You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4435 lines
186 KiB

// XTPReportControl.h: interface for the CXTPReportControl class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME REPORTCONTROL MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPREPORTCONTROL_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCompatibleDC;
class CXTPPropExchange;
class CXTPToolTipContext;
class CXTPImageManager;
class CXTPMarkupContext;
class CXTPReportRecords;
class CXTPReportRecordItem;
class CXTPReportColumns;
class CXTPReportGroups;
class CXTPReportColumn;
class CXTPReportRecord;
class CXTPReportRows;
class CXTPReportRow;
class CXTPReportPaintManager;
class CXTPReportColumnOrder;
class CXTPReportInplaceEdit;
class CXTPReportInplaceButtons;
class CXTPReportInplaceList;
class CXTPReportNavigator;
class CXTPReportIconNavigator;
class CXTPReportRecordItemConstraint;
class CXTPReportDataManager;
class CXTPReportHyperlink;
class CXTPReportRecordItemRange;
class CXTPReportSelectedRows;
class CXTPReportBehavior;
class CXTPReportBehaviorRowMouseButton;
class CXTPReportTip;
class CXTPReportSection;
class CXTPReportSections;
class CXTPReportBorder;
class CXTPReportHitTestInfo;
// Summary:
// This structure is sent to Main window in a WM_NOTIFY message from Item
// and provides all parameters that are needed in processing control specific
// notifications by the main window
// Example:
// <code>
// BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CReportSampleView, CXTPReportView)
// void CReportSampleView::OnReportGetItemMetrics(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* /*result*/)
// {
// ASSERT(pItemNotify->pDrawArgs);
// ASSERT(pItemNotify->pDrawArgs->pControl);
// ASSERT(pItemNotify->pDrawArgs->pRow);
// // pItemNotify->pDrawArgs->pColumn - may be NULL (for a group row)
// // pItemNotify->pDrawArgs->pItem - may be NULL (for a group row)
// ASSERT(pItemNotify->pItemMetrics);
// // TODO: customize members of pItemNotify->pItemMetrics.
// }
// </code>
// See Also:
// CXTPReportControl, CXTPReportControl::GetItemMetrics(),
NMHDR hdr; // Standard structure, containing information about a notification message.
XTP_REPORTRECORDITEM_METRICS* pItemMetrics; // Pointer to XTP_REPORTRECORDITEM_METRICS structure to be filled.
// Summary:
// This structure is sent to main window in a WM_NOTIFY message from from report control
// to determine Records was dragged or dropped
// Example:
// <code>
// BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CReportSampleView, CXTPReportView)
// void CReportSampleView::OnReportBeginDrag(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* /*result*/)
// {
// ASSERT(pItemNotify->pRecords);
// }
// </code>
// See Also:
NMHDR hdr; // Standard structure, containing information about a notification message.
CXTPReportRecords* pRecords; // Records will be dragged/dropped
CXTPReportRecord* pTargetRecord; // Target record (if any)
int nTargetRow; // Index of target row
BOOL bAbove; // Where to insert (relative to the target record)
DROPEFFECT dropEffect; // The DropEffect flags.
CPoint pt; // The current location of the cursor in client coordinates.
int nState; // The transition state (0 - enter, 1 - leave, 2 - over).
DWORD dwKeyState; // The key state.
COleDataSource* pDataSource; // Data Source - issue 22675
COleDataObject* pDataObject; // Data Object - Needed for drag over and drop
BOOL bReturnValue; // TRUE to accept dropEffect, FALSE to not accept dropEffect
// Summary:
// This structure is sent to Main window in a WM_NOTIFY message before
// processing OnKeyDown event.
// See Also:
// CXTPReportControl::OnKeyDown, CWnd::OnKeyDown.
NMHDR hdr; // Standard structure, containing information about a notification message.
// OnKeyDown parameters
UINT nChar; // [in/out] Specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
UINT nRepCnt; // [in] Repeat count.
UINT nFlags; // [in] Specifies the scan code, key-transition code, previous key state, and context code.
BOOL bCancel; // [out] TRUE to cancel processing key, FALSE to continue.
// Summary:
// Enumeration of operational mouse modes.
// Remarks:
// ReportControl has several
// Mouse states that handled by control. This enumeration helps to
// clearly identify each of these
// - Sends Notifications:
// - Sends Messages:
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::SetMouseMode, CXTPReportControl::GetMouseMode
// <KEYWORDS xtpReportMouseNothing, xtpReportMouseOverColumnDivide, xtpReportMousePrepareDragColumn, xtpReportMouseDraggingColumn>
enum XTPReportMouseMode
xtpReportMouseNothing, // User is just watching to the list.
xtpReportMouseOverColumnDivide, // User watching, but mouse is under column divider.
xtpReportMousePrepareDragColumn, // User holds mouse button pressed on the column header.
xtpReportMouseDraggingColumn, // User is dragging column header.
xtpReportMouseOverRowDivide, // User watching, but mouse is under row divider.
// Summary:
// Enumeration of drag and drop flags
// Remarks:
// Call CXTPReportControl::EnableDragDrop to allow drag/drop operations
// Example:
// <code>m_wndReport.EnableDragDrop("MyApplication", xtpReportAllowDrop | xtpReportAllowDrag);</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::EnableDragDrop
enum XTPReportDragDrop
xtpReportAllowDrop = 1, // Allow Drop records to report
xtpReportAllowDragCopy = 2, // Allow copy records from report
xtpReportAllowDragMove = 4, // Allow move records from report
xtpReportAllowDrag = 6, // Allow copy and move records from report
xtpReportDontDropAsText = 8 // Do not drag record as plain text
// Summary:
// Enumeration describes the drop marker.
enum XTPReportDropMarker
xtpReportDropBetween = 1, //Drop the row between two rows.
xtpReportDropSelect = 2, //Drop the selected rows.
// Summary:
// Enumeration of watermark alignment flags
// Remarks:
// Call CXTPReportControl::SetWatermarkAlignment to modify watermark alignment
// Example:
// <code>m_wndReport.SetWatermarkAlignment(xtpWatermarkCenter | xtpWatermarkBottom);</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::SetWatermarkAlignment, GetWatermarkAlignment
enum XTPReportWatermarkAlignment
xtpReportWatermarkUnknown = 0, // Unknown (empty) value.
xtpReportWatermarkLeft = 0x0001, // Horizontal alignment: left side of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkCenter = 0x0002, // Horizontal alignment: center of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkRight = 0x0004, // Horizontal alignment: right side of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkHmask = 0x000F, // A mask for horizontal alignment flags.
xtpReportWatermarkTop = 0x0010, // Vertical alignment: top side of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkVCenter = 0x0020, // Vertical alignment: center of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkBottom = 0x0040, // Vertical alignment: bottom side of report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkVmask = 0x00F0, // A mask for vertical alignment flags.
xtpReportWatermarkStretch = 0x0100, // Stretch watermark to entire report control client rect.
xtpReportWatermarkEnlargeOnly = 0x0200, // Watermark can be enlarged only, shrinking is disabled.
xtpReportWatermarkShrinkOnly = 0x0400, // Watermark can be shirnked only, enlarging is disabled.
xtpReportWatermarkPreserveRatio = 0x0800, // Watermark aspect ratio is preserved.
// Summary:
// Enumeration of GetElementRect flags
// Remarks:
// Call CXTPReportControl::GetElementRect to get report element rectangle
// Example:
// <code>m_wndReport.GetElementRect(xtpReportRectGroupByArea, rc);</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::GetElementRect
enum XTPReportElementRect
xtpReportElementRectReportArea = 0, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectGroupByArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectHeaderArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectFooterArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectHeaderRecordsArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectFooterRecordsArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectHeaderRecordsDividerArea, // report area rectangle
xtpReportElementRectFooterRecordsDividerArea, // report area rectangle
// Summary:
// Enumeration of options for SetRecordsTreeFilterMode method
// Remarks:
// Call CXTPReportControl::SetRecordsTreeFilterMode to set options for Filtering tree
// Example:
// <code>m_wndReport.SetRecordsTreeFilterMode(xtpReportFilterTreeSimple);</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::SetRecordsTreeFilterMode
enum XTPReportFilterMode
xtpReportFilterTreeSimple = 0,
xtpReportFilterTreeByParentAndChildren = 1,
xtpReportFilterTreeByEndChildrenOnly = 2
// Summary:
// Enumeration of scroll update modes.
enum XTPReportScrollUpdateMode
xtpReportScrollUpdateModeImmediate, // Immediately updates the scroll position
xtpReportScrollUpdateModeDeferred // Updates the scroll position deferred
// Summary:
// Enumeration of scroll modes.
enum XTPReportScrollMode
xtpReportScrollModeNone = 0, // No scrolling
xtpReportScrollModeBlockCount = 1, // Scrolls an entire row or column
xtpReportScrollModeBlockSize = 3, // Scrolls an entire row or column
xtpReportScrollModeSmooth = 2, // Smooth scrolling
// Deprecated
xtpReportScrollModeBlock = xtpReportScrollModeBlockCount,
// Summary:
// Stores the mouse and key states.
struct XTPReportInputState
: ptMouse (-1, -1)
, bKeyControl(FALSE)
, bKeyShift (FALSE)
, nRow (-1)
, bSelected (FALSE)
// Nothing
CPoint ptMouse; // Mouse position
BOOL bKeyControl; // Control key state
BOOL bKeyShift; // Shift key state
int nRow; // Clicked row index
BOOL bSelected; // Clicked row selection state
// Summary:
// The CXTPReportControl class provides an implementation of
// the Report control.
// Remarks:
// A "report control" is a window that displays a hierarchical list
// of items, such as emails in the inbox. Each item is called a CXTPReportRow
// and consists of its properties and corresponding CXTPReportRecord,
// which contains all the corresponding data (mostly text).
// Each Row item (as well as Record) can have a list of sub-items
// associated with it. By clicking a Row item, the user can expand and
// collapse the associated list of sub-items.
// The CXTPReportRecords collection holds all the CXTPReportRecord objects
// that are assigned to the Report control. It could be accessible via
// GetRecords() method. The records in this collection
// are referred to as the root records. Any record that is subsequently
// added to a root record is referred to as a child record. Because each
// CXTPReportRecord can contain a collection of other CXTPReportRecord
// objects, you might find it difficult to determine your location in the
// tree structure when you iterate through the collection.
// Record nodes can be expanded to display the next level of child records.
// The user can expand the CXTPReportRecord by clicking the plus-sign (+)
// button, if one is displayed, or you can expand the CXTPReportRecord by
// calling the CXTPReportRecord::SetExpanded method.
// To expand all the child records, call the ExpandAll method.
// You can collapse the child CXTPReportRecord level by calling the
// CXTPReportRecord::SetExpanded(FALSE) method, or the user can press
// the minus-sign (-) button, if one is displayed. You can also call
// CollapseAll method to collapse all child records.
// Each record contains an array of record items which are implemented
// with CXTPReportRecordItem and its descendants. You can create your own
// types of items simply by inheritance from the base record item class.
// Each record item has an association with corresponding CXTPReportColumn
// item. The item will be shown below the corresponding column header
// depending on its position in report control columns array. If a column
// has not an associated item in the record, there will be an empty item
// shown in the corresponding cell.
// Columns array is represented by CXTPReportColumns collection and could
// be accessed via GetColumns() method.
// As a finalization of adding data to the report control, which means
// adding columns and records, Populate() method should be called. It
// performs population of control rows with data - creates a rows tree if
// necessary, rebuilds groups if grouping if enabled, and sorts rows
// on a specified manner. See Also an example below.
// Handling notification messages sent by the control to the parent
// window is allowed with ON_NOTIFY handler. The control is using
// SendMessageToParent function to send notifications. See below for
// the example of how messages could be handled in a parent window:
// <code>
// </code>
// You can also change the appearance of the CXTPReportControl control
// by setting some of its display and style properties.
// Also Report control has an ability to store and restore its
// settings, which includes all columns with their settings, and some
// required control's settings. It is implemented via standard MFC and XTP
// serialization and available with the member functions
// SerializeState(CArchive& ar), DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Report control supports Copy/Paste clipboard operations.
// See methods: CanCut(), CanCopy(), CanPaste(), Cut(), Copy(), Paste().
// There are 2 clipboard formats are supported:
// Binary - contains all record(s) data;
// Text - contains visible columns texts.
// To support binary format the XTP serialization is used -
// DoPropExchange() methods are implemented for CXTPReportRecord,
// CXTPReportRecordItem and derived CXTPReportRecordItemXXX classes.
// Also some part of standard MFC serialization is used
// (see DECLARE_SERIAL macro) to automatically create classes when
// loading from the data source.
// If you are creating custom records and records items classes you have
// to use DECLARE_SERIAL macro and may need to override DoPropExchange()
// methods to serialize custom data as well as standard records data.
// The storing records way is simple: CXTPReportRecord (or derived class)
// is stored first, then record items (CXTPReportRecordItemXXX classes)
// are stored one by one.
// The class information, which allow to create object instances when
// loading, is stored for all classes. See CArchive::WriteClass(),
// CArchive::ReadClass() and other CArchive members for more details
// about this idea.
// When report control loads records from the data source:
// The record class is created automatically (using stored
// class information).
// Then items collection cleared and record items are created
// automatically and added to items collection.
// For example see ReportSample project: CMessageRecord class.
// We support text format with '\t' dividers for record items and
// "\r\n" dividers for records (simple tab-separated text).
// Such format is also supported by Excel and some other applications.
// There are few methods and corresponding notifications which allow to
// customize copy/paste operations:
// OnBeforeCopyToText(); OnBeforePasteFromText(); OnBeforePaste();
// See Also:
// CXTPReportView, CXTPReportHeader, CXTPReportRow, CXTPReportRecord,
// CXTPReportColumn,
// CXTPReportRecords, CXTPReportRows, CXTPReportColumns,
// CXTPReportSubListControl, CXTPReportFilterEditControl
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPReportControl : public CWnd, public CXTPAccessible
friend class CXTPReportSubListControl;
friend class CXTPReportRow;
friend class CXTPReportGroupRow;
friend class CXTPReportHeader;
friend class CXTPReportNavigator;
friend class CXTPReportInplaceEdit;
friend class CXTPReportHeaderDragWnd;
friend class CXTPReportInplaceList;
friend class CXTPReportColumn;
friend class CXTPReportView;
class CReportDropTarget;
// Summary:
// Internal report update helper.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CUpdateContext
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPReportControlUpdateContext object.
