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// XTPCalendarEvent.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarEvent class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(_XTPCALENDAREVENT_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCalendarEvent;
class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern;
class CXTPCalendarEventLabel;
class CXTPCalendarEventLabels;
class CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs;
class CXTPPropExchange;
class CXTPCalendarCustomProperties;
class CXTPCalendarIconIDs;
typedef CXTPCalendarIconIDs CXTPCalendarCustomIconIDs;
// Summary:
// This class represents the data of a single Event used in the Calendar
// control.
// Remarks:
// Event can be recurring or non-recurring: see GetRecurrenceState()
// method and XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState. If Event is
// recurring use GetRecurrencePattern() method to retrieve recurrence
// properties.
// Recurrence States (XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState):
// * <b>xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster</b> - Main event which is used for
// creating Occurrences.
// * <b>xtpCalendarRecurrenceOccurrence</b> - Event is one Occurrence of the
// Recurrence series.
// * <b>xtpCalendarRecurrenceException</b> - Event is Occurrence which
// properties differ than in the
// Recurrence pattern or this
// Occurrence is deleted (for
// example Start/End time or
// Location are different).
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern overview,
// CXTPCalendarEventLabels overview,
// CXTPCalendarEventLabel overview,
// XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarEvent : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPCalendarData;
friend class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern;
friend class CXTPCalendarView;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pDataProvider - Pointer to CXTPCalendarData object.
// See Also: ~CXTPCalendarEvent()
CXTPCalendarEvent(CXTPCalendarData* pDataProvider);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member items deallocation. Decreases reference of
// stored objects: CXTPCalendarEventLabels and
// CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarEvent();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a unique event ID.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, SetEventID
// Returns:
// A DWORD value denoting the event ID.
virtual DWORD GetEventID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set a new ID value for an event.
// Parameters:
// dwEventID - A DWORD that contains the event id value.
virtual void SetEventID(DWORD dwEventID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a schedule ID of the event.
// Returns:
// A UINT schedule value.
// Remarks:
// String with the schedule ID allows to identify schedules for different
// resources, for example Schedule ID could contain the name of the
// employee, who is the owner of this event.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent, SetScheduleID
virtual UINT GetScheduleID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set a new schedule ID of the event.
// Parameters:
// uScheduleID - An UINT that contains the ScheduleID.
virtual void SetScheduleID(UINT uScheduleID);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a multiple schedules set of the event.
virtual CString GetScheduleSet() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set a new multiple schedules set of the event.
// Parameters:
// CString uScheduleID - |#1|...|#n| type of string
virtual void SetScheduleSet(CString ScheduleSet);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the event subject.
// Returns:
// A CString object that contains the subject text.
virtual CString GetSubject() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the subject text for the event.
// Parameters:
// pcszSubject - An LPCTSTR object that contains the string of text.
virtual void SetSubject(LPCTSTR pcszSubject);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the event location text.
// Returns:
// A CString object that contains the location text.
// See Also: SetLocation
virtual CString GetLocation() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the location text for the event.
// Parameters:
// pcszLocation- An LPCTSTR object that contains the string of text.
// See Also: GetLocation
virtual void SetLocation(LPCTSTR pcszLocation);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the event label.
// Returns:
// Pointer to an CXTPCalendarEventLabel object that contains
// the event label.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEventLabel, SetLocation
virtual CXTPCalendarEventLabel* GetLabel() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the event label ID.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the event label ID value.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEventLabel, SetLabelID
virtual int GetLabelID() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new label ID for the event.
// Parameters:
// nLabelID - An int that contains the label ID value.
// See Also: GetLabelID
virtual void SetLabelID(int nLabelID);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if an event is
// an "All Day" event.
// Returns:
// A BOOL - TRUE if event is "All Day" FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetAllDayEvent
virtual BOOL IsAllDayEvent() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the "All Day" flag
// for an event.
// Parameters:
// bSet - A BOOL. Boolean value used to set the "All Day" flag
// to TRUE or FALSE.
// TRUE - Event is an "All day" event.
