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// XTPSyntaxEditUndoManager.h
// This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager;
class CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl;
// Summary:
// This class represents abstract Edit Control command interface.
// Its descendants must implement custom Execute and UnExecute
// functionality depending on a command type.
// This class is used internally by the library only.
// See Also: CXTPSyntaxEditUndoRedoManager, CXTPSyntaxEditBatchCommand,
// CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditCommand : public CObject
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object, handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditCommand();
// Summary:
// This is an interface function for operation execution.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the action.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the action.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// UnExecute
virtual int Execute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl) = 0;
// Summary:
// This is an interface function for operation undoing.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the action.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the action.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// Execute
virtual int UnExecute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl) = 0;
// Summary:
// This function is responsible for retrieving action description text.
// Each command have a string describing contained changes,
// for example for showing in the multiple Undo/Redo dialogs, i.e.
// "Typing: something", "Delete", "Paste", etc.
// This function allows a command to overwrite its own command text
// retrieving, for example for adding any specific suffix/prefix, etc.
// Returns:
// Command description string.
// See also:
// SetCommandText
virtual LPCTSTR GetCommandText() const;
// Summary:
// This function is responsible for redefining action description text.
// It allows a command to overwrite command text setting behavior,
// for example making a text as a suffix/prefix of the description, etc.
// Parameters:
// szText: [in] New description string for the command.
// See also:
// GetCommandText
virtual void SetCommandText(LPCTSTR szText);
// Summary:
// This member function used to get undo command data size (in bytes).
// Returns:
// Undo command data size (in bytes).
virtual int GetDataSize() const;
// Summary:
// Protected constructor because this class could not be instantiated
// itself, only by its descendants
// Summary:
// Sets line and a column position for the specified control using
// internal fast methods.
// Parameters:
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// lcPos : [in] A text position to set to the edit control.
static void SetPositionInternally(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcPos);
CString m_strCommandText; // A text description of the command.
AFX_INLINE void CXTPSyntaxEditCommand::SetCommandText(LPCTSTR szText) {
m_strCommandText = szText;
AFX_INLINE LPCTSTR CXTPSyntaxEditCommand::GetCommandText() const {
return m_strCommandText;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPSyntaxEditCommand::GetDataSize() const {
return 0;
// Summary:
// This class represents a pack of some commands in one.
// It stores commands in the list, and implements standard command
// execution interfaces on command (un)execution.
// See Also: CXTPSyntaxEditCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditBatchCommand : public CXTPSyntaxEditCommand
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object with all sub-commands,
// handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
// Summary:
// Executes batch command by successive execution of all stored commands.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom : [out] Start text position affected by the actions chain.
// lcTo : [out] End text position affected by the actions chain.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// UnExecute
virtual int Execute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Unexecutes batch command by successive undoing of all stored commands.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom : [out] Start text position affected by the actions chain.
// lcTo : [out] End text position affected by the actions chain.
// pEditCtrl : [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// Execute
virtual int UnExecute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Adds a command to the batch buffer.
// Parameters:
// pCommand: [in] A pointer to the newly added command.
// Returns:
// A position of the newly added command inside the internal list.
// Example:
// pBatchCmd->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand(...));
POSITION AddCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditCommand* pCommand);
// Summary:
// Calculates a number of single command items inside the batch
// command buffer.
// Returns:
// A number of single command items inside the batch command buffer.
int GetCommandsCount();
// Summary:
// This member function used to get undo command data size (in bytes).
// Returns:
// Undo command data size (in bytes).
virtual int GetDataSize() const;
// Summary:
// Clears batch command buffer and delete all commands.
void Clear();
CPtrList m_CommandList; // Commands buffer storage.
// Summary:
// The base class for all edit commands related to CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager.
// It stores handle of the buffer manager, and provides implementation
// of common buffer operations, such as text insertion or deletion.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditCommand, CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand,
// CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand : public CXTPSyntaxEditCommand
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object, handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand();
// Summary:
// Creates the buffer command object, initializes its members.
// Parameters:
// pMgr: [in] Pointer to the associated buffer manager object.
// szText: [in] A text which was changed during buffer operation.
// It will be used for insert/remove text operations.
// lcFrom: [in] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [in] End text position affected by the command.
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pMgr,
LPCTSTR szText, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo);
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* m_pBufferMgr; // Pointer to the associated text buffer.
// Summary:
// Keeps buffer overwrite flag for the specified buffer manager from
// class construction until destruction, and resets this flag to FALSE
// during class lifetime.
// Example:
// void DoSomething()
// {
// CXTPSyntaxEditBufferKeepOverwriteSettings bufOwr(m_pBufferMgr);
// ...
// }
class CXTPSyntaxEditBufferKeepOverwriteSettings
// Summary:
// Creates the object and stores buffer overwrite settings.
// Parameters:
// pBufferMgr: [in] Pointer to the associated buffer manager object.
