You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// XTPCalendarView.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarView class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(_XTPCALENDARVIEW_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCalendarControl;
class CXTPCalendarPaintManager;
class CXTPCalendarTheme;
class CXTPCalendarViewDay;
class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
class CXTPCalendarViewEvents;
class CXTPCalendarEvent;
class CXTPCalendarEvents;
class CXTPCalendarViewPart;
class CXTPCalendarResources;
class CXTPCalendarData;
class CXTPCalendarOptions;
// Remarks:
// Timeout before appearing in the event subject editor window.
// Remarks:
// Calendar events clipboard format name.
static const LPCTSTR XTPCALENDARCTRL_CF_EVENT = _T("XTPCalendar_CF_Event");
enum XTPEnumCalendarUpdateResult
xtpCalendar_Skip = 0,
xtpCalendar_Redraw = 1,
xtpCalendar_Populate = 2
// use project settings to define _TRACE_EDITING_ON
// Summary:
// This class helps to handle Windows messages (WM_*) processing portion
// of the Calendar control views.
// Remarks:
// All calendar views are derived from this class. When a message is
// handled by main Calendar control window (CXTPCalendarControl class),
// it is then forwarded down to views by hierarchy.
// control -> day/week/month -> single day -> resource group -> event
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarWMHandler : public CXTPCmdTarget
typedef CCmdTarget TBase;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the number of
// CXTPCalendarWMHandler elements in the descendant handlers collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the array.
// Because indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than
// the largest index.
// This number shows a count of single day views for a day/week/month
// view, a number of resource groups for a single day view, a number
// of event views for a resource group view, and so on.
// Returns:
// A count of descendant handlers.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarWMHandler overview
virtual int GetChildHandlersCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to get a handler object at the specified numeric
// index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0
// and less than the value returned by GetChildHandlersCount.
// Remarks:
// Returns the array element at the specified index.
// Returns:
// The pointer to the CXTPCalendarWMHandler element currently at this
// index.
virtual CXTPCalendarWMHandler* GetChildHandlerAt(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process left mouse button down events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - An int that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// presses the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process left mouse button up events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - An int that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// releases the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process left mouse button
// double click events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - An int that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// double clicks the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process mouse movement events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint object that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// moves the mouse cursor or stylus.
virtual void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that contains the character code value of the key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that is used to count the number of times the
// keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding
// down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the Scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when a keystroke
// translates to a nonsystem character.
virtual void OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process key-down keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that specifies the number of times the keystroke
// is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that specifies the scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// presses keys on the keyboard.
virtual void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process key-up keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that specifies the number of times the keystroke
// is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that specifies the scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// releases keys on the keyboard.
virtual void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process key-up keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that specifies the number of times the keystroke
// is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that specifies the scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarView when the user
// presses keys on the keyboard.
virtual BOOL OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// The framework calls this member function after each interval
// specified in the SetTimer member function.
// Parameters:
// uTimerID - A UINT that is used to specify the identifier
// of the timer.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
virtual BOOL OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
// Summary:
// This method is called by framework after default message processing.
// Parameters:
// message - Specifies the message to be sent.
// wParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// pResult - The return value of WindowProc. Depends on the message; may be NULL.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
virtual BOOL OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform additional adjustments
// in some kinds of views.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to perform additional adjustments after
// all adjustment activities are completed.
virtual void OnPostAdjustLayout();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the framework before destroying
// the view.
virtual void OnBeforeDestroy();
virtual void OnFinalRelease();
// Summary:
// This class represents the view portion of the Calendar control.
// Remarks:
// It represents a specific view of the Control's associated events
// data and provides basic functionality on the data using user
// input through the keyboard and mouse.
// The following predefined view implementations are available
// for the Calendar control:
// * Day and work week views - using CXTPCalendarDayView class.
// * Week view - using CXTPCalendarWeekView class.
// * Month view - using CXTPCalendarMonthView class.
// Furthermore, any type of user defined view can also be implemented as
// a descendant of the CXTPCalendarView class.
// A typical Calendar View model consists of a collection of
// corresponding ViewDay's, which realizes the contents on a square
// of one day. ViewDay in its turn contains a collection of ViewEvent's
// for the particular day, each of them represents a view of an
// CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarDayView, CXTPCalendarWeekView, CXTPCalendarMonthView,
// CXTPCalendarViewDay, CXTPCalendarViewEvent
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarView : public CXTPCalendarWMHandler
friend class CXTPCalendarControl;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewDay;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
friend class CXTPCalendarResource;
friend class CXTPCalendarTheme;
friend class CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup;
typedef CXTPCalendarWMHandler TBase;
CUIntArray m_DiscreteSelection;
// -----------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get number of selected events.
// Returns:
// number of selected events
// -----------------------
UINT GetDiscreteSelectionCount() const;
// -----------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get selected event by ordinal number.
// Parameters:
// id : event ordinal number
// Returns:
// COleDateTime selected event
// -----------------------
COleDateTime GetDiscreteSelectionValue(UINT id) const;
// -----------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to add event to selection by event ordinal number.
// Parameters:
// id : event ordinal number
// Returns:
// TRUE if success other case FALSE
// -----------------------
BOOL AddToDiscreteSelection(UINT id);
// -----------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to check is event in selection
// Parameters:
// id : event ordinal number
// Returns:
// BOOL flag (TRUE if present in selection, FALSE if not)
// -----------------------
BOOL IsInDiscreteSelection(UINT id) const;
// -----------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to Clear Discrete Selection
// -----------------------
void ClearDiscreteSelection();
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pCalendarControl - A Pointer to CXTPCalendarControl object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarEvent()
CXTPCalendarView(CXTPCalendarControl* pCalendarControl);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member items deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarView();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the view type flag.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A XTPCalendarViewType view type flag.
// See Also: XTPCalendarViewType
virtual XTPCalendarViewType GetViewType() const = 0;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to populate the view with data
// for all items contained in the view.
virtual void Populate();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to adjust the view's layout
// depending on the window client size and calls AdjustLayout()
// for all sub-items.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcView - A CRect that contains the coordinates
// for drawing the view.
// bCallPostAdjustLayout - A BOOL. This is a flag that is used to
// call for additional adjustments. If TRUE,
// then additional adjustments are performed
// for multi day events. If FALSE, then no
// additional adjustments are made.
// Remarks:
// Call Populate() prior adjusting layout.