// Parameters:
// pControl - Pointer to a Report Control object.
CUpdateContext(CXTPReportControl* pControl)
m_pControl = pControl;
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPReportControlUpdateContext object, handles cleanup and de-allocation.
CXTPReportControl* m_pControl; // Updated report control pointer
// Summary:
// Call this function to use custom heap feature.
// Remarks:
// If it is enabled, report data will be allocated in custom (separate)
// heap instead of standard application heap. This optimize memory
// using (fragmentation) for big amount of data.
// For custom heap used for classes derived from CXTPHeapObjectT template,
// like CXTPReportRecord, CXTPReportRecordItem, CXTPReportRow and so others.
// This template just overrides operators new and delete.
// <p/>It must be called on initialization before any allocations of classes
// which use custom heap. OnInitInstance is a fine place for this.
// Returns:
// TRUE if custom heap feature is enabled for all report allocators,
// FALSE otherwise.
static BOOL AFX_CDECL UseReportCustomHeap();
// Summary:
// Call this function to enable batch allocation feature for report rows.
// Remarks:
// Batch allocation means that memory allocated not for one object only,
// but for many objects at one time (for 1024 objects by default).
// Next allocations take memory from this big block. New blocks allocated
// when necessary. This increase performance and reduce heap fragmentation.
// Batch allocation mechanism responsible for allocation/deallocation
// blocks of memory from heap and internally organize free/busy lists of
// memory pieces. When object deleted, its memory stored in free list and
// used for new objects.
// When all memory pieces from block free, it may be deallocated from
// heap automatically (this depends on options in _TBatchAllocData)
// or by FreeExtraData call,
// <p/>It must be called on initialization before any allocations of classes
// which use batch allocation. OnInitInstance is a fine place for this.
// Returns:
// TRUE if batch allocation feature is enabled for report rows,
// FALSE otherwise.
static BOOL AFX_CDECL UseRowBatchAllocation();
// Summary:
// This member function when rows batch allocation enabled to check
// all allocated blocks and deallocate which are completely free.
// See Also:
// UseRowBatchAllocation, CXTPBatchAllocObjT
static void AFX_CDECL FreeRowBatchExtraData();
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPReportControl object.
// Remarks:
// You construct a CXTPReportControl object in two steps.
// First, call the constructor CXTPReportControl and then call
// Create method, which initializes the window.
// Example:
// <code>
// // Declare a local CXTPReportControl object.
// CXTPReportControl myReport;
// // Declare a dynamic CXTPReportControl object.
// CXTPReportControl* pMyReport = new CXTPReportControl();
// if (!myReport.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE | WM_VSCROLL, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, ID_REPORT_CONTROL))
// {
// TRACE(_T("Failed to create view window\n"));
// }
// </code>
// See Also: Create
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPReportControl object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPReportControl();
// Summary:
// This method is called to create a report control.
// Parameters:
// dwStyle - Specifies the window style attributes.
// It could be a combination of standard window styles.
// rect - The size and position of the window, in client
// coordinates of pParentWnd.
// pParentWnd - Specifies the report control parent window.
// nID - Specifies the report control identifier.
// pContext - The create context of the window.
// Remarks:
// You construct a CXTPReportControl object in two steps.
// First, call the constructor CXTPReportControl and then call
// Create method, which initializes the window.
// Example:
// See the example for CXTPReportControl::CXTPReportControl
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
// See Also: CXTPReportControl::CXTPReportControl
BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
// Summary:
// (Re)Stores control configuration to/from the provided archive stream.
// Parameters:
// ar - Archive stream for serializing.
virtual void SerializeState(CArchive& ar);
// Summary:
// Reads or writes configuration to/from the provided data source.
// Parameters:
// pPX - A CXTPPropExchange object to serialize to or from.
virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// Adds new column to the end of the columns array.
// Parameters:
// pColumn - Pointer to the specified column class object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to add a new column
// to a report control. It will be added to the end of the columns array.
// Example:
// <code>
// // this function adds a column with "Subject" caption and 250 pixels initial width
// void AddSubjectColumn(CXTPReportControl* pReportCtrl)
// {
// pReportCtrl->AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(1, _T("Subject"), 250));
// }
// </code>
// See Also: CXTPReportColumn overview
CXTPReportColumn* AddColumn(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
// Summary:
// Adds record to records collection.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - Record data with items.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to add a data record to the
// report control's internal storage.
// Example:
// <code>
// // this function adds 2 empty records to a report control
// void Add2Empties(CXTPReportControl* pReportCtrl)
// {
// pReportCtrl->AddRecord(new CXTPReportRecord());
// pReportCtrl->AddRecord(new CXTPReportRecord());
// }
// </code>
// Returns:
// Pointer to the recently added record object.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecord overview, GetRecords
virtual CXTPReportRecord* AddRecord(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord);
// Summary:
// Adds record to records collection and associates a row with it.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - Record data with items.
// pParentRecord - Parent record.
// nRowChildIndex - child index a row to be inserted at for case when index does not defined by other conditions (or -1).
// nRecordChildIndex - child index a record to be inserted at (or -1).
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to add a data record to the
// report control's internal storage and associate a row with it.
// Example:
// <code>
// // this function adds 2 empty records to a report control
// void Add2Empties(CXTPReportControl* pReportCtrl)
// {
// pReportCtrl->AddRecordEx(new CXTPReportRecord());
// pReportCtrl->AddRecordEx(new CXTPReportRecord());
// }
// </code>
// See Also: CXTPReportRecord overview, GetRecords, RemoveRecordEx, RemoveRowEx
// UpdateRecord
virtual void AddRecordEx(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, CXTPReportRecord* pParentRecord = NULL,
int nRowChildIndex = -1, int nRecordChildIndex = -1);
// Summary:
// Removes record with data and associated row. It also remove all
// children records and their rows.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - Pointer to a record object.
// bAdjustLayout - If TRUE AdjustLayout will be called.
// bRemoveFromParent - If TRUE the record is to be removed from the parent.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to remove record on the fly,
// without Populate call.
// Returns:
// TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: RemoveRowEx, AddRecordEx, CXTPReportRecords::RemoveRecord,
// UpdateRecord
virtual BOOL RemoveRecordEx(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, BOOL bAdjustLayout = TRUE, BOOL bRemoveFromParent = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Removes row and associated record. It also remove all
// children records and rows.
// Parameters:
// pRow - Pointer to a row object.
// bAdjustLayout - If TRUE AdjustLayout will be called.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to remove row and record on the fly,
// without Populate call.
// Returns:
// TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: RemoveRecordEx, AddRecordEx, CXTPReportRecords::RemoveRecord,
// UpdateRecord
virtual BOOL RemoveRowEx(CXTPReportRow* pRow, BOOL bAdjustLayout = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Updates record.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - Record data with items.
// bUpdateChildren - If TRUE the children will be updated as well.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you modified a record and want it
// to be updated accordingly to the current grouping and sorting.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecord overview, GetRecords
virtual void UpdateRecord(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, BOOL bUpdateChildren);
// Summary:
// Prevents the control from redrawing until the EndUpdate
// method is called.
// Remarks:
// If you want to add items one at a time using the AddRecord method,
// or to make some another operations in a single sequence,
// you can use the BeginUpdate method to prevent the control
// from repainting the CXTPReportControl each time an item is added.
// Once you have completed the task of adding items to the control,
// call the EndUpdate method to enable the CXTPReportControl to repaint.
// This way of adding items can prevent flickered drawing of
// the CXTPReportControl when a large number of items are being
// added to the control.
// Example:
// <code>
// // This function collapses all rows for the specified report control
// void CollapseAll(CXTPReportControl* pReportCtrl)
// {
// pReportCtrl->BeginUpdate();
// for (int i = pReportCtrl->GetRows()->GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i --)
// pReportCtrl->GetRows()->GetAt(i)->SetExpanded(FALSE);
// pReportCtrl->EndUpdate();
// }
// </code>
// See Also: EndUpdate, RedrawControl, AddRecord
void BeginUpdate();
// Summary:
// This method deletes all rows and records from Report Control.
// Parameters:
// bUpdateControl - Set TRUE to redraw control, otherwise FALSE.
void ResetContent(BOOL bUpdateControl = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Resumes drawing of the report control after drawing is
// suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
// Remarks:
// If you want to add items one at a time using the AddRecord method,
// or to make some other operations in a single sequence,
// you can use the BeginUpdate method to prevent the control
// from repainting the CXTPReportControl each time an item is added.
// Once you have completed the task of adding items to the control,
// call the EndUpdate method to enable the CXTPReportControl to repaint.
// This way of adding items can prevent flickered drawing of
// the CXTPReportControl when a large number of items are being
// added to the control.
// Example: See example for CXTPReportControl::BeginUpdate method.
// See Also: BeginUpdate, RedrawControl
void EndUpdate();
// Summary:
// Returns TRUE if control in Update state.
int GetLockUpdateCount() const;
// Summary:
// Initiates report control redrawing.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to initialize the
// report control redrawing. The control will be redrawn taking
// into account its latest state.
// See Also: BeginUpdate, EndUpdate
void RedrawControl();
// Summary:
// Call this method to get tooltip context pointer.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the tooltip context object.
CXTPToolTipContext* GetToolTipContext() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to enable built in drag and drop operations
// Parameters:
// lpszClipboardFormat - Name of clipboard format to be used for Report Control
// dwFlags - Combination of XTPReportDragDrop flags, can be one or more of following:
// <b>xtpReportAllowDrop</b> - Allow Drop records to report
// <b>xtpReportAllowDragCopy</b> - Allow copy records from report
// <b>xtpReportAllowDragMove</b> - Allow move records from report
// <b>xtpReportAllowDrag</b> - Allow copy and move records from report
// Returns:
// Clipboard format that will be used with Report Control
// See Also: XTPReportDragDrop
CLIPFORMAT EnableDragDrop(LPCTSTR lpszClipboardFormat, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwDropMarkerFlags = xtpReportDropBetween);
// Summary:
// Call this method to set the drop marker flags.
// Parameter:
// dwDropMarkerFlags - The drop marker flags.
void SetDropMarkerFlags(DWORD dwDropMarkerFlags);
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the drop marker flags.
// Returns:
// A DWORD value specifying the drop marker flags.
DWORD GetDropMarkerFlags() const;
// Summary:
// Set or clear grid drawing style.
// Parameters:
// orientation - xtpReportOrientationVertical for changing vertical grid style,
// xtpReportOrientationHorizontal for changing horizontal grid style.
// gridStyle - New grid style. Can be any of the values listed in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to change a style
// of report grid lines.
// Possible grid line styles are the following:
// * <b>xtpReportGridNoLines</b> Empty line
// * <b>xtpReportGridSmallDots</b> Line is drawn with small dots
// * <b>xtpReportGridLargeDots</b> Line is drawn with large dots
// * <b>xtpReportGridDashes</b> Line is drawn with dashes
// * <b>xtpReportGridSolid</b> Draws solid line
// See Also: XTPReportGridStyle overview, GetGridStyle, SetGridColor
void SetGridStyle(XTPReportOrientation orientation, XTPReportGridStyle gridStyle);
// Summary:
// Returns current grid drawing mode.
// Parameters:
// bVertical - xtpReportOrientationVertical for vertical grid style,
// xtpReportOrientationHorizontal for horizontal grid style.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve current
// grid lines drawing style for the report control.
// Returns:
// Current grid drawing style.
// See Also: XTPReportGridStyle overview, SetGridStyle, SetGridColor
XTPReportGridStyle GetGridStyle(XTPReportOrientation orientation) const;
// Summary:
// Change color of GridLines.
// Parameters:
// clrGridLine - New Grid Lines color.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to change a color of
// report control grid lines.
// Returns:
// Old Grid Lines color.
// See Also: SetGridStyle, GetGridStyle
COLORREF SetGridColor(COLORREF clrGridLine);
// Summary:
// Interface for accessing list columns.
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the collection
// of report columns.
// Returns:
// The report Columns collection.
// Example:
// <code>
// // this function adds a column with "Subject" caption and 250 pixels initial width
// void AddSubjectColumn(CXTPReportControl* pReportCtrl)
// {
// pReportCtrl->GetColumns()->Add(new CXTPReportColumn(1, _T("Subject"), 250));
// }
// </code>
// See Also: CXTPReportColumns overview
CXTPReportColumns* GetColumns() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the currently used control's Paint Manager.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to get the paint manager object used
// for drawing a report control window.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the paint manager object.
// See Also: CXTPReportPaintManager overview
CXTPReportPaintManager* GetPaintManager() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set custom paint manager.
// Parameters:
// pPaintManager - A pointer to the custom paint manager.
void SetPaintManager(CXTPReportPaintManager* pPaintManager);
// Summary:
// Returns the control's Navigator.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to get the navigator object used
// for cell navigation.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the navigator object.
// See Also: CXTPReportNavigator overview
CXTPReportNavigator* GetNavigator() const;
// Summary:
// Performs control population, creating view from the data.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to populate control's Rows collection
// with the data containing in Records collection.
// It automatically creates Tree View references if necessary
// (for example, in Grouping mode).
// , it is the main function which should be called for
// (re)populating all data changes that you have made into the
// Records collection.
// See Also: CXTPReportPaintManager overview
virtual void Populate();
// Summary:
// Performs control's header rows population, creating view from the data.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to populate control's header rows collection
// with the data containing in HeaderRecords collection. Useful when main
// rows are controlled through AddRecordEx/RemoveRecordEx/UpdateRecord
// methods.
// See Also: Populate, PopulateFooterRows, AddRecordEx, RemoveRecordEx, UpdateRecord
virtual void PopulateHeaderRows();
// Summary:
// Performs control's footer rows population, creating view from the data.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to populate control's footer rows collection
// with the data containing in FooterRecords collection. Useful when main
// rows are controlled through AddRecordEx/RemoveRecordEx/UpdateRecord
// methods.
