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// XTPCalendarViewDay.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarViewDay class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)
class CXTPCalendarView;
class CXTPCalendarViewDay;
class CXTPCalendarViewGroup;
class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
class CXTPCalendarEvent;
// Regular schema:
// - CalendarView consists of CalendarView(s)Day
// - CalendarViewDay consists of CalendarView(s)Resource
// - CalendarViewGroup contains CalendarView(s)Event
// ViewGroup draws a single resource depending on the type of parent
// day view.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarViewGroup : public CXTPCalendarWMHandler
friend class CXTPCalendarView;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewDay;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
friend class CXTPCalendarTheme;
typedef CXTPCalendarWMHandler TBase; // Base class shortcut
// Summary:
// Default object constructor. Construct CXTPCalendarViewGroup object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarViewGroup()
CXTPCalendarViewGroup(CXTPCalendarViewDay* pViewDay);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member item deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarViewGroup();
// Summary:
// Obtain a pointer to collection of Calendar Resources.
// Remarks:
// Use this method to retrieve a pointer to the Calendar Resources
// collection of this Group View.
// Returns:
// CXTPCalendarResources pointer.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarResources overview, SetResources, AddResource
virtual CXTPCalendarResources* GetResources() const;
// Summary:
// Returns data provider for this view group.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the data provider object if it was previously set;
// otherwise, returns NULL.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarData overview
virtual CXTPCalendarData* GetDataProvider() const;
// Summary:
// Adds a new Resource object into the collection of resources for
// this Group View.
// Parameters:
// pResource - Pointer to the added CXTPCalendarResource object.
// bWithAddRef - Set this value to TRUE to increment the reference
// count of the inserted object,
// FALSE to insert object without incrementing
// reference count.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarResources::Add
virtual void AddResource(CXTPCalendarResource* pResource, BOOL bWithAddRef);
// Summary:
// Assigns a new Resources collection to this Group View.
// Parameters:
// pResources - Pointer to the new Resources collection to be copied
// into internal collections of this Group View.
// See Also:
// GetResources, AddResource
virtual void SetResources(CXTPCalendarResources* pResources);
// Summary:
// Returns default Schedule ID - the first existing one.
// Returns:
// The first existing Schedule ID or
virtual UINT GetScheduleID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to populate the view with data for
// all items contained in the view.
// Parameters:
// dtDayDate - A COleDateTime object that contains the day's date.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void Populate(COleDateTime dtDayDate);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the view's layout depending
// on the provided rectangle and then calls AdjustLayout() for all
// of the sub-items.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcGroup - A CRect object that contains the rectangle coordinates
// that are used to draw the view.
// Remarks:
// Call Populate(COleDateTime dtDayDate) prior to calling AdjustLayout().
// AdjustLayout2 is called by calendar control instead of AdjustLayout
// when theme is set.
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcGroup);
virtual void AdjustLayout2(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcGroup); //<COMBINE AdjustLayout>
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the view contents using
// the specified device context.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// Remarks:
// Call AdjustLayout() before calling Draw().
// See Also: AdjustLayout(CRect rcGroup)
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine which view item,
// if any, is at the specified position index, and returns additional
// info in an XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint object that contains the coordinates of
// the point to test.
// pHitTest - A pointer to an XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that
// contains information about the point to test.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the item is found. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTest(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine which view item,
// if any, is at the specified position index, and returns additional
// info in the XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO template object.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint that contains the coordinates of the point test.
// pHitTest - A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// Implements standard functionality for the HitTestEx method.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the item is found. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTestEx(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to fill the pHitTest structure
// members with the default values for the current day view object.
// Parameters:
// pHitTest - A Pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void FillHitTestEx(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const = 0;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the group's rectangle area.
// Returns:
// A CRect that contains the rectangle coordinates of the group view
// in client coordinates of the parent's CXTPDatePickerControl object.
// See Also:
// GetHeaderRect
virtual CRect GetRect() const
return m_Layout.m_rcGroup;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the group's header rectangle
// area.
// Returns:
// A CRect that contains the rectangle coordinates of the group view
// header part in client coordinates of the parent's
// CXTPDatePickerControl object.
// See Also:
// GetRect
virtual CRect GetHeaderRect() const
return m_Layout.m_rcGroupHeader;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the bounding rectangle of
// the tooltip space (currently this is only "click to add new appointment").
// Tooltip rectangle is calculated basing on the current mouse position
// Parameters:
// ptHit - a CPoint of mouse coordinates.
// hitInfo - a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO object.