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferKeepOverwriteSettings(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pBufferMgr);
// Summary:
// Destroys the object and restore buffer overwrite settings.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditBufferKeepOverwriteSettings();
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* m_pBufMgr; // Associated buffer manager
BOOL m_bOldSettings; // Stored buffer overwrite settings.
// Summary:
// Inserts stored text at the stored positions, and returns start and
// final affected text positions.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// DoDeleteText
int DoInsertText(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Deletes text at the stored positions, and returns start and
// final affected text positions.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// DoInsertText
int DoDeleteText(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// This member function used to get undo command data size (in bytes).
// Returns:
// Undo command data size (in bytes).
virtual int GetDataSize() const;
CString m_strText; // Stored changed text.
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_lcFrom; // Start edit position.
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_lcTo; // End edit position.
AFX_INLINE int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand::GetDataSize() const {
return m_strText.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Summary:
// This class represents text insertion command.
// Command execution will insert a specified text string in the buffer,
// un-execution will delete this text from the buffer.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand, CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand : public CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand
// Summary:
// Creates the insert string command object, initializes its members.
// Parameters:
// pMgr: [in] Pointer to the associated buffer manager object.
// szText: [in] A text which was changed during buffer operation.
// It will be used for insert/remove text operations.
// lcFrom: [in] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [in] End text position affected by the command.
CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pMgr,
LPCTSTR szText, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo);
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object, handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand();
// Summary:
// Executes insert string command.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// UnExecute
virtual int Execute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Unexecutes insert string command (i.e. deletes the string).
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// Execute
virtual int UnExecute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// This class represents text deletion command.
// Command execution will delete text from the buffer between specified
// text positions, its un-execution will insert this text into the buffer.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand, CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand : public CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand
// Summary:
// Creates the delete string command object, initializes its members.
// Parameters:
// pMgr: [in] Pointer to the associated buffer manager object.
// szText: [in] A text which was changed during buffer operation.
// It will be used for insert/remove text operations.
// lcFrom: [in] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [in] End text position affected by the command.
CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pMgr,
LPCTSTR szText, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo);
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object, handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand();
// Summary:
// Executes delete string command.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// UnExecute
virtual int Execute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Unexecutes delete string command (i.e. inserts the string).
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// Execute
virtual int UnExecute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// This class represents text replacing command.
// Command execution will replace text from the buffer between specified
// text positions, un-execution will do contrary replacement.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand : public CXTPSyntaxEditBufferCommand
// Summary:
// Creates the replace string command object, initializes its members.
// Parameters:
// pMgr: [in] Pointer to the associated buffer manager object.
// szText: [in] A text which was insert during buffer operation.
// szReplacedText: [in] A text which was changed during buffer operation.
// lcFrom: [in] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [in] End text position affected by the command.
CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pMgr,
LPCTSTR szText, LPCTSTR szReplacedText, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo);
// Summary:
// A default command destructor.
// Destroys the command object, handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand();
// Summary:
// Executes delete string command.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// UnExecute
virtual int Execute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Unexecutes delete string command (i.e. inserts the string).
// Parameters:
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
// See also:
// Execute
virtual int UnExecute(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// This member function used to get undo command data size (in bytes).
// Returns:
// Undo command data size (in bytes).
virtual int GetDataSize() const;
CString m_strReplacedText; // Buffer which holds replaced text.
// Summary:
// Performs text replacement operation.
// Parameters:
// szText: [in] A text to replace to.
// lcFrom: [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo: [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl: [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the happened edit actions:
int DoReplaceText(LPCTSTR szText, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo,
CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
AFX_INLINE int CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand::GetDataSize() const {
return m_strReplacedText.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR) +
// Summary:
// This class maintains the list of undo/redo commands.
// It is managed by CEditBufferManager class.
// It allows adding new commands in the buffer (see AddCommand()),
// undoing last added operation (see DoUndo()), and redoing
// operations following the latest unexecuted (see DoRedo()).
// It also allows checking for the possibility of performing undo/redo
// operations (see CanUndo() / CanRedo()).
// It also allows marking current position of undo/redo operation queue
// as saved, and returns "modified" flag if the queue position will
// be changed (see MarkSaved() / IsModified()).
// Another piece of the functionality is commands grouping. There are
// following methods related to this: SetGroupInsertMode() and
// ChainLastCommand(). The second one forces latest added undo
// command to be merged in group with the previous one. It could be
// useful for group operations like moving a selected text by mouse.
// In this case there will be 2 different commands added: remove
// selected text from its original position, and insert it into the
// new position. By using ChainLastCommand() methods both these
// operations will be merged into the single one, which will be
// further done/undone together.
// The first method SetGroupInsertMode() forces undo/redo manager
// to merge in the single chain all added operations. For example,
// it could be useful when the user is typing some text, which
// could be later done/undoe in the single word, instead of by each
// character.