// See Also: Populate, PopulateHeaderRows, AddRecordEx, RemoveRecordEx, UpdateRecord
virtual void PopulateFooterRows();
// Summary:
// Ensures that a report control row is at least partially visible.
// Parameters:
// pRow - A pointer to the row that is to be visible.
// Remarks:
// Ensures that a report row item is at least partially visible.
// The list view control is scrolled if necessary.
// See Also: MoveDown, MoveUp, MovePageDown, MovePageUp, MoveFirst, MoveLast
void EnsureVisible(CXTPReportRow *pRow);
// Summary:
// Ensures that a report control column is at least partially visible.
// Parameters:
// pCheckColumn - A pointer to the column that is to be visible.
// Remarks:
// Ensures that a report column item is at least partially visible.
// The list view control is scrolled if necessary.
// See Also: MoveRight, MoveLeft, MoveToColumn, MoveFirstColumn, MoveLastColumn
void EnsureVisible(CXTPReportColumn* pCheckColumn);
// Summary:
// Determines the report part at a specified position.
// Parameters:
// pt - A point to test.
// pInfo - Pointer to a CXTPReportHitTestInfo that will hold the
// returned information.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the method was successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL HitTest(CPoint pt, CXTPReportHitTestInfo *pInfo) const;
// Summary:
// Determines the report row at a specified position.
// Parameters:
// pt - A point to test.
// Returns:
// The row at the position specified by pt, otherwise NULL.
CXTPReportRow* HitTest(CPoint pt) const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the selected rows.
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the collection
// of currently selected report rows.
// Returns:
// The selected rows collection.
// See Also: CXTPReportSelectedRows overview.
CXTPReportSelectedRows* GetSelectedRows() const;
// Summary:
// Retrieves the index of the row that currently has focus
// in the report control's view.
// Returns:
// Returns pointer to the focused row, or NULL otherwise.
CXTPReportRow* GetFocusedRow() const;
// Summary:
// Makes the provided row as currently focused.
// Parameters:
// pRow - The row to set as focused to.
// bControlKey - TRUE if select new focused row.
// FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified row has been focused, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL SetFocusedRow(CXTPReportRow* pRow, BOOL bControlKey = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Makes the provided row as currently focused.
// Parameters:
// pRow - The row to set as focused to.
// bControlKey - TRUE if select new focused row.
// bShiftKey - TRUE when selecting rows up to new focused row,
// FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified row has been focused, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL SetFocusedRow(CXTPReportRow* pRow, BOOL bShiftKey, BOOL bControlKey);
// Summary:
// Makes the provided row as currently focused.
// Parameters:
//.....bEnsureVisible - TRUE if the row will be made visible
// pRow - The row to set as focused to.
// bControlKey - TRUE if select new focused row.
// bShiftKey - TRUE when selecting rows up to new focused row,
// FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified row has been focused, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL SetFocusedRow(BOOL bEnsureVisible, CXTPReportRow* pRow, BOOL bShiftKey, BOOL bControlKey);
// Summary:
// Returns rows from the visible report area.
// Parameters:
// nStartRow - Row index to start calculating from.
// bMoveDown - Rows moving direction.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to calculate the amount
// of currently visible rows between nStartRow and the top/bottom
// of the current view.
// Returns:
// Visible row index starting from.
// See Also: MovePageDown, MovePageUp
int GetReportAreaRows(int nStartRow, BOOL bMoveDown);
// Summary:
// Force provided row to the top.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An index of the row to force.
// Remarks:
// The system scrolls the report control view until either the
// item specified by nIndex appears at the top of the view
// the maximum scroll range has been reached.
// See Also: GetReportAreaRows, EnsureVisible
void SetTopRow(int nIndex);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve top row index.
// Returns:
// Top row index.
// See Also: SetTopRow
int GetTopRowIndex() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set horizontal scroll position.
// Parameters:
// nOffset - Horizontal scroll position.
// Remarks:
// This method takes effect only if auto column sizing is disable
// See Also: CXTPReportHeader::SetAutoColumnSizing
void SetScrollOffsetH(int nOffset);
// Summary:
// Call this method to set vertical scroll position.
// Parameters:
// nOffset - Vertical scroll position.
void SetScrollOffsetV(int nOffset);
// Summary:
// Call this member to set right-to-left mode.
// Parameters:
// bRightToLeft - TRUE to set right-to-left reading-order properties.
void SetLayoutRTL(BOOL bRightToLeft);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get right-to-left mode.
// Returns:
// TRUE if layout is RTL, FALSE - otherwise.
BOOL IsLayoutRTL();
// Summary:
// Enable/disable preview mode for the control.
// Parameters:
// bIsPreviewMode - TRUE for enabling preview mode,
// FALSE for disabling.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to hide or show the
// row preview item.
// See Also: IsPreviewMode
void EnablePreviewMode(BOOL bIsPreviewMode);
// Summary:
// Returns current preview mode.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether the
// row preview item is shown or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE when preview mode is enabled,
// FALSE when preview mode is disabled.
// See Also: EnablePreviewMode
BOOL IsPreviewMode() const;
// Summary:
// Shows/hides Group By control area.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE for showing GroupBy area,
// FALSE for hiding GroupBy area.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to hide or show
// Group By area in the report header.
// See Also: IsGroupByVisible
void ShowGroupBy(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns current Group By area mode.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// Group By area in the report header is visible or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE when Group By area is shown on the control,
// when Group By area is hidden.
// See Also: ShowGroupBy
BOOL IsGroupByVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to hide/show column headers.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE is column headers will be displayed, FALSE to hide column headers.
// See Also: IsHeaderVisible, ShowFooter
void ShowHeader(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine is column headers are currently visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE is column headers are visible, FALSE is column headers are hidden.
// See Also: ShowHeader
BOOL IsHeaderVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to hide/show report footers.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE is column footers will be displayed, FALSE to hide column footers.
// See Also: IsFooterVisible, ShowHeader
void ShowFooter(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine is column footers are currently visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE is column footers are visible, FALSE is column footers are hidden.
// See Also: ShowHeader
BOOL IsFooterVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Enable/disable group shade.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE for enabling group items shade,
// FALSE for disabling.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to hide or show
// group rows' headings.
// See Also:
// IsShadeGroupHeadingsEnabled, IsGroupRowsBold, SetGroupRowsBold,
// GetItemMetrics
void ShadeGroupHeadings(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns current group shade mode.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// group rows' headings are enabled or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE when group items shading is enabled,
// FALSE when it is disabled.
// See Also:
// ShadeGroupHeadings, IsGroupRowsBold, SetGroupRowsBold,
// GetItemMetrics
BOOL IsShadeGroupHeadingsEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Set group rows text style: bold or normal.
// Parameters:
// bBold - TRUE for bold text style, FALSE for normal.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to change group rows
// bold text style.
// See Also:
// IsGroupRowsBold, ShadeGroupHeadings, IsShadeGroupHeadingsEnabled,
// GetItemMetrics
void SetGroupRowsBold(BOOL bBold = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns current group rows text bold style.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// group rows' text are bold or normal.
// Returns:
// TRUE when group text are bold,
// FALSE when it is normal.
// See Also:
// SetGroupRowsBold, ShadeGroupHeadings, IsShadeGroupHeadingsEnabled,
// GetItemMetrics
BOOL IsGroupRowsBold() const;
// Summary:
// Sets the number of fixed columns.
// Parameters:
// nCount - Number of fixed columns.
void SetFixedColumnsCount(int nCount);
// Summary:
// Returns the number of fixed columns.
int GetFixedColumnsCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve count of none-scrolled columns
// at the left side.
// Returns:
// Count of none-scrolled columns
// at the left side.
int GetFreezeColumnsCount() const;
int GetFreezeColumnsIndex() const;
// Summary:
// Sets the number of none-scrollable columns
// Parameters:
// nCount - number of none-scrollable columns
// bAdjust 0 flag used to adjust horizontal scrollbar vertical position
// if some of freezed columns change width and scrollbar located
// under not-freezed columns only (similar to Excel scrollbar location)
void SetFreezeColumnsCount(int nCount, BOOL bAdjust = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve count of the columns at the left side
// where reordering is disabled.
// Returns:
// Count of drop-disable columns
// at the left side.
int GetDisableReorderColumnsCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set count of the columns at the left side
// where reordering is disabled.
// Parameters:
// nCount - Count of reorder-disabled columns at the left side.
void SetDisableReorderColumnsCount(int nCount);
// Summary:
// Get dynamic horizontal scrolling mode.
// Returns:
// Returns TRUE if horizontal scrolling is by full columns,
// otherwise horizontal scrolling is by pixels.
// See Also: SetFullColumnScrolling
BOOL IsFullColumnScrolling() const;
// Summary:
// Set horizontal scrolling mode.
// Parameters:
// bSet - If TRUE full columns scrolling mode is set,
// if FALSE horizontal scrolling by pixels mode is set.
// See Also: IsFullColumnScrolling
void SetFullColumnScrolling(BOOL bSet);
// Summary:
// Call this method to remove all items and column in specified position.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of item to remove.
void ReleaseItem(int nIndex);
// Summary:
// Call this member to pin footer records to the last body row.
// By default, footer records are docked to the footer.
// Parameters:
// bPin - TRUE is footer records will be displayed immediately after the body rows.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsVisible, ShowFooterRows
void PinFooterRows(BOOL bPin = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if footer records are pinned to the body rows.
// Returns:
// TRUE if footer records are pinned to the body rows. FALSE if footer records are docked to the footer.
// See Also: PinFooterRows
BOOL IsFooterRowsPinned() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to pin footer records to the last body row.
// By default, footer records are docked to the footer.
// Parameters:
// bPin - TRUE is footer records will be displayed immediately after the body rows.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsVisible, ShowFooterRows
void PinFooterRowsPrinted(BOOL bPin = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if footer records are pinned to the body rows.
// Returns:
// TRUE if footer records are pinned to the body rows. FALSE if footer records are docked to the footer.
// See Also: PinFooterRowsPrinted
BOOL IsFooterRowsPinnedPrinted() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to enable markup for Records
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable markup
void EnableMarkup(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns markup context
// Returns:
// A pointer to the markup context object.
CXTPMarkupContext* GetMarkupContext() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to get a pointer to the image manager of Report Control.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the image manager of Report Control.
// See Also: SetImageManager
CXTPImageManager* GetImageManager() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set new image manager.
// Parameters:
// pImageManager - Image manager to be set
// Example:
// <code>
// CXTPImageManager* pImageManager = new CXTPImageManager();
// pImageManager->SetIcons(IDR_MAINFRAME);
// m_wndReport.SetImageManager(pImageManager);
// </code>
// See Also: GetImageManager
void SetImageManager(CXTPImageManager* pImageManager);
// Summary:
// Initiates ImageList of Paint Manager.
// Parameters:
// pImageList - Image list.
// Remarks:
// You use this function to set up your own ImageList
// with set bitmaps that represent various states of rows
// and depict any other information.
// Note:
// Recommended to use SetImageManager/GetImageManager methods instead.
// Example:
// <code>
// CImageList listIcons;
// listIcons.Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 0, 1));
// CBitmap bmp;
// // load bitmap by id
// bmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_BMREPORT);
// ilIcons.Add(&bmp, RGB(255, 0, 255));
// m_wndReport.SetImageList(&lIcons);
// </code>
// See Also: GetImageManager
void SetImageList(CImageList* pImageList);
// Summary:
// Returns a pointer to the associated report header object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve access
// to the report header object properties and methods.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the associated report header.
// See Also: CXTPReportHeader overview
CXTPReportHeader* GetReportHeader() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to change report header of Report Control
// Parameters:
// pReportHeader - Report header to be set
// Example:
// <code>m_wndReport.SetReportHeader(new CMyReportHeader());</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportHeader overview
void SetReportHeader(CXTPReportHeader* pReportHeader);
// Summary:
// Returns indentation for the tree view row of the specified depth level.
// Parameters:
// nLevel - Tree depth level.
// Remarks:
// Calculates row indentation in pixels based on the provided
// indentation level.
// Returns:
// Row indentation in pixels.
// See Also: Populate
int GetIndent(int nLevel) const;
// Summary:
// Notifies parent control of some event that has happened.
// Parameters:
// pRow - Specified row of event if used.
// pItem - Specified item of event if used.
// pColumn - Specified column of event if used.
// nMessage - A message to sent to parent window.
// pPoint - A point where the message was sent from in
// client coordinates.
// nHyperlink - Hyperlink order number, where the message was sent
// from (-1 if message was not send from the hyperlink).
// Remarks:
// Sends a message to the parent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message
// with a specific structure attached.
// Returns:
// The result of the message processing;
// its value depends on the message sent. (see CWnd::SendMessage)
// See Also: CXTPReportControl overview, SendNotifyMessage
LRESULT SendMessageToParent(CXTPReportRow* pRow, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem, CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, UINT nMessage, CPoint* pPoint, int nHyperlink = -1) const;
// Summary:
// Sends the specified message to the window.
// Parameters:
// nMessage - The message to be sent.
// pNMHDR - Notify header
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise returns zero.
LRESULT SendNotifyMessage(UINT nMessage, NMHDR* pNMHDR = NULL) const;
// Summary:
// Collapses all rows.
// Remarks:
// The CollapseAll method collapses all the CXTPReportRow objects,
// including all the child rows, that are in the report control.
// See Also: ExpandAll, CXTPReportRow::SetExpanded
void CollapseAll();
// Summary:
// Expands all rows.
// Parameters:
// bRecursive - BOOL flag to expand on one level (if FALSE) or recursive
// Remarks:
// The ExpandAll method expands all the CXTPReportRow objects,
// including all the child rows, that are in the report control.
// See Also: CollapseAll, CXTPReportRow::SetExpanded
void ExpandAll(BOOL bRecursive = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Determines if the report allows multiple selections.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the report allows multiple selections.
// See Also: SetMultipleSelection, GetSelectedRows
BOOL IsMultipleSelection() const;
// Summary:
// Changes allowing multiple selections for the control.
// Parameters:
// bMultipleSelection - TRUE for enabling, FALSE for disabling.
// Remarks:
// Sets the flag that determines whether the report allows multiple selections.