// AdjustLayout2 is called by calendar control instead of AdjustLayout
// when theme is set.
virtual void AdjustLayout(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcView, BOOL bCallPostAdjustLayout = TRUE);
virtual void AdjustLayout2(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcView, BOOL bCallPostAdjustLayout = TRUE);//<COMBINE AdjustLayout>
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform the redrawing of the
// control's layout.
// Remarks:
// Call AdjystLayout() prior to redrawing the control.
virtual void RedrawControl();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to show the specified day in the
// calendar view.
// Parameters:
// date - A COleDateTime object that contains the date to show.
// bSelect - TRUE to select the specified day after showing,
// FALSE otherwise. TRUE is the default value.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to show only the specified day in the
// calendar view.
virtual void ShowDay(const COleDateTime& date, BOOL bSelect = TRUE) = 0;
// Summary:
// Scroll vertically.
// Parameters:
// nPos - An int that contains the position value.
// nPos_raw - An int that contains the raw position value.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to vertical scroll the contents
// of the view.
virtual void ScrollV(int nPos, int nPos_raw)
// Summary:
// Scroll horizontally.
// Parameters:
// nPos - An int that contains the position value.
// nPos_raw - An int that contains the raw position value.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to horizontal scroll the contents
// of the view.
virtual void ScrollH(int nPos, int nPos_raw)
// -------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to force scroll to the end of scroll range
// Parameters:
// nBar : standard 0 - 1 values (for vertical or horizontal scrollbar)
// -------------------------
virtual void OnScrollEnd(int nBar)
// Summary:
// This member function is used to retrieve the information about
// a scroll bar state.
// Parameters:
// pSI - A SCROLLINFO pointer that contains information about the
// current state of the scroll bar.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. The base class definition always returns FALSE.
// The derived class definition should return TRUE if the function
// is successful. Return FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL GetScrollBarInfoV(SCROLLINFO* pSI) const
return FALSE;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to retrieve the information about
// a scroll bar state.
// Parameters:
// pSI - A SCROLLINFO pointer that contains information about the
// current state of the scroll bar.
// pnScrollStep - A pointer to int to receive scroll step. Can be NULL.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. The base class definition always returns FALSE.
// The derived class definition should return TRUE if the function
// is successful. Return FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL GetScrollBarInfoH(SCROLLINFO* pSI, int* pnScrollStep = NULL) const
return FALSE;
// Summary:
// This member function performs all of the drawing logic of the
// calendar view.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to draw the view content using the
// specified device context.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// Remarks:
// Call AdjustLayout() before calling Draw().
// Draw2 is called from OnDraw instead of Draw when theme
// is set.
// See Also: OnDraw, AdjustLayout
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC)
//<COMBINE Draw>
virtual void Draw2(CDC* pDC)
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes left mouse button events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that is used to indicates whether various virtual
// keys are down.
// point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// presses the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes left mouse button events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that is used to indicate whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// releases the left mouse button.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes mouse movement events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that is used to indicate whether various virtual
// keys are down.
// point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// moves the mouse cursor or stylus.
virtual void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process mouse double-click events.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - A UINT that is used to indicate whether various virtual
// keys are down.
// point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of the cursor.
// These coordinates are always relative to the
// upper-left corner of the window.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// presses, releases, and then presses the left mouse button again
// within the system's double-click time limit.
virtual BOOL OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that contains the character code value of the key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that is used to count the number of times the
// keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding
// down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the Scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when a keystroke
// translates to a nonsystem character.
virtual void OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that is used to identify the virtual key code
// of the given key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that is used to count the number of times the
// keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding
// down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the Scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// presses keys on the keyboard.
virtual void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to processes system keyboard events.
// Parameters:
// nChar - A UINT that specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// nRepCnt - A UINT that contains the number of times the keystroke is
// repeated as a result of the user holding down the key.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the scan code, key-transition code,
// previous key state, and the context code.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the message is handled properly, FALSE else.
// Remarks:
// This method is called by the CalendarControl when the user
// presses keys on the keyboard.
virtual BOOL OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the view's bounding rectangle.
// Returns:
// A CRect object that contains the view's bounding rectangle coordinates.
CRect GetViewRect() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the number of
// CXTPCalendarWMHandler elements in the descendant handlers collection.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the array.
// Because indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than
// the largest index.
// Returns:
// A count of descendant handlers.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarWMHandler overview
virtual int GetChildHandlersCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to get a handler object at the specified numeric
// index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0
// and less than the value returned by GetChildHandlersCount.
// Remarks:
// Returns the array element at the specified index.
// Returns:
// The pointer to the CXTPCalendarWMHandler element currently at this
// index.
virtual CXTPCalendarWMHandler* GetChildHandlerAt(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the number of "day views"
// in the view collection.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the the number of "day views" in the view
// collection.
virtual int GetViewDayCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the date of the day view by
// the day's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the day view index in the view collection.
// Remarks:
// Indexed number starts from 0 and cannot be negative.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the day view date and time.
// See Also: GetViewDayCount()
virtual COleDateTime GetViewDayDate(int nIndex) const = 0;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the CXTPCalendarViewDay object
// by the day's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that is used as the day view index in the view collection.
// dtDay - A day date to find.
// Remarks:
// Index numbers start with 0 and cannot be negative.
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewDay object.
// See Also: GetViewDayCount()
virtual CXTPCalendarViewDay* GetViewDay_(int nIndex) const;
virtual CXTPCalendarViewDay* _GetViewDay(const COleDateTime& dtDay) const; //<COMBINE CXTPCalendarView::GetViewDay_@int>
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determines which view item,
// if any, is at a specified position index, and returns additional
// information in the XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO argument.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint that contains the coordinates of the point to test.
// pHitTest - A pointer a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO structure.
// Remarks:
// This is a pure virtual function. This function must be defined
// in the derived class.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the item is found. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTest(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine which view item,
// if any, is at a specified position index, and returns additional
// info in a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO object.
// Parameters:
// pt - A CPoint object that contains the coordinates of the
// point to test.
// pHitTest - A pointer to the template parameter XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO
// object that contains information on the point
// to test.
// Returns:
// TRUE if item found; FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL HitTestEx(CPoint pt, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine the current dragging mode.
// Returns:
// An XTPCalendarDraggingModeFlag object that contains the current
// dragging mode.
// See Also: XTPCalendarDraggingMode
virtual XTPCalendarDraggingMode GetDraggingMode() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the PaintManager object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPCalendarPaintManager object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarPaintManager, GetTheme
virtual CXTPCalendarPaintManager* GetPaintManager() const;
// Summary:
// This member function obtains a pointer to the associated theme
// object.
