// XTPTaskPanelGroup.h interface for the CXTPTaskPanelGroup class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME TASKPANEL MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
// support@codejock.com
// http://www.codejock.com

#if !defined(__XTPTASKPANELGROUP_H__)

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

class CXTPTaskPanel;
class CXTPTaskPanelItems;
class CXTPTaskPanelItem;
class CXTPTaskPanelPaintManager;
class CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem;
class CXTPTaskPanelGroupItems;

// Summary:
//     CXTPTaskPanelGroup is a CXTPTaskPanelItem derived class. It is used in TaskPanel control
//     as single group.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPTaskPanelGroup : public CXTPTaskPanelItem

	// Summary:
	//     Constructs a CXTPTaskPanelGroup object
	// Parameters:
	//     pPanel - Parent task panel pointer.
	CXTPTaskPanelGroup(CXTPTaskPanel* pPanel = NULL);

	// Summary:
	//     Destroys a CXTPTaskPanelGroup object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
	virtual ~CXTPTaskPanelGroup();


	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to get collection of group items.
	// Returns:
	//     Collection of items of group
	CXTPTaskPanelItems* GetItems() const;

	// Summary:
	//     This method retrieves an item with the specified index.
	// Parameters:
	//     nIndex - Specifies the zero-based index of the item to retrieve.
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to a CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem object.
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* GetAt(int nIndex) const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to find item with specified identifier.
	// Parameters:
	//     nID - Identifier of the item to be found.
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to item if successful; otherwise returns NULL.
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* FindItem(int nID) const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to add a new link item to group.
	// Parameters:
	//     nID - Identifier of item to be added.
	//     nImage - Image index in TaskPanel image list.
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to the created CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem class
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* AddLinkItem(UINT nID, int nImage = -1);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to add a new text item to group.
	// Parameters:
	//     strText - Items text
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to created CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem class
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* AddTextItem(LPCTSTR strText);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to add a new control item to group.
	// Parameters:
	//     hWnd - Window Handle
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to created CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem class
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* AddControlItem(HWND hWnd);

	// Summary:
	//     This method determines where a point lies in a specified item.
	// Parameters:
	//     pt     - Specifies the point to be tested.
	//     lpRect - Retrieves bounding rectangle of the item. Can be NULL if you don't need it.
	// Returns:
	//     A pointer to a CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem item that occupies the specified point or NULL if
	//     no item occupies the point.
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* HitTest(CPoint pt, CRect* lpRect = 0) const;

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called when a group is repositioned.
	// Parameters:
	//     rc - new group's position.
	//     bRecalcOnly - TRUE to recalculate only.
	// Returns:
	//     Target location of group (m_rcGroupTarget).
	// Remarks:
	//     During animation the groups need to be repositioned.  This method
	//     will return the target location of the group.
	// Remarks:
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, IsDirty, OnAnimate
	CRect OnReposition(CRect rc, BOOL bRecalcOnly = TRUE);

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called when an animation step is executed.
	// Parameters:
	//     nStep - Step of animation.
	// Remarks:
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, IsDirty, OnReposition
	void OnAnimate(int nStep);

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called to draw a group.
	// Parameters:
	//     pDC - Points to the client device context.
	// Remarks:
	//     OnPaint calls CXTPTaskPanelPaintManager::DrawGroupCaption and
	//     CXTPTaskPanelPaintManager::DrawGroupClient.
	void OnPaint(CDC* pDC);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to get the rectangle of the caption.
	// Returns:
	//     Caption rectangle.
	CRect GetCaptionRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to get the current rectangle of the client.
	// Returns:
	//     Client rectangle.
	CRect GetClientRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to get the target rectangle of the client.
	// Returns:
	//     Target client rectangle
	CRect GetTargetClientRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to get the target rectangle of caption.
	// Returns:
	//     Target caption rectangle
	CRect GetTargetCaptionRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to make the group special.
	// Parameters:
	//     bSpecial - TRUE if group is special.
	// Remarks:
	//     If a group is special, it will appear in a different color than the
	//     other groups.  Groups marked as special will be displayed differently
	//     than normal groups drawing the users attention to that particular
	//     group.  This is an excellent way to show the user the "default" or
	//     important items.
	void SetSpecialGroup(BOOL bSpecial = TRUE);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this function to determine if the group is special.  A
	//     If a group is special, it will appear in a different color than
	//     the other groups.  Groups marked as special will be displayed
	//     differently than normal groups drawing the users attention to
	//     that particular group.  This is an excellent way to show the
	//     user the "default" or important items
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE is the groups is special, FALSE otherwise.
	BOOL IsSpecialGroup() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to set expandable state of group.
	// Parameters:
	//     bExpandable - TRUE if group is expandable.
	void SetExpandable(BOOL bExpandable);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to determine if group is expandable.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE is the groups is expandable, FALSE if it can't be expanded.
	BOOL IsExpandable() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to show or hide group's caption.
	// Parameters:
	//     bShow - TRUE to show caption; otherwise FALSE.
	void ShowCaption(BOOL bShow);

