You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1146 lines
47 KiB

// XTPSyntaxEditLexParser.h
// This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme;
class CXTPNotifySink;
class CXTPNotifyConnection;
class CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager;
class CXTPNotifyConnectionMT;
namespace XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser
class CXTPSyntaxEditLexObj_ActiveTags;
class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass;
class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassInfoArray;
class CXTPSyntaxEditLexOnScreenParseCnt;
// Summary:
// Enumerates flags which indicate results of parse functions calls.
// See also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema
enum XTPSyntaxEditLexParseResult
xtpEditLPR_Unknown = 0, // Undefined value.
xtpEditLPR_StartFound = 0x001, // Start text block was found
xtpEditLPR_EndFound = 0x002, // End text block was found
xtpEditLPR_Iterated = 0x010, // Indicate that current text position has already moved to the next char inside a function call.
xtpEditLPR_TBpop1 = 0x020, // Indicate that new found text block should be inserted before previous one and as a parent of it.
xtpEditLPR_Error = 0x100, // Iterated parse process breaked due to some error. See trace for details.
xtpEditLPR_RunFinished = 0x200, // Run iterated parse process (or some big part of it) is finished.
xtpEditLPR_RunBreaked = 0x400, // Run iterated parse process (or some big part of it) is breaked.
xtpEditLPR_RunRestart = 0x800, // Restart run children from the beginning.
//xtpEditLPR_NeedFullReparse = 0x1000, // Cannot reparse only specified piece of text. Full reparse is necessary.
// Summary:
// This class is designed to store coordinates of text region.
// See also:
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_posStart; // start position in document coordinates.
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_posEnd; // end position in document coordinates.
// Summary:
// Clears coordinates.
void Clear();
// Summary:
// Sets coordinates.
// Parameters:
// pLCStart : [in] start position in document coordinates.
// pLCEnd : [in] end position in document coordinates.
void Set(const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL* pLCStart, const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL* pLCEnd);
typedef CArray<CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion, const CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion&> CXTPSyntaxEditInvalidZoneArray;
// Summary:
// This class stores tokens definition: a list of tokens and corresponding
// lists of start and end tokens separators.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Copy object constructor.
// Parameters:
// rSrc : [in] Reference to source CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef object.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef(const CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef& rSrc);
// Summary:
// Object destructor. Handles clean up and deallocations.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef();
// Summary:
// Assignment operator for class.
// Parameters:
// rSrc : [in] Reference to source CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef object.
// Returns:
// Reference to CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef object.
const CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef& operator=(const CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef& rSrc);
CStringArray m_arTokens; // Stores list of tokens.
CStringArray m_arStartSeps; // Stores list of start separators.
CStringArray m_arEndSeps; // Stores list of end separators.
typedef CArray<CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef, const CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDef&> CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDefArray;
// Summary:
// This class is designed to easily manipulate parser options.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Object constructor.
// Parameters:
// rSrc : [in] Reference to source CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions(const CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions& rSrc);
// Summary:
// Overloaded equals operator.
// Parameters:
// rSrc : [in] Reference to source CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions.
const CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions& operator=(const CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions& rSrc);
BOOL m_bFirstParseInSeparateThread; // {0,1} default=1
BOOL m_bEditReparceInSeparateThread; // {0,1} default=1
BOOL m_bConfigChangedReparceInSeparateThread; // {0,1} default=1
DWORD m_dwMaxBackParseOffset; // default=100; maximum back buffer size. Some times parser look back for the text from current position.
DWORD m_dwEditReparceTimeout_ms; // default=500 ms; time out for start reparse after last key was pressed.
DWORD m_dwOnScreenSchCacheLifeTime_sec; // default=180 sec; time out for on screen parsed pices of text. for memory using optimization.
DWORD m_dwParserThreadIdleLifeTime_ms; // default=60 sec; time out for existing of parser thread when parser idle (no parse requests).