// Remarks:
// It calls CXTPCalendarControl::GetTheme() method.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarTheme pointer to the associated theme object or NULL.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarControl::GetTheme, GetPaintManager
virtual CXTPCalendarTheme* GetTheme() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the Calendar
// Control object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPCalendarControl object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarControl
CXTPCalendarControl* GetCalendarControl() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get direct access to calendar options
// data.
// Remarks:
// This member function wraps CXTPCalendarData::GetCalendarOptions()
// method. If you read or change returned structure members
// no additional checks are made and no notifications are sent.
// The preferred way is to use CXTPCalendarControl options methods
// like GetWorkWeekMask(), SetWorkWeekMask(), GetFirstDayOfWeek(),
// SetFirstDayOfWeek(), ... etc.
// Returns:
// A pointer to calendar options data class CXTPCalendarOptions.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarOptions, CXTPCalendarData::GetCalendarOptions().
CXTPCalendarOptions* GetCalendarOptions() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the associated
// Calendar Resources collection object.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the CXTPCalendarResources collection object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarResources overview, CXTPCalendarResource overview
virtual CXTPCalendarResources* GetResources() const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the new Resources collection for the view.
// Parameters:
// pResources - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarResources collection object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to programmatically set the new
// Resources collection for the view.
virtual void SetResources(CXTPCalendarResources* pResources);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to un-select all of the events of the
// current view.
virtual void UnselectAllEvents();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to select or un-select the provided event.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// bSelect - A BOOL. If TRUE, then select the event.
// If FALSE, then un-select the event.
// Remarks:
// This method doesn't redraw control's window in order to avoid
// blinking when executed in groups (like selecting a number of events).
// So far, you'll have to call Calendar.RedrawControl after that.
// See Also: SelectViewEvent(), CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual void SelectEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent, BOOL bSelect = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to select or un-select the provided event.
// Parameters:
// pViewEvent - A pointer to the CXTPCalendarViewEvent object.
// bSelect - A BOOL. If TRUE, then select the event.
// If FALSE, then un-select the event.
// Remarks:
// This method doesn't redraw control's window in order to avoid
// blinking when executed in groups (like selecting a number of events).
// So far, you'll have to call Calendar.RedrawControl after that.
// See Also: SelectEvent(), CXTPCalendarViewEvent
void SelectViewEvent(CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent, BOOL bSelect = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to select or un-select the provided
// day, including all of the day's events.
// Parameters:
// pDay - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewDay object.
// nGroupIndex - A group index to select.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewDay, SelectDay(COleDateTime dtSelDay, BOOL bSelect)
virtual void SelectDay(CXTPCalendarViewDay* pDay, int nGroupIndex = 0);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a selected
// event's views.
// Remarks:
// Tims method may return few event views instances for a one event.
// (multi day event has a separate view event object for each day).
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvents object that contains the
// selected event views.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewEvents, CXTPCalendarViewDay,
// SelectDay(COleDateTime dtSelDay, BOOL bSelect),
// GetSelectedEvents()
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvents* GetSelectedViewEvents() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to a selected
// event's views collection.
// Remarks:
// Tims method returns one event view instance for a one event.
// (multi day event has a separate view event object for each day).
// Returns:
// A smart pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvents object that contains the
// selected events.
// See Also: GetSelectedViewEvents(), CXTPCalendarViewEvents
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEventsPtr GetSelectedEvents() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the last selected event view.
// Returns:
// A pointer to last selected event view or NULL.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewEvent, GetSelectedViewEvents().
CXTPCalendarViewEvent* GetLastSelectedViewEvent() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if there are selected event view
// Parameters:
// TRUE if the view event selected, FALSE else.
// See Also: GetSelectedViewEvents
virtual BOOL HasSelectedViewEvent() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine is just one event is selected.
// Returns:
// TRUE - if only one event is selected, FALSE - if no events are selected or
// if more than one event is selected.
// See Also: GetSelectedViewEvents(), SelectViewEvent(), SelectEvent().
BOOL IsSingleEventSelected() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the last selected day index.
// Returns:
// Index of the last selected day of -1.
// See Also: GetLastSelectedDate()
int FindLastSelectedDay() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the last selected day date.
// Returns:
// Date of the last selected day or the middle view day date.
// See Also: FindLastSelectedDay(), GetSelection(), SetSelection().
COleDateTime GetLastSelectedDate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the view's selection.
// Parameters:
// pBegin - A pointer to the COleDateTime object
// that contains the beginning of the selection.
// pEnd - A pointer to the COleDateTime object
// that contains the ending of the selection.
// pbAllDayEvent - A pointer to the BOOL variable
// that contains the AllDayEvent attribute of
// the selection (used in the day view only).
// pnGroupIndex - A pointer to int to receive group index.
// pspSelectionResolution - A pointer to the COleDateTimeSpan
// object that contains the selection unit
// length. (i.e. 1 day, 1 Hour, ... 5 min)
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to fill the provided COleDateTime
// objects with the values of the selection beginning, ending,
// and selection unit length.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the selection is returned successfully.
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL GetSelection(COleDateTime* pBegin = NULL, COleDateTime* pEnd = NULL,
BOOL* pbAllDayEvent = NULL, int* pnGroupIndex = NULL,
COleDateTimeSpan* pspSelectionResolution = NULL) const;
// Summary:
// This member function sets the new selection for the view.
// Parameters:
// dtBegin - Selection beginning time.
// dtEnd - Selection ending time.
// bAllDayEvent - Selection AllDayEvent attribute (used in the day view only).
// nGroupIndex - A group index.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to programmatically set the new
// selection beginning and ending for the view.
void SetSelection(const COleDateTime& dtBegin, const COleDateTime& dtEnd,
BOOL bAllDayEvent = FALSE, int nGroupIndex = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function resets the current selection - set it empty.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to programmatically clear the current
// selection.
void ResetSelection();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine if a date time value
// is contained inside the selection.
// Parameters:
// date - A COleDateTime object that contains a date time value.
// nGroupIndex - A group index or -1 for any group.
// pbAllDaySelection - A pointer to BOOL to receive is selection All Day.
// Returns:
// TRUE - If date is contained inside the selection.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOL SelectionContains(COleDateTime date, int nGroupIndex = -1, BOOL* pbAllDaySelection = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to select or un-select the day
// identified by the provided date.
