items can be found using GetCount.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonGroup
int GetCount() const;
// Summary:
// Adds a CXTPControl to the ribbon group.
// Parameters:
// controlType - Type of control to add to the ribbon group.
// nId - Identifier of the CXTPControl to be added.
// lpszParameter - The caption of the CXTPControl to be added.
// nBefore - The index of an existing control that the new control
// should will be inserted before.
// bTemporary - A boolean value indicating whether the control is
// temporary. Temporary controls will not be saved
// to the system registry when the application is closed,
// and they will not be restored when the application
// is opened.
// pControl - Pointer to a CXTPControl to add to the ribbon group.
// Remarks:
// The Add method allows CXTPControl objects to be added to the ribbon group.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the CXTPControl object that was added to the ribbon group.
// See Also: CXTPControl, GetAt, GetCount, RemoveAt, RemoveAll
CXTPControl* Add(XTPControlType controlType, int nId, LPCTSTR lpszParameter = NULL, int nBefore = -1, BOOL bTemporary = FALSE);
CXTPControl* Add(CXTPControl* pControl, int nId, LPCTSTR lpszParameter = NULL, int nBefore = -1, BOOL bTemporary = FALSE); // <combine CXTPRibbonGroup::Add@XTPControlType@int@LPCTSTR@int@BOOL>
CXTPControl* AddClone(CXTPControl* pControl, int nBefore, BOOL bRecursive = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Adds a CXTPControl to the ribbon group.
// Parameters:
// pControl - Control to add
// nBefore - The index of an existing control that the new control
// should will be inserted before.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the CXTPControl object that was added to the ribbon group.
// See Also: Add
CXTPControl* InsertAt(CXTPControl* pControl, int nBefore = -1);
// Summary:
// Gets a CXTPControl object that has been added to the CXTPRibbonGroup
// at the specified index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the items to retrieve within the group's
// collection of controls.
// Remarks:
// GetAt retrieves the CXTPControl from the m_arrControls items collection
// that contains all of the CXTPControl objects that have been added
// to the CXTPRibbonGroup.
// Returns:
// The CXTPControl at the specified index.
// See Also: m_arrControls, Add, RemoveAt, RemoveAll
CXTPControl* GetAt(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Removes and item at the specified position in the group's
// collection of items.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the item to remove from the group's
// collection of items.
// Remarks:
// Removes an item by it's index from the group's collection of items.
// See Also: m_arrControls, Add, GetAt, RemoveAll
void RemoveAt(int nIndex);
// Summary:
// Removes and item at the from collection of items.
// Parameters:
// pControl - The item to remove from the group's
// collection of items.
// See Also: RemoveAt, Add, GetAt, RemoveAll
void Remove(CXTPControl* pControl);
// Summary:
// Removes all of the items from the group.
// See Also: m_arrControls, Add, GetAt, RemoveAt
void RemoveAll();
// Summary:
// Determines id the CXTPRibbonGroup is currently displayed as a
// group button.
// Remarks:
// A single group button will be displayed if there is not enough
// room to display the items in the group. A group popup is
// displayed when the button is clicked. The popup contains all
// the items in the group. When a group button is clicked, a
// CXTPControlPopup is displayed that contains the items of the group.
// The m_nIconId specifies the Id of the image to use for the group
// button that is displayed when there is not enough room to display
// the items in the group. No image will be displayed for the group
// button if m_nIconId is not set with SetIconId.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the group is displayed as a single group button, FALSE
// if the group is displayed normally.
// See Also: SetIconId, GetIconId, GetControlGroupPopup
BOOL IsReduced() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the group icon's identifier. This is the Id of
// the image to use for the group button that is displayed when there
// is not enough room to display the items in the group.
// Parameters:
// nId - Icon's identifier to be set.
// Remarks:
// The m_nIconId specifies the Id of the image to use for the group button
// that is displayed when there is not enough room to display the items
// in the group. When a group button is clicked, a CXTPControlPopup
// is displayed that contains the items of the group. No image will
// be displayed for the group button if IconId is not set.
// See Also: IsReduced, GetIconId, GetControlGroupPopup
void SetIconId(int nId);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the icon's identifier. This is the Id of
// the image to use for the group button that is displayed when there
// is not enough room to display the items in the group.
// Remarks:
// The m_nIconId specifies the Id of the image to use for the group button
// that is displayed when there is not enough room to display the items
// in the group. When a group button is clicked, a CXTPControlPopup
// is displayed that contains the items of the group. No image will
// be displayed for the group button if IconId is not set.