// See Also: IsMultipleSelection, GetSelectedRows
void SetMultipleSelection(BOOL bMultipleSelection);
// Summary:
// See Also: SetMultiSelectionMode
// Returns:
// TRUE if the report allows multi-selections i.e. is VK_CTRL is always ON
BOOL IsMultiSelectionMode() const;
// Summary:
// Enables/disables the multiple selection mode for the control.
// Parameters:
// bMultiSelectionMode - TRUE for enabling, FALSE for disabling.
// Remarks:
// Sets the flag that determines whether the report is in multi-selection mode i.e. VK_CTRL is always ON
// See Also: IsMultiSelectionMode
void SetMultiSelectionMode(BOOL bMultiSelectionMode);
// Summary:
// Enables/disables showing tooltips for the control.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE for enabling, FALSE for disabling.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to enable or disable tooltips
// show for the report control window.
void EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether groups are skipped when navigating
// the ReportControl with the Up and Down keys.
// Parameters:
// bSkipFocus - If TRUE, when navigating the rows with the Up and Down
// keys in the ReportControl the group headings will be skipped
// and the next non-group heading row will be selected.
// If FALSE, when navigating the rows with the Up and Down
// keys in the ReportControlall rows will be selected,
// even group headings.
void SkipGroupsFocus(BOOL bSkipFocus);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine is groups are skipped when navigating the
// with the Up and Down arrow keys.
// Returns:
// TRUE if groups are skipped, FALSE is groups receive focus when navigating
// the report control with the Up and Down arrow keys.
BOOL IsSkipGroupsFocusEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve indentation of the header
// Returns:
// Header indent.
int GetHeaderIndent() const;
// Summary:
// Adjusts scroll bars depending on currently visible rows.
virtual void AdjustScrollBars();
// Summary:
// Adjusts main control areas depending on current control size.
virtual void AdjustLayout();
// Summary:
// Call this member to retrieve a pointer to the currently selected column.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the currently selected item.
CXTPReportColumn* GetFocusedColumn() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to set selected column.
// Parameters:
// pColumn - column to be selected.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified column has been focused, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL SetFocusedColumn(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
// Summary:
// Call this member set the selection state of a raw.
// Parameters:
// index - The index of the row.
// state - Tells where the check box is checked or not.
void SetSelectionState(int index, int state);
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether focused rows will be forced visible.
// Parameters:
// bFocusSubItems - If TRUE, when a ReportRecordItem is focused, the
// entire row will become visible.
// See Also: IsEnsureFocusedRowVisible
void EnsureFocusedRowVisible(BOOL bEnsureFocusedRowVisible);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if focused rows will be forced visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE focused rows will be forced visible, otherwise false.
BOOL IsEnsureFocusedRowVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether each individual CXTPReportRecordItem
// will show focus when the item in a row is clicked.
// Parameters:
// bFocusSubItems - If TRUE, when a ReportRecordItem is clicked, the
// entire row will become highlighted except the individual
// item that was clicked.
// If FALSE, the entire row will become highlighted when
// an item is clicked, including the item that was clicked.
// See Also: IsFocusSubItems
void FocusSubItems(BOOL bFocusSubItems);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if individual CXTPReportRecordItem(s) will
// receive focus when that item in the CXTPReportRow that they belong to is clicked.
// Returns:
// TRUE if individual items can receive focus, FALSE if only the entire row can receive focus.
// See Also: FocusSubItems
BOOL IsFocusSubItems() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether a CXTPReportRecordItem can be edited by
// single-clicking on the item.
// Parameters:
// bEditOnClick - If TRUE, when the CXTPReportRecordItem is single-clicked,
// the item will become editable. The entire ReportControl
// or the specific CXTPReportRecordItem must have the bAllowEdit
// property set to TRUE for this to work.
// See Also: AllowEdit, IsAllowEdit, IsEditOnClick
void EditOnClick(BOOL bEditOnClick);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine whether items are edited with a single-click.
// Returns:
// TRUE it items can be edited with a single-click
// See Also: AllowEdit, IsAllowEdit, EditOnClick
BOOL IsEditOnClick() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member enable the delay click edit feature.
// Parameters:
// bEditOnDelayClick - A TRUE to enable the delay click edit and FALSE
// to turn off this feature.
void EditOnDelayClick(BOOL bEditOnDelayClick);
// Summary:
// Call this function to check whether the delay click edit feature
// is enabled or not.
// Returns:
// A BOOL value denoting whether the delay click edit is enabled or
// not, TRUE if enabled and FALSE if not.
BOOL IsEditOnDelayClick() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether a CXTPReportRecordItem can be edited by
// double-clicking on the item.
// Parameters:
// bEditOnClick - If TRUE, when the CXTPReportRecordItem is double-clicked,
// the item will become editable. The entire ReportControl
// or the specific CXTPReportRecordItem must have the bAllowEdit
// property set to TRUE for this to work.
// See Also: AllowEdit, IsAllowEdit, IsEditOnDoubleClick
void EditOnDoubleClick(BOOL bEditOnClick);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine whether items are edited with a double-click.
// Returns:
// TRUE it items can be edited with a double-click
// See Also: AllowEdit, IsAllowEdit, EditOnDoubleClick
BOOL IsEditOnDoubleClick() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the row which requested for editing most
// recently.
// Returns:
// An integer value specifying the index of the raw which requested
// a delay edit most recently.
int GetLastRqstEditRow() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the column which requested for editing
// most recently.
// Returns:
// An integer value specifying the index of the column which requested
// a delay edit most recently.
int GetLastRqstEditCol() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to set an arbitrary row and column as most recent
// delay edit requester.
// Parameters:
// iRqstEditRow - The row.
// iRqstEditCol - The column.
void SetLastRqstEdit(int iRqstEditRow, int iRqstEditCol);
// Summary:
// Call this function to stop the last request timer which is used for
// delay edit.
void EnsureStopLastRqstTimer();
// Summary:
// Call this function to start the last request timer which is used for
// delay edit.
void StartLastRqstTimer();
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the ID of the delay edit timer.
// Returns:
// A UINT_PTR value specifying the id of the timer.
UINT_PTR GetDelayEditTimer() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to make sure that the delay edit timer has
// stopped properly.
void EnsureStopDelayEditTimer();
// Summary:
// Call this function to start the delay edit timer.
void StartDelayEditTimer();
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable auto check mode for check box items.
// Parameters:
// bAutoCheck - TRUE to enable auto check mode, FALSE to disable auto check mode.
// Remarks:
// When TRUE, the check box will become checked or unchecked automatically when the
// user clicks on the check box.
// See Also: IsAutoCheckItems, CXTPReportRecordItem::OnClick, CXTPReportRecordItem::OnChar
void SetAutoCheckItems(BOOL bAutoCheck);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine id auto check mode for check box items is enabled.
// Remarks:
// If TRUE is returned, the check box will become checked or unchecked automatically when the
// user clicks on the check box.
// Returns:
// TRUE if auto check mode is enabled, FALSE if auto check mode is disable.
// See Also: SetAutoCheckItems, CXTPReportRecordItem::OnClick, CXTPReportRecordItem::OnChar
BOOL IsAutoCheckItems() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to start editing a report cell.
// It makes a specified cell focused and starts in-place editing
// control which was specified there.
// Remarks:
// Note that all editing options should be enabled for this method
// to be executed successfully.
// Parameters:
// pItemArgs - Arguments of item to be edit.
// Remarks:
// Call this method with NULL as parameter to stop item edit.
// See Also: AllowEdit, CXTPReportColumn::SetEditable
// Summary:
// Retrieves in-place edit pointer.
// Returns:
// Pointer to in-place edit control.
CXTPReportInplaceEdit* GetInplaceEdit() const;
// Summary:
// Retrieves in-place buttons of report control.
// Returns:
// Collection of in-place buttons.
CXTPReportInplaceButtons* GetInplaceButtons() const;
// Summary:
// Retrieves in-place list of report controls
// Returns:
// Pointer to in-place list.
CXTPReportInplaceList* GetInplaceList() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the ReportControl has focus.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the ReportControl has focus, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL HasFocus() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to retrieve the currently active item, which
// is the item that has focus and use edit mode.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the currently active(focused) CXTPReportRecordItem if in edit mode or NULL.
CXTPReportRecordItem* GetActiveItem() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to retrieve the currently focused item
// Returns:
// A pointer to the currently focused CXTPReportRecordItem.
CXTPReportRecordItem* GetFocusedRecordItem() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to specifies the indentation placed before the
// text of each child node in a hierarchical tree structure.
// Parameters:
// nIndent - Indentation used when displaying child nodes.
void SetTreeIndent(int nIndent);
// Summary:
// Call this method to enable virtual mode of the control
// Parameters:
// pVirtualRecord - record to be used as virtual for all rows.
// nCount - Count of virtual records.
// nFields - number of fields to assign);
// Example:
// <code>
// class CVirtualRecord : public CXTPReportRecord
// {
// public:
// CVirtualRecord()
// {
// AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItem());
// AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItem());
// AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItem());
// }
// {
// // Draw virtual record
// }
// }
// ...
// m_wndReport.SetVirtualMode(new CVirtualRecord(), 540);
// </code>
// See Also: IsVirtualMode
void SetVirtualMode(CXTPReportRecord* pVirtualRecord, int nCount, int nFields = 0);
// Summary:
// Determines if control in virtual mode
// Returns;
// TRUE if virtual mode is enabled; FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsVirtualMode
BOOL IsVirtualMode() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the text from the associated filter edit control.
// Returns:
// Text string entered by user inside filter edit control.
// See Also: SetFilterText
virtual CString GetFilterText();
// Summary:
// Call this method to set new filter for control.
// Parameters:
// strFilterText - Filter text to be applied for control.
// Remarks:
// You must call Populate method to update rows.
// See Also: GetFilterText, Populate
virtual void SetFilterText(LPCTSTR strFilterText);
// Summary:
// Determine if control search filter text in hidden columns too.
// This option is disabled by default.
// Returns;
// TRUE if control search filter text in hidden columns; FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetFilterHiddenColumns, GetFilterText, SetFilterText
virtual BOOL IsFilterHiddenColumns() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to enable or disable search filter text in hidden
// columns.
// Parameters:
// bFilterHidden - TRUE to search filter text in hidden columns;
// FALSE to search in visible columns only.
// Remarks:
// This option is disabled by default.
// You must call Populate method to update rows.
// See Also: IsFilterHiddenColumns, GetFilterText, SetFilterText, Populate
virtual void SetFilterHiddenColumns(BOOL bFilterHidden);
// Summary:
// Call this method to set filtering mode for Record tree
// Parameters:
// nMode - int (XTPReportFilterMode enumerator)
// See Also: GetRecordsTreeFilterMode, XTPReportFilterMode
void SetRecordsTreeFilterMode(int nMode);
// Summary:
// GetRecordsTreeFilterMode
// Returns:
// int as selected filter mode for record tree
// See Also: SetRecordsTreeFilterMode, XTPReportFilterMode
int GetRecordsTreeFilterMode() const;
// Summary:
// Register the window class if it has not already been registered.
// Parameters:
// hInstance - Instance of resource where control is located
// Returns:
// TRUE if the window class was successfully registered.
BOOL RegisterWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL);
// Summary:
// Returns TRUE if one or more records are selected indicating the
// Cut command can be used.
// Returns:
// A BOOL value of TRUE if cut operation is possible in the current
// context, FALSE if not.
// See Also:
// CanPaste, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL CanCut();
// Summary:
// Returns TRUE if one or more records are selected indicating the
// Copy command can be used.
// Returns:
// A BOOL value of TRUE if copy operation is possible in the current
// context, FALSE if not.
// See Also:
// CanPaste, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL CanCopy();
// Summary:
// Returns TRUE if BinaryRecords or Text data exists in the clipboard.
// Returns:
// A BOOL value of TRUE if paste operation is possible in the current
// context, FALSE if not.
// See Also:
// CanCut, CanCopy, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL CanPaste();
// Summary:
// Copy selected records data (in the Binary and Text data formats) to
// the clipboard and delete records.
// See Also:
// CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste, Copy, Paste,
// OnBeforeCopyToText, OnBeforePasteFromText, OnBeforePaste.
virtual void Cut();
// Summary:
// Copy selected records data (in the Binary and Text data formats) to
// the clipboard.
// See Also:
// CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste, Cut, Paste,
// OnBeforeCopyToText, OnBeforePasteFromText, OnBeforePaste.
virtual void Copy();
// Summary:
// Reads records from the clipboard and add them to records collection.
// The Binary data format is used rather than Text format.
// See Also:
// CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste, Cut, Copy,
// OnBeforeCopyToText, OnBeforePasteFromText, OnBeforePaste.
virtual void Paste();
// Summary:
// Returns TRUE if inplace edit control is active (visible and focused),
// FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// GetInplaceEdit.
virtual BOOL IsEditMode();
// Summary:
// Set compare function to sort.
// Parameters:
// pCompareFunc - A XTPReportRowsCompareFunc function pointer that is used
// to compare rows or NULL to use the default one.
// Remarks:
// This method uses Visual C++ run-time library (MSVCRT)
// implementation of the quick-sort function, qsort, for sorting
// stored CXTPReportRow objects.
// If pCompareFunc = NULL the default compare function is used.
// Call Populate() method to resort items.
// See Also:
// SortRows, CXTPReportRows::SortEx, CXTPReportRows::Sort,
// CXTPReportRows::XTPReportRowsCompareFunc
virtual void SetRowsCompareFunc(XTPReportRowsCompareFunc pCompareFunc);
// Summary:
// Use this function to determine is sort order applied for record children.
// Returns:
// TRUE if sort order applied for record children, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsSortRecordChilds() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to apply sort order for record children
// Parameters:
// bSortRecordChilds - TRUE to sort record children.
void SetSortRecordChilds(BOOL bSortRecordChilds);
// Summary:
// Use this function to get horizontal scrolling step.
// Returns:
// Horizontal scrolling step in pixels.
int GetHScrollStep() const;
// Summary:
// Use this function to set horizontal scrolling step.
// Parameters:
// nStep - Horizontal scrolling step in pixels.
void SetHScrollStep(int nStep);
// Summary:
// Use this function to get vertical scrolling timer resolution.
// Returns:
// Vertical scrolling timer resolution in milliseconds.