// Parameters:
// dtSelDay - A COleDateTime object that contains a date time value.
// nGroupIndex - A group index to select.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarViewDay, SelectDay
virtual void SelectDay(COleDateTime dtSelDay, int nGroupIndex = 0);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine the row height required
// to display the event.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the height of the row required to display a
// single event.
virtual int GetRowHeight() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the collection of the day's
// events.
// Parameters:
// pRC - A pointer to calendar resource object.
// dtDay - A COleDateTime object that contains the day's date.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvents object that contains the
// collection of the day's events.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvents
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr RetrieveDayEvents(CXTPCalendarResource* pRC, COleDateTime dtDay);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if the subject is in an
// editable mode.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the subject is ready for editing. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsEditingSubject() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the bounding rectangle of
// the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A CRect object that contains the current coordinates of the
// subject editor.
virtual CRect GetSubjectEditorRect() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the bounding rectangle of
// the tooltip space (currently this is only "click to add new appointment").
// Tooltip rectangle is calculated basing on the current mouse position
// Parameters:
// ptHit - CPoint& of mouse position
// Returns:
// A CRect object with relative coordinates of the tooltip.
virtual CRect GetTooltipRect(const CPoint& ptHit, const XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO& hitInfo) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to show/hide a ToolTip rectangle.
// Parameters:
// bShow : TRUE to show a tooltip, FALSE to hide it.
virtual void ShowToolTip(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the timeout value for
// displaying a tooltip.
// Returns:
// A UINT that contains the value of timeout in milliseconds.
virtual UINT GetShowToolTipTimeOut() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the new subject text for the
// editing event.
// Parameters:
// strNewSubject : New subject value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void OnUpdateEditingSubject(CString strNewSubject);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if you can perform an
// undo operation for the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if there is the possibility to perform an undo
// operation. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CanUndo() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if a redo operation is
// possible for the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if it is possible to perform a redo operation on
// the subject-editor. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CanRedo() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform an Undo operation.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the undo operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Undo();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform a Redo operation.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the redo operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Redo();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to erases the undo buffer.
virtual void EmptyUndoBuffer();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to format the time using the provided
// format.
// Parameters:
// dtTime : Date-time value to format time part.
// Returns:
// A CString object containing the formatted time string.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CString FormatEventTime(COleDateTime dtTime) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set custom time format for view.
// Events will use this format to show their times
// Parameters:
// strFormat : format string specification.
// h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
// hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
// H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
// HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
// m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes
// mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
// s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds
// ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
// t One character time marker string, such as A or P
// tt Multi-character time marker string, such as AM or PM
// Returns:
// none.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetCustomTimeFormat(const CString& strFormat);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// Reset custom time format to default
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResetCustomTimeFormat();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine the current format string.
// Returns:
// A CString object that contains the format string.
virtual CString GetDayHeaderFormat() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the day header format.
// Parameter:
// sFmt - A CString object that contains the format string.
virtual void SetDayHeaderFormat(LPCTSTR sFmt);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if it is possible to
// perform a Cut operation.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to determine the possibility of
// performing a Cut operation in the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the cut operation is possible. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CanCut() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if it is possible to
// perform a Copy operation.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to determine the possibility of
// performing a Copy operation in the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the copy operation is possible. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CanCopy() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if it is possible to
// perform a Paste operation.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to determine the possibility of
// performing a Paste operation in the subject editor.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the paste operation is possible. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CanPaste() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform a Cut operation.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to perform a Cut operation in the subject
// editor's window.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the cut operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Cut();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform a Copy operation.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to perform a Copy operation in the
// subject editor's window.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the copy operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Copy();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform a Paste operation.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to perform a Paste operation in the
// subject editor's window.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the paste operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Paste();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the event object before
// the start of the event editing (dragging).
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object before the start the
// event editing or NULL.
virtual CXTPCalendarEvent* GetDraggingEventOrig() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the event object that
// is currently being edited. (i.e. dragging)
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object or NULL.
virtual CXTPCalendarEvent* GetDraggingEventNew() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to prepare the event to event editing
// (dragging) operation.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the event editing is successful. FALSE otherwise.
// Parameters:
// pEventOrig : Pointer to an initial event for the dragging.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual BOOL SetDraggingEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEventOrig);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to commit the event editing
// (dragging) operation.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the event editing is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CommitDraggingEvent();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to cancel the event editing
// (dragging) operation.
virtual void CancelDraggingEvent();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to start the event editing (dragging).
// Parameters:
// point - A CPoint that contains the mouse position with the
// coordinates to start the event editing (dragging).
// pHitTest - A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that
// contains the HitTest results from a specified point.
virtual void OnStartDragging(CPoint point, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform the event editing
// (dragging) operation step.
// Parameters:
// point - A CPoint that contains the mouse position coordinates.
// pHitTest - A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that
// contains the HitTest results from the specified point.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the operation is successful FALSE else.
virtual BOOL OnDragging(CPoint point, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// This member function is used to finish the event editing
// (dragging) operation.
// Parameters:
// point : A CPoint that contains the mouse position coordinates.
// pHitInfo : A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that contains
// the HitTest results from the specified point.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the operation is successful FALSE else.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual BOOL OnEndDragging(CPoint point, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitInfo);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to start the event subject editing.
// Parameters:
// pViewEvent - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarViewEvent event view
// that is used to edit the subject.
virtual void StartEditSubject(CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to finish the event subject editing.
// Parameters:
// eAction - An XTPCalendarEndEditSubjectAction object that
// contains the value to commit or cancel the operation.
// See enum XTPCalendarEndEditSubjectAction.
// bUpdateControl - A BOOL. If TRUE, then redraw the control immediately,
// otherwise perform only the specified action
// without redrawing.
virtual void EndEditSubject(XTPCalendarEndEditSubjectAction eAction, BOOL bUpdateControl = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the time value after
// a mouse click event in the subject editing window.
// Returns:
// A UINT that contains the timeout value in milliseconds before
// the start event subject editing.
virtual UINT GetStartEditSubjectTimeOut() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create a new event and start
// subject editing.
// Parameters:
// pcszInitialSubject - A pointer to the string which contains initial
// subject value for new event (generally initial
// char).
virtual void StartEditNewEventInplace(LPCTSTR pcszInitialSubject);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the event view object
// for the specified event and day.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - A CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the value
// to search for.
// dtDay - A COleDateTime object that contains the day that
// corresponds to the event object.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarViewEvent object that contains the view object or NULL.