// Returns:
// A CRect object with relative coordinates of the tooltip.
// Remarks:
// This member function always returns an empty rectangle.
// Actual tooltip rectangle is calculated by ViewGroups of specific
// views (currently DayView and MonthView are supported).
virtual CRect GetTooltipRect(const CPoint& ptHit, const XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO& hitInfo) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the number of event views
// in the day view collection.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the number of event views.
int GetViewEventsCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent object associated with the event's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the event view index in the day
// view collection.
// Remarks:
// Index number starts with 0 and cannot be negative.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// See Also: GetViewEventsCount()
CXTPCalendarViewEvent* GetViewEvent_(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the containing
// CXTPCalendarViewDay object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPCalendarViewDay object.
CXTPCalendarViewDay* GetViewDay_() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the index of the "this"
// pointer Group View in the Calendar Day View.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the index of the "this" day in the Calendar
// Day View.
virtual int GetGroupIndex() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a group's view caption.
// Returns:
// A CString object that contains the group's view caption.
virtual CString GetCaption() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the number of
// event views elements in this Group View.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the array
// of event views inside this Group View.
// Because indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than
// the largest index.
// Returns:
// A count of event views elements.
// See Also:
// GetChildHandlerAt
virtual int GetChildHandlersCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to get a event view object at the
// specified numeric index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0
// and less than the value returned by GetChildHandlersCount.
// Remarks:
// Returns the array element at the specified index.
// Returns:
// The pointer to the descendant of CXTPCalendarWMHandler element
// currently at this index.
// See Also:
// GetChildHandlersCount
virtual CXTPCalendarWMHandler* GetChildHandlerAt(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer a CXTPCalendarViewEvent
// object that is identified by the corresponding event object.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, CXTPCalendarViewEvent
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* GetViewEventByEvent_(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain an event view object identified
// by its event place number.
// Parameters:
// nEventPlace - An int that contains the ViewEvent place identifier.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, CXTPCalendarViewEvent
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* GetViewEventByPlace_(int nEventPlace) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the calendar control
// object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarControl object.
virtual CXTPCalendarControl* GetCalendarControl() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to exchange event view positions.
// Parameters:
// pViewEvent - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// nNewPlace - An int that contains the new event view position.
// Remarks:
// Each event view has a unique position number for the day. In the
// simple case, this is the row number used to draw the event view.
// This function is used to avoid duplicating position numbers.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewEvent::ChangeEventPlace,
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent::GetEventPlaceNumber,
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent::AddMultiDayEvent_Slave,
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent::AdjustLayout
virtual void ExchangeEventPlace(CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent, int nNewPlace);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimeOut_ms - A UINT that contains the duration of the timer in
// milliseconds.
// Returns:
// A UINT that is the identifier of the timer.
virtual UINT SetTimer(UINT uTimeOut_ms);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to destroy a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimerID - A UINT that specifies the identifier of the timer.
virtual void KillTimer(UINT uTimerID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to allow some customization before
// show events.
// Parameters:
// pEvents - A pointer to events array to draw.
// Remarks:
// Default implementation send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_PREPOPULATE notification.
virtual void OnPrePopulate(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
virtual void AddViewEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* CreateViewEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent) = 0;
XTP_VIEW_GROUP_LAYOUT m_Layout; // This group view client coordinates.
CXTPCalendarPtrCollectionT<CXTPCalendarViewEvent> m_arEvents; // Storage for events views.
CXTPCalendarResources* m_pResources; // An associated resource object.
CXTPCalendarViewDay* m_pViewDay; // Parent day view
// Summary:
// This class represents the day view portion of the CalendarView.
// Remarks:
// It represents a specific view of the CalendarView's associated events
// data grouped by one day and provides basic functionality on this
// data using user input through the keyboard and the mouse.
// These are the predefined view implementations available
// for the Calendar control:
// * Day and work week day views - Using the CXTPCalendarDayViewDay class.
// * Week day view - Using the CXTPCalendarWeekViewDay class.
// * Month day view - Using the CXTPCalendarMonthViewDay class.
// Furthermore, any user defined day view may also be implemented as
// a descendant of the CXTPCalendarViewDay class.
// A typical day view model consists of a collection of ViewEvent's for
// the particular day, each of them represents a view of an CXTPCalendarEvent
// object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewDayT, CXTPCalendarDayViewDay,
// CXTPCalendarWeekViewDay, CXTPCalendarMonthViewDay,
// CXTPCalendarView, CXTPCalendarViewEvent
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarViewDay : public CXTPCalendarWMHandler
friend class CXTPCalendarView;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
friend class CXTPCalendarTheme;
typedef CXTPCalendarWMHandler TBase;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor. Construct CXTPCalendarViewDay object.
