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// XTPStatusBar.h : interface for the CXTPStatusBar class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME COMMANDBARS MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPSTATUSBAR_H__)
#define __XTPSTATUSBAR_H__
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
class CXTPCommandBars;
class CXTPPaintManager;
class CXTPStatusBar;
class CXTPImageManagerIcon;
class CXTPImageManager;
class CXTPToolTipContext;
class CXTPPopupBar;
class CXTPPropExchange;
class CXTPMarkupUIElement;
class CXTPMarkupContext;
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBarPane is a CCmdTarget derived class. It represents single pane of status bar
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBarPane : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBarPane object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBarPane object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPStatusBarPane();
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the text caption that is displayed
// in this pane.
// Parameters:
// lpszText - Text caption of the pane.
// See Also: GetText
void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText);
// Input: lpszCaption - The Caption is the text that is displayed for
// the pane in the status bar customization window.
// Summary: Sets the text that is displayed for the pane in the status
// bar customization window.
void SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszCaption);
// Summary: Gets the text that is displayed for the pane in the status
// bar customization window.
// Returns: Text caption.
CString GetCaption() const;
// Input: lpszValue - The Value of the pane can be any string value and
// can be used to store extra data if customization
// is disabled. If customization is enabled, the
// Value is the text that is displayed for the pane
// in the status bar customization window.
// Summary: Sets the value of the pane. This is displayed in the status
// bar customization window.
void SetValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue);
// Summary: Gets the value of the pane. This is displayed in the status
// bar customization window.
// Returns: The value of the status bar pane.
CString GetValue() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the text caption to the pane.
// Returns:
// Text caption of pane. This is the text displayed in the pane
// See Also: SetText
CString GetText() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the width of this pane.
// Parameters:
// nWidth - new width to be set
// See Also: GetWidth
void SetWidth(int nWidth);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the width of the pane.
// Returns:
// Current width of the pane
// See Also: SetWidth
virtual int GetWidth();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the style of a status bar's pane.
// A pane's style determines how the pane appears.
// Parameters:
// nStyle - Style of the pane whose style is to be set
void SetStyle(UINT nStyle);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the style of a status bar's pane.
// Returns:
// Style of the indicator pane.
UINT GetStyle() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the ID of a status bar's pane.
// Returns:
// ID of the indicator pane.
UINT GetID() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the index of a status bar's pane.
// Returns:
// Index of the indicator pane.
int GetIndex() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to remove the pane
void Remove();
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the pane is visible.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the tab is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetVisible
BOOL IsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to hide or show the pane.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - TRUE to show the tab, FALSE to hide the tab.
// bRecalcLayout - TRUE to recalculate layout after.
// See Also: IsVisible
void SetVisible(BOOL bVisible, BOOL bRecalcLayout = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the color of an item text.
// Parameters:
// clrText - COLORREF object that represents the color of an item
// text.
void SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the disabled color of an item text.
// Parameters:
// clrText - COLORREF object that represents the disabled color of an item
// text.
void SetTextGrayColor(COLORREF clrText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the color of an item text.
// Returns:
// A COLORREF object that represents the color of an item text.
COLORREF GetTextColor() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the disabled color of an item text.
// Returns:
// A COLORREF object that represents the disabled color of an item text.
COLORREF GetTextGrayColor() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the color of an item background.
// Parameters:
// clrBackground - COLORREF object that represents the background color of an item
// text.
void SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF clrBackground);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the background color of an item.
// Returns:
// The background color of a item.
COLORREF GetBackgroundColor() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the font of an item text.
// Parameters:
// pFntText - point to CFont object.
// pLogfText - point to LOGFONT structure.
void SetTextFont(CFont* pFntText);
void SetTextFont(PLOGFONT pLogfText); // <combine CXTPStatusBarPane::SetTextFont@CFont* >
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the font of an item text.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CFont object.
virtual CFont* GetTextFont();
// Summary:
// Retrieves icon index.
// Returns:
// Icon index.
// See Also: SetIconIndex
int GetIconIndex() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set icon index of item.
// Parameters:
// nIconIndex - Icon index to be set.
// See Also: GetIconIndex
void SetIconIndex(int nIconIndex);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the alignment of an item text.