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* FindViewEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent,
COleDateTime dtDay) const;
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* FindViewEventByGroup(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent,
COleDateTime dtDay, int nScheduleID) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the next event view
// object used for editing events by pressing the TAB key.
// Parameters:
// dtMinStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the first
// date and time to start the search.
// bReverse - If TRUE the reverse order is used, otherwise normal is used.
// pAfterEvent - A CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the
// last event object to search for.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarViewEvent object that contains the view object or NULL.
// See Also: GetNextTimeEditByTAB, UpdateNextTimeEditByTAB
virtual CXTPCalendarViewEvent* FindEventToEditByTAB(COleDateTime dtMinStart,
BOOL bReverse, CXTPCalendarEvent* pAfterEvent = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the next date and time
// to start the find event view for editing events using the TAB key.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the next date and time.
// See Also: FindEventToEditByTAB, UpdateNextTimeEditByTAB
virtual COleDateTime GetNextTimeEditByTAB() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the next date and time to
// start the find event view for editing events using the TAB key.
// Parameters:
// dtNext - A COleDateTime object that contains the next date and
// time to start the find event view.
// bReverse - If TRUE the reverse order is used, otherwise normal is used.
// bReset - If TRUE the next time is set to the start (or end)
// iteration position.
// See Also: GetNextTimeEditByTAB, FindEventToEditByTAB
virtual void UpdateNextTimeEditByTAB(COleDateTime dtNext, BOOL bReverse,
BOOL bReset = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process the days selection that
// are selected with the mouse.
// Parameters:
// pInfo - A pointer to a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that contains
// HitTest information about the current mouse position.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the current state of the additional
// mouse and keyboard buttons. Like MK_SHIFT, ...
// See Also: SelectDays
virtual void ProcessDaySelection(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pInfo, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to change the days selection depending
// on the previous state of the selection.
// Parameters:
// dtNewSel - A COleDateTime object that contains the day date where
// the selection has moved.
virtual void SelectDays(COleDateTime dtNewSel);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to process events that are selected
// with the mouse.
// Parameters:
// pInfo - A pointer to an XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO struct that contains
// HitTest information about current mouse position.
// nFlags - A UINT that contains the current state of the additional
// mouse and keyboard buttons. Like MK_SHIFT, ...
virtual void ProcessEventSelection(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pInfo, UINT nFlags);
// Summary:
// This member function(s) is used to disable or enable vertical or
// horizontal scrolling of the view (by date or time).
// Parameters:
// bEnable - Set TRUE to enable scrolling, FALSE to disable.
// Remarks:
// Vertical and horizontal scrolling are enabled by default.
virtual void EnableVScroll(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
virtual void EnableHScroll(BOOL bEnable = TRUE); // <COMBINE CXTPCalendarView::EnableVScroll>
// Summary:
// This member function(s) is used to obtain status of the vertical or
// horizontal scrolling features of the view (by date or time).
// Returns:
// TRUE if scrolling enabled, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsHScrollEnabled() const;
virtual BOOL IsVScrollEnabled() const;// <COMBINE CXTPCalendarView::IsHScrollEnabled>
// Summary:
// This member function(s) is used to set date format string for the
// day view.
// Parameters:
// pcszCustomFormat - Date format string.
// Remarks:
// Long, Middle, Short and Shortest format strings are used for
// different header widths. Calendar control select the longest format
// which can be drawn for active day header width.
// By default these format strings are build using locale settings
// and SetDayHeaderFormatXXX methods should be used to customize
// default settings.
virtual void SetDayHeaderFormatLong(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// <COMBINE SetDayHeaderFormatLong>
virtual void SetDayHeaderFormatMiddle(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// <COMBINE SetDayHeaderFormatLong>
virtual void SetDayHeaderFormatShort(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// <COMBINE SetDayHeaderFormatLong>
virtual void SetDayHeaderFormatShortest(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine is Today day visible.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if Today day is visible, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsTodayVisible() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the calendar framework to retrieve
// event time string with maximum length (to reserve space).
// Returns:
// A maximum time string.
virtual CString GetItemTextEventTimeMax() const;
// Summary:
// This member function creates the day header format string.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// nWidth - An int that contains the day header with in pixels.
// pTextFont - A pointer to a CFont object that is
// used to calculate the text dimensions.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to create day header format
// string based on the current locale.
virtual void CalculateHeaderFormat(CDC* pDC, int nWidth, CFont* pTextFont);
COleDateTime GetDateTimeDay(const COleDateTime& dt, BOOL bWholeDayEvent) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimeOut_ms - A UINT that contains the duration of the timer
// event in milliseconds.
// Returns:
// A UINT that contains the identifier of the timer.
virtual UINT SetTimer(UINT uTimeOut_ms);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to destroy a timer event.
// Parameters:
// uTimerID - A UINT that is used to specify the identifier of the timer.
virtual void KillTimer(UINT uTimerID);
// Summary:
// The framework calls this member function after each interval
// specified in the SetTimer member function.
// Parameters:
// uTimerID - A UINT that is used to specify the identifier
// of the timer.
virtual BOOL OnTimer(UINT_PTR uTimerID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform additional adjustments
// in some kinds of views.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to perform additional adjustments after
// all adjustment activities are completed.
//virtual void OnPostAdjustLayout();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the framework before destroying
// the view.
virtual void OnBeforeDestroy();
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the framework view is activated
// or deactivated.
// Parameters:
// bActivate - Indicates whether the view is being activated or
// deactivated.
// pActivateView - Points to the view object that is being activated.
// pInactiveView - Points to the view object that is being deactivated.
// Remarks:
// Override this member function to handle activated/deactivated
// events.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarControl::SwitchActiveView(XTPCalendarViewType eView),
// CXTPCalendarControl::SetActiveView(CXTPCalendarView* pView)
virtual void OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CXTPCalendarView* pActivateView,
CXTPCalendarView* pInactiveView);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to send a notification from the
// parent Calendar control.
// Parameters:
// EventCode - A XTP_NOTIFY_CODE that contains the specific
// code of the event.
// wParam - A DWORD that contains the first custom parameter.
// Depends on the event type. See specific event description
// for details.
// lParam - A DWORD that contains the second custom parameter.
// Depends on the event type. See specific event description
// for details.