UINT GetAutoVScrollTimerResolution() const;
// Summary:
// Use this function to set vertical scrolling timer resolution.
// Parameters:
// nNewTimerResolution - Vertical scrolling timer resolution in milliseconds.
// See also:
// CWnd::SetTimer
void SetAutoVScrollTimerResolution(UINT nNewTimerResolution);
// Summary:
// Call this function to know whether the preview allows editing.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the preview allows editing and FALSE if not.
BOOL IsPreviewAllowEdit() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to enable the preview editing.
// Parameter:
// bAllowEdit - TRUE to enable the preview editing and FALSE to disable.
void PreviewAllowEdit(BOOL bAllowEdit);
// Summary:
// Returns whether collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
// Returns:
// TRUE if collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
BOOL IsLockExpand() const;
// Summary:
// Sets whether collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
// Parameter:
// bLockExpand - TRUE to lock collapsing/expanding rows.
void LockExpand(BOOL bLockExpand);
// Summary:
// Call this function to recalculate and redraw the rows.
// Parameter:
// bAll - TRUE to make the recalculation and drawing apply to the entire
// rows and FALSE to make it applicable to the row in focus..
void Recalc(BOOL bAll = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Enables or disables double-buffering.
// Parameter:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable double-buffering, FALSE to disable it
void EnableDoubleBuffering(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if double buffering is enabled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if double buffering is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: EnableDoubleBuffering
BOOL IsDoubleBuffering() const;
// Summary:
// Determines whether the first row in the report will become selected
// when initially populated.
// Returns:
// TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SelectionEnable
BOOL IsInitialSelectionEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to specify whether the first row in the report
// will become selected when initially populated. Use InitialSelectionEnable
// to stop the report from automatically selecting the first row after populate.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable initial rows selection.
// FALSE to disable initial rows selection.
// See Also: IsSelectionEnabled
void InitialSelectionEnable(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the row focus is visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the the row focus is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: ShowRowFocus
BOOL IsRowFocusVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable showing the row focus.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE to enable showing the row focus.
// FALSE to disable showing the row focus.
// See Also: IsRowFocusVisible
void ShowRowFocus(BOOL bShow);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine current watermark alignment flags.
// Returns:
// Current watermark alignment.
// See Also: XTPReportWatermarkAlignment, SetWatermarkAlignment.
int GetWatermarkAlignment() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to set watermark alignment flags.
// Parameters:
// nWatermarkAlignment - watermark alignment flags.
// See Also: XTPReportWatermarkAlignment, GetWatermarkAlignment.
void SetWatermarkAlignment(int nWatermarkAlignment);
// Summary:
// Call this function to draw a water mark
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to the device context.
// rc - The rectangular bounds of the water mark.
void DrawWatermark(CDC *pDC, CRect rcWatermark, CRect rcClient);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve report element rectangle.
// Parameters:
// nElement - number
// Returns:
// Report element rectangle.
CRect GetElementRect(int nElement) const;
// Summary:
// Returns the report data manager
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the data manager
// Returns:
// The report data manager.
CXTPReportDataManager* GetDataManager();
// Summary:
// Sets new operational control mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// nMode - New mouse mode. For available values, see XTPReportMouseMode enum.
// See Also: XTPReportMouseMode overview, GetMouseMode
void SetMouseMode(XTPReportMouseMode nMode);
// Summary:
// Returns the current control mouse mode.
// Returns:
// Current control mouse mode.
// For available values, see XTPReportMouseMode enum.
// See Also: XTPReportMouseMode overview, SetMouseMode
XTPReportMouseMode GetMouseMode() const;
// Summary:
// Gets the watermark bitmap to be shown in the report control background.
// Returns:
// hBitmap - bitmap handle.
virtual HBITMAP GetWatermarkBitmap() const;
// Summary:
// Sets a watermark bitmap to be shown in the report control background.
// Parameters:
// hBitmap - bitmap handle.
// Transparency - transparency value.
// Returns:
// TRUE if watermark bitmap successfully added or removed, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL SetWatermarkBitmap(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE Transparency);
// Summary:
// Sets a watermark bitmap to be shown in the report control background.
// Parameters:
// szPath - path to bitmap file.
// Transparency - transparency value.
// Returns:
// TRUE if watermark bitmap successfully added or removed, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL SetWatermarkBitmap(LPCTSTR szPath, BYTE Transparency);
// Summary:
// Call function to get the next focusable column
// Parameter:
// pRow - A pointer to the report row object.
// nColumnIndex - The column index.
// nDirection - A positive integer specifying the right side and
// negative integer specifying the left side of the
// column, with index nColumnIndex.
// Remarks:
// It is a virtual function.
virtual CXTPReportColumn* GetNextFocusableColumn(CXTPReportRow* pRow, int nColumnIndex, int nDirection);
CXTPReportBehavior* GetBehavior() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to specify whether item icons are shown when the item
// is getting edited.
// Parameters:
// bShow - BOOL flag to set or not
void ShowIconWhenEditing(BOOL bShow);
// Summary:
// Call this function to determine whether item icons are shown when the item
// is getting edited.
// Returns:
// TRUE if item icons are shown while being edited. FALSE by default.
BOOL IsShowIconWhenEditing();
// Summary:
// This member used to set Fast Deselect Mode (like Windows Explorer use)
// Parameters:
// bFastDeselect - BOOL flag to set or not
void SetFastDeselectMode(BOOL bFastDeselect = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member used to set column as icon view column
// Parameters:
// pColumn - pointer to column
void SetIconColumn(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
// Summary:
// This member used to create column as icon view column
// and also allows to reuse it for number column in report view
// Parameters:
// bUseColumnForNum - flag to reuse icon column as number column in report view
// nWidth - width of number column
void CreateIconColumn(BOOL bUseColumnForNum = FALSE, int nWidth = 40);
// Summary:
// This member used to create column as icon view column
// and also allows to reuse it for number column in report view
// can be used on for non-virtual mode
// Parameters:
// nCol - column index to use as icon column property (field)
// nIcon - icon index to use in icon view
// bUseColumnForNum - flag to reuse icon column as number column in report view
// nWidth - width of number column
void AssignIconViewPropNumAndIconNum(int nCol = 0, int nIcon = 0,
BOOL bUseColumnForNum = FALSE, int nWidth = 20);
// Summary:
// This member used to toggle between IconView and ReportView modes
// Parameters:
// bIconView - BOOL flag (TRUE for IconView mode, FALSE for ReportView mode)
void SetIconView(BOOL bIconView = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this function to know whether the icon view mode is active or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if IconView mode active
BOOL IsIconView() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the rows per line.
// Returns:
// integer value denoting the rows per line
int GetRowsPerLine() const;
// Summary:
// Call this functions to get the number of rows in a line of arbitrary
// length.
// Parameters:
// iTotalWidth - passed param for total width
// Returns:
// An integer specifying the number of lines in a row.
int GetNumRowsOnLine(int iTotalWidth) const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to set the report navigator.
// Parameters:
// pNavigator - pointer to flag CXTPReportNavigator
void SetNavigator(CXTPReportNavigator* pNavigator);
// Summary:
// ShowRowNumber
// Parameters:
// bSet - BOOL flag to show or hide Row Number column
void ShowRowNumber(BOOL bSet);
// Summary:
// IsShowRowNumber
// Returns:
// TRUE if Row Number visible
BOOL IsShowRowNumber();
// Summary:
// Helper function
// Parameters:
// row - row number.
// col - column number.
// sText - string to set
// Returns:
// TRUE if success
BOOL SetCellText(int row, int col, CString sText);
// Summary:
// Helper function
// Parameters:
// row - row number.
// col - column number.
// sFormula - Formula to set.
// Returns:
// TRUE if success
BOOL SetCellFormula(int row, int col, CString sFormula);
// Summary:
// Unselect all Group Rows
void UnselectGroupRows();
// Summary:
// Call this function to release the sorted items and clear the memory.
void ReleaseSorted();
// Summary:
// Call this function to get the horizontal scroll position.
// Returns:
// An integer denoting the horizontal scroll position.
int GetLeftOffset() const;
//assessors for m_bDragMode
// Summary:
// Call this function to know whether current mouse context is dragging.
// Returns:
// BOOL value of TRUE if the report control item(s) are in drag mode
// FALSE if not.
BOOL IsDragMode() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to reset the icon view column to is default values.
// This should be called if the column in ever destroyed.
void SetIconViewToDefaults();
// Summary:
// Returns the scroll mode
XTPReportScrollMode GetScrollMode(XTPReportOrientation orientation) const;
// Summary:
// Sets the scroll mode
void SetScrollMode(
XTPReportOrientation orientation,
XTPReportScrollMode scrollMode);
// Summary:
// Returns a pointer to the sections collection.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the sections collection.
CXTPReportSections *GetSections() const;
// Summary:
// Returns current grid drawing mode.
// Parameters:
// bVertical - TRUE for vertical grid style,
// FALSE for horizontal grid style.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve current
// grid lines drawing style for the report control.
// Returns:
// Current grid drawing style.
// See Also: XTPReportGridStyle overview, SetGridStyle, SetGridColor
XTPReportGridStyle GetGridStyle(BOOL bVertical) const;
// Summary:
// Set or clear grid drawing style.
// Parameters:
// bVertical - TRUE for changing vertical grid style,
// FALSE for changing horizontal grid style.
// gridStyle - New grid style. Can be any of the values listed in the Remarks section.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to change a style
// of report grid lines.
// Possible grid line styles are the following:
// * <b>xtpReportGridNoLines</b> Empty line
// * <b>xtpReportGridSmallDots</b> Line is drawn with small dots
// * <b>xtpReportGridLargeDots</b> Line is drawn with large dots
// * <b>xtpReportGridDashes</b> Line is drawn with dashes
// * <b>xtpReportGridSolid</b> Draws solid line
// See Also: XTPReportGridStyle overview, GetGridStyle, SetGridColor
void SetGridStyle(BOOL bVertical, XTPReportGridStyle gridStyle);
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the data records.
// Returns:
// The data records collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve an access
// to the collection of report records. You may then perform
// standard operations on the collection like adding, removing, etc.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecords overview, AddRecord
CXTPReportRecords* GetRecords() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the header records.
// Returns:
// The header records collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve an access
// to the collection of report header records. You may then perform
// standard operations on the collection like adding, removing, etc.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecords overview, AddRecord
CXTPReportRecords* GetHeaderRecords() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the footer records.
// Returns:
// The footer records collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to retrieve an access
// to the collection of report footer records. You may then perform
// standard operations on the collection like adding, removing, etc.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecords overview, AddRecord
CXTPReportRecords* GetFooterRecords() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the report rows
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the collection
// of report rows, representing current control view.
// Note that rows collection could be rebuilt automatically
// on executing Populate method.
// Returns:
// The report rows collection.
// Example:
// See example for CXTPReportControl::BeginUpdate method.
// See Also: CXTPReportRows overview, Populate
CXTPReportRows* GetRows() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the report header rows
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the collection
// of report header rows, representing current control view.
// Note that rows collection could be rebuilt automatically
// on executing Populate method.
// Returns:
// The report header rows collection.
// Example:
// See Also: CXTPReportRows overview, Populate
CXTPReportRows* GetHeaderRows() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the collection of the report footer rows
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to retrieve an access to the collection
// of report footer rows.
// Note that rows collection could be rebuilt automatically
// on executing Populate method.
// Returns:
// The report footer rows collection.
// Example:
// See Also: CXTPReportRows overview, Populate
CXTPReportRows* GetFooterRows() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve Report bounding rectangle.
// Returns:
// Report bounding rectangle.
CRect GetReportRectangle() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve Header records bounding rectangle.
// Returns:
// Header records bounding rectangle.
CRect GetHeaderRowsRect() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve footer rows bounding rectangle.
// Returns:
// Footer rows bounding rectangle.
CRect GetFooterRowsRect() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to allow user moving the selection to header rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowAccess - TRUE - selection of header rows is allowed, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsAllowAccess
void HeaderRowsAllowAccess(BOOL bAllowAccess);
// Summary:
// Call this member to allow user moving the selection to footer rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowAccess - TRUE - selection of footer rows is allowed, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsAllowAccess
void FooterRowsAllowAccess(BOOL bAllowAccess);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if user can move selection to header rows.
// Returns:
// TRUE if user can move selection to header rows, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: HeaderRowsAllowAccess.
BOOL IsHeaderRowsAllowAccess() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if user can move selection to footer rows.
// Returns:
// TRUE if user can move selection to footer rows, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: FooterRowsAllowAccess.
BOOL IsFooterRowsAllowAccess() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if rows selection is enabled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if rows selection is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SelectionEnable
BOOL IsSelectionEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable rows selection.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable rows selection.
// FALSE to disable rows selection.
// See Also: IsSelectionEnabled
void SelectionEnable(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable selection in header rows.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE - selection of header rows is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsSelectionEnabled
void HeaderRowsEnableSelection(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if selection in header rows is enabled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if selection in header rows is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: HeaderRowsEnableSelection.
BOOL IsHeaderRowsSelectionEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable selection in footer rows.
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE - selection of footer rows is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsSelectionEnabled
void FooterRowsEnableSelection(BOOL bEnable);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if selection in footer rows is enabled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if selection in footer rows is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: FooterRowsEnableSelection.
BOOL IsFooterRowsSelectionEnabled() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to allow the text in all CXTPReportRecordItem(s) to be edited. This will
// add an edit box to the item where the text can be edited.
// Parameters:
// bAllowEdit - TRUE to add an edit box to the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) so they are editable.
// FALSE to remove the edit box and not allow them to be edited.
// See Also: IsAllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
void AllowEdit(BOOL bAllowEdit);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the CXTPReportRecordItem(s)are editable.
// Returns:
// TRUE is the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) are editable, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: AllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
BOOL IsAllowEdit() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to allow the text in all CXTPReportRecordItem(s) to be edited (for header records only).
// This will add an edit box to the item where the text can be edited.
// Parameters:
// bAllowEdit - TRUE to add an edit box to the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) so they are editable.
// FALSE to remove the edit box and not allow them to be edited.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsAllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
void HeaderRowsAllowEdit(BOOL bAllowEdit);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) are editable (for header records only).