// Parameters:
// nAlign - The alignment style of an item text.
void SetTextAlignment(int nAlign);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the alignment of an item text.
// Returns:
// The alignment style of an item text.
int GetTextAlignment() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the tooltip for this pane. This is the
// text that will be displayed when the mouse pointer is positioned
// over the pane.
// Parameters: lpszTooltip - Tooltip to set for this tab.
// See Also: GetTooltip
void SetTooltip(LPCTSTR lpszTooltip);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the tooltip displayed when the mouse
// pointer is positioned over the pane.
// Returns:
// The tooltip displayed when the mouse if over the pane.
// See Also: SetTooltip
CString GetTooltip() const;
// Summary:
// Fits the width of the pane to the its text width.
void BestFit();
// Summary: Gets the best fit width which fits the width of the pane to
// the its text width.
// Returns: Best fit width.
int GetBestFit();
// Summary: Call this method to add separator before pane
// Input: bBeginGroup - TRUE to start new group
void SetBeginGroup(BOOL bBeginGroup = TRUE);
// Summary: Gets a boolean value indicating whether the pane has a separator
// placed before it and thus begins a new group.
// Returns: TRUE if the pane begins a group, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL GetBeginGroup() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get parent status bar object
// Returns:
// Pointer to parent status bar object
CXTPStatusBar* GetStatusBar() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to get image of the pane
// Returns:
// CXTPImageManagerIcon Pointer to be drawn.
virtual CXTPImageManagerIcon* GetImage() const;
// Summary:
// Returns margins for pane entry
// See Also: SetMargins
CRect GetMargins() const;
// Summary: Gets the padding placed around the Text of a pane.
// Returns: Padding placed around the Text of a pane.
CRect GetPadding() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set margins for pane
// Parameters:
// nLeft - Left margin
// nTop - Top margin
// nRight - Right margin
// nBottom - Bottom margin
// See Also: GetMargins
void SetMargins(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom);
// Input: nLeft - Padding placed on the left side of the Text of a pane.
// nTop - Padding placed on the top of the Text of a pane.
// nRight - Padding placed on the right side of the Text of a pane.
// nBottom - Padding placed on the bottom of the Text of a pane.
// Summary: Sets the padding placed around the Text of a pane in pixels.
void SetPadding(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom);
// Input: bButton - TRUE if the pane will act as a button.
// Summary: Specifies whether the pane will also act as a button.
// Remarks: Button panes will look and act like a button on mouse over
// and when clicked. On mouse over the button pane will become
// "hot" giving a visual que that it is a button and can be
// clicked. When clicked the button pane will change to a
// "pressed" state.
void SetButton(BOOL bButton = TRUE);
// Summary: Specifies whether the pane will also act as a button.
// Returns: TRUE if the pane acts as a button, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsButton() const;
// Summary: Gets a boolean value indicating whether the switch pane is enabled.
// Returns: TRUE if enabled, FALSE if diabled.
BOOL IsEnabled() const;
// Input: bEnabled - TRUE to enable the pane, FALSE to disable the pane.
// Summary: Specifies whether the switch pane is enabled or disabled.
void SetEnabled(BOOL bEnabled);
// Summary: This member is called to determine if the pane button is
// currently highlighted. This occurs when the mouse cursor is
// positioned over the pane button.
// Returns: TRUE if the pane button is currently highlighted.
BOOL IsHighlighted() const;
// Summary: Call this method to determine if the pane button is pressed.
// Returns: TRUE if the pane button is pressed, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL IsPressed() const;
// Input: bVisible - TRUE to enable customization, FALSE to disable
// customization.
// Summary: Enables or disables statusbar customization.
// Remarks: SetCustomizationVisible will enable a status bar customization
// window to appear when the status bar is right-clicked on. The
// customization window allows all the panes in the statusbar to
// be hidden or displayed (if already hidden). All panes will be
// displayed in the window with the exception of the Pane with
// Id equal to 0. The items displayed in the window are the
// Caption of the pane and the Value of the pane. Also indicated
// is the Visibility of the pane.
void SetCustomizationVisible(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary: Gets whether customization is enabled.