	// Summary:
	//     Retrieves if caption is visible.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE if caption is visible, FALSE if caption is hidden.
	// See Also: ShowCaption
	BOOL IsCaptionVisible() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine if the group is currently expanded.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE if the group is expanded, FALSE if the group is collapsed.
	// See Also:
	//     SetExpanded, CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, IsDirty, IsExpanding
	BOOL IsExpanded() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine if a group is currently expanding.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE is group is currently in the process of expanding, FALSE otherwise.
	// See Also:
	//     SetExpanded, CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, IsDirty, IsExpanded
	BOOL IsExpanding() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this function to get the height of expanded group.
	// Returns:
	//     Client height of expanded group.
	int GetExpandedClientHeight() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to expand or collapse the group.
	// Parameters:
	//     bExpanded - TRUE to expand group; otherwise FALSE.
	// See Also:
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, IsDirty, IsExpanding, IsExpanded
	void SetExpanded(BOOL bExpanded);

	// Summary:
	//     This member is called to determine if the current group position
	//     is "dirty" i.e. Moving during animation.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE if current position of group is dirty.
	// Remarks:
	//     During animation, the group moves from it's old\current position to the new\target
	//     position.  IsDirty indicates that the animation has not finished yet
	//     and its current position is <> to the target position.  The old\current position
	//     is stored in m_rcGroupCurrent, and the new\target position is stored in
	//     m_rcGroupTarget.
	//     Animation occurs when the task panel first becomes visible and when
	//     the expand\collapse button is clicked in the group caption.
	// See Also:
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::AnimateGroups, CXTPTaskPanel::SetAnimation,
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::GetAnimation, OnAnimate, m_rcGroupTarget, m_rcGroupCurrent
	BOOL IsDirty() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Retrieves outer margins of group
	// Returns:
	//     Outer margins
	CRect& GetOuterMargins();

	// Summary:
	//     Retrieves inner margins of group
	// Returns:
	//     Inner margins
	CRect& GetInnerMargins();

	// Summary:
	//     Retrieves minimum client height for individual group
	// Returns:
	//     Minimum client height
	int GetMinimumClientHeight() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this method to set minimum client height for individual group
	// Parameters:
	//     nMinClientHeight - Minimum client height
	void SetMinimumClientHeight(int nMinClientHeight);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine if the group can accept focus.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE if the group can receive focus, FALSE if the group
	//     cannot receive focus.
	BOOL IsAcceptFocus() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to draw a bitmap in the lower right corner of a
	//     task panel group.
	// Parameters:
	//     nID            - Bitmap resource identifier.
	//     clrTransparent - Color in bitmap to make transparent when bAlpha is
	//                      FALSE.
	//     nBackgroundAlignemnt - Alignment of bitmap to draw
	// Remarks:
	//     The bitmap will always be in the lower right corner of the group,
	//     and will not move.
	//     The bitmap is drawn on the group in the OnFillClient method.
	// See Also:
	//     OnFillClient
	void SetClientBitmap(UINT nID, COLORREF clrTransparent, int nBackgroundAlignemnt = DT_RIGHT | DT_BOTTOM);