// FALSE - Event is not an "All day" event.
// See Also: IsAllDayEvent
virtual void SetAllDayEvent(BOOL bSet = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if an event is Visible.
// Returns:
// A BOOL - TRUE if event Visible.
BOOL IsEventVisible() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the EventVisible flag for an event.
// Parameters:
// bSet - A BOOL. Boolean value used to set the EventVisible flag
// to TRUE or FALSE.
void SetEventVisible(BOOL bSet);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the event's start DateTime.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object containing the event's start DateTime.
// See Also: SetStartTime
virtual COleDateTime GetStartTime() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new start date and
// time for the event.
// The time is accepted as is, and no any conversions is performed.
// Parameters:
// dtStart - A COleDateTime object that contains the new start
// date value.
// See Also: GetStartTime
virtual void SetStartTime(COleDateTime dtStart);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the event's end DateTime.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the event's end DateTime.
// See Also: SetEndTime
virtual COleDateTime GetEndTime() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new end date and time
// for the event.
// Parameters:
// dtEnd - new date value.
// See Also: GetEndTime
virtual void SetEndTime(COleDateTime dtEnd);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get an event duration in minutes.
// Returns:
// Integer value of an event duration in minutes.
// See Also: GetDuration
virtual int GetDurationMinutes() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get an event duration as
// an COleDateTimeSpan object.
// Returns:
// An COleDateTimeSpan object that contains an event duration interval.
// See Also: SetDuration
virtual COleDateTimeSpan GetDuration() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new duration for the event.
// Parameters:
// spDuration - An COleDateTimeSpan object that contains the
// new date interval value.
// bKeepStart - TRUE - Expanded flag and expand end DateTime.
// FALSE - Expand start DateTime.
// See Also: GetDuration
virtual void SetDuration(COleDateTimeSpan spDuration, BOOL bKeepStart = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to move the start date event to
// the provided DateTime, duration of the event does not change.
// Parameters:
// dtNewStartTime - An COleDateTime object that contains the new
// start date for the event.
virtual void MoveEvent(COleDateTime dtNewStartTime);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get an event duration as a number
// of days.
// Returns:
// Integer value of an event duration in days.
// See Also: GetDurationMinutes(), GetDuration()
virtual int GetEventPeriodDays() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if a reminder is set
// for event.
// Returns:
// TRUE if a reminder is set. FALSE otherwise.
// See also:
// SetReminder()
virtual BOOL IsReminder() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to setup a reminder for this event.
// Parameters:
// bReminder - TRUE to enable reminder. FALSE to disable.
// Remarks:
// This function allows to enable/disable firing reminders
// notifications for this event.
// This boolean setting corresponds to a checkbox near "Reminder"
// word in Event details dialog.
// See also:
// IsReminder()
virtual void SetReminder(BOOL bReminder);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if sound file is configured
// for the event reminder.
// Returns:
// TRUE if sound file is configured. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsSound() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine the number of minutes
// before the start of an event.
// Returns:
// An int that contains the number of Minutes before the start of
// an event.
// See Also: SetReminderMinutesBeforeStart(int nMinutes)
virtual int GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the number of minutes
// before the start of an event.
// Parameters:
// nMinutes - An int that contains the number of minutes before
// the start of an event.
// See Also: GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart()
virtual void SetReminderMinutesBeforeStart(int nMinutes);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine a full path to the
// sound file assigned to the event reminder.
// Returns:
// A CString object with full path to the sound file for the
// event reminder.
// See Also: SetReminderSoundFile(LPCTSTR pcszFile)
virtual CString GetReminderSoundFile() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the sound file for the
// event reminder.
// Parameters:
// pcszFile - An LPCTSTR object. A pointer to a string with full
// path to the sound file.
// See Also: GetReminderSoundFile()
virtual void SetReminderSoundFile(LPCTSTR pcszFile);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain the body
// text for the event.
// Returns:
// A CString object with the body text for the event.
// See Also: SetBody
virtual CString GetBody() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the body text for the event.