// Summary:
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Object destructor. Handles clean up and deallocations.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema();
virtual void AddPreBuildClass(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pClass);
virtual BOOL Build();
virtual BOOL Copy(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema* pDest);
virtual void Close();
virtual void RemoveAll();
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* GetClasses(BOOL bShortSch);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* GetPreBuildClasses();
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* GetPreBuildClass(const CString& strName);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* GetNewClass(BOOL bForFile);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexObj_ActiveTags* GetActiveTagsFor(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pTopClass);
//virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexObj_ActiveTags* GetActiveTags(BOOL bShortSch);
virtual BOOL Build_ChildrenFor(BOOL bDynamic, CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pCBase,
CStringArray& rarAdded, int& rnNextClassID,
int nLevel = 0);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* GetChildrenFor(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pClass, BOOL& rbSelfChild);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* GetDynChildrenFor(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pClass, BOOL& rbSelfChild);
virtual void GetDynParentsList(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pClass, CStringArray& rarDynParents,
CStringArray& rarProcessedClasses);
virtual int CanBeParentDynForChild(CString strParentName, CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pCChild);
virtual BOOL Build_ShortTree();
virtual BOOL PostBuild_Step(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* pArClasses);
virtual BOOL CopyChildrenFor(BOOL bShort, CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pCDest,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pCSrc, int nLevel);
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray m_arPreBuildClassesList;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray m_arClassesTreeShort;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray m_arClassesTreeFull;
//CXTPSyntaxEditLexObj_ActiveTags m_arAllActiveTagsShort;
//CXTPSyntaxEditLexObj_ActiveTags m_arAllActiveTagsFull;
// Summary:
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock class represents a pice (block) of text which
// corresponds some lex class in a text schema.
// It stores start position, end position, pointer to the lex class
// object in a class schema and some other information.
// Text blocks organized as a bidirectional list and as tree structure.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema;
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass;
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass_file;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Object destructor. Handles clean up and deallocations.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock();
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtr m_ptrLexClass; // Pointer to the LexClass object.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrParent; // Pointer to the parent block object.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrPrev; // Pointer to the previous block.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrNext; // Pointer to the next block.
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_PosStartLC; // Text block start position.
XTP_EDIT_LINECOL m_PosEndLC; // Text block start position.
BOOL m_bEndByParent; // Text block ended when the parent block ended.
// Summary:
// Get Text block end position.
// Parameters:
// bMaxIfInvalid - [in] If TRUE returns XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MAXPOS for
// invalid position. If FALSE returns
// XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MINPOS for invalid position.
// Returns:
// Value of m_PosEndLC if it is valid, otherwise maximum or minimum
// value depends on parameter bMaxIfInvalid.
// See Also:
// XTP_EDIT_LINECOL, m_PosEndLC, m_PosStartLC.
// Summary:
// Get text block start tag end position in the text.
// Returns:
// Text block start tag end position in XLC form.
// See Also:
DWORD GetStartTagEndXLC();
// Summary:
// Get text block end tag begin position in the text.
// Returns:
// Text block end tag begin position in XLC form.
// See Also:
DWORD GetEndTagBeginXLC();
// Summary:
// Get text block end tag end position in the text.
// Returns:
// Text block end tag end position in XLC form.
// See Also:
DWORD GetEndTagEndXLC();
// Summary:
// Release references to other objects.
// Remarks:
// This method is used in text schema destruction process.
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema::Close().
virtual void Close();
//virtual void Close(BOOL bWithPrev = FALSE, BOOL bWithNext = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This methods compare lex classes names for 2 text blocks.
// Parameters:
// pTB2 - [in] Second text block to compare.
// Returns:
// TRUE if lex classes names for 2 text blocks are equal,
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsEqualLexClasses(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTB2) const;
// Summary:
// This method determine is the specified text block included
// in the current text block.
// Parameters:
// pTB2 - [in] Text block pointer.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the specified text block included in the current text
// block, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsInclude(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTB2) const;
// Summary:
// This method determine is text block look like closed or
// partly closed.
// Returns:
// TRUE if some or all references to other objects are NULL,
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsLookLikeClosed() const;
// Summary:
// This method set end position to not ended children blocks.
// Parameters:
// pTxtSch - [in] Text schema pointer to send notifications.
// bEndByParent - BOOL flag
// Returns:
// Ended children blocks count.
virtual int EndChildren(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* pTxtSch = NULL, BOOL bEndByParent = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This method searches previous child block for the specified
// child. This block is parent.
// Parameters:
// pChild - [in] Child block pointer.
// bWithAddRef : [in] If TRUE - InternalAddRef() is called before
// Returns:
// Previous child block pointer or NULL.