// Also, one more piece of functionality is related to the command
// description text management. Related functions allow setting the
// new text description for the last undo command (SetLastCommandText()).
// As an example, it could be used after ChainLastCommand() method
// for setting new description for the merged command ('Move' instead
// of 'Delete'+'Insert').
// Another 2 functions allow retrieving string description lists
// for the list of undo and redo commands (GetUndoTextList() /
// GetRedoTextList()).
// However, this class is used internally by the library only.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditCommand
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditUndoRedoManager
// Summary:
// Creates the undo/redo manager object, initializes its members.
// Summary:
// Destroys the undo/redo manager object,
// handles its cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditUndoRedoManager();
// Summary:
// Perform single undo operation:
// Unexecutes the latest command.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom - [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo - [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl - [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the affected edit actions.
// See also:
// DoRedo
int DoUndo(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Perform single redo operation:
// Executes the next command.
// Parameters:
// lcFrom - [out] Start text position affected by the command.
// lcTo - [out] End text position affected by the command.
// pEditCtrl - [in] A pointer to edit control.
// Returns:
// A bitwise combination of the affected edit actions.
// See also:
// DoUndo
int DoRedo(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& lcTo, CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pEditCtrl);
// Summary:
// Add command to the undo buffer.
// Delete all redo commands if exist.
// Parameters:
// pCommand: [in] A pointer of the command to add.
void AddCommand(CXTPSyntaxEditCommand* pCommand);
// Summary:
// Clears the undo manager buffer and delete all commands.
void Clear();
// Summary:
// Calculate possibility to perform undo action.
// Returns:
// TRUE if performing undo action is possible, FALSE otherwise.
// See also:
// CanRedo
BOOL CanUndo() const;
// Summary:
// Calculate possibility to perform redo action.
// Returns:
// TRUE if performing redo action is possible, FALSE otherwise.
// See also:
// CanUndo
BOOL CanRedo() const;
// Summary:
// Marks current command buffer position as last saved.
// Used for the further calculating modified flag.
// See also:
// IsModified
void MarkSaved();
// Summary:
// Checks whether the document was modified by any command from the
// buffer since the last document saving or loading.
// Returns:
// TRUE if any action was performed since last saving, FALSE otherwise.
// See also:
// MarkSaved
BOOL IsModified() const;
// Summary:
// Group insert mode is required when a user is typing certain text
// in normal INS mode. In the time of undo/redo a group of text is
// undone in a single shot. This setting is cleared in the case of
// overwrite mode or while user presses SPACE, TAB, ENTER etc.
// Parameters:
// bInsertInGroup: [in] Pass TRUE to switch group insert mode on,
// FALSE otherwise
// See also:
// ChainLastCommand
void SetGroupInsertMode(BOOL bInsertInGroup = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Forces latest Undo command to merge in batch command with the
// previous one.
// See also:
// SetGroupInsertMode
void ChainLastCommand();
// Summary:
// Changes the text for the last undo command in the stack.
// Parameters:
// szText : [in] A text to be set on the last undo command.
// See also:
// GetUndoTextList, GetRedoTextList
void SetLastCommandText(LPCTSTR szText);
// Summary:
// Changes the text for the last undo command in the stack.
// Parameters:
// nTextId : [in] A resource text identifier of the text string
// to be set on the last undo command.
// See also:
// GetUndoTextList, GetRedoTextList
void SetLastCommandText(UINT nTextId);
// Summary:
// Returns the list of text for undo operations.
// Returns:
// The text list for undo operations.
// See also:
// GetRedoTextList, SetLastCommandText
const CStringList& GetUndoTextList();
// Summary:
// Returns the list of text for redo operations.
// Returns:
// The texts for redo.
// See also:
// GetUndoTextList, SetLastCommandText
const CStringList& GetRedoTextList();
// Summary:
// This member function used to get undo buffer data size (in bytes).
// Returns:
// Undo buffer data size (in bytes).
virtual int GetDataSize() const;
// Summary:
// This member function used to check undo buffer data size and remove
// old stored commands to clear memory if data size limit is reached.
// Parameters:
// nNewCommandData - The size of new undo command to be added (in bytes).
// nDataSizeLimit - The maximum data size to store in undo buffer.
virtual void LimitDataSize(int nNewCommandData, int nDataSizeLimit);
// Summary:
// Removes command queue tail after the current element.
void RemoveTail();
CPtrList m_CommandList; // Commands buffer.
POSITION m_posFirstUndo; // Actual command position in the buffer.
POSITION m_posSavedMark; // Last saved command position in the buffer.
BOOL m_bGroupInsertMode; // TRUE if group insert mode is on, FALSE otherwise
int m_nDataSizeLimit; // The memory limit for undo data.
CStringList m_lstUndoText; // A temporary storage for undo text strings.
CStringList m_lstRedoText; // A temporary storage for redo text strings.
#endif // !defined(__XTPSYNTAXEDITUNDOMANAGER_H__)