// Remarks:
// This member function is called internally from inside the
// class when a notification is sent to all listeners.
virtual void SendNotification(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to create the time format string.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to create the time format string
// based on the current locale.
virtual void _CalculateEventTimeFormat();
// Summary:
// This function is used to calculates the max width of the date
// used in the specified format string.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// strFormat - A CString that contains the date format string.
// bMonth - A BOOL. If TRUE, then calculate the max width for
// all the months in a year, otherwise calculate the
// max width for all week days.
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to calculate the header format width.
// Returns:
// A CString containing the name of the month or the name of the
// day of the week that has the maximum width.
virtual CString _GetMaxWidthFormat(CDC* pDC, CString strFormat, BOOL bMonth) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to calculate, in pixels, the max
// date width for the specified format string.
// Parameters:
// pDC - A pointer to a valid device context.
// strFormat - A CString that contains the date format string.
// Remarks:
// Use this member function to calculate the maximum width of the
// date string.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the maximum date width, in pixels.
virtual int _GetMaxWidth(CDC* pDC, CString strFormat) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to remove the year part from the
// specified format string.
// Parameters:
// strFormat - [IN/OUT] A CString object that contains the date
// format string reference.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to calculate the header format.
virtual void _RemoveYearPart(CString& strFormat);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to build day header date format
// default strings.
// Remarks:
// This member function read locale settings and fill
// m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultXXX members.
// See Also:
// CalculateHeaderFormat(),
// m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultLong, m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultMiddle,
// m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShort, m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShortest.
virtual void _ReadDefaultHeaderFormats();
// Summary:
// This member function get custom or default day header date format
// string.
// Parameters:
// nLevel - Format width level:
// 0 - Long,
// 1 - Middle,
// 2 - Short,
// 3 - Shortest.
// Remarks:
// Returns m_strDayHeaderFormatXXX member value if is not empty,
// otherwise m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultXXX member value is returned.
// Returns:
// Active header date format string for the specified width level.
// See Also:
// m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultLong, m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultMiddle,
// m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShort, m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShortest,
// m_strDayHeaderFormatLong, m_strDayHeaderFormatMiddle,
// m_strDayHeaderFormatShort, m_strDayHeaderFormatShortest.
virtual CString _GetDayHeaderFormat(int nLevel) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine if the specified
// editing operation command is possible for the event subject
// editor window.
// Parameters:
// idEditCmd - A UINT that contains the editing operation command ID:
// Remarks:
// This function works correctly even when there is no subject editing mode.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE - if the subject editing mode and specified editing
// operation are possible. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL _CanSubjectEditor(UINT idEditCmd) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a pointer to the event
// subject editor window.
// Remarks:
// Works correctly even when not using a subject editing mode.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the CWnd or NULL.
virtual CWnd* _GetSubjectEditorWnd() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to copy selected events and CXTPCalendarEvent objects,
// to a COleDataSource object.
// Parameters:
// dwCopyFlags - A DWORD that contains a set of flags from the enum
// XTPCalendarClipboardCopyFlags or user defined
// values.
// Remarks:
// COleDataSource->SetClipboard method must be called to place
// data into the clipboard. Keep in mind - SetClipboard calls
// InternalRelease.
// Returns:
// If there are selected events, then the function returns a pointer
// to a new COleDataSource object. If there are no selected events,
// then the function returns NULL.
// See Also: _ReadEventsFromClipboard, XTPCalendarClipboardCopyFlags,
virtual COleDataSource* _CopySelectedEvents(DWORD dwCopyFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to read events and CXTPCalendarEvent
// objects, from a COleDataSource object.
// Parameters:
// pData - A COleDataObject pointer to the data object.
// pdwCopyFlags - A pointer to a DWORD that contains the CopyFlags.
// These flags are set in the _CopySelectedEvents call.
// The flag values are from the XTPCalendarClipboardCopyFlags
// enum or are user defined values.
// Remarks:
// COleDataSource->AttachClipboard method must be called to
// retrieve data from the clipboard.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvents object. NULL - If there are no events
// in the clipboard. Otherwise, a pointer to a new CXTPCalendarEvents objects
// collection.
// See Also: _CopySelectedEvents, XTPCalendarClipboardCopyFlags,
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr _ReadEventsFromClipboard(COleDataObject* pData,
DWORD* pdwCopyFlags = NULL);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the minimum event duration
// visible in the current view.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTimeSpan object that contains the minimum duration
// of the event.
virtual COleDateTimeSpan GetEventDurationMin() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to perform an undo/redo operation
// for the specified event.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains
// the undo/redo action.
// Returns:
// A BOOL. TRUE if the undo operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// Undo, Redo, m_UndoBuffer, m_eUndoMode, XTPCalendarUndoMode
virtual BOOL _Undo(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent = NULL);
void _ReSelectSelectEvents();
// Summary:
// This member function handles changing of an event in the associated
// data provider. It performs all the necessary validation of this
// action and returns an update result.
// Parameters:
// nfCode - Notification code of the data provider update operation.
// pEvent - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that was changed.
// Returns:
// A code of the update action to be performed in the view.
// See Also:
// XTP_NOTIFY_CODE overview, XTPEnumCalendarUpdateResult overview
virtual XTPEnumCalendarUpdateResult OnEventChanged_InDataProvider(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE nfCode, CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// This helper class implements Undo/Redo events editing
// functionality.
class CUndoBuffer;
// Summary:
// This method is used to determine Copy or Move dragging mode.
// Parameters:
// eDragMode - A value from enum XTPCalendarDraggingMode.
// Returns:
// TRUE if eDragMode == xtpCalendaDragModeCopy or eDragMode == xtpCalendaDragModeMove.
BOOL _IsDragModeCopyMove(int eDragMode) const;
// Summary:
// This method is used to determine is specified editing operation
// disabled.
// Parameters:
// eOperation - A value from enum XTPCalendarEditOperation.
// pEventView - A pointer to event view.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified editing operation disabled, otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
BOOL IsEditOperationDisabledNotify(XTPCalendarEditOperation eOperation, CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pEventView) const;
// Summary:
// This method is used to customize or disable specified editing
// operation.
// Parameters:
// eOperation - A value from enum XTPCalendarEditOperation.
// pEventView - A pointer to event view.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified editing operation disabled or handled,
// otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
BOOL OnBeforeEditOperationNotify(XTPCalendarEditOperation eOperation,
CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pEventView);
// Summary:
// This method is used to customize or disable specified editing
// operation.
// Parameters:
// eOperation - A value from enum XTPCalendarEditOperation.