// Returns:
// An icon's identifier of the group.
// See Also: IsReduced, SetIconId, GetControlGroupPopup
int GetIconId() const;
// Summary:
// Specifies whether to display an option button in the group caption.
// Parameters:
// bShowOptionButton - TRUE to show an option button in the
// group's caption, FALSE to hide the option
// button if one was visible.
// Remarks:
// The option button is typically used to launch a dialog associated
// with the group. The Group Id(GetID) is used to identify which
// group's option button was clicked.
// See Also: m_bShowOptionButton, GetID, CXTPRibbonPaintManager::DrawControlGroupOption
void ShowOptionButton(BOOL bShowOptionButton = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Determines if option button is visible
// See Also: ShowOptionButton
BOOL IsOptionButtonVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Determines if group currently visible
// See Also: SetVisible
BOOL IsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to show/hide the group
// Parameters:
// bVisible - TRUE to show group; FALSE to hide
// See Also: IsVisible
void SetVisible(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// Returns own index in parent group collection
int GetIndex() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to copy parameter from one group to another
// Parameters:
// pGroup - Group which parameter will be copied
virtual void Copy(CXTPRibbonGroup* pGroup);
// Summary:
// Call this member to change the type of the control.
// Parameters:
// pControl - Points to a CXTPControl object
// type - Type needed to be changed.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPControl object
CXTPControl* SetControlType(CXTPControl* pControl, XTPControlType type);
// Summary:
// Call this member to find the specified control.
// Parameters:
// type - The type of the control to find.
// nId - The control's identifier.
// bVisible - TRUE if the control is visible.
// bRecursive - TRUE to find in the nested command bars.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the CXTPControl object if successful; otherwise returns NULL.
CXTPControl* FindControl(int nId) const;
// ------------------------------------------------
// <combine CXTPRibbonGroup::FindControl@int@const>
// \ \
// ------------------------------------------------
CXTPControl* FindControl(XTPControlType type, int nId, BOOL bVisible, BOOL bRecursive) const;
// Summary:
// Gets the group's Id.
// Remarks:
// The Id is used to identify the group.
// Returns:
// Integer containing the group's identifier.
// See Also: GetControlGroupPopup, GetControlGroupOption
int GetID() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set Identifier for group
// Parameters:
// nId - The Id is used to identify the group.
// See Also: GetID
void SetID(int nId);
// Summary:
// Determines if control grouping is used.
// Remarks:
// ControlsGrouping is for controls grouping within a ribbon group. When you set
// begin group to true it starts a new group of controls.
// SetControlsGrouping will group controls like in MS Word within the
// ribbon group. If you pass false it groups them like in a regular
// toolbar (divider line).
// See Also: SetControlsGrouping
BOOL IsControlsGrouping() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to group buttons in the group.
// Parameters:
// bControlsGrouping - TRUE to use grouping for buttons
// Remarks:
// This is for controls grouping within a ribbon group. When you set
// begin group to true it starts a new group of controls.
// SetControlsGrouping will group controls like in MS Word within the
// ribbon group. If you pass false it groups them like in a regular
// toolbar (divider line).
// See Also: IsControlsGrouping
void SetControlsGrouping(BOOL bControlsGrouping = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to automatically center controls in group.
// Parameters:
// bControlsCentering - TRUE to center controls in group
void SetControlsCentering(BOOL bControlsCentering = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if controls are automatically center in group.
// Returns:
// TRUE if controls are centered in group, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsControlsCentering() const;
// Summary:
// Draws the group and all of the controls in the group.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to the device context in which to draw the group.
// rcClipBox - The rectangular area of the window that is invalid.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC, CRect rcClipBox);
// Summary:
// Reads or writes this object from or to an archive.
// Parameters:
// pPX - A CXTPPropExchange object to serialize to or from.
virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// Call this method to prevent group to be reduced to button
// Parameters:
// nAllowReduceLevel - Reduce Level to allow
void AllowReduce(int nAllowReduceLevel = 0);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retutn the reduced to button level.
// Returns:
// Current Reduce Level.
int GetAllowReduceLevel() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to specifies whether the group will automatically
// align caption / edit parts.
// Parameters:
// bArrangeEditCaption - TRUE to automatically align caption / edit parts
void SetArrangeEditCaption(BOOL bArrangeEditCaption);
// Summary:
// CXTPControl that represents the group's OptionButton (used to
// set tool tip and status bar text).