// Parameters:
// pcszDesc - An LPCTSTR Pointer to the string with the body text.
// See Also: GetBody
virtual void SetBody(LPCTSTR pcszDesc);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get a busy status value for the event.
// Returns:
// Busy status value for the event as an XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus flag.
// See Also: SetBusyStatus, XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus enum
virtual int GetBusyStatus() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the busy status value for
// the event.
// Parameters:
// Status - An int that contains the busy status value.
// See Also: GetBusyStatus, XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus enum
virtual void SetBusyStatus(int Status);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get an importance level for an event.
// Returns:
// Importance level for event as an XTPCalendarEventImportance enum.
// See Also: SetImportance, XTPCalendarEventImportance enum
virtual int GetImportance() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the importance level for
// the event.
// Parameters:
// nImportance - An int that contains the importance level value.
// See Also: GetImportance, XTPCalendarEventImportance enum
virtual void SetImportance(int nImportance);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the creation time for an event.
// Returns:
// Creation time for event as COleDateTime object.
// See Also: SetCreationTime
virtual COleDateTime GetCreationTime() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the creation time for an event.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A COleDateTime object that contains the new creation time.
// See Also: GetCreationTime
virtual void SetCreationTime(COleDateTime dtTime);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the last modification time
// for an event.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the last modification time
// for the event.
// See Also: SetLastModificationTime
virtual COleDateTime GetLastModificationTime() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the modification time for
// the event.
// Parameters:
// dtTime - A COleDateTime object that contains the new modification time.
// See Also: GetLastModificationTime
virtual void SetLastModificationTime(COleDateTime dtTime);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get a recurrence state for the event.
// Returns:
// Recurrence state for the event as an XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState enum.
// See Also: MakeEventAsRecurrence, XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState enum
virtual XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState GetRecurrenceState() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to change the recurrence state for the event.
// Returns:
// TRUE if recurrence state successfully changed. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetRecurrenceState, XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState enum
virtual BOOL MakeEventAsRecurrence();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the recurrence pattern for the event.
// Parameters:
// pRPattern - A pointer to a CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object that
// contains the updated recurrence pattern.
// Returns:
// TRUE if new pattern changed successfully. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern, RemoveRecurrence
virtual BOOL UpdateRecurrence(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pRPattern);
// Summary:
// This member function removes the recurrence pattern for the event.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the operation is successful. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: UpdateRecurrence(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pRPattern)
virtual BOOL RemoveRecurrence();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the recurrence pattern ID.
// Returns:
// A DWORD containing the recurrence pattern ID.
virtual DWORD GetRecurrencePatternID() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get the event's recurrence pattern
// object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to a CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object that contains
// the event's recurrence pattern.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr GetRecurrencePattern() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to set the event's recurrence pattern
// as an exception occurrence.
// Parameters:
// dwPatternID - Recurrence pattern ID.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
// Summary:
// Call this member function to determine if an exception occurrence
// is marked as deleted.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an exception occurrence is marked as deleted. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetRExceptionDeleted(BOOL bDeleted = TRUE)
virtual BOOL IsRExceptionDeleted() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to mark an exception occurrence as
// deleted/undeleted.
// Parameters:
// bDeleted - A BOOL. Exception deleted flag value.
// TRUE - To mark the exception recurrence as deleted.
// FALSE - To mark the exception recurrence as un-deleted.
// See Also: IsRExceptionDeleted()
virtual void SetRExceptionDeleted(BOOL bDeleted = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to update the event's data.
// Parameters:
// pNewData - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains
// the new data.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual BOOL Update(CXTPCalendarEvent* pNewData);
// Summary:
// Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the read-write
// interface of the event.
// Returns:
// Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the
// read-write interface of the event.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr CloneEvent();
// Summary:
// Clones current event properties into a provided object instance.
// Parameters:
// pEventDest - Pointer to a destination CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used by CloneEvent() implementation.
// Returns:
// TRUE if cloned successfully; FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CloneEventTo(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEventDest);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to build an occurrence event by
// duplicating the master event.
// Parameters:
// dtStart : Start occurrence event date time.