// Returns: TRUE if customization is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL GetCustomizationVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if the pane button state is
// checked.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the pane button is checked, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL IsChecked() const;
// Input: bChecked - TRUE to check the pane, FALSE to un-check the pane.
// Summary: Sets a boolean value indicating whether the pane is checked.
void SetChecked(BOOL bChecked);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if the pane has borders
// enabled.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the pane has borders, otherwise FALSE. If the pane is a
// button, the return value is always FALSE since buttons will handle
// drawing their own borders.
// See Also:
// IsButton
BOOL HasBorders() const;
// Input: bShowBorders - TRUE to show the pane borders, FALSE to hide them.
// Summary: Call this member function to show the pane borders.
// Remarks: If the pane is a button then this has no effect.
void ShowBorders(BOOL bShowBorders);
// Summary: Call this member function to redraw the pane.
void Redraw() const;
// Summary: Call this member to get the bounding rectangle for the pane.
// Returns: A CRect object.
CRect GetRect() const;
// Summary: This member functions are used to get stored CXTPMarkupUIElement object.
// Returns: A pointer to CXTPMarkupUIElement object.
CXTPMarkupUIElement* GetMarkupUIElement() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw pane item. Override it to draw custom pane.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// rcItem - Item rectangle
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem);
// Input: point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of
// the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to
// the upper-left corner of the window.
// Summary: This member function is used to processes left mouse button events.
virtual void OnLButtonDown(CPoint point);
// Input: point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor.
// Summary: This member is called when the mouse cursor moves.
virtual void OnMouseMove(CPoint point);
// Input: point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor. These
// coordinates are always relative to the upper-left
// corner of the window.
// pTI - A pointer to a TOOLINFO structure.
// Summary: The framework calls this member function to determine whether
// a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool.
// Returns: If the tooltip control was found, the window control ID. If
// the tooltip control was not found, -1.
virtual INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const;
UINT m_nID; // IDC of indicator: 0 => normal text area.
int m_cxText; // Width of the string area in pixels. On both sides there is a 3 pixel gap and a 1 pixel border, making a pane 6 pixels wider.
UINT m_nStyle; // Style flags (SBPS_*).
CString m_strText; // Text in the pane.
DWORD m_dwHideFlags; // TRUE if pane is visible
COLORREF m_clrText; // Text color
COLORREF m_clrTextGray; // Disabled text color
COLORREF m_clrBackground; // Background color
CString m_strToolTip; // Tooltip text for the item
CRect m_rcPane; // Bounding rectangle for the pane
HWND m_hWndPane; // Child handle
BOOL m_bAutoDeleteWnd; // TRUE to auto delete child.
int m_nAlignment; // Alignment of the item.
CXTPStatusBar* m_pStatusBar; // Parent StatusBar object
int m_nIndex; // Index of the item
CFont m_fntText; // Font of an item text
int m_nIconIndex; // Icon index of the pane
CRect m_rcPadding; // Margins of the pane
CRect m_rcMargins; // Margins of the pane
BOOL m_bButton; // TRUE if pane is clickable button
BOOL m_bPressed; // TRUE if button was pressed
CXTPMarkupUIElement* m_pMarkupUIElement; // Markup Context
BOOL m_bBeginGroup; // TRUE if the pane begins a group
CString m_strCaption; // The text that is displayed for the pane in the status bar customization window
CString m_strValue; // The value of the pane. This is displayed in the status bar customization window
int m_nBestFit; // Width for the pane to have the best fit
BOOL m_bCustomizable; // True to enable customization, False to disable customization
friend class CXTPStatusBar;
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBar is a CControlBar derived class.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBar : public CControlBar
class CStatusCmdUI;
class CControlCustomization;
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBar object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBar object, handles cleanup and deallocation
virtual ~CXTPStatusBar();
// Summary:
// Creates a status bar (a child window) and associates it with the CStatusBar object.
// Also sets the initial font and sets the status bar's height to a default value.
// Parameters:
// pParentWnd - Pointer to the CWnd object whose Windows window is the parent of the status bar.
// dwStyle - The status-bar style. In addition to the standard Windows styles, these styles are supported
// nID - The toolbar's child-window ID
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
// Summary:
// Sets each indicator's ID to the value specified by the corresponding
// element of the array lpIDArray, loads the string resource specified
// by each ID, and sets the indicator's text to the string.