// Parameters:
// pView - Pointer to CXTPCalendarView object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarViewDay()
CXTPCalendarViewDay(const CXTPCalendarView* pView);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member item deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarViewDay();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to populate the view with data for
// all items contained in the view.
// Parameters:
// dtDayDate - A COleDateTime object that contains the day's date.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void Populate(COleDateTime dtDayDate);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the view's layout depending
// on the provided rectangle and then calls AdjustLayout() for all
// of the sub-items.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// rcDay - A CRect object that contains the rectangle coordinates
// that are used to draw the view.
// Remarks:
// Call Populate(COleDateTime dtDayDate) prior to calling AdjustLayout().
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcDay);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the view contents using
// the specified device context.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// Remarks:
// Call AdjustLayout() before calling Draw().
// See Also: AdjustLayout(CRect rcDay)
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC)
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the number of
// resource group views elements in the collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the array.
// Because indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than
// the largest index.
// Returns:
// A count of resource group views elements.
virtual int GetChildHandlersCount() const { return GetViewGroupsCount(); }
// Summary:
// Call this method to get a resource group view object at the
// specified numeric index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0
// and less than the value returned by GetChildHandlersCount.
// Remarks:
// Returns the array element at the specified index.
// Returns:
// The pointer to the CXTPCalendarWMHandler element currently at this
// index.
virtual CXTPCalendarWMHandler* GetChildHandlerAt(int nIndex) const
ASSERT_KINDOF(CXTPCalendarWMHandler, GetViewGroup_(nIndex));
return GetViewGroup_(nIndex);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine which view item,
// if any, is at the specified position index, and returns additional
// info in an XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint object that contains the coordinates of
// the point to test.
// pHitTest - A pointer to an XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that
// contains information about the point to test.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the item is found. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTest(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine which view item,
// if any, is at the specified position index, and returns additional
// info in the XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO template object.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint that contains the coordinates of the point test.
// pHitTest - A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// Implements standard functionality for the HitTestEx method.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the item is found. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTestEx(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to fill the pHitTest structure
// members with the default values for the current day view object.
// Parameters:
// pHitTest - A Pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void FillHitTestEx(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const = 0;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a
// CXTPCalendarView object.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarView object.
virtual CXTPCalendarView* GetView_() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a
// CXTPCalendarControl object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarControl object.
virtual CXTPCalendarControl* GetCalendarControl() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the associated
// Calendar Resources collection object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPCalendarResources collection object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarResources overview, CXTPCalendarResource overview
virtual CXTPCalendarResources* GetResources() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the new Resources collection for the view day.
// Parameters:
// pResources - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarResources collection object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to programmatically set the new
// Resources collection for the view day.
virtual void SetResources(CXTPCalendarResources* pResources);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the number of event views
// in the day view collection.
// Remarks:
// This function left for for compatibility with previous versions
// and only for singe resource group mode.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the number of event views.
virtual int GetViewEventsCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a
// CXTPCalendarViewEvent object associated with the event's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the event view index in the day
// view collection.
// Remarks:
// Index number starts with 0 and cannot be negative.
// This function left for for compatibility with previous versions
// and only for singe resource group mode.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// See Also: GetViewEventsCount()
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* GetViewEvent_(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the number of resource group
// views in the view day collection.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the number of event views.
int GetViewGroupsCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a
// CXTPCalendarViewGroup object associated with the group's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the group view index in the day
// view collection.
// Remarks:
// Index number starts with 0 and cannot be negative.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewGroup object.
// See Also: GetViewGroupsCount()
CXTPCalendarViewGroup* GetViewGroup_(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a day date value.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object containing the day's date.
// See Also: SetDayDate(COleDateTime dtDayDate)
virtual COleDateTime GetDayDate() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the day date value.
// Parameters:
// dtDayDate - A COleDateTime object that contains the new day's
// date value.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the previous day's date value.
// See Also: GetDayDate()
virtual COleDateTime SetDayDate(COleDateTime dtDayDate);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if all day's event
// views are visible.
// Remarks:
// This function is used for determining if the expanding sings are
// drawn.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if there is at least one event that is completely
// invisible. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL _NoAllEventsAreVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if all of the day's event
// views are not visible and to calculate the rectangle for the ExpandSign.