// dtEnd : End occurrence event date time.
// dwNewEventID : Occurrence event ID. If specified value is
// XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID - a new occurrence
// event ID will be generated automatically.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to get an occurrence event object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains the cloned
// occurrence event.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarEvent
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr CloneForOccurrence(COleDateTime dtStart, COleDateTime dtEnd,
// Summary:
// Call this member function to compare IDs of different events.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains
// an event to compare.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the provided event ID is equal the "this" ID. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsEqualIDs(const CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent) const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to compare start dates of different
// events.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarEvent object that contains
// an event to compare.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the provided event start date is equal to the "this" date.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsEqualStartEnd(const CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent) const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the state for the meeting flag.
// Parameters:
// bMeeting - A BOOL that contains the new state for the meeting flag.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set meeting state flag.
virtual void SetMeeting(BOOL bMeeting = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the value of the
// Meeting state flag.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the event is a meeting. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsMeeting() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the state for the private flag.
// Parameters:
// bPrivate - A BOOL that contains the new state for the private flag.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to set the private state flag. The
// private flag is used to indicate that a meeting event is private.
virtual void SetPrivate(BOOL bPrivate = TRUE);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the value of the
// private state flag.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the event is private. FALSE otherwise. The private flag
// is used to indicate that a meeting event is private.
virtual BOOL IsPrivate() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain collection of custom icons IDs
// associated with event object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPCalendarCustomIconIDs object.
CXTPCalendarCustomIconIDs* GetCustomIcons() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain collection of Event categories
// IDs associated with event object.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs object.
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarEventCategories overview,
// CXTPCalendarData::GetEventCategories
CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs* GetCategories() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the count of Event categories
// IDs associated with event object.
// Returns:
// Count of CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarEventCategories overview,
// CXTPCalendarData::GetEventCategories
int GetCategoriesCount() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member function to Store/Load an event using the
// specified data object.
// Parameters:
// pPX - Source or destination CXTPPropExchange data object reference.
// Remarks:
// This member function is used to store or load event data to or
// from a storage.
virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// Get custom (named, user defined) properties collection.
// Returns:
// A pointer to CXTPCalendarCustomProperties object.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarCustomProperties.
CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* GetCustomProperties() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the original start
// time of an exception event.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object with the start original date.
// See Also: SetRException_StartTimeOrig, GetRException_EndTimeOrig
virtual COleDateTime GetRException_StartTimeOrig() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the original start time
// of an exception event.
// Parameters:
// dtStartOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the original
// start time of the exception event.
// See Also: GetRException_StartTimeOrig
virtual void SetRException_StartTimeOrig(COleDateTime dtStartOrig);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain the original end time
// of an exception event.
// Returns:
// A COleDateTime object that contains the original date.
// See Also: GetRException_StartTimeOrig, SetRException_EndTimeOrig
virtual COleDateTime GetRException_EndTimeOrig() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the original end time of
// an exception event.
// Parameters:
// dtEndOrig - A COleDateTime object that contains the original
// end time of an exception event.
// See Also: GetRException_EndTimeOrig, SetRException_StartTimeOrig
virtual void SetRException_EndTimeOrig(COleDateTime dtEndOrig);
//void SetPermanentlyROccurrence_Reminder(
// int nbIsReminder = xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange,
// int nMinutesBeforeStart = xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange );
// //, int nMinutesBeforeStart2_Snoozed = xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the new ID value for the
// event recurrence pattern.
// Parameters:
// dwRecurrencePatternID - An DWORD that contains the event
// recurrence pattern id value.
virtual void SetRecurrencePatternID(DWORD dwRecurrencePatternID);
// Summary:
// Returns event data provider.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the data provider which stores this event object.
CXTPCalendarData* GetDataProvider() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a pointer to the
// internally stored Recurrence Pattern object.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern pointer that contains the
// Recurrence Pattern object.
CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* GetRPatternRef() const;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set all event properties to the
// empty or default state. The same as after new object creation.
virtual void Clear(); // Clear current event properties
// Summary:
// This member function is used to calculate the date-time
// values of the start and end dates for occurrences of recurrent events.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL CalcStartEndDatesFromPattern();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to change the date-time values
// of the start and end dates of the master event using exception
// occurrences of recurrent events.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL UpdateStartEndDatesFromPatternExceptions();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to assign a new RecurrencePattern
// to an event and set the Master flag.
// Parameters:
// pPattern - Pointer to a CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object that
// contains the new recurrence pattern for the event.
// Returns:
// TRUE - If the provided event start dates are equal. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL SetRecurrenceState_Master(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to set the exception recurrence.
// Parameters:
// nState - An int that contains the new state value.
// dwNewPatternID - A DWORD that contains the new pattern ID.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the provided event start dates are equal. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL SetRecurrenceState_ExceptionOccurrence(XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState nState, DWORD dwNewPatternID = XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_RECURRENCE_PATTERN_ID);
// Summary:
// This function is used to reset the recurrence state for an event.
// Returns:
// Always returns TRUE.
virtual BOOL SetRecurrenceState_NotRecurring();
// Summary:
// Clear intermediate data members which where set when operations
// with recurrence properties where made.
// Remarks:
// This method is automatically called by the date provider
// when event is updated or added.
virtual void ClearIntermediateData();
CXTPCalendarData* m_pDataProvider; // Pointer to the owner data provider.
BOOL m_bMeeting; // Boolean flag that is used to indicate if an event is a meeting.
BOOL m_bPrivate; // Boolean flag that is used to indicate if an event is a private meeting.
DWORD m_dwEventID; // ID of this event object.
int m_nLabelID; // Label ID.
CString m_strSubject; // Subject value.
CString m_strLocation; // Location value.
UINT m_uScheduleID; // ID of the corresponding Schedule.
BOOL m_bEventVisible; // flag to display event on screen
BOOL m_bAllDayEvent; // Is this an all day event value.
COleDateTime m_dtStartTime; // Start event time value.
COleDateTime m_dtEndTime; // End event time value.
BOOL m_bReminder; // This flag value indicates is the Reminder enabled or not.
int m_nReminderMinutesBeforeStart; // Reminder time value. (in minutes)
CString m_strReminderSoundFile; // Reminder sound file path.
CString m_strBody; // Body value.
int m_nBusyStatus; // Event Busy Status value.
int m_nImportance; // Event Importance value.
XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState m_nRecurrenceState; // Event Recurrence State.
COleDateTime m_dtCreationTime; // Creation event time value.
COleDateTime m_dtLastModificationTime; // Last Modification event time value.
CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr m_ptrRPattern; // Recurrence Pattern object for a master event only.
DWORD m_dwRecurrencePatternID; // Recurrence Pattern ID.
BOOL m_bRExceptionDeleted; // Is Recurrence Exception deleted.
COleDateTime m_dtRException_StartTimeOrig; // Original start time of Recurrence exception event.
COleDateTime m_dtRException_EndTimeOrig; // Original end time of Recurrence exception event.
DWORD m_dwRecurrencePatternID_ToUse; // Previously used pattern ID.
CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* m_pCustomProperties; //Custom properties collection object.
CXTPCalendarCustomIconIDs* m_pCustomIconsIDs; // An array to store custom icons id's assigned to event.
CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs* m_pEventCategoryIDs; // An array to store categories id's assigned to event.