// Remarks:
// GetControlGroupOption is only used to set the TooltipText and
// DescriptionText for the OptionButton. No other properties\methods
// of the CXTPControl are used.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the CXTPControl that represents the group's OptionButton.
// See Also: CXTPRibbonPaintManager::DrawControlGroupOption
CXTPControl* GetControlGroupOption() const;
// Summary:
// Gets a pointer to the CXTPControlPopup that is used to display
// controls that are not currently visible in the group.
// Remarks:
// A single group button will be displayed if there is not enough
// room to display the items in the group. A group popup is displayed
// when the button is clicked. The popup contains all the items in
// the group. When a group button is clicked, a CXTPControlPopup
// is displayed that contains the items of the group.
// Returns:
// CXTPControlPopup that is used to display
// controls that are not currently visible in the group.
// See Also: IsReduced, CXTPRibbonPaintManager::DrawControlGroupPopup
CXTPControlPopup* GetControlGroupPopup() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to load the toolbar specified by nIDResource.
// Parameters:
// nIDResource - Resource ID of the toolbar to be loaded.
// bLoadIcons - TRUE to load icons from application resources.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
BOOL LoadToolBar(UINT nIDResource, BOOL bLoadIcons = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the controls from the button array.
// Parameters:
// pButtons - Pointer to an array of command Ids. It cannot be NULL.
// nCount - Number of elements in the array pointed to by pButtons.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
// See Also: LoadToolBar
BOOL SetButtons(UINT* pButtons, int nCount);
CXTPRibbonGroups* GetGroups() const;
// Summary:
// Gets the width and height of the group.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to the device context the group is drawn on.
// Remarks:
// The total width and height is determined based
// on how many controls are added to the group. Regardless of how
// few controls are added, the minimum width of a group is 47 pixels
// and the minimum height is 85 pixels.
// Returns:
// A CSize object containing the width and height of the group.
// See Also: GetCount
//virtual CSize GetSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// Called automatically to reposition all controls in the group.
// For example, when the position/size of Ribbon Bar changes.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to the device context in which to draw the group.
virtual void RepositionControls(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called when the group was added
// See Also: OnGroupRemoved
virtual void OnGroupAdded();
// Summary:
// This method is called when the group was removed
// See Also: OnGroupAdded
virtual void OnGroupRemoved();
// Summary:
// Calculates minimum width for the ribbon group
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to device context used to draw group
// Returns:
// Minimum width of ribbon group
// See Also: Draw
virtual int GetMinimumWidth(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called before calculate size of ribbon group
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to device context used to draw group
// See Also: OnAfterCalcSize
virtual void OnBeforeCalcSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called after size of ribbon group was calculated
// See Also: OnBeforeCalcSize
virtual void OnAfterCalcSize();
// Summary:
// This method is called to find width of the ribbon group
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to device context used to draw group
// Returns:
// Width of ribbon group
// See Also: OnBeforeCalcSize, OnAfterCalcSize, GetMinimumWidth
virtual int OnCalcDynamicSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
/// This method is called to decrease size of ribbon group
// Parameters:
// nLevel - Reduce level
// nWidthAvail - Total pixels need to reduce
// Returns: TRUE if group was reduced
virtual BOOL OnReduceSize(int nLevel, int nWidthAvail);
// Summary:
/// This method is called to increase size of ribbon group
// Parameters:
// nWidthAvail - Total pixels need to increase
// Returns: TRUE if group was increased
virtual BOOL OnExtendSize(int nWidthAvail);
virtual void OnAdjustBorders(int nWidth, CRect rcBorders);
void CenterColumn(int nFirstItem, int nLastItem, int nGroupHeight);
BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo);
int _CalcSpecialDynamicSize(CDC* pDC);
int _WrapSpecialDynamicSize(int nWidth, BOOL bIncludeTail);
int _GetSizeSpecialDynamicSize();