// pEventViews - A pointer to event views.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified editing operation disabled or handled,
// otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
BOOL OnBeforeEditOperationNotify(XTPCalendarEditOperation eOperation,
CXTPCalendarViewEvents* pEventViews);
// Summary:
// This method is used to customize or disable paste editing
// operation.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - A pointer to event prepared for paste.
// bPasteWillChangeExistingEvent - If this parameter is TRUE, the new
// event will not be added, just
// existing event will be updated.
// Used for creating recurrence event
// exceptions by cut operation.
// Returns:
// TRUE if paste editing operation disabled or handled,
// otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
BOOL OnBeforePasteNotify(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent, BOOL bPasteWillChangeExistingEvent);
// Summary:
// This method is used to customize or disable xtpCalendarEO_InPlaceCreateEvent
// editing operation.
// Parameters:
// pcszInitialSubject - A pointer to the string which contains initial
// subject value for new event (generally initial
// char).
// Returns:
// TRUE if In-place create event editing operation disabled or handled,
// otherwise FALSE.
// See Also:
BOOL OnInPlaceCreateEvent(LPCTSTR pcszInitialSubject);
// Summary:
// Class CSelectionChangedContext used to avoid multiple sending of
// XTP_NC_CALENDAR_SELECTION_CHANGED notification for one selection
// changing operation.
class CSelectionChangedContext
// Summary:
// Constructs a CSelectionChangedContext object.
// Parameters:
// pView - Pointer to parent CXTPCalendarView object.
// eSelType - Value from enum XTPCalendarSelectionChanged.
// Changed selection type.
// Remarks:
// eSelType = xtpCalendarSelectionUnknown only lock sending notifications.
CSelectionChangedContext(CXTPCalendarView* pView, int eSelType = xtpCalendarSelectionUnknown);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CSelectionChangedContext object and send notification(s)
// if this is last locker object.
virtual ~CSelectionChangedContext();
CXTPCalendarView* m_pView;
int m_eSelType;
// Summary: This class defines an internal structure used as a counter on
// selection changes, which is needed to redraw a view when
// necessary.
class CSelectionChanged_ContextData
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
int m_nLockCount; // Selection change notification global Lock counter.
int m_nLockCount_Day; // Days selection change notification Lock counter.
int m_nLockCount_Event; // Events selection change notification Lock counter.
BOOL m_bRequest_Day; // Days selection change send notification request.
BOOL m_bRequest_Event; // Events selection change send notification request.
CSelectionChanged_ContextData m_cntSelChanged; // Counter on selection changes,
// is needed to redraw a view when necessary.
friend class CSelectionChangedContext;
friend class CXTPCalendarViewSelection;
int m_eUndoMode; // Undo mode, see XTPCalendarUndoMode.
BOOL m_bResetUndoBuffer; // Clean undo buffer before add next undo action.
CUndoBuffer* m_pPrevUndoBuffer; // Undo buffer data after last undo buffer clean.
CUndoBuffer* m_pUndoBuffer; // Undo buffer object.
BOOL _EditOperationNotify(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE ncEvent, XTPCalendarEditOperation eOperation,
CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pEventView, CXTPCalendarViewEvents* pEventViews = NULL) const;
XTPCalendarDraggingMode _GetDraggingMode(XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO* pHitTest) const;
XTPCalendarEditOperation _DragMod2Operation(int eDragMode);
virtual CXTPCalendarData* _GetDataProviderBySelection(UINT* puScheduleID = NULL);
virtual CXTPCalendarData* _GetDataProviderByConnStr(LPCTSTR pcszConnStr, BOOL bCompareNoCase = TRUE);
virtual BOOL _IsScheduleVisible(CXTPCalendarData* pDataProvider, UINT uScheduleID);
XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT& GetLayout_();
const XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT& GetLayout_() const;
virtual BOOL IsUseCellAlignedDraggingInTimeArea() const;
XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT m_Layout; // Layout data.
// Remarks:
// This helper struct is used to group information which is
// necessary to format Start/End events times.
// See Also: FormatEventTime, _CalculateEventTimeFormat.
struct SEventTimeFormatInfo
CString strFormat; // Time format string.
CString strAM; // AM symbol.
CString strPM; // PM symbol.
BOOL b24_HFormat; // Is 24 hours time format.
BOOL isCustom;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
SEventTimeFormatInfo() {b24_HFormat = FALSE; isCustom = FALSE;}
SEventTimeFormatInfo m_EventTimeFormat; // Information used to format events times.
CString m_strHeaderFormat; // Day header active date format string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatLong; // Day header Long date format custom string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatMiddle; // Day header Middle date format custom string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatShort; // Day header Short date format custom string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatShortest; // Day header Shortest date format custom string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultLong; // Day header Long date format default string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultMiddle; // Day header Middle date format default string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShort; // Day header Short date format default string.
CString m_strDayHeaderFormatDefaultShortest; // Day header Shortest date format default string.
CRect m_rcView; // Client rect.
CRect m_rcTooltip; // Last shown tooltip rect (while GetTooltipRect returns calculated
// currently required tooltip rect)
CXTPCalendarEventPtr m_ptrDraggingEventOrig; // Event object before start event editing.
CXTPCalendarEventPtr m_ptrDraggingEventNew; // Editing event object.
COleDateTimeSpan m_spDraggingStartOffset;// Start dragging operation offset from the beginning of the event.
CPoint m_ptStartDragging; // Request to start dragging operation from this point.
XTPCalendarDraggingMode m_eDraggingMode; // Editing event mode.
BOOL m_bStartedClickInside; // Is OnLButtonDown was inside view rect.
CXTPCalendarViewEventPtr m_ptrEditingViewEvent; // Currently editing subject event view or event view requested to edit subject by timeout.
UINT m_nTimerID_StartEditSubject; // Timer ID of edit event subject request.
UINT m_nTimerID_ShowToolTip; // Timer ID of start show tooltip request.
CXTPCalendarControl* m_pControl; // Pointer to the owner control object.
CXTPCalendarViewEvents* m_pSelectedEvents; //Selected Events;
XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO m_LastHitInfo; // Last HitInfo data. It is used in CXTPCalendarView::OnMouseMove() for processing selecting, dragging and other operations.
UINT m_nKeyStateTimerID; // Timer ID to check Keys state (like Control).
XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION m_selectedBlock; // Current selection.
BOOL m_bScrollV_Disabled; // Is vertical scrolling disabled for a view.