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called when the task panel group client area is
	//     drawn.
	// Parameters:
	//     pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
	//     rc  - CRect object specifying size of area.
	// Remarks:
	//     This method is called from CXTPTaskPanelPaintManager::DrawGroupClientFace
	//     when the group client face needs filled.
	//     This method checks to see if a bitmap should be drawn in the lower
	//     right corner of the task panel group.  Then it will drawn the bitmap
	//     if a bitmap was added.  A bitmap can be added with the SetClientBitmap
	//     method.
	// See Also:
	//     SetClientBitmap
	virtual void OnFillClient(CDC* pDC, CRect rc);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine the item layout currently used for this group.
	// Returns:
	//     The currently set XTPTaskPanelItemLayout for this group.
	XTPTaskPanelItemLayout GetItemLayout() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to specify the item layout of the XTPTaskPanelItems in
	//     this group.  Layouts include text only, image only, image and text, and
	//     image with text below the image.  This will apply to this group only.
	// Parameters:
	//     itemLayout - The desired XTPTaskPanelItemLayout for this group.
	void SetItemLayout(XTPTaskPanelItemLayout itemLayout);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to select a task panel group item.  Multiple items can have
	//     focus if CXTPTaskPanel::m_bSelectItemOnFocus is FALSE.
	// Parameters:
	//     pItem - Pointer to a task panel group item.
	// Remarks:
	//     Selected items will appear "pressed" or highlighted depending on
	//     the selected theme.  Selected items will have
	//     XTPTaskPanelGroupItem::m_bSelected as TRUE.
	// See Also: XTPTaskPanelGroupItem::IsItemSelected, XTPTaskPanelGroupItem::SetItemSelected
	void SetSelectedItem(CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* pItem);

	// Summary:
	//     This member is called to check to see if the item currently being
	//     dragged over the group belongs to the group.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE if the item belongs to the group, FALSE otherwise.
	// Remarks:
	//     This checks to see if CSTPTaskPanel::m_pItemDragOver belongs to the group.
	//     This is used in the PaintManager to determine if an inverted rectangle
	//     must be drawn for the item.  An inverted rectangle is only drawn when
	//     the XTPTaskPanelPaintTheme is set to xtpTaskPanelThemeToolbox.
	// See Also:
	//     XTPTaskPanelPaintTheme, CXTPTaskPanelToolboxTheme::DrawGroupCaption
	BOOL IsChildItemDragOver() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine the number of items that are in this group.
	// Returns:
	//     Number of items in this group.
	int GetItemCount() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to determine if a group scroll button is enabled.
	// Parameters:
	//     bScrollButtonUp - If TRUE, check to see if the "scroll up" button
	//                       is enabled, If FALSE, check to see if the
	//                       "scroll down" button is enabled.
	// Returns:
	//     TRUE is the group scroll button is enabled, FALSE if the buttons
	//     is disabled.
	// Remarks:
	//     CXTPTaskPanel::UpdateScrollButtons uses this method to update the
	//     state of the scroll buttons.
	BOOL IsScrollButtonEnabled(BOOL bScrollButtonUp) const;

	// Summary:
	//     This member is called to get the scroll offset of the first visible
	//     item in the group in pixels.
	// Returns:
	//     Scroll offset of first visible item in group in pixels.
	// Remarks:
	//     GetScrollOffsetPos returns the height in pixels that has been
	//     scrolled.  GetOffsetItem gets the index of the first visible item.
	// See Also:
	//     Scroll, GetOffsetItem, GetItemCount, GetItemsInRow
	int GetScrollOffsetPos() const;

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called to set index of the first visible
	//     item in the group
	// Parameters:
	//     nScrollOffset - First visible item in the group to be set
	//     bUpdateScrollButtons - TRUE to refresh scroll buttons  state.
	void SetOffsetItem(int nScrollOffset, BOOL bUpdateScrollButtons = TRUE);