// Returns:
// TRUE is the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) are editable, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: HeaderRowsAllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
BOOL IsHeaderRowsAllowEdit() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to allow the text in all CXTPReportRecordItem(s) to be edited (for footer records only).
// This will add an edit box to the item where the text can be edited.
// Parameters:
// bAllowEdit - TRUE to add an edit box to the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) so they are editable.
// FALSE to remove the edit box and not allow them to be edited.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsAllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
void FooterRowsAllowEdit(BOOL bAllowEdit);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) are editable (for footer records only).
// Returns:
// TRUE is the CXTPReportRecordItem(s) are editable, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: FooterRowsAllowEdit, EditOnClick, IsEditOnClick
BOOL IsFooterRowsAllowEdit() const;
// Allow Group
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable grouping of rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowGroup - TRUE to enable grouping, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsAllowGroup
void AllowGroup(BOOL bAllowGroup);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if grouping of rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if grouping of rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: AllowGroup
BOOL IsAllowGroup() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable grouping of header rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowGroup - TRUE to enable grouping, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsAllowGroup
void HeaderRowsAllowGroup(BOOL bAllowGroup);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if grouping of header rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if grouping of header rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: HeaderRowsAllowGroup
BOOL IsHeaderRowsAllowGroup() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable grouping of footer rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowGroup - TRUE to enable grouping, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsAllowGroup
void FooterRowsAllowGroup(BOOL bAllowGroup);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if grouping of footer rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if grouping of footer rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: FooterRowsAllowGroup
BOOL IsFooterRowsAllowGroup() const;
// Allow Sort
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable sorting of rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowSort - TRUE to enable sorting, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsAllowGroup
void AllowSort(BOOL bAllowSort);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if sorting of rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if sorting of rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: AllowSort
BOOL IsAllowSort() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable sorting of header rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowSort - TRUE to enable sorting, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsAllowSort
void HeaderRowsAllowSort(BOOL bAllowSort);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if sorting of header rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if sorting of header rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: HeaderRowsAllowSort
BOOL IsHeaderRowsAllowSort() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to enable or disable sorting of footer rows.
// Parameters:
// bAllowSort - TRUE to enable sorting, FALSE to disable it.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsAllowSort
void FooterRowsAllowSort(BOOL bAllowSort);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if sorting of footer rows is allowed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if sorting of footer rows is allowed, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: FooterRowsAllowSort
BOOL IsFooterRowsAllowSort() const;
// Show Rows
// Summary:
// Call this member to hide/show header records.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE is header records will be displayed, FALSE to hide header records.
// See Also: IsHeaderRowsVisible, ShowFooterRows
void ShowHeaderRows(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if header records are currently visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if header records are visible, FALSE if header records are hidden.
// See Also: ShowHeaderRows
BOOL IsHeaderRowsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to hide/show footer records.
// Parameters:
// bShow - TRUE is footer records will be displayed, FALSE to hide footer records.
// See Also: IsFooterRowsVisible, ShowHeaderRows
void ShowFooterRows(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if footer records are currently visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if footer records are visible, FALSE if footer records are hidden.
// See Also: ShowFooterRows
BOOL IsFooterRowsVisible() const;
int GetPageRowCount(CDC *pDC) const;
void AdjustScrollBarH(BOOL bUpdate, UINT nMask); // Adjusts the horizontal scrollbar
void AdjustScrollBarV(BOOL bUpdate, UINT nMask); // Adjusts the vertical scrollbar
void UpdateScrollBarV();
void Paint(CDC *pDC);
// Summary:
// Performs all drawing logic.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Provided DC to draw control image with.
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// Draws all rows on the provided DC.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Provided DC to draw rows image with.
// rcClient - A rectangle to draw rows image into.
// Returns:
// Index of last printed row
virtual int DrawRows(CDC *pDC, CRect &rcClient, int y, CXTPReportRows *pRows, int nTopRow, int nColumnFrom, int nColumnTo, int *pnHeight = NULL);
virtual void DrawIconView(CDC *pDC, CRect &rcClient);
// Summary:
// Draws 'NoItems' text on the provided DC.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Provided DC to draw text.
// rcClient - A rectangle to draw text into.
virtual void DrawNoItems(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcClient);
// Summary:
// Returns changed status flag of the control. Used for caching control image drawing.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the internal control state was changed since last drawing, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsChanged() const;
// Summary:
// Sets new changed status flag for the control. Used for caching control image drawing.
// Parameters:
// bChanged - TRUE when something was changed in the control contents and control needs to be republished.
void SetChanged(BOOL bChanged = TRUE);
// Summary:
// ReSorts rows tree corresponding to the sort order taken from columns.
// Works faster than Populate.
virtual void ReSortRows();
// Summary:
// Update field chooser control with its content.
void UpdateSubList();
// Summary:
// Collapses all children of the specified row.
// Parameters:
// pRow - A row to collapse.
virtual void _DoCollapse(CXTPReportRow* pRow);
// Summary:
// Expands all children of the specified row.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An index to insert rows from.
// pRow - A row to expand.
// Returns:
// A count of the newly added rows or void.
virtual int _DoExpand(int nIndex, CXTPReportRow* pRow);
virtual void _DoExpand(CXTPReportRow* pRow);
// <COMBINE CXTPReportControl::_DoExpand@int@CXTPReportRow*>
// Summary:
// Inserts the specified row at the specified position.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - A position to insert row at.
// pRow - A row to insert.
// Remarks:
// Inserts the specified row to the rows array at the specified position
// with all its children expanded. Use _DoExpand() to expand
// all child items
// Returns:
// A number of the inserted rows.
virtual int InsertRow(int nIndex, CXTPReportRow* pRow);
// Summary:
// Recalculates indexes of all rows.
// Parameters:
// bAdjustLayout - If TRUE, layout is adjusted.
// bReverseOrder - If TRUE, row indices are updated in reverse order, starting from the last row.
virtual void RefreshIndexes(BOOL bAdjustLayout = TRUE, BOOL bReverseOrder = FALSE);
virtual void _RefreshIndexes(BOOL bAdjustLayout = TRUE, BOOL bReverseOrder = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Checks a record for filter text.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - A record to apply filter to.
// strFilterText - Filter string text.
// bIncludePreview - Include preview item in filtering or not.
// Remarks:
// This member function represents filter functionality. First, it parses
// the input text of a filter string by tokens; second it enumerates all visible
// columns to find text matching to the filter string. Returns TRUE if
// matching found, FALSE otherwise
// Returns:
// TRUE if record is filtered with the specified filter,
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL ApplyFilter(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, CString strFilterText, BOOL bIncludePreview);
// Summary:
// This member function is called after a user selects a row or a column
// Remarks:
// After user selects row or column, ReportControl sends notification to the
// parent window by calling OnSelectionChanged()
// See Also: XTP_NM_REPORT_SELCHANGED, SendNotifyMessage()
virtual void OnSelectionChanged();
// Summary:
// This member function is called before the focus change
// Parameters:
// pNewRow - A pointer to row object which been focused;
// pNewCol - A pointer to column object which been focused;
// Remarks:
// Before user changes focused row or column, ReportControl sends notification to the
// parent window by calling OnFocusChanging()
// Returns:
// Returns True if selection changing is OK, False if selection is to be
// canceled.
// See Also: XTP_NM_REPORT_FOCUS_CHANGING, SendNotifyMessage(), OnFocusChanged
virtual BOOL OnFocusChanging(CXTPReportRow* pNewRow, CXTPReportColumn* pNewCol);
// Summary:
// Returns drawing metrics for the row.
// Parameters:
// pDrawArgs - Pointer to the provided draw arguments structure for calculating metrics.
// pItemMetrics - Pointer to the metrics structure to fill.
virtual void GetItemMetrics(
// Summary:
// This method is called to create new CXTPReportRow object. Overwrite it
// to use derived CXTPReportRow class.
// Returns:
// New CXTPReportRow object.
virtual CXTPReportRow* CreateRow();
// Summary:
// This method is called to create new CXTPReportGroupRow object. Overwrite it
// to use derived CXTPReportGroupRow class.
// Returns:
// New CXTPReportGroupRow object.
virtual CXTPReportGroupRow* CreateGroupRow();
// Summary:
// This method is called to create new CXTPReportRow object for
// header/footer rows. Overwrite it to use derived CXTPReportRow class.
// Returns:
// New CXTPReportRow object.
virtual CXTPReportRow* CreateHeaderFooterRow();
// Summary:
// This method is called when user start drag row
// Parameters:
// point - Drag point
// nFlags - Tells the various state of the mouse buttons.
// Remarks:
// Use can override this method or catch LVN_BEGINDRAG message to proceed drag
// operations. OnBeginDrag will not know which mouse button is used for the
// drag unless you pass nFlags.
virtual void OnBeginDrag(CPoint point);
virtual void OnBeginDrag(CPoint point, UINT nFlags); // <COMBINE CXTPReportControl::OnBeginDrag@CPoint>
// Summary:
// This method is called before add record text data to the clipboard.
// Parameters:
// pRecord - [in] A pointer to source record;
// rarStrings - [in/out] Reference to strings array with record items
// values. By default this array contains visible items
// captions.
// Remarks:
// If you would like to customize text data for the clipboard you can
// change rarStrings as you need.
// Default implementation sends XTP_NM_REPORT_BEFORE_COPY_TOTEXT
// notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE to cancel copying this record to the clipboard in text format,
// FALSE to continue.
// See Also:
// OnBeforePasteFromText, OnBeforePaste, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL OnBeforeCopyToText(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, CStringArray& rarStrings);
// Summary:
// This method is called before creating new record using text data
// from the clipboard.
// Parameters:
// arStrings - [in] Strings array with record items values.
// ppRecord - [out] A pointer to new record pointer;
// Remarks:
// If you would like to customize creating new record from text data
// you have to create new record object with record items and fill
// them using default values and strings provided in arStrings parameter.
// If new record will not be set to ppRecord parameter, control will
// create CXTPReportRecord object with
// CXTPReportRecordItemVariant items and fill visible items using
// strings provided in arStrings parameter.
// Default implementation sends XTP_NM_REPORT_BEFORE_PASTE_FROMTEXT
// notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE to cancel adding this record, FALSE to continue.
// See Also:
// OnBeforeCopyToText, OnBeforePaste, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL OnBeforePasteFromText(CStringArray& arStrings, CXTPReportRecord** ppRecord);
// Summary:
// This method is called after creating new record using binary data
// from the clipboard, but before add it to records collection.
// Parameters:
// ppRecord - [in/out] A pointer to new record pointer;
// Remarks:
// If you would like to customize new record created from binary data
// you may to create new or change provided record using
// ppRecord parameter.
// Default implementation sends XTP_NM_REPORT_BEFORE_PASTE
// notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE to cancel adding this record, FALSE to continue.
// See Also:
// OnBeforeCopyToText, OnBeforePasteFromText, Cut, Copy, Paste.
virtual BOOL OnBeforePaste(CXTPReportRecord** ppRecord);
// Summary:
// This method is called before processing OnKeyDown event.
// Parameters:
// rnChar - [in/out] A reference to variable which specifies
// the virtual key code of the given key. For a list of
// of standard virtual key codes, see Winuser.h.
// nRepCnt - [in] Repeat count (the number of times the keystroke
// is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key).
// nFlags - [in] Specifies the scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and context code.
// Remarks:
// If you would like to customize keyboard behavior you can change
// rnChar parameter value or perform your logic and return FALSE to
// disable default processing.
// Default implementation sends XTP_NM_REPORT_PREVIEWKEYDOWN
// notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE to continue processing key, FALSE to cancel.
// See Also:
virtual BOOL OnPreviewKeyDown(UINT& rnChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This method is used by the report control to calculate BestFit
// column width.
// Parameters:
// pColumn - Pointer to a column for width calculation.
// Returns:
// BestFit column width (or zero).
virtual int OnGetColumnDataBestFitWidth(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
// Summary:
// This method is used by the report control to calculate items
// captions maximum width.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a compatible CDC object.
// pRows - Pointer to a rows collection.
// pColumn - Pointer to a column for width calculation.
// nStartRow - Start row index.
// nRowsCount - Rows count.
// Returns:
// Items captions maximum width.
virtual int OnGetItemsCaptionMaxWidth(CDC* pDC, CXTPReportRows* pRows,
CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, int nStartRow = 0, int nRowsCount= -1);
// Summary:
// This method is used to enable monitoring mouse position for automatic
// vertical scrolling.
// Remarks:
// Used when dragging records.
// See Also:
// EnsureStopAutoVertScroll, DoAutoVertScrollIfNeed
virtual void EnsureStartAutoVertScroll();
// Summary:
// This method is used to stop monitoring mouse position for automatic
// vertical scrolling.
// Remarks:
// Used when dragging records.
// See Also:
// EnsureStartAutoVertScroll, DoAutoVertScrollIfNeed
virtual void EnsureStopAutoVertScroll();
// Summary:
// This method is used to monitoring mouse position. If mouse
// will be moved to 20 pixels before top or before bottom report borders
// the control will be scrolled vertically.
// Parameters:
// ptClick - Coordinates of initial click (or mouse down).
// pt - Current mouse position.
// Remarks:
// Used when dragging records.
// See Also:
// EnsureStartAutoVertScroll, EnsureStopAutoVertScroll
virtual void DoAutoVertScrollIfNeed(CPoint ptClick, CPoint pt);
// Summary:
// Returns calculated rows height.
// Parameters:
// pRows - CXTPReportRows*
// nTotalWidth - Width of the row
// nMaxHeight - The maximum rows height to stop calculation.
// Set this parameter as -1 to calculate all rows height.
// Returns:
// The height of the default rectangle where row's items will draw.
// Example:
// <code>int nHeaderRowsHeight = GetRowHeight(pDC, pRow)</code>
virtual int GetRowsHeight(CXTPReportRows* pRows, int nTotalWidth, int nMaxHeight = -1);
// Summary:
// This method is used to notify about changing constraint selection.