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetPrevChild(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pChild, BOOL bWithAddRef);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
int m_nStartTagLen; // Start tag length.
int m_nEndTagXLCLen; // End tag length in XLC form.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrLastChild; // for internal use only. not always contains correct value
// Summary:
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema class is used to store data which necessary to
// parse a text and parsing results. It also contains methods to run
// lex classes from a class schema, methods to update text schema
// when text is edited, methods to reparse text, to get information
// which is necessary to draw colorized text and other helper methods.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass;
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass_file;
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock;
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pcszSchName - [in] Schema name.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema(LPCTSTR pcszSchName);
// Summary:
// Object destructor. Handles clean up and deallocations.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema();
// Summary:
// Get text schema name.
// Returns:
// Text schema name string.
virtual CString GetSchName() const;
// Summary:
// Destroy all interlocked objects references and free all
// stored objects.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to delete schema.
// See Also:
// RemoveAll(), CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema::Close().
virtual void Close();
// Summary:
// Destroy text blocks list.
// Parameters:
// pFirst - A pointer to the first element in the list to destroy.
// Remarks:
// This helper method is called to destroy separately stored text
// blocks list (text schema).
// See Also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock::Close().
static void AFX_CDECL Close(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pFirst);
// Summary:
// Remove all text block from the schema.
// Remarks:
// Schema object is not destroyed, just only blocks are removed.
// See Also:
// RemoveAll(), CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema::Close().
virtual void RemoveAll();
// Summary:
// Create a new text schema object and init its internal
// infrastructure (like class schema) from the current schema.
// Remarks:
// Text blocks are not copied. The class schema is copied.
// Returns:
// A new text schema object.
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* Clone();
// Summary:
// Returns notification connection.
// Returns:
// CXTPNotifyConnectionPtr pointer.
virtual CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection();
// Summary:
// This method run parse for the text.
// Parameters:
// bShort - [in] If TRUE the short (global blocks only)
// class schema is used, otherwise full
// (global and onscreen blocks) class schema
// is used.
// pTxtIter - [in] Text iterator object.
// pLCStart - [in] Start text position for parse/reparse.
// pLCEnd - [in] End text position for parse/reparse.
// bSendProgressEvents - [in] If TRUE the progress parsing events
// will be sent using connection object.
// Remarks:
// Special parameters values:
// pLCStart = NULL, pLCEnd = NULL
// - parse from the last parsed block to the end of the text
// pLCStart = XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::Pos1, pLCEnd = NULL
// - parse (reparse) all text from the begin
// Returns:
// Parse result as flag from enum XTPSyntaxEditLexParseResult.
virtual int RunParseUpdate(BOOL bShort, CTextIter* pTxtIter,
BOOL bSendProgressEvents = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Returns text region for which schema was updated during last
// parse/reparse operation.
// Returns:
// CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion object.
virtual const CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion& GetUpdatedTextRegion() const;
// Summary:
// This method run parse for the text on screen.
// Parameters:
// pTxtIter - [in] Text iterator object.
// nRowStart - [in] Start row for parse.
// nRowEnd - [in] End row for parse.
// rPtrScreenSchFirstTB - [out] Reference to store first text
// block of text schema which is built.
// Remarks:
// This method perform full parsing for the specified text region
// using previously parsed short text schema (or global blocks schema).
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
virtual BOOL RunParseOnScreen(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
int nRowStart, int nRowEnd,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr& rPtrScreenSchFirstTB );
// Summary:
// This method get row as list of blocks with different colors
// to draw.
// Parameters:
// pTxtIter - [in] Text iterator object.
// nRow - [in] Row number.
// nColFrom - [in] Row col to get colors from.
// nColTo - [in] Row col to get colors to.
// clrDefault - [in] Default colors.
// rBlocks - [out] List of color blocks.
// pptrTBStartCache - [in out] Cached text block to start search.
// May be NULL.
// pFirstSchTB - [in] External text schema first block or NULL.
// Used for OnScreen schemas.
// Remarks:
// This method build list of color blocks for the specified row
// using external or internal text schema.
virtual void GetRowColors(CTextIter* pTxtIter, int nRow,
int nColFrom, int nColTo,
const XTP_EDIT_COLORVALUES& clrDefault,
CXTPSyntaxEditTextBlockList* rBlocks,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr* pptrTBStartCache = NULL,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pFirstSchTB = NULL);
// Summary:
// This method get row as list of collapsible blocks which
// include this row.