// Parameters:
// lpIDArray - Pointer to an array of IDs.
// nIDCount - Number of elements in the array pointed to by lpIDArray.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE
BOOL SetIndicators (const UINT* lpIDArray, int nIDCount);
// Summary:
// Call this member to set the command bar's object.
// Parameters:
// pCommandBars - CXTPCommandBars to be set.
void SetCommandBars(CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars);
// Summary:
// Retrieves the paint manager.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPPaintManager object.
CXTPPaintManager* GetPaintManager() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is called by the status bar to reposition pane
// item controls.
void PositionControls();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add a control to an indicator pane.
// Parameters:
// pWnd - Points to a control window.
// nID - ID of the indicator pane.
// bAutoDelete - TRUE if the control is to be deleted when destroyed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL AddControl(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nID, BOOL bAutoDelete = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the width for an indicator pane.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator pane.
// cxText - New width for the indicator pane.
void SetPaneWidth(int nIndex, int cxText);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to add an indicator pane to the status bar.
// Parameters:
// nID - ID of the indicator pane.
// nIndex - Index of the indicator pane.
// pPane - New CXTPStatusBarPane object
// Returns:
// CXTPStatusBarPane pointer if successful, otherwise returns NULL.
CXTPStatusBarPane* AddIndicator(UINT nID, int nIndex = -1);
CXTPStatusBarPane* AddIndicator(CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane, UINT nID, int nIndex = -1); // <combine CXTPStatusBar::AddIndicator@UINT@int>
// Summary:
// Call this member function to remove an indicator pane from the status bar.
// Parameters:
// nID - ID of the indicator pane.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL RemoveIndicator(UINT nID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to return the number of panes that are created
// for the status bar.
// Returns:
// An integer value that represents the number of panes for the status bar.
int GetPaneCount() const;
// Summary:
// Calculates total number of visible panes.
// Returns:
// Total number of panes currently visible.
int GetVisiblePaneCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the pane information for the given index.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator pane.
// Returns:
// A pointer to an CXTPStatusBarPane class.
CXTPStatusBarPane* GetPane(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to find the pane for the given Identifier.
// Parameters:
// nID - Identifier of the indicator pane.
// Returns:
// A pointer to an CXTPStatusBarPane class.
CXTPStatusBarPane* FindPane(UINT nID) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to remove all indicators.
void RemoveAll();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to remove an indicator pane from the status bar.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator pane.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL RemoveAt(int nIndex);
// Summary:
// Call this member to retrieve the image manager of the image manager.
// Returns:
// A pointer to a CXTPImageManager object
CXTPImageManager* GetImageManager() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to determine which pane, if any, is at the
// specified screen position.
// Parameters:
// pt - Point to be tested.
// lpRect - Returns rectangle of the item under point pt.
// Returns:
// CXTPStatusBarPane pointer, or returns NULL if no pane is
// at the specified position.
CXTPStatusBarPane* HitTest(CPoint pt, CRect* lpRect = NULL) const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to enable/disable customization of the statusbar
// Parameters:
// bEnable - TRUE to enable customization.
void EnableCustomization(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
// Input: lpszProfileName - Points to a null-terminated string that
// specifies the name of a section in the
// initialization file or a key in the Windows
// registry where state information is stored.
// Summary: Call this function to retrieve state information from the
// registry or .INI file.
void LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
// Input: lpszProfileName - Points to a null-terminated string that
// specifies the name of a section in the
// initialization file or a key in the Windows
// registry where state information is stored.
// Summary: Call this function to save the state information to the
// registry or .INI file
void SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
// Summary:
// Reads or writes this object from or to an archive.
// Parameters:
// pPX - A CXTPPropExchange object to serialize to or from.
virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// Call this member to draw disabled text.
// Parameters:
// bDraw - TRUE to draw disabled text, FALSE otherwise.
void SetDrawDisabledText(BOOL bDraw);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if paint manager draw disabled text.
BOOL GetDrawDisabledText() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to get tooltip context pointer.
CXTPToolTipContext* GetToolTipContext() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw a single pane of the status bar.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// nIndex - Index of the pane to draw.