// Parameters:
// pRow - A pointer to current row object;
// pItem - A pointer to current record item object;
// pColumn - A pointer to current column object;
// pConstraint - A pointer to hot selected constraint;
// Remarks:
// Send for every selection change before new selection applied or canceled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if notification successfully sent, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL OnConstraintSelecting(CXTPReportRow* pRow, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem, CXTPReportColumn* pColumn,
CXTPReportRecordItemConstraint* pConstraint);
// Summary:
// This method is called to get tooltip text for the item
// Parameters:
// pRow - A pointer to current row object;
// pItem - A pointer to current record item object;
// rstrToolTipText - A reference to CString object to customize tool tip
// text. It contains default tool tip text;
// Remarks:
// If rstrToolTipText set to empty - the default tool tip will be shown
// when not enough space to draw item text.
// If rstrToolTipText set to single space (" ") no tool tip will be shown.
// Returns:
// A reference to XTP_NM_REPORTTOOLTIPINFO structure.
virtual const XTP_NM_REPORTTOOLTIPINFO& OnGetToolTipInfo(CXTPReportRow* pRow, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem, CString& rstrToolTipText);
// Summary:
// Adjust control indentation properties depending on current tree depth.
// See Also: GetIndent
void AdjustIndentation();
// Summary:
// This member is called when an item is dragged over the report control.
// Parameters:
// pDataObject - Points to the COleDataObject being dragged over the
// drop target.
// dwKeyState - State of keys on keyboard. Contains the state of the
// modifier keys. This is a combination of any number of
// point - The current mouse position relative to the report control.
// nState - The transition state (0 - enter, 1 - leave, 2 - over).
// Returns:
// A value from the DROPEFFECT enumerated type, which indicates the type
// of drop that would occur if the user dropped the object at this
// position. The type of drop often depends on the current key state as
// indicated by dwKeyState. A standard mapping of key states to DROPEFFECT
// values is:
// * <b>DROPEFFECT_NONE</b> The data object cannot be dropped in this
// window.
// * <b>DROPEFFECT_COPY</b> for <b>MK_CONTROL</b> Creates a copy of
// the dropped object.
// * <b>DROPEFFECT_MOVE</b> for <b>MK_ALT</b> Creates a copy of the dropped
// object and delete the original object.
// This is typically the default drop effect,
// when the view can accept the data object.
virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragOver(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point, int nState);
// Summary:
// This member is called when an item has been dropped into the report control.
// Parameters:
// pDataObject - Points to the COleDataObject that is dropped into the drop target.
// dropEffect - The drop effect that the user has requested. Can be any of the values listed in the Remarks section.
// point - The current mouse position relative to the report control.
// Remarks:
// The <i>dropEffect</i> parameter can be one of the following values:
// * <b>DROPEFFECT_COPY</b> Creates a copy of the data object being dropped.
// * <b>DROPEFFECT_MOVE</b> Moves the data object to the current mouse location.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the drop was successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL OnDrop(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// Call function to relay the tooltip event.
// Parameter:
// message - Windows message.
// Remarks:
// It is a virtual function.
virtual void RelayToolTipEvent(UINT message);
// Summary:
// Call function to get the number of rows per unit mouse scroll.
// Returns:
// A UINT value specifying the number of rows.
static UINT AFX_CDECL GetMouseScrollLines();
virtual CString _GetSelectedRowsVisibleColsText();
BOOL _GetSelectedRows(CXTPReportRecords* pRecords, CXTPInternalCollectionT<CXTPReportRow> * pRows = NULL);
void _SelectChilds(CXTPReportRecords *pRecords);
void _SelectRows(CXTPReportRecords *pRecords);
virtual BOOL _ReadRecordsFromText(LPCTSTR pcszText, CXTPReportRecords& rarRecords);
virtual CXTPReportRecord* _CreateRecodFromText(LPCTSTR pcszRecord);
virtual BOOL _WriteSelectedRowsData(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
virtual BOOL _ReadRecordsFromData(CXTPPropExchange* pPX, CXTPReportRecords& rarRecords);
BOOL _WriteRecordsData(CXTPPropExchange* pPX, CXTPReportRecords* pRecords);
virtual void DrawDropMarker(CDC* pDC);
virtual void DrawExtDropMarker(CDC* pDC, int y);
virtual BOOL _ApplyFilter(CXTPReportRecord* pRecord, CString strFilterText, BOOL bIncludePreview);
// System accessibility support.
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChildCount(long* pcountChildren);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChild(VARIANT varChild, IDispatch** ppdispChild);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarRole);
virtual HRESULT AccessibleLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long* pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild);
virtual HRESULT AccessibleHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT* pvarChild);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState);
virtual CCmdTarget* GetAccessible();
virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext *pContext = NULL);
virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg);
virtual BOOL OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult);
virtual INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const;
virtual CScrollBar* GetScrollBarCtrl(int nBar) const;
afx_msg LRESULT OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Window events
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnEnable(BOOL bEnable);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
// Focus
afx_msg void OnSetFocus (CWnd *pOldWnd);
afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd *pNewWnd);
// Scrolling
afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar);
afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar);
// Mouse events
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseLeave ();
// Key events
afx_msg void OnKeyDown (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnKeyUp (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnSysKeyUp (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnChar (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pos);
afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged(CWnd* pWnd);
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode();
afx_msg void OnStyleChanged(int nStyleType, LPSTYLESTRUCT lpStyleStruct);
afx_msg LRESULT OnGetObject(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void OnButton(UINT nFlags, CPoint point, CXTPReportBehaviorRowMouseButton* behavior);
int _GetFocusedRowType() const;
int _GetFocusedRowIndex() const;
BOOL _SetFocusedRow(CXTPReportRow *pRow);
BOOL _SetSelectedRow(CXTPReportRow *pRow, int nFocusedRowIndex, BOOL bShiftKey, BOOL bControlKey);
void DrawDefaultGrid(CDC* pDC, CRect rcClient, int nRowHeight, int nLeftOffset);
void RedrawScrollBar(int nBar);
void GetColumnTotalSize(int &nTotalCount, int &nTotalWidth) const;
void GetColumnOutOfViewSize(int &nOutOfViewCount, int &nOutOfViewWidth) const;
void GetColumnScrollSize(int nOutOfViewWidth, int &nScrollCount, int &nScrollWidth) const;
BOOL m_bMovePivot; // Tells whether the freeze column is displayed or not when columns are added to the group by box.
BOOL m_bStrictFiltering; // Tells whether strict filtering is enabled or not.
BOOL m_bForcePagination; // Specifies whether to force the report to be split up into "pages" while in print preview mode.
BOOL m_bSelectionExcludeGroupRows; // TRUE if selection exclude group rows
XTPReportInputState m_mouseDownState; // MouseDown state
DWORD m_dwLastMouseMessage;
CXTPReportRow* m_pHotExpandButtonRow; // Row with hot expand button
CXTPReportHyperlink *m_pHotHyperlink; // Hot hyperlink
CXTPReportBehavior* m_pBehavior; //
BOOL m_bDoubleBuffering; // Enables double-buffering
BOOL m_bChanged; // Internal member for storing changed flag.
BOOL m_bRefreshIndexes; // TRUE when it is required to refresh items indexes.
BOOL m_bInternalMove; // Internal member for storing DD run-time flag.
int m_nLockUpdateCount; // A counter of the update locks. An image will be redrawn only when the lock counter is equal to zero.
CRect m_rcGroupByArea; // The area occupied by Group By item.
CRect m_rcHeaderArea; // The area occupied by the header.
CRect m_rcFooterArea; // The area occupied by the footer.
CXTPReportColumns* m_pColumns; // List columns container.
CXTPReportRows *m_pRows; // Virtual list rows container. Used for changing order, etc.
CXTPReportHeader *m_pReportHeader; // List header member.
CXTPReportSections *m_pSections;
CXTPReportSection *m_pSectionHeader;
CXTPReportSection *m_pSectionBody;
CXTPReportSection *m_pSectionFooter;
CXTPReportSection *m_pSectionScroll;
CXTPMarkupContext *m_pMarkupContext; // Markup context
CXTPReportPaintManager *m_pPaintManager; // Paint manager
CXTPReportNavigator *m_pNavigator; // Navigator
CXTPReportNavigator *m_pNavigatorReport;
CXTPReportIconNavigator *m_pNavigatorIcon;
// Scrolling
XTPReportScrollUpdateMode m_scrollUpdateMode; // Scroll update mode
XTPReportScrollMode m_scrollModeH; // Horizontal scroll mode
XTPReportScrollMode m_scrollModeV; // Vertical scroll mode
int m_nScrollOffsetH; // Horizontal scroll position.
int m_nScrollStepH; // Horizontal scroll step (in pixels).
int m_nScrollStepV; // Vertical scroll step (in pixels).
int m_nFixedColumnsCount;
int m_nDisableReorderColumnsCount; // Count of columns at the left side where reordering is disabled.
CXTPReportSelectedRows* m_pSelectedRows; // Container for the currently selected rows.
CXTPReportRow* m_pHotRow; // Hot row
int m_nRowsPerWheel; // Amount of rows to scroll by mouse wheel.
CXTPReportTip* m_pTip; // Tip window.
CBitmap m_bmpCache; // Cached window bitmap.
BOOL m_bGroupByEnabled; // TRUE if Group By box is enabled
BOOL m_bSortRecordChilds; // TRUE to apply sort order for Record children.
XTPReportMouseMode m_mouseMode; // Current mouse operation mode
BOOL m_bBlockSelection; // TRUE if multiple selection enabled.
BOOL m_bMultiSelectionMode; // TRUE if multi selection mode enabled (i.e. VK_CTRL is always on).
BOOL m_bShowTooltips; // TRUE if showing tool tips enabled.
BOOL m_bAutoCheckItems; // TRUE to enable auto check mode, FALSE to disable auto check mode.
CXTPImageManager* m_pImageManager; // Contains image list for report control
BOOL m_bSkipGroupsFocus; // TRUE if group rows are skipped when navigating rows with the Up and Down arrow keys
BOOL m_bLockExpand; // TRUE if collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
BOOL m_bEnsureFocusedRowVisible; // TRUE if focused rows will be forced visible
BOOL m_bFocusSubItems; // TRUE if sub-items can receive focus.
BOOL m_bEditOnClick; // TRUE if sub-items become editable on a single-click
BOOL m_bEditOnDelayClick; // TRUE if sub-items become editable on a delay-click
BOOL m_bEditOnDoubleClick; // TRUE if sub-items become editable on a double-click
BOOL m_bPreviewAllowEdit; // TRUE if Preview of the row can be edited.
BOOL m_bHeaderVisible; // TRUE if column headers are visible.
BOOL m_bFooterVisible; // TRUE if column footer are visible.
BOOL m_bPinFooterRows; // TRUE if footer rows are drawn immediately after the body rows.
BOOL m_bPinFooterRowsPrinted; // TRUE if footer rows are printed immediately after the body rows.
BOOL m_bInitialSelectionEnable; // TRUE if Initial (in Populate() call) selection enabled.
BOOL m_bRowFocusVisible; // TRUE if showing focused row rectangle enabled.
CXTPReportColumn* m_pFocusedColumn; // Pointer to the currently focused CXTPReportColumn.
CXTPToolTipContext* m_pToolTipContext; // Tool tip Context.
CXTPReportRecordItem* m_pActiveItem; // Pointer to the currently focused CXTPReportRecordItem.
CXTPReportInplaceEdit* m_pInplaceEdit; // In-place edit pointer
CXTPReportInplaceButtons* m_pInplaceButtons; // In-place buttons pointer
CXTPReportInplaceList* m_pInplaceList; // In-place list pointer
BOOL m_bVScrollBarVisible; // TRUE if vertical scroll bar is visible
BOOL m_bHScrollBarVisible; // TRUE if horizontal scroll bar is visible
UINT m_nAutoVScrollTimerResolution; // Vertical scrolling timer resolution in milliseconds
CPoint m_ptDrag; // Drag position
BOOL m_bPrepareDrag; // TRUE if user click the report control and doesn't release button.
CString m_strFilterText; // Filter text.
BOOL m_bFilterHiddenColumns; // Search filter text in hidden columns too.
int m_nRecordsTreeFilterMode; // Tree Filter mode.
CLIPFORMAT m_cfReport; // Report Clipboard format for drag/drop operations
CReportDropTarget* m_pDropTarget; // Internal drag/drop helper.
BOOL m_bDragMode; // TRUE if records currently dragging
BOOL m_bInternalDrag; // TRUE if records begin drag from this control
DWORD m_dwDragDropFlags; // Drag/drop flags.
DWORD m_dwDropMarkerFlags; // The drop marker flags.
CXTPReportSelectedRows* m_pSelectedRowsBeforeDrag; // The selected rows before a dragging action.
int m_nDropPos; // Position of records to be dropped
CXTPReportRecords* m_pDropRecords; // Drop records.
BOOL m_bAdjustLayoutRunning; // TRUE if AdjustLayout handler is entered, FALSE otherwise. Used to prevent OnSize reenter and stack overflow in Win95/98/ME.
UINT_PTR m_uAutoScrollTimerID; // Auto scroll timer ID or 0.
long m_nOLEDropMode; // Store OLE drop mode.
BOOL m_nOLEDropAbove; // Drop above record?
CXTPReportRow* m_ptrVirtualEditingRow; // Currently editing row in virtual mode.
XTPReportRowsCompareFunc m_pRowsCompareFunc; // Pointer to rows compare function.
HBITMAP m_hbmpWatermark; // Watermark bitmap handle.
BYTE m_WatermarkTransparency; // Watermark bitmap transparency value.
BITMAP m_bmWatermark; // Watermark bitmap info.
XTPReportWatermarkAlignment m_WatermarkAlignment; // Watermark alignment flags.
int m_nEnsureVisibleRowIdx; // Ensure visible row index.
int m_nEnsureVisibleColumnIdx; // Ensure visible column index.
CXTPReportDataManager* m_pDataManager; // Data manager.