// Parameters:
// nRow - [in] Row number. By Leva: passing nRow < 0 will cause
// to return block for all rows
// rArBlocks - [out] List of collapsible blocks which
// include this row.
// pptrTBStartCache - [in out] Cached text block to start search.
// May be NULL.
// Remarks:
// This method build list of collapsible blocks which include
// the specified row using external or internal text schema.
virtual void GetCollapsableBlocksInfo(int nRow, CXTPSyntaxEditRowsBlockArray& rArBlocks,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr* pptrTBStartCache = NULL);
// Summary:
// This helper method read attributes of the text from lex class
// of specified text block.
// Parameters:
// rTB - [out] Draw text block object to fill text attributes.
// pTextBlock - [in] Text block object.
virtual void GetTextAttributes(XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK& rTB, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTextBlock);
// Summary:
// Apply color theme to the text schema.
// Parameters:
// pTheme - [in] A pointer to Color Theme object.
virtual void ApplyTheme(CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pTheme);
// Summary:
// Load class schema.
// Parameters:
// arClassInfo - [in] A reference to CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassInfoArray array.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
BOOL LoadClassSchema(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassInfoArray* arClassInfo);
// Summary:
// Determine is this schema support specified file extension.
// Parameters:
// strExt - [in] Extension string.
// Remarks:
// Extension string format: ".ext"
// For example: ".cpp"
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified file extension is supported, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsFileExtSupported(const CString& strExt);
// Summary:
// Call this member function before using schema object.
// Remarks:
// To make edit control startup faster - schemas do not built
// during loading. This member function build the schema if necessary
// (or do nothing).
void BuildIfNeed();
// Summary:
// Get top lex class for specified file extension.
// Parameters:
// strExt - [in] Extension string.
// Remarks:
// Extension string format: ".ext"
// For example: ".cpp"
// InternalAddRef() is called for the returned object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the lex class or NULL.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* GetTopClassForFileExt(const CString& strExt);
// Summary:
// Get text block by ID. Used together with xtpEditOnTextBlockParsed
// notification.
// Parameters:
// dwID - [in] ID from xtpEditOnTextBlockParsed notification.
// Remarks:
// InternalAddRef() is called for the returned object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the text block or NULL.
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetLastParsedBlock(WPARAM dwID = 0);
// Summary:
// Get first text schema block..
// Remarks:
// InternalAddRef() is called for the returned object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the text block or NULL.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetBlocks();
// Summary:
// Get critical section object to lock schema data (text blocks and others).
// Returns:
// Pointer to the critical section object.
CMutex* GetDataLoker();
// Summary:
// Get critical section object to lock class schema.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the critical section object.
CMutex* GetClassSchLoker();
// Summary:
// Get event object to break parsing process.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the event object.
CEvent* GetBreakParsingEvent();
static void AFX_CDECL TraceClrBlocks(CXTPSyntaxEditTextBlockArray& arBlocks);
void TraceTxtBlocks(BOOL bFull); // for DEBUG only
// Summary:
// This enum describes set of UpdateTextBlocks() return results.
enum XTPSyntaxEditUpdateTBRes
xtpEditUTBNothing = 0, // void result
xtpEditUTBError = 0x0001, // Error result.
xtpEditUTBReparse = 0x0002, // one or few global blocks changed and reparse is need.
xtpEditUTBNearestUpdated = 0x0100, // This flag returned from UpdateTBNearest() only.
// Summary:
// Get Class Schema for this text schema..
// Remarks:
// InternalAddRef() is called for the returned object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the Class Schema object.
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema* GetClassSchema();
// Summary:
// Apply color theme to specified lex classes.
// Parameters:
// pTheme - [in] A pointer to Color Theme object.
// ptrClasses - [in] A pointer to lex classes array.
// See Also:
// ApplyTheme().
virtual void ApplyThemeRecursive(CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pTheme,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* ptrClasses);
// Summary:
// Update text schema positions after editing action.
// Parameters:
// posFrom - [in] Start editing position.
// posTo - [in] End editing position.
// eEditAction - [in] Edit action. See XTPSyntaxEditEditAction.