// rcItem - Bounding rectangle of the pane
virtual void DrawPaneEntry(CDC* pDC, int nIndex, CRect rcItem);
// Summary:
// Call this function to create a status bar
// Parameters:
// pParentWnd - Pointer to the CWnd object whose Windows window is the parent of the status bar.
// dwCtrlStyle - Additional styles for the creation of the embedded CStatusBarCtrl object.
// dwStyle - The status-bar style
// nID - The status bar's child-window ID.
// Returns: Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
BOOL CreateEx(CWnd* pParentWnd, DWORD dwCtrlStyle = 0,
// Summary:
// Gets the indicator index for a given ID. The index of the first indicator is 0
// Parameters:
// nIDFind - String ID of the indicator whose index is to be retrieved
// Returns:
// The index of the indicator if successful; -1 if not successful.
// See Also: GetItemID
int CommandToIndex(UINT nIDFind) const;
// Summary:
// Returns the ID of the indicator specified by nIndex
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator whose ID is to be retrieved.
// Returns:
// The ID of the indicator specified by nIndex.
// See Also: CommandToIndex
UINT GetItemID(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Copies the coordinates of the indicator specified by nIndex into the structure pointed to by lpRect.
// Coordinates are in pixels relative to the upper-left corner of the status bar.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator whose rectangle coordinates are to be retrieved.
// lpRect - Points to aRECT structure or a CRect object that will receive the coordinates of the indicator specified by nIndex.
// See Also: GetPaneInfo, CommandToIndex
void GetItemRect(int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the text that appears in a status-bar pane.
// The second form of this member function fills a CString object with the string text.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the pane whose text is to be retrieved
// rString - A reference to a CString object that contains the text to be retrieved.
// See Also: SetPaneText
CString GetPaneText(int nIndex) const;
void GetPaneText(int nIndex, CString& rString) const; // <combine CXTPStatusBar::GetPaneText@int@const>
// Summary:
// Sets the pane text to the string pointed to by lpszNewText.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the pane whose text is to be set.
// lpszNewText - Pointer to the new pane text
// bUpdate - If TRUE, the pane is invalidated after the text is set.
// Returns:
// Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
// See Also: GetPaneText
BOOL SetPaneText(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszNewText);
// Summary:
// Sets nID, nStyle, and cxWidth to the ID, style, and width of the indicator
// pane at the location specified by nIndex.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the pane whose information is to be retrieved.
// nID - Reference to a UINT that is set to the ID of the pane
// nStyle - Reference to a UINT that is set to the style of the pane.
// cxWidth - Reference to an integer that is set to the width of the pane
// See Also: SetPaneInfo, GetItemRect
void GetPaneInfo(int nIndex, UINT& nID, UINT& nStyle, int& cxWidth) const;
// Summary:
// Sets the specified indicator pane to a new ID, style, and width.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the indicator pane whose style is to be set.
// nID - New ID for the indicator pane
// nStyle - New style for the indicator pane
// cxWidth - New width for the indicator pane
// See Also: GetPaneInfo
void SetPaneInfo(int nIndex, UINT nID, UINT nStyle, int cxWidth);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to retrieve the style of a status bar's pane. A pane's style determines how the pane appears.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the pane whose style is to be retrieved.
// Returns:
// The style of the status-bar pane specified by nIndex
// See Also: SetPaneStyle
UINT GetPaneStyle(int nIndex) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the style of a status bar's pane. A pane's style determines how the pane appears.
// Parameters:
// nIndex - Index of the pane whose style is to be set.
// nStyle - Style of the pane whose style is to be set
// See Also: GetPaneStyle
void SetPaneStyle(int nIndex, UINT nStyle);
// Summary:
// This member function allows direct access to the underlying common control
// Returns:
// Contains a reference to a CStatusBarCtrl object.
CStatusBarCtrl& GetStatusBarCtrl() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set font for the status bar.
// Parameters:
// pFont - Font to set
// bRedraw - TRUE to redraw status bar
void SetFont(CFont* pFont, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
// Summary: Call this method to get font for the status bar.
// Returns: Font used for the status bar.
CFont* GetFont();
// Input: nIndex - Position of the ribbon bar divider.
// Summary: Sets the position of the ribbon divider index. This specifies
// the panes that get the second color for the ribbon theme.