BOOL m_bScrollH_Disabled; // Is horizontal scrolling disabled for a view.
CXTPCalendarResources* m_pResources; // Resources array
CPoint m_ptLBtnUpMousePos;
CPoint m_ptLBtnDownMousePos;
mutable CXTPCalendarPtrCollectionT< CXTPCalendarViewDay> m_arDays; // Stores the view day collection.
// Summary:
// This template class represents a view portion of the Calendar control.
// Remarks:
// It represents a specific view of the Control's associated events
// data and provides basic functionality on this data using user
// input through the keyboard and the mouse.
// It is used as a part of the calendar control framework to build
// <b><i>View</i></b> layer of <b>View->DayView->ViewEvent</b>
// typed objects hierarchy.
// These are the template parameters:
// _TViewDay - Type of View Day objects stored in View.
// _TViewEvent - Type of View Event objects stored in View Day.
// You must provide all of the above parameters.
// These are the predefined view implementations available
// for the Calendar control:
// * Day and work week views - Using the CXTPCalendarDayView class.
// * Week view - Using the CXTPCalendarWeekView class.
// * Month view - Using the CXTPCalendarMonthView class.
// Furthermore, any type of user defined view may also be implemented as
// a descendant of the CXTPCalendarView class.
// A typical Calendar View model consists of a collection of
// corresponding ViewDay's, which realizes the contents on a square
// of one day. ViewDay in turn contains a collection of ViewEvent's
// for the particular day, each of them represents a view of an
// CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarDayView, CXTPCalendarWeekView, CXTPCalendarMonthView,
// CXTPCalendarViewDay, CXTPCalendarViewEvent
template<class _TViewDay>
class CXTPCalendarViewT : public CXTPCalendarView
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pCalendarControl - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarControlT object.
// nViewType - An XTPCalendarViewType object that contains the
// view type identifier.
// See Also: XTPCalendarViewType, ~CXTPCalendarEventT()
CXTPCalendarViewT (CXTPCalendarControl* pCalendarControl, XTPCalendarViewType nViewType) :
m_nViewType = nViewType;
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member item deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarViewT()
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the view type flag.
// Returns:
// An XTPCalendarViewType object that contains the view type flag.
// See Also: XTPCalendarViewType
virtual XTPCalendarViewType GetViewType() const
return m_nViewType;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a _TViewDay object corresponding
// with the day's index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - An int that contains the day view index in the view collection.
// Returns:
// If the day's index is valid, then the function returns a pointer to a
// _TViewDay object that corresponds with the day's index. Otherwise,
// the function returns NULL.
// Remarks:
// Index numbers start with 0 and cannot be negative.
// See Also: GetViewDayCount()
virtual _TViewDay* GetViewDay(int nIndex) const
return (_TViewDay*)GetViewDay_(nIndex);
XTPCalendarViewType m_nViewType;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarControl* CXTPCalendarView::GetCalendarControl() const {
return this ? m_pControl : NULL;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPCalendarView::GetViewRect() const {
return m_rcView;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarDraggingMode CXTPCalendarView::GetDraggingMode() const {
return m_eDraggingMode;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarView::GetRowHeight() const {
return m_Layout.m_nRowHeight;
AFX_INLINE UINT CXTPCalendarView::GetStartEditSubjectTimeOut() const {
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::IsEditingSubject() const {
return m_ptrEditingViewEvent != NULL;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarView::GetDayHeaderFormat() const {
return m_strHeaderFormat;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::SetDayHeaderFormat(LPCTSTR sFmt) {
m_strHeaderFormat = sFmt;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::_IsDragModeCopyMove(int eDragMode) const {
return eDragMode == xtpCalendaDragModeCopy || eDragMode == xtpCalendaDragModeMove;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarEditOperation CXTPCalendarView::_DragMod2Operation(int eDragMode) {
return (XTPCalendarEditOperation)eDragMode;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::EnableVScroll(BOOL bEnable) {
m_bScrollV_Disabled = !bEnable;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::EnableHScroll(BOOL bEnable) {
m_bScrollH_Disabled = !bEnable;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::IsHScrollEnabled() const {
return !m_bScrollH_Disabled;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::IsVScrollEnabled() const {
return !m_bScrollV_Disabled;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::SetDayHeaderFormatLong(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat) {
m_strDayHeaderFormatLong = pcszCustomFormat;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::SetDayHeaderFormatShortest(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat) {
m_strDayHeaderFormatShortest = pcszCustomFormat;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::SetDayHeaderFormatMiddle(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat) {
m_strDayHeaderFormatMiddle = pcszCustomFormat;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::SetDayHeaderFormatShort(LPCTSTR pcszCustomFormat) {
m_strDayHeaderFormatShort = pcszCustomFormat;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarView::GetChildHandlersCount() const {
return GetViewDayCount();
AFX_INLINE XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT& CXTPCalendarView::GetLayout_() {
return m_Layout;
AFX_INLINE const XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT& CXTPCalendarView::GetLayout_() const {
return m_Layout;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::IsUseCellAlignedDraggingInTimeArea() const {
return FALSE;
AFX_INLINE UINT CXTPCalendarView::GetShowToolTipTimeOut() const {
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::AddToDiscreteSelection(UINT uDay) {
for (int id = 0; id < (int)m_DiscreteSelection.GetSize(); id++)
if (uDay == m_DiscreteSelection.GetAt(id))
bAdd = FALSE;
if (bAdd)
return bAdd;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarView::IsInDiscreteSelection(UINT uDay) const {
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
for (int id = 0; id < (int)m_DiscreteSelection.GetSize(); id++)
if (uDay == m_DiscreteSelection.GetAt(id))
bFound = TRUE;
return bFound;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarView::ClearDiscreteSelection() {
AFX_INLINE UINT CXTPCalendarView::GetDiscreteSelectionCount() const {
return (UINT)m_DiscreteSelection.GetSize();
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarView::GetDiscreteSelectionValue(UINT id) const
COleDateTime dt;
if (id < (UINT) m_DiscreteSelection.GetSize())
dt = COleDateTime((double) m_DiscreteSelection.GetAt(id));
return dt;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarView::GetViewDayCount() const {
return m_arDays.GetCount();
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarViewDay* CXTPCalendarView::GetViewDay_(int nIndex) const {
if (!this)
return NULL;
int nCount = m_arDays.GetCount();
ASSERT(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount);
return (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nCount) ? m_arDays.GetAt(nIndex) : NULL;
#endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARVIEW_H__)