// Returns:
// TRUE if there are invisible event views. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewDay::_NoAllEventsAreVisible
virtual BOOL NoAllEventsAreVisible();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if the day view is selected.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the day view is selected. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetSelected(bSet)
virtual BOOL IsSelected() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the day view as selected
// See Also: IsSelected()
virtual void SetSelected();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the day view rectangle coordinates.
// Returns:
// A CRect object containing the day view rectangle coordinates.
// See Also: SetDayRect(CRect rcDay)
virtual CRect GetDayRect() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the day view rectangle coordinates.
// Parameters:
// rcDay - A CRect object containing the new rectangle coordinates.
// See Also: GetDayRect()
virtual void SetDayRect(CRect rcDay);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if there are event views
// invisible because the boundaries of the day view are hidden, and
// the day view should display the expand sign.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if there are invisible views. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsExpanded() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the expand sign rectangle.
// Returns:
// A CRect object that contains the expand sign rectangle coordinates.
virtual CRect GetExpandSignRect() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimeOut_ms - A UINT that contains the duration of the timer in
// milliseconds.
// Returns:
// A UINT that is the identifier of the timer.
virtual UINT SetTimer(UINT uTimeOut_ms);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to destroy a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimerID - A UINT that specifies the identifier of the timer.
virtual void KillTimer(UINT uTimerID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the index of the "this"
// pointer day in the Calendar Day View.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the index of the "this" day in the Calendar
// Day View.
virtual int GetDayIndex() const;
// Summary:
// This member function used to process user action xtpCalendarUserAction_OnExpandDay.
// Parameters:
// eButton - [in] a button from which this action comes.
// Remarks:
// Implementation send a XTP_NC_CALENDAR_USERACTION notification.
// Returns:
// TRUE if action was handled by user and default processing must be
// skipped, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL UserAction_OnExpandDay(XTPCalendarExpandDayButton eButton);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to allow some customization before
// show events.
// Remarks:
// Default implementation send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_PREPOPULATE_DAY notification.
virtual void OnPrePopulateDay();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to crete new instance of group.
virtual CXTPCalendarViewGroup* CreateGroup() = 0;
const XTP_VIEW_DAY_LAYOUT& GetLayout_() const;
XTP_VIEW_DAY_LAYOUT m_Layout; // Layout data.
COleDateTime m_dtDate; // Day date.
CXTPCalendarResources* m_pResources; // Resources array
CXTPCalendarPtrCollectionT<CXTPCalendarViewGroup> m_arViewGroups; // Storage for views of groups.
CXTPCalendarView* m_pView; // Storage for a owner view.
// Summary:
// This class template customizes, overrides and implements some
// functionality for the CXTPCalendarViewDay base class.
// Remarks:
// It is used as a part of the calendar control framework to build
// <b><i>ViewDay</i></b> layer of <b>View->DayView->ViewDay</b>
// typed objects hierarchy.
// These are template parameters:
// _TView - Type of owner View object.
// _TViewGroup - Type of View Resource objects stored in View Day.
// XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO - Type of HitTest struct, used as parameter in the
// member functions.
// _TPThis - The last derived class type in the class hierarchy.
// You must provide all of the above parameters.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewDay
template<class _TView, class _TViewGroup, class XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO, class _TPThis >
class CXTPCalendarViewDayT : public CXTPCalendarViewDay
// Remarks:
// Owner view class type definition.
typedef _TView TView;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pView - Pointer to owner view object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarViewDayT()
CXTPCalendarViewDayT(const _TView* pView)
: CXTPCalendarViewDay((CXTPCalendarView*)pView)
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles class members deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarViewDayT()
// Summary:
// This member function is used to fill the pHitTest structure
// members with the default values for the current day view object.
// Parameters:
// pHitTest - A Pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void FillHitTestEx(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const = 0;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the owner view object.
// Returns:
// A _TView template pointer to the owner view object.
// See Also: GetView_
_TView* GetView() const
return (TView*)GetView_();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the _TViewGroup
// object that corresponds to the resource's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the resource view index in the day
// view collection.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a _TViewGroup template object.
// Remarks:
// Index number starts with 0 and cannot be negative.
// See Also:
// GetViewGroupsCount(), GetViewGroup_()
virtual _TViewGroup* GetViewGroup(int nIndex) const
return (_TViewGroup*)GetViewGroup_(nIndex);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to crete new instance of group.
virtual CXTPCalendarViewGroup* CreateGroup()
return new _TViewGroup(GetPThis());
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the view's layout depending
// on the provided rectangle and then calls AdjustLayout() for all
// of the sub-items.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// rcDay - A CRect object that contains the rectangle coordinates
// that are used to draw the view.