CString m_sMultipleSchedules; // ScheduleSet string in form "|#1|...|#N|"
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarEvent::GetEventID() const {
return m_dwEventID;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarEvent::GetSubject() const {
return m_strSubject;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetSubject(LPCTSTR pcszSubject) {
m_strSubject = pcszSubject;
AFX_INLINE UINT CXTPCalendarEvent::GetScheduleID() const {
return m_uScheduleID;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetScheduleID(UINT uScheduleID) {
m_uScheduleID = uScheduleID;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarEvent::GetLocation() const {
return m_strLocation;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetLocation(LPCTSTR pcszLocation) {
m_strLocation = pcszLocation;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarEvent::GetLabelID() const {
return m_nLabelID;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetLabelID(int nLabelID) {
m_nLabelID = nLabelID;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsEventVisible() const {
return m_bEventVisible;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetEventVisible(BOOL bSet) {
m_bEventVisible = bSet;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsAllDayEvent() const {
return m_bAllDayEvent;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetAllDayEvent(BOOL bSet) {
ASSERT(m_nRecurrenceState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceOccurrence);
m_bAllDayEvent = bSet;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetStartTime() const {
return m_dtStartTime;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetEndTime() const {
return m_dtEndTime;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsReminder() const {
return m_bReminder;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetReminder(BOOL bReminder) {
m_bReminder = bReminder;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsSound() const {
return !m_strReminderSoundFile.IsEmpty();
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarEvent::GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart() const {
return m_nReminderMinutesBeforeStart;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetReminderMinutesBeforeStart(int nMinutes) {
m_nReminderMinutesBeforeStart = nMinutes;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarEvent::GetReminderSoundFile() const {
return m_strReminderSoundFile;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetReminderSoundFile(LPCTSTR pcszFile) {
m_strReminderSoundFile = pcszFile;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarEvent::GetBody() const {
return m_strBody;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetBody(LPCTSTR pcszDesc) {
m_strBody = pcszDesc;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarEvent::GetBusyStatus() const {
return m_nBusyStatus;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetBusyStatus(int nStatus) {
m_nBusyStatus = nStatus;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarEvent::GetImportance() const {
return m_nImportance;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetImportance(int nImportance) {
m_nImportance = nImportance;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState CXTPCalendarEvent::GetRecurrenceState() const {
return m_nRecurrenceState;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetCreationTime() const {
return m_dtCreationTime;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetCreationTime(COleDateTime dtTime) {
m_dtCreationTime = dtTime;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetLastModificationTime() const {
return m_dtLastModificationTime;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetLastModificationTime(COleDateTime dtTime) {
m_dtLastModificationTime = dtTime;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarEvent::GetRecurrencePatternID() const {
return m_dwRecurrencePatternID;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsRExceptionDeleted() const {
return m_bRExceptionDeleted;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetRExceptionDeleted(BOOL bDeleted) {
m_bRExceptionDeleted = bDeleted;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetRException_StartTimeOrig() const {
return m_dtRException_StartTimeOrig;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetRException_StartTimeOrig(COleDateTime dtStartOrig) {
m_dtRException_StartTimeOrig = dtStartOrig;
AFX_INLINE COleDateTime CXTPCalendarEvent::GetRException_EndTimeOrig() const {
return m_dtRException_EndTimeOrig;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetRException_EndTimeOrig(COleDateTime dtEndOrig) {
m_dtRException_EndTimeOrig = dtEndOrig;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::MakeAsRException(DWORD dwPatternID) {
ASSERT(m_nRecurrenceState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring ||
m_nRecurrenceState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceOccurrence ||
m_nRecurrenceState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceException);
return SetRecurrenceState_ExceptionOccurrence(xtpCalendarRecurrenceException, dwPatternID);
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetMeeting(BOOL bMeeting) {
m_bMeeting = bMeeting;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsMeeting() const {
return m_bMeeting;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetPrivate(BOOL bPrivate) {
m_bPrivate = bPrivate;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarEvent::IsPrivate() const {
return m_bPrivate;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* CXTPCalendarEvent::GetCustomProperties() const {
return m_pCustomProperties;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarData* CXTPCalendarEvent::GetDataProvider() const {
return m_pDataProvider;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCustomIconIDs* CXTPCalendarEvent::GetCustomIcons() const {
return m_pCustomIconsIDs;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarEventCategoryIDs* CXTPCalendarEvent::GetCategories() const {
return m_pEventCategoryIDs;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarEvent::GetScheduleSet() const {
return m_sMultipleSchedules;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarEvent::SetScheduleSet(CString ScheduleSet) {
m_sMultipleSchedules = ScheduleSet;
#endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDAREVENT_H__)