// Remarks: RibbonDividerIndex is a zero based index and specifies the
// panes that get the second color for the ribbon theme. All
// panes with an index larger than the divider index will get
// the second ribbon color applied.
void SetRibbonDividerIndex(int nIndex);
// Summary: Gets the position of the ribbon divider index
// Returns: Position of the ribbon bar divider.
int GetRibbonDividerIndex() const;
// Input: bEnableMarkup - TRUE to enable markup, FALSE to disable markup.
// Summary: Allows the use of a XAML snippet to be used for the Text of
// panes in the Status Bar.
void EnableMarkup(BOOL bEnableMarkup = TRUE);
// Summary: Returns markup context.
// Returns: Returns markup context.
CXTPMarkupContext* GetMarkupContext() const;
// Summary: Call this method to reposition all panes
virtual void RecalcLayout();
// Obsolete
void UpdateAllPanes(BOOL bUpdateRects, BOOL bUpdateText);
#if _MSC_VER > 1100
void SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect);
void SetBorders(int cxLeft = 0, int cyTop = 0, int cxRight = 0, int cyBottom = 0);
// Summary:
// Draws the stretch gripper of the status bar.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcClient - Client rectangle.
virtual void DrawStretch(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcClient);
virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz);
BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
void CalcInsideRect(CRect& rect, BOOL bHorz) const;
virtual void OnBarStyleChange(DWORD dwOldStyle, DWORD dwNewStyle);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
void EnableDocking(DWORD dwDockStyle);
virtual void OnPaneClick(CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane);
virtual void OnSwitchPaneClick(CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane, long Id);
virtual CXTPPopupBar* GetStatusBarPopup();
virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler);
INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const;
virtual BOOL OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg LRESULT OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/);
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs);
afx_msg LRESULT OnIdleUpdateCmdUI (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint);
afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*);
afx_msg void OnNcPaint();
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging(LPWINDOWPOS);
afx_msg LRESULT OnSetText(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg LRESULT OnGetText(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg LRESULT OnGetTextLength(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg LRESULT OnSetMinHeight(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void HandleMouseMove(CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseLeave();
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL IsWin4();
CArray <CXTPStatusBarPane*, CXTPStatusBarPane*> m_arrPanes; // Array of panes
int m_nMinHeight; // Minimum client height
CFont m_fontStatus; // Font of status bar
BOOL m_bDrawDisabledText; // TRUE to draw disabled text
CXTPStatusBarPane* m_pHighlightedPane; // Pane currently highlighted
int m_nRibbonDividerIndex; // Position of dark part for Ribbon Theme
BOOL m_bShowSizeGripper; // TRUE to show size gripper
CXTPMarkupContext* m_pMarkupContext; // Markup Context
int m_cxPaneSpacing; // Gap between panes
int m_bCustomizable; // TRUE to allow customize status bar.
CXTPCommandBars* m_pCommandBars;
CXTPToolTipContext* m_pToolTipContext; // Tooltip Context.
friend class CXTPStatusBarPane;
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane is a CXTPStatusBarPane derived class. CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane works with
// CXTStatusBar and allows you to create switches in your status
// bar area.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane : public CXTPStatusBarPane
// Summary: Holds status bar pane switch properties.
struct SWITCH
CString strToolTip; // Tooltip of the switch.
UINT nID; // Id of the switch.
int nWidth; // Width of the switch.
BOOL bChecked; // TRUE to "check" the switch.
BOOL bHighlighted; // TRUE if the switch is highligted.
BOOL bPressed; // TRUE if the switch is pressed.
BOOL bEnabled; // TRUE if enabled
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane object.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane object, handles cleanup and
// deallocation
// Input: lpIDArray - Pointer to Array with identifiers
// nIDCount - Count of elements in array
// Summary: Call this method to set switches
// Returns: TRUE if successful;
BOOL SetSwitches(const UINT* lpIDArray, int nIDCount);
// Input: nID - Id of the switch.
// lpszToolTip - Tooltip of the switch.
// Summary: Adds a switch to the Switch Pane.
// Returns: Reference to a SWITCH object.