BOOL _FindBestWrapSpecialDynamicSize();
void ArrangeEditCaption();
BOOL m_bControlsCentering; // TRUE to center controls inside groups
BOOL m_bControlsGrouping; // TRUE to group controls
CString m_strCaption; // Caption of the group
int m_nIndex; // Index of the group
CXTPRibbonGroups* m_pGroups; // Parent groups collection
CRect m_rcGroup; // Bounding rectangle of the group
CArray<CXTPControl*, CXTPControl*> m_arrControls; // Collection of group's controls
CXTPCommandBar* m_pParent; // Parent ribbon bar
CXTPRibbonBar* m_pRibbonBar; // Parent ribbon bar
int m_nId; // Identifier of the group
int m_nIconId; // Icon index of the group
CXTPControl* m_pControlGroupOption; // Group option control
CXTPControlPopup* m_pControlGroupPopup; // Group popup control
BOOL m_bReduced; // TRUE if group was reduced
BOOL m_bShowOptionButton; // TRUE to show option button
BOOL m_bVisible; // TRUE if group is visible
int m_nAllowReduce; // True to all ow the group to be minimized
int m_nRowCount; // Total rows number of items
BOOL m_bAutoArrangeEditCaption; // Specifies whether the group will automatically align caption / edit parts
LAYOUTINFO* m_pLayoutInfo;
friend class CXTPRibbonGroups;
friend class CXTPRibbonBar;
friend class CControlGroupPopup;
friend class CXTPRibbonGroupPopupToolBar;
friend class CXTPRibbonGroupControlPopup;
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPRibbonGroupOption : public CXTPControlButton
void Draw(CDC* pDC);
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPRibbonGroupControlPopup : public CXTPControlPopup
CXTPRibbonGroupControlPopup(CXTPRibbonGroup* pGroup = 0);
virtual CSize GetSize (CDC* pDC);
void Draw(CDC* pDC);
BOOL IsTransparent() const;
CXTPRibbonBar* GetRibbonBar() const;
virtual void Copy(CXTPControl* pControl, BOOL bRecursive = FALSE);
virtual void GenerateCommandBarList(DWORD& /*nID*/, CXTPCommandBarList* /*pCommandBarList*/, XTP_COMMANDBARS_PROPEXCHANGE_PARAM* /*pParam*/);
virtual void OnLButtonUp(CPoint /*point*/);
virtual BOOL IsVisible(DWORD dwSkipFlags = 0) const;
virtual BOOL OnSetPopup(BOOL bPopup);
CXTPRibbonGroup* m_pPopupGroup;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPRibbonGroup::GetCaption() const {
return m_strCaption;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPRibbonGroup::GetRect() const {
return m_rcGroup;
AFX_INLINE CXTPRibbonBar* CXTPRibbonGroup::GetRibbonBar() const {
return (CXTPRibbonBar*)m_pRibbonBar;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPRibbonGroup::GetCount() const {
return (int)m_arrControls.GetSize();
AFX_INLINE CXTPControl* CXTPRibbonGroup::GetAt(int nIndex) const {
return nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < GetCount() ? m_arrControls.GetAt(nIndex) : NULL;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPRibbonGroup::GetID() const {
return m_nId;
AFX_INLINE CXTPControl* CXTPRibbonGroup::GetControlGroupOption() const {
return m_pControlGroupOption;
AFX_INLINE CXTPControlPopup* CXTPRibbonGroup::GetControlGroupPopup() const {
return m_pControlGroupPopup;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPRibbonGroup::IsReduced() const {
return m_bReduced;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::SetIconId(int nId) {
m_nIconId = nId;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPRibbonGroup::GetIconId() const {
return m_nIconId <= 0 ? m_nId : m_nIconId;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::ShowOptionButton(BOOL bShowOptionButton) {
m_bShowOptionButton = bShowOptionButton;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPRibbonGroup::GetIndex() const {
return m_nIndex;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPRibbonGroup::IsControlsGrouping() const {
return m_bControlsGrouping;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::SetControlsGrouping(BOOL bControlsGrouping) {
m_bControlsGrouping = bControlsGrouping;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::SetControlsCentering(BOOL bControlsCentering) {
m_bControlsCentering = bControlsCentering;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPRibbonGroup::IsControlsCentering() const {
return m_bControlsCentering;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::AllowReduce(int nAllowReduce) {
m_nAllowReduce = nAllowReduce;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPRibbonGroup::GetAllowReduceLevel() const {
return m_nAllowReduce;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPRibbonGroup::SetArrangeEditCaption(BOOL bArrangeEditCaption) {
m_bAutoArrangeEditCaption = bArrangeEditCaption;
AFX_INLINE CXTPRibbonGroups* CXTPRibbonGroup::GetGroups() const {
return m_pGroups;
#endif // !defined(__XTPRIBBONGROUP_H__)