// Returns:
// Update result - values from enum XTPSyntaxEditUpdateTBRes.
int UpdateTextBlocks(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL posFrom, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL posTo,
int eEditAction);
virtual int RunChildren(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr ptrTxtBlock,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pBase,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexOnScreenParseCnt* pOnScreenRunCnt = NULL);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetPrevBlock(BOOL bWithAddRef = TRUE);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetNewBlock();
int UpdateTBNearest(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pNarestTB1,
int nLineDiff, int nColDiff,
int eEditAction );
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* FindNearestTextBlock(XTP_EDIT_LINECOL posText);
virtual BOOL InitScreenSch(CTextIter* pTxtIter, int nRowStart, int nRowEnd,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr& rPtrScreenSchFirstTB,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr& rPtrTBParentToRun);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr InitScreenSch_RunTopClass(CTextIter* pTxtIter);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* CopyShortTBtoFull(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTB);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* FindLexClassByID(CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* pClassesAr,
int nClassID);
virtual int Run_OnScreenTBStack(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTBParentToRun,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexOnScreenParseCnt* pRunCnt);
virtual void UpdateLastSchBlock(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pLastTB, BOOL bPermanently = FALSE);
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* GetLastSchBlock(BOOL bWithAddRef = TRUE);
virtual UINT SendEvent_OnTextBlockParsed(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTB);
virtual int Run_ParseUpdate0(BOOL bShort, CTextIter* pTxtIter,
BOOL bSendProgressEvents);
virtual int Run_ClassesUpdate1(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr ptrStartTB,
BOOL bStarted);
virtual int Run_ClassesUpdate2(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassPtrArray* pArClasses,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr ptrParentTB,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexOnScreenParseCnt* pOnScreenRunCnt = NULL);
virtual BOOL IsBlockStartStillHere(CTextIter* pTxtIter, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTB);
virtual void FinishNewChain(BOOL bByBreak, BOOL bEOF);
virtual void UpdateNewChainParentsChildren();
virtual void EndBlocksByParent(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTBStart, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock* pTBEnd);
virtual void SeekNextEx(CTextIter* pTxtIter,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClass* pRunClass = NULL,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexOnScreenParseCnt* pOnScreenRunCnt = NULL,
int nChars = 1
static void AFX_CDECL AddClrBlock(XTP_EDIT_TEXTBLOCK& rClrB, CXTPSyntaxEditTextBlockArray& arBlocks);
//==== Run parse update context members ====
CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion m_curInvalidZone;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrNewChainTB1;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrNewChainTB2;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrOldChainTBFirst;
typedef CMap<WPARAM, WPARAM, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr, CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr&>
CXTPSyntaxEditLexID2TBmap m_mapLastParsedBlocks;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrLastParsedBlock;
BOOL m_bSendProgressEvents;
int m_nNoEndedClassesCount;
//==== END Run parse update context members ====
//CCriticalSection m_csData;
//CCriticalSection m_csClassSch;
CMutex m_lockData;
CMutex m_lockClassSch;
CEvent m_evBreakParsing;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexClassSchema* m_pClassSchema;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrFirstBlock;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlockPtr m_ptrLastSchBlock;
int m_nSeekNext_TagWaitChars;
CString m_strSchName;
CXTPNotifyConnectionMT* m_pConnectMT;
// Summary:
// This class used to 'run' lex schema parsing in separate thread.
// It also control this working thread and provide interthread interaction.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Object destructor. Handles clean up and deallocations.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to stop parsing, destroy working thread and
// unadvise from all events.
// See Also: CloseParseThread, StopParseInThread
virtual void Close();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to stop parsing, destroy working thread.
// See Also: Close, StopParseInThread
virtual void CloseParseThread();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to start parsing of specified text range
// in separate (working) thread. If parser already running and parse
// other text range, the new range added to a queue.
// Parameters:
// pBuffer - A pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager object.
// pLCStart - Start text position to reparse or NULL to start from begin.
// pLCEnd - End text position to reparse or NULL to parse until end.
// eEdinAction - Zero (0) or value from XTPSyntaxEditEditAction enum.
// bRunWithoutWait - Start parse immediately or wait a timeout specified
// in global schema options.
// See Also: StopParseInThread, CloseParseThread
virtual void StartParseInThread(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pBuffer,
int eEdinAction = 0,
BOOL bRunWithoutWait = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Use this member function to stop parsing.
// See Also: Close, StartParseInThread
virtual void StopParseInThread();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to stop parsing in thread before call
// OnEditChanged.
// See Also: OnEditChanged
virtual void OnBeforeEditChanged();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to reparse text after editing.