SWITCH* AddSwitch(UINT nID);
SWITCH* AddSwitch(UINT nID, LPCTSTR lpszToolTip); // <combine CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane::AddSwitch@UINT>
// Summary: Returns switch by its position
// Input: nIndex - Index of switch to get
// Returns: POinter to SWITCH.
SWITCH* GetSwitch(int nIndex) const;
SWITCH* FindSwitch(UINT nID) const;
// Summary: Gets the total number of switches in the switch pane.
// Returns: Total number of switches in the switch pane.
int GetSwitchCount() const;
// Summary: Removes all switches from the pane.
void RemoveAll();
// Summary: Removes a switch from the Switch Pane.
// Parameters:
// nID - Id of the switch to remove.
void RemoveSwitch(UINT nID);
// Summary: Specifies whether the switch pane is enabled.
// Parameters:
// nID - Id of the switch to enable\disable.
// bEnabled - TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
void EnableSwitch(UINT nID, BOOL bEnabled);
// Input: nID - Id of the switch to be checked.
// Summary: Sets the Id of the switch that is currently checked.
// Remarks: Checked is used to get or set the currently selected\checked
// switch in the switch pane.
void SetChecked(UINT nID);
// Summary: Gets the width of the switch pane.
// Returns: Width of the switch pane.
virtual int GetWidth();
// Input: point - Point to test.
// rcItem - Retrieves bounding rectangle of the item.
// Summary: Call this method to determine which pane, if any, is at the
// specified screen position.
// Returns: A SWITCH object containing data pf the pane at the specified point.
SWITCH* HitTest(CPoint point, CRect& rcItem) const;
// Input: point - A CPoint that specifies the x- and y- coordinates of
// the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to
// the upper-left corner of the window.
// Summary: This member function is used to processes left mouse button events.
virtual void OnLButtonDown(CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw pane switch item. Override it to
// draw a custom switch.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// rcItem - Item rectangle
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem);
// Input: point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor.
// Summary: This member is called when the mouse cursor moves.
virtual void OnMouseMove(CPoint point);
// Input: point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor. These
// coordinates are always relative to the upper-left
// corner of the window.
// pTI - A pointer to a TOOLINFO structure.
// Summary: The framework calls this member function to determine whether
// a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool.
// Returns: If the tooltip control was found, the window control ID. If
// the tooltip control was not found, -1.
virtual INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const;
CArray<SWITCH*, SWITCH*> m_arrSwitches; // Collection of switces in the switch pane.
SWITCH* m_pHighlighted; // TRUE if the switch is currently highlighted.
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane is a CXTPStatusBarPane derived class. CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane works with
// CXTStatusBar and allows you to create themed ScrollBar in your status
// bar area.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane : public CXTPStatusBarPane, public CXTPScrollBase
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane object.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane object, handles cleanup and
// deallocation
// Summary:
// Call this method to set position of scrollbar.
// Parameters:
// nValue - Scrollbar position to be set.
void SetPos(int nValue);
// Input: nMin - Lower limit of the scrollbar control's range.
// nMax - Upper limit of the scrollbar control's range.
// Summary: Sets the rangle of the scroll bar.
void SetRange(int nMin, int nMax);
// Summary: Gets the current position of the scroll bar, whose return value
// is always between the values for the Max and Min properties, inclusive.
// Returns: Current position of the scroll bar.
int GetPos() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to set tooltip for scroll part of scrollbar.
// Parameters:
// lpszTooltip - Text of tooltip to set
void SetTooltipPart(int nPart, LPCTSTR lpszTooltip);
virtual CRect GetScrollBarRect();
virtual void GetScrollInfo(SCROLLINFO* psi);
virtual void DoScroll(int cmd, int pos);
virtual void RedrawScrollBar();
virtual CXTPScrollBarPaintManager* GetScrollBarPaintManager() const;
virtual BOOL IsScrollBarEnabled() const;
virtual CWnd* GetParentWindow() const;
virtual INT_PTR CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const;
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem);
virtual void OnMouseMove(CPoint point);
virtual void OnLButtonDown(CPoint point);
int m_nMin; // Lower limit of the scrollbar control's range.
int m_nMax; // Upper limit of the scrollbar control's range.
int m_nValue; // Scrollbar position.
int m_nPage; // Scrollbar Page.
