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The zlib/libpng License
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Phillip Castaneda (pjcast --
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will
the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that
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2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
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3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef OIS_Joystick_H
#define OIS_Joystick_H
#include "OISObject.h"
#include "OISEvents.h"
namespace OIS
/** @remarks default sensitivity for vector3 component of joystick */
//! POV / HAT Joystick component
class _OISExport Pov : public Component
Pov() : Component(OIS_POV), direction(0) {}
static const int Centered = 0x00000000;
static const int North = 0x00000001;
static const int South = 0x00000010;
static const int East = 0x00000100;
static const int West = 0x00001000;
static const int NorthEast = 0x00000101;
static const int SouthEast = 0x00000110;
static const int NorthWest = 0x00001001;
static const int SouthWest = 0x00001010;
int direction;
//! A sliding axis - only used in Win32 Right Now
class _OISExport Slider : public Component
Slider() : Component(OIS_Slider), abX(0), abY(0) {};
//! true if pushed, false otherwise
int abX, abY;
Represents the state of the joystick
All members are valid for both buffered and non buffered mode
Sticks with zero values are not present on the device
class _OISExport JoyStickState
//! Constructor
JoyStickState() { clear(); }
//! Represents all the buttons (uses a bitset)
std::vector<bool> mButtons;
//! Represents all the single axes on the device
std::vector<Axis> mAxes;
//! Represents the value of a POV. Maximum of 4
Pov mPOV[4];
//! Represent the max sliders
Slider mSliders[4];
//! Represents all Vector type controls the device exports
std::vector<Vector3> mVectors;
//! internal method to reset all variables to initial values
void clear()
for( std::vector<bool>::iterator i = mButtons.begin(), e = mButtons.end(); i != e; ++i )
(*i) = false;
for( std::vector<Axis>::iterator i = mAxes.begin(), e = mAxes.end(); i != e; ++i )
i->absOnly = true; //Currently, joysticks only report Absolute values
for( std::vector<Vector3>::iterator i = mVectors.begin(), e = mVectors.end(); i != e; ++i )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
mPOV[i].direction = Pov::Centered;
mSliders[i].abX = mSliders[i].abY = 0;
/** Specialised for joystick events */
class _OISExport JoyStickEvent : public EventArg
JoyStickEvent( Object* obj, const JoyStickState &st ) : EventArg(obj), state(st) {}
virtual ~JoyStickEvent() {}
const JoyStickState &state;
// Prevent copying.
JoyStickEvent(const JoyStickEvent&);
JoyStickEvent& operator=(JoyStickEvent);
To recieve buffered joystick input, derive a class from this, and implement the
methods here. Then set the call back to your JoyStick instance with JoyStick::setEventCallback
Each JoyStick instance can use the same callback class, as a devID number will be provided
to differentiate between connected joysticks. Of course, each can have a seperate
callback instead.
class _OISExport JoyStickListener
virtual ~JoyStickListener() {}
/** @remarks Joystick button down event */
virtual bool buttonPressed( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int button ) = 0;
/** @remarks Joystick button up event */
virtual bool buttonReleased( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int button ) = 0;
/** @remarks Joystick axis moved event */
virtual bool axisMoved( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int axis ) = 0;
//-- Not so common control events, so are not required --//
//! Joystick Event, and sliderID
virtual bool sliderMoved( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int index) { OIS_UNUSED(arg); OIS_UNUSED(index); return true; }
//! Joystick Event, and povID
virtual bool povMoved( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int index) { OIS_UNUSED(arg); OIS_UNUSED(index); return true; }
//! Joystick Event, and Vector3ID
virtual bool vector3Moved( const JoyStickEvent &arg, int index) { OIS_UNUSED(arg); OIS_UNUSED(index); return true; }
Joystick base class. To be implemented by specific system (ie. DirectX joystick)
This class is useful as you remain OS independent using this common interface.
class _OISExport JoyStick : public Object
virtual ~JoyStick() {}
Returns the number of requested components
@param cType
The ComponentType you are interested in knowing about
int getNumberOfComponents(ComponentType cType) const;
Sets a cutoff limit for changes in the Vector3 component for movement to
be ignored. Helps reduce much event traffic for frequent small/sensitive
@param degrees
The degree under which Vector3 events should be discarded
void setVector3Sensitivity(float degrees = OIS_JOYSTICK_VECTOR3_DEFAULT);
Returns the sensitivity cutoff for Vector3 Component
float getVector3Sensitivity() const;
Register/unregister a JoyStick Listener - Only one allowed for simplicity. If broadcasting
is neccessary, just broadcast from the callback you registered.
@param joyListener
Send a pointer to a class derived from JoyStickListener or 0 to clear the callback
virtual void setEventCallback( JoyStickListener *joyListener );
/** @remarks Returns currently set callback.. or null */
JoyStickListener* getEventCallback() const;
/** @remarks Returns the state of the joystick - is valid for both buffered and non buffered mode */
const JoyStickState& getJoyStickState() const { return mState; }
//! The minimal axis value
static const int MIN_AXIS = -32768;
//! The maximum axis value
static const int MAX_AXIS = 32767;
JoyStick(const std::string &vendor, bool buffered, int devID, InputManager* creator);
//! Number of sliders
int mSliders;
//! Number of POVs
int mPOVs;
//! The JoyStickState structure (contains all component values)
JoyStickState mState;
//! The callback listener
JoyStickListener *mListener;
//! Adjustment factor for orientation vector accuracy
float mVector3Sensitivity;