// Remarks:
// Call Populate(COleDateTime dtDayDate) prior to calling AdjustLayout().
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcDay)
CXTPCalendarViewDay::AdjustLayout(pDC, rcDay);
int nCount = GetViewGroupsCount();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
CXTPCalendarViewGroup* pViewGroup = GetViewGroup_(i);
if (pViewGroup)
pViewGroup->AdjustLayout(pDC, rcDay);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the typed pointer to the
// last derived class in the class hierarchy.
// Remarks:
// _TPThis - The last derived class type in the class hierarchy.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// Pointer to this object as last derived class type.
virtual _TPThis* GetPThis() = 0;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetDayDate() const {
return m_dtDate;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetDayRect() const {
return m_Layout.m_rcDay;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarViewDay::SetDayRect(CRect rcDay) {
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarViewDay::IsExpanded() const {
return m_Layout.m_rcExpandSign.Width() > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetExpandSignRect() const {
return m_Layout.m_rcExpandSign;
// Summary:
// This class template customizes, overrides and implements some
// functionality for the CXTPCalendarViewGroup base class.
// Remarks:
// It is used as a part of the calendar control framework to build
// <b><i>ViewGroup</i></b> layer of <b>View->DayView->ViewDay->ViewGroup</b>
// typed objects hierarchy.
// These are template parameters:
// _TView - Type of owner View object.
// _TViewEvent - Type of View Event objects stored in Group View.
// XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO - Type of HitTest struct, used as parameter in the
// member functions.
// _TPThis - The last derived class type in the class hierarchy.
// You must provide all of the above parameters.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewGroup
template<class _TViewDay, class _TViewEvent, class _TPThis>
class CXTPCalendarViewGroupT : public CXTPCalendarViewGroup
// Remarks:
// Owner view class type definition.
typedef _TViewDay TViewDay;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pViewDay - Pointer to owner view Day object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarViewGroupT()
CXTPCalendarViewGroupT(_TViewDay* pViewDay)
: CXTPCalendarViewGroup(pViewDay)
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles class members deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarViewGroupT()
// Summary:
// This member function is used to fill the pHitTest structure
// members with the default values for the current group view object.
// Parameters:
// pHitTest - A Pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
virtual void FillHitTestEx(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const = 0;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the owner view object.
// Returns:
// A _TView template pointer to the owner view object.
// See Also: GetView_
_TViewDay* GetViewDay() const
return (_TViewDay*)GetViewDay_();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the _TViewEvent
// object that corresponds to the event's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the event view index in the day
// view collection.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a _TViewEvent template object.
// Remarks:
// Index number starts with 0 and cannot be negative.
// See Also:
// GetViewEventsCount(), GetViewEvent_()
virtual _TViewEvent* GetViewEvent(int nIndex) const
return (_TViewEvent*)GetViewEvent_(nIndex);
CXTPCalendarViewEvent* CreateViewEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent)
return new _TViewEvent(pEvent, GetPThis());
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the typed pointer to the
// last derived class in the class hierarchy.
// Remarks: _TPThis - The last derived class type in the class hierarchy.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// Pointer to this object as last derived class type.
virtual _TPThis* GetPThis() = 0;
return m_Layout;
AFX_INLINE const XTP_VIEW_DAY_LAYOUT& CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetLayout_() const {
return m_Layout;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarResources* CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetResources() const {
return m_pResources;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetChildHandlersCount() const {
return GetViewEventsCount();
return m_Layout;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarControl* CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetCalendarControl() const {
if (GetViewDay_())
return GetViewDay_()->GetCalendarControl();
return NULL;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetViewEventsCount() const {
return m_arEvents.GetCount();
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarViewEvent* CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetViewEvent_(int nIndex) const
if (!this)
return NULL;
int nCount = m_arEvents.GetCount();
ASSERT(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount);
return (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount) ? m_arEvents.GetAt(nIndex) : NULL;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetViewGroupsCount() const {
return m_arViewGroups.GetCount();
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarViewGroup* CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetViewGroup_(int nIndex) const
if (!this)
return NULL;
int nCount = m_arViewGroups.GetCount();
ASSERT(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount);
return (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount) ? m_arViewGroups.GetAt(nIndex) : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarViewDay* CXTPCalendarViewGroup::GetViewDay_() const
return this ? m_pViewDay : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarView* CXTPCalendarViewDay::GetView_() const {
return this ? m_pView : NULL;
#endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARVIEWDAY_H__)