CString m_strToolTipPart[5]; // Text of tooltip.
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBarSliderPane is a CXTPStatusBarPane derived class. CXTPStatusBarSliderPane works with
// CXTStatusBar and allows you to create themed Slider in your status
// bar area.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBarSliderPane : public CXTPStatusBarScrollBarPane
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBarSliderPane object.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBarSliderPane object, handles cleanup and
// deallocation
// Summary:
// This method is called to retrieve pointer to CXTPScrollBarPaintManager.
virtual CXTPScrollBarPaintManager* GetScrollBarPaintManager() const;
// Summary: Call this method to set ticks for slider
// Input: pTicks - Pointer to double array of ticks
// nCount - Count of elements in array.
void SetTicks(double* pTicks, int nCount);
// Summary:
// CXTPStatusBarProgressPane is a CXTPStatusBarPane derived class. CXTPStatusBarProgressPane works with
// CXTStatusBar and allows you to create progress bar in your status bar area.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPStatusBarProgressPane : public CXTPStatusBarPane, public CXTPProgressBase
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPStatusBarProgressPane object
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPStatusBarProgressPane object, handles cleanup and deallocation
// Summary:
// This method is called to redraw progress bar.
virtual void RedrawProgress();
// Summary:
// This method is called to retrieve pointer to CXTPProgressPaintManager.
virtual CXTPProgressPaintManager* GetProgressPaintManager() const;
// Summary:
// This method is called to get bounding rectangle of progressbar
virtual CRect GetProgressRect();
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw pane item. Override it to draw custom pane.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// rcItem - Item rectangle
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBarPane::SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszCaption){
m_strCaption = lpszCaption;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPStatusBarPane::GetCaption() const{
return m_strCaption;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBarPane::SetValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue){
m_strValue = lpszValue;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPStatusBarPane::GetValue() const{
return m_strValue;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPStatusBarPane::IsHighlighted() const {
return m_pStatusBar->m_pHighlightedPane == this;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPStatusBarPane::IsPressed() const {
return m_bPressed;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBarPane::SetBeginGroup(BOOL bBeginGroup) {
m_bBeginGroup = bBeginGroup;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPStatusBarPane::GetBeginGroup() const {
return m_bBeginGroup;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPStatusBarPane::HasBorders() const {
return ((m_nStyle & SBPS_NOBORDERS) == 0);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBarPane::ShowBorders(BOOL bShowBorders) {
SetStyle(bShowBorders ? m_nStyle & ~SBPS_NOBORDERS : m_nStyle | SBPS_NOBORDERS);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::SetRibbonDividerIndex(int nIndex) {
m_nRibbonDividerIndex = nIndex;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPStatusBar::GetRibbonDividerIndex() const {
return m_nRibbonDividerIndex;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::SetCommandBars(CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars) {
m_pCommandBars = pCommandBars;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPStatusBar::GetPaneCount() const {
return (int)m_arrPanes.GetSize();
AFX_INLINE CStatusBarCtrl& CXTPStatusBar::GetStatusBarCtrl() const{
return *(CStatusBarCtrl*)this;
#if _MSC_VER > 1100
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::SetBorders(int cxLeft, int cyTop, int cxRight, int cyBottom){
ASSERT(cyTop >= 2); CControlBar::SetBorders(cxLeft, cyTop, cxRight, cyBottom);
}AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect) {
SetBorders(lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// status bars do not support docking
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::EnableDocking(DWORD) {
AFX_INLINE void CXTPStatusBar::SetDrawDisabledText(BOOL bDraw) {
m_bDrawDisabledText = bDraw;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPStatusBar::GetDrawDisabledText() const {
return m_bDrawDisabledText;
AFX_INLINE CXTPToolTipContext* CXTPStatusBar::GetToolTipContext() const {
return m_pToolTipContext;
AFX_INLINE CXTPMarkupContext* CXTPStatusBar::GetMarkupContext() const {
return m_pMarkupContext;
AFX_INLINE CXTPMarkupUIElement* CXTPStatusBarPane::GetMarkupUIElement() const {
return m_pMarkupUIElement;
#endif //#if !defined(__XTPSTATUSBAR_H__)