// Parameters:
// posFrom - Start position for edit action.
// posTo - End position for edit action.
// eEditAction - Value from XTPSyntaxEditEditAction enum.
// pBuffer - A pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager object.
// See Also: OnBeforeEditChanged
virtual void OnEditChanged(const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& posFrom,
const XTP_EDIT_LINECOL& posTo, int eEditAction,
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* pBuffer);
// Summary:
// Use this member function to get active text shema.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema.
// See Also: SetTextSchema
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* GetTextSchema();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to set active text shema.
// Parameters:
// pTextSchema - A pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema.
// See Also: GetTextSchema
virtual void SetTextSchema(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* pTextSchema);
// Summary:
// Use this member function to get text shema global options.
// Parameters:
// strExt - A file extension to lookup schema.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions.
virtual const CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions* GetSchemaOptions(const CString& strExt);
// Summary:
// Get priority for a working thread.
// Returns:
// A working thread priority.
// See Also: SetParseThreadPriority, CWinThread::GetThreadPriority
virtual int GetParseThreadPriority();
// Summary:
// Set priority for a working thread.
// Parameters:
// nPriority - A new working thread priority.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// GetParseThreadPriority, CWinThread::GetThreadPriority
virtual BOOL SetParseThreadPriority(int nPriority);
// Summary:
// Use this member function to get Auto Complete words for active
// text shema.
// Parameters:
// rArTokens - An array to store Auto Complete words.
// bAppend - If this parameter TRUE - array will be appended,
// otherwise previous items will be removed from array.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL GetTokensForAutoCompleate(CXTPSyntaxEditLexTokensDefArray& rArTokens, BOOL bAppend);
// Summary:
// Returns notification connection.
// Returns:
// CXTPNotifyConnectionPtr pointer.
virtual CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection();
class CXTPSyntaxEditParseThreadParams
void AddParseZone(const CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion& rZone);
CMutex lockThreadParams;
CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* ptrBuffer;
CXTPSyntaxEditInvalidZoneArray arInvalidZones;
CEvent evParseRun;
CEvent evRunWithoutWait;
CEvent evExitThread;
virtual CXTPSyntaxEditParseThreadParams* GetParseInThreadParams();
virtual void SelfCloseParseThread();
static UINT AFX_CDECL ThreadParseProc(LPVOID);
CCriticalSection m_csParserData;
CWinThread* m_pParseThread;
int m_nParseThreadPriority; // Saved priority to the parse thread
CXTPSyntaxEditParseThreadParams m_PThreadParams;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* m_ptrTextSchema;
typedef CMap<CString, LPCTSTR, CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions*, CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions*>
CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptionsMap m_mapSchOptions;
CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions* m_pSchOptions_default;
CXTPNotifyConnection* m_pConnection;
CXTPNotifySink* m_pSinkMT;
virtual void OnParseEvent_NotificationHandler(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual void GetStrsFromLVArray(CXTPSyntaxEditLexVariant* pLVArray, CStringArray& rArStrs) const;
virtual BOOL ReadSchemaOptions(const CString& strExt,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* pTextSchema,
CXTPSyntaxEditLexParserSchemaOptions* pOpt);
void RemoveAllOptions();
AFX_INLINE const CXTPSyntaxEditTextRegion& CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema::GetUpdatedTextRegion() const {
return m_curInvalidZone;
AFX_INLINE CMutex* CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema::GetDataLoker() {
return &m_lockData;
AFX_INLINE CMutex* CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema::GetClassSchLoker() {
return &m_lockClassSch;
AFX_INLINE CEvent* CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema::GetBreakParsingEvent() {
return &m_evBreakParsing;
if(!m_PosEndLC.IsValidData()) {
return m_PosEndLC;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock::GetStartTagEndXLC() {
return m_PosStartLC.GetXLC() + m_nStartTagLen;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock::GetEndTagBeginXLC() {
return m_PosEndLC.GetXLC() - (m_nEndTagXLCLen > 0 ? m_nEndTagXLCLen : 0);
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextBlock::GetEndTagEndXLC() {
return m_PosEndLC.GetXLC() - (m_nEndTagXLCLen < 0 ? m_nEndTagXLCLen : 0);
//#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // !defined(__XTPSYNTAXEDITLEXPARSER_H__)