BOOL m_bShowIconWhenEditing; // Set to TRUE to show item icons while the item is being edited.
int m_iIconWidth; // icon geometry settings
int m_iIconHeight; // icon geometry settings
int m_iIconWidthSpacing; // icon geometry settings
int m_iIconHeightSpacing; // icon geometry settings
int m_iIconPropNum; // icon view setting
int m_iIconNum; // icon view setting
CUIntArray m_UaSelected; // used for report view - icon view selection update
BOOL m_bMarkupEnabled; //flag to check markup settings
int m_iIconViewColumn; // icon view setting
BOOL m_bIconColumnIndexNotValid; // used to indicate icon column is created, but does not yet have a valid index
BOOL m_bStrictBestFit; // use BestFit only for non-autosize mode
BOOL m_bWasShiftKey; // Flag set on MouseUp or KeyUp if Shift key was On
BOOL m_bSortedDragDrop; // Flag to set Drag Drop mode:
// like Vista Windows Explorer or like XP Windows Explorer
BOOL m_bTrapTabKey; // Flag to set Trap Tab key in m_bEditOnClick && m_bAllowEdit case
BOOL m_bDesktopTrackerMode; // Flag to set Vista Tracker Mode On or Off
BOOL m_bUnrestrictedDragDrop; // Child can be drop to any pos - default = FALSE
BOOL m_bFreeHeightMode; // Flag to set RC Free Height Mode
int m_nDefaultRowFreeHeight; // RowHeight for initialization
CString m_sCustomTitle; // used for unique title - e.g. for PrintJob name
BOOL m_bRClickDrag; // Allow drag on right click
BOOL m_bKeepSelectionAfterSort; // Tells whether to keep the selection after sorting items.
int m_iColumnForNum; // Index of the Row # column is used
BOOL m_bCreated; // TRUE if created using the Create() method
BOOL m_bIconView; // TRUE if icon view, FALSE else.
// Height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of size SM_CXICONSPACING by SM_CYICONSPACING when arranged. This value is always greater than or equal to SM_CYICON.
int m_iColumnForNumPrev;
int m_iIconViewRowsPerLine; //The icon view rows per line.
BOOL m_bUseIconColumnForNum;
CXTPReportColumnOrder* m_pPrevVisible; //The pervious visible column order.
CXTPReportColumnOrder* m_pPrevGroupsOrder; //The pervious group column order.
// Visible columns before setting icon view
BOOL m_bPrevFocusSubItems; //TRUE if there are previous focused sub items, FALSE if not.
BOOL m_bPrevHeaderAutoSize; //TRUE if the previous header is auto size, FALSE if not.
BOOL m_bPrevHeaderRows; //TRUE if there are previous header rows, FALSE if not.
BOOL m_bPrevFooterRows; //TRUE if there are previous footer rows, FALSE if not.
int m_nPrevTreeIndent; //The tree indentation.
BOOL m_bPrevHeaderShow; //Tells whether the previous header is visible or not.
BOOL m_bPrevFooterShow; //Tells whether the previous footer is visible or not.
BOOL m_bPrevPreviewMode; //Tells whether the preview mode is enabled or not previously.
BOOL m_bNoNeedSortedDragDrop; // Dynamic flag during Sorted DragDrop operation
//(set during OnDragOver state - used during OnDrop state)
UINT_PTR m_uiDelayEditTimer; //The delay edit timer.
UINT m_uiDelayEditMaxTime; //The delay edit time interval.
int m_iLastRqstEditRow; //The last row which requested a delay edit.
int m_iLastRqstEditCol; //The last column which requested a delay edit.
UINT_PTR m_uRqstEditTimer; //The edit timer id.
BOOL m_bFastDeselectMode; //Tells whether the fast deselect mode is enabled or not.
friend class CReportControlCtrl;
friend class CReportDropTarget;
friend class CXTPReportPaintManager;
friend class CXTPReportSections;
friend class CXTPReportSection;
// Summary:
// Helper class with static member functions to control active locale for
// Report Control and perform some locale dependent tasks.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPReportControlLocale
// Summary:
// Determine which locale is used active locale: current user locale
// or resource file locale.
// Returns:
// TRUE if resource file locale is used active locale, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// SetUseResourceFileLocale, CXTPResourceManager::GetResourcesLangID,
static BOOL AFX_CDECL IsUseResourceFileLocale();
// Summary:
// Used to set which locale is used active locale: current user locale
// or resource file locale.
// Parameters:
// bUseResourceFileLocale - If TRUE resource file locale will be used,
// if FALSE current user locale will be used.
// See Also:
// IsUseResourceFileLocale, CXTPResourceManager::GetResourcesLangID,
static void AFX_CDECL SetUseResourceFileLocale(BOOL bUseResourceFileLocale);
// Summary:
// Returns active locale ID (current user locale or resource file locale)
// Returns:
// LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT or resource file locale ID.
// See Also:
// IsUseResourceFileLocale, SetUseResourceFileLocale,
// CXTPResourceManager::GetResourcesLangID, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT
static LCID AFX_CDECL GetActiveLCID();
// Summary:
// Use to change VARIANT type using active locale ID.
// Parameters:
// rVarValue - [in, out] Reference to VARIANT value to change type.
// vartype - [in] new variant type.
// bThrowError - [in] if FALSE function returns TRUE or FALSE,
// if TRUE function throw exception in case of error.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// GetActiveLCID, ::VariantChangeTypeEx API function.
static BOOL AFX_CDECL VariantChangeTypeEx(VARIANT& rVarValue, VARTYPE vartype, BOOL bThrowError = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Format a string using strftime() function format specifiers.
// The active locale ID is used.
// Parameters:
// dt - [in] A COleDateTime object with date and time value to format.
// lpcszFormatString - [in] Format-control string.
// Returns:
// A string which contains date-time formatted using active locale ID.
// See Also:
// GetActiveLCID, strftime
static CString AFX_CDECL FormatDateTime(const COleDateTime& dt, LPCTSTR lpcszFormatString);
static BOOL s_bUseResourceFileLocale;
static CString AFX_CDECL _FormatDateTime(const COleDateTime& dt, LPCTSTR lpcszFormatString, LCID lcLocaleID);
static void AFX_CDECL _InitMappedSpecs();
static void AFX_CDECL _ProcessMappedSpecs(CString& rstrFormat, const SYSTEMTIME* pST, LCID lcLocaleID);
static void AFX_CDECL _ProcessDateTimeSpecs(CString& rstrFormat, const SYSTEMTIME* pST, LCID lcLocaleID);
static void AFX_CDECL __ProcessDate_x(CString& rstrFormat, const SYSTEMTIME* pST, LCID lcLocaleID);
static void AFX_CDECL __ProcessTime_X(CString& rstrFormat, const SYSTEMTIME* pST, LCID lcLocaleID);
static void AFX_CDECL _ProcessOtherSpecs(CString& rstrFormat, const COleDateTime& dt);
LPCTSTR pcszSpec;
LPCTSTR pcszFormat;
BOOL bTime;
static CArray<XTP_TIMESPEC, XTP_TIMESPEC&> s_arMappedSpecs;
static void AFX_CDECL _AddsMappedSpec(LPCTSTR pcszSpec, LPCTSTR pcszFormat, BOOL bTime);
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportPaintManager* CXTPReportControl::GetPaintManager() const {
return m_pPaintManager;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportNavigator* CXTPReportControl::GetNavigator() const {
return m_pNavigator;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportSelectedRows* CXTPReportControl::GetSelectedRows() const {
return m_pSelectedRows;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportColumns* CXTPReportControl::GetColumns() const {
return m_pColumns;
AFX_INLINE XTPReportMouseMode CXTPReportControl::GetMouseMode() const {
return m_mouseMode;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsChanged() const {
return m_bChanged;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetChanged(BOOL bChanged) {
m_bChanged = bChanged;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::ShowGroupBy(BOOL bEnable) {
// ASSERT(!IsVirtualMode());
m_bGroupByEnabled = bEnable;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsGroupByVisible() const {
return m_bGroupByEnabled;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::ShowHeader(BOOL bShow /*= TRUE*/) {
m_bHeaderVisible = bShow;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsHeaderVisible()const {
return m_bHeaderVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::ShowFooter(BOOL bShow /*= TRUE*/) {
m_bFooterVisible = bShow;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsFooterVisible()const {
return m_bFooterVisible;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsMultipleSelection() const {
return m_bBlockSelection;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetMultipleSelection(BOOL bSet) {
m_bBlockSelection = bSet;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsMultiSelectionMode() const
return m_bMultiSelectionMode;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetMultiSelectionMode(BOOL bSet)
m_bMultiSelectionMode = bSet;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable) {
m_bShowTooltips = bEnable;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SkipGroupsFocus(BOOL bSkipFocus) {
m_bSkipGroupsFocus = bSkipFocus;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsSkipGroupsFocusEnabled()const {
return m_bSkipGroupsFocus;
AFX_INLINE CXTPImageManager* CXTPReportControl::GetImageManager() const {
return m_pImageManager;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportColumn* CXTPReportControl::GetFocusedColumn() const {
return m_pFocusedColumn;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::FocusSubItems(BOOL bFocusSubItems) {
m_bFocusSubItems = bFocusSubItems;
m_pFocusedColumn = NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportInplaceEdit* CXTPReportControl::GetInplaceEdit() const {
return m_pInplaceEdit;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportInplaceButtons* CXTPReportControl::GetInplaceButtons() const {
return m_pInplaceButtons;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportInplaceList* CXTPReportControl::GetInplaceList() const {
return m_pInplaceList;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportRecordItem* CXTPReportControl::GetActiveItem() const {
return m_pActiveItem;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::EnsureFocusedRowVisible(BOOL bEnsureFocusedRowVisible) {
m_bEnsureFocusedRowVisible = bEnsureFocusedRowVisible;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsEnsureFocusedRowVisible() const {
return m_bEnsureFocusedRowVisible;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsFocusSubItems() const
return m_bFocusSubItems;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsDoubleBuffering() const
return m_bDoubleBuffering;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::EditOnClick(BOOL bEditOnClick)
if (bEditOnClick)
m_bEditOnDelayClick = FALSE;
m_bEditOnClick = bEditOnClick;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsEditOnClick() const
return m_bEditOnClick;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::EditOnDelayClick(BOOL bEditOnDelayClick)
if (bEditOnDelayClick)
m_bEditOnClick = FALSE;
m_bEditOnDelayClick = bEditOnDelayClick;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsEditOnDelayClick() const
return m_bEditOnDelayClick;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::EditOnDoubleClick(BOOL bEditOnClick)
m_bEditOnDoubleClick = bEditOnClick;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsEditOnDoubleClick() const
return m_bEditOnDoubleClick;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetLastRqstEditRow() const
return m_iLastRqstEditRow;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetLastRqstEditCol() const
return m_iLastRqstEditCol;
// Information for delay editing.
AFX_INLINE UINT_PTR CXTPReportControl::GetDelayEditTimer() const
return m_uiDelayEditTimer;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetLastRqstEdit(int iLastRqstEditRow, int iLastRqstEditCol)
m_iLastRqstEditRow = iLastRqstEditRow;
m_iLastRqstEditCol = iLastRqstEditCol;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPReportControl::GetFilterText()
return m_strFilterText;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetFilterText(LPCTSTR strFilterText)
m_strFilterText = strFilterText;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportHeader* CXTPReportControl::GetReportHeader() const
return m_pReportHeader;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetAutoCheckItems(BOOL bAutoCheck)
m_bAutoCheckItems = bAutoCheck;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsAutoCheckItems() const
return m_bAutoCheckItems;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetDisableReorderColumnsCount() const
return m_nDisableReorderColumnsCount;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetLockUpdateCount() const
return m_nLockUpdateCount;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetRowsCompareFunc(XTPReportRowsCompareFunc pCompareFunc)
m_pRowsCompareFunc = pCompareFunc;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetHScrollStep() const
return m_nScrollStepH;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetHScrollStep(int nStep)
ASSERT(nStep > 0);
m_nScrollStepH = max(1, nStep);
AFX_INLINE UINT CXTPReportControl::GetAutoVScrollTimerResolution() const
return m_nAutoVScrollTimerResolution;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsFooterRowsPinned() const
return m_bPinFooterRows;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::PinFooterRowsPrinted(BOOL bPin)
m_bPinFooterRowsPrinted = bPin;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsFooterRowsPinnedPrinted() const
return m_bPinFooterRowsPrinted;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsPreviewAllowEdit() const
return m_bPreviewAllowEdit;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::PreviewAllowEdit(BOOL bAllowEdit)
m_bPreviewAllowEdit = bAllowEdit;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetSortRecordChilds(BOOL bSortRecordChilds)
m_bSortRecordChilds = bSortRecordChilds;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsSortRecordChilds() const
return m_bSortRecordChilds;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsFilterHiddenColumns() const
return m_bFilterHiddenColumns;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetFilterHiddenColumns(BOOL bFilterHidden)
m_bFilterHiddenColumns = bFilterHidden;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetRecordsTreeFilterMode() const
return m_nRecordsTreeFilterMode;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetRecordsTreeFilterMode(int nMode)
m_nRecordsTreeFilterMode = nMode;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsInitialSelectionEnabled() const
return m_bInitialSelectionEnable;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsRowFocusVisible() const
return m_bRowFocusVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::ShowRowFocus(BOOL bShow)
m_bRowFocusVisible = bShow;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetWatermarkAlignment() const
return m_WatermarkAlignment;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetWatermarkAlignment(int nWatermarkAlignment)
m_WatermarkAlignment = (XTPReportWatermarkAlignment)nWatermarkAlignment;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsIconView() const
return m_bIconView;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetRowsPerLine() const
return m_iIconViewRowsPerLine;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportControl::GetLeftOffset() const
return m_nScrollOffsetH;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetDropMarkerFlags(DWORD dwDropMarkerFlags)
m_dwDropMarkerFlags = dwDropMarkerFlags;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPReportControl::GetDropMarkerFlags() const
return m_dwDropMarkerFlags;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsDragMode() const
return m_bDragMode;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::SetFastDeselectMode(BOOL bFastDeselect)
m_bFastDeselectMode = bFastDeselect;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportBehavior* CXTPReportControl::GetBehavior() const
return m_pBehavior;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportControl::LockExpand(BOOL bLockExpand)
m_bLockExpand = bLockExpand;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPReportControl::IsLockExpand() const
return m_bLockExpand;
class CXTPPromptDlg : public CDialog
CXTPPromptDlg (CWnd* pParent = NULL);
virtual ~CXTPPromptDlg ();
virtual void OnOK();
virtual INT_PTR DoModal();
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
CString m_sName;
#endif //#if !defined(__XTPREPORTCONTROL_H__)