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called to determine if item is visible in the group
	// Parameters:
	//     pItem      - Item to test
	//     bAllowPart - TRUE to allow partially visible item.
	// Returns: TRUE if item is visible; FALSE otherwise.
	BOOL IsItemVisible(CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* pItem, BOOL bAllowPart) const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to get the index of the first visible item in group.
	// Returns:
	//     Index of first visible item in group.
	// Remarks:
	//     This will return the index of the first visible item in the group,
	//     this is helpful when the items in the group are scrolled.
	// See Also:
	//     GetScrollOffsetPos, Scroll, GetItemCount, GetItemsInRow
	int GetOffsetItem() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to scroll to an item in the task panel group. When
	//     the group has scroll buttons.
	// Parameters:
	//     nDelta - Offset of item to scroll to.  GetItemCount and
	//              GetOffsetItem can be used to determine which
	//              item you need to scroll to.
	// Remarks:
	//     The scroll offset starts at zero.  The offset will remain at
	//     zero until the group's view is too small to display all
	//     of items.  If the group is scrolled, the offset will increment
	//     by 1 for each item that is scrolled from the top.  For example,
	//     If the top top items in the group are not visible, then the
	//     scroll offset is 4 (zero based index).
	//     GetItemCount and GetOffsetItem can be used to determine which
	//     item to scroll to.  Setting nDelta to 0 will scroll to the top
	//     of the group.
	//     Note:  If there are more than 1 item in a row like when the XTPTaskPanelItemLayout
	//            is set to xtpTaskItemLayoutImages, then the offset will
	//            increment by GetItemsInRow.
	// See Also:
	//     GetScrollOffsetPos, GetOffsetItem, GetItemCount, GetItemsInRow
	void Scroll(int nDelta);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to make sure that an item is visible in the task panel.
	//     This will scroll the task panel and group that the item is in
	//     until the item is visible.
	// Parameters:
	//     pItem - Item that should be visible.
	//     bUpdateScrollButtons - TRUE to update the scroll buttons, if needed,
	//                             to reflect the position of the group.
	void EnsureVisible(CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* pItem, BOOL bUpdateScrollButtons = TRUE);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to get the number of group items per row in the
	//     task panel group.
	// Returns:
	//     The number of group items per row in the group.
	// See Also:
	//     If the task panel behavior is set to xtpTaskPanelBehaviourExplorer or
	//     xtpTaskPanelBehaviourList, then the number of items per row is
	//     always 1.  If the behavior is set to xtpTaskPanelBehaviourToolbox, then
	//     there can be multiple items per row.
	//     If the behavior is set to to xtpTaskPanelBehaviourExplorer or
	//     xtpTaskPanelBehaviourList, then the layout must be set to
	//     xtpTaskItemLayoutImages for multiple items on a row.
	// See Also:
	//     XTPTaskPanelBehaviour, XTPTaskPanelItemLayout, Scroll
	int GetItemsInRow() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Reads or writes this object from or to an archive.
	// Parameters:
	//     pPX - A CXTPPropExchange object to serialize to or from.
	virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to retrieve the rectangle of the "tooltip zone"
	//     while the mouse is positioned over the group caption.
	// Returns:
	//     The rectangle of the "tooltip zone" while the mouse is positioned
	//     over the group caption.
	// Remarks:
	//     The "tooltip zone" is the area that a tooltip will be displayed
	//     while the mouse is positioned over the group caption.
	// See Also:
	//     CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem::GetHitTestRect
	virtual CRect GetHitTestRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to retrieve the rectangle of the "drawing zone"
	// See Also:
	//     CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem::GetHitTestRect
	virtual CRect GetInvalidateRect() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to get the height of the group caption.
	// Returns:
	//     Height of group caption.
	int GetCaptionHeight() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member too get the size used to draw group item icons.
	// Returns:
	//     Currently set group item icon size.
	// See Also:
	//     SetItemIconSize
	CSize GetItemIconSize() const;

	// Summary:
	//     Call this member to set the icon size of the group items.
	// Parameters:
	//     szItemIcon - Item icon size.
	// See Also:
	//     GetItemIconSize
	void SetIconSize(CSize szItemIcon);

	// Summary:
	//     This method finds next visible item in specified direction.
	// Parameters:
	//     nIndex     - Index of the item to begin the searching with
	//     nDirection - Direction to find (1 to forward, -1 to backward)
	// Returns:
	//     Next visible item; or NULL if not found.
	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItem* GetNextVisibleItem(int nIndex, int nDirection = +1) const;


	// Summary:
	//     This method is called to determine the area that can be used to draw
	//     the Active group if the behavior is not xtpTaskPanelBehaviourExplorer.
	// Returns:
	//     Height in pixels after group caption or available area.
	// See Also:
	//     OnCalcClientHeight
	int CalcInsideHeight();

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called to calculate the group client area needed to
	//     display all items.
	// Parameters:
	//     pDC    - Pointer to a valid device context.
	//     rc - Bounding rectangle of the task panel group.
	// See Also:
	//     CalcInsideHeight
	virtual void OnCalcClientHeight(CDC* pDC, CRect rc);

	// Summary:
	//     This method is called when group was removed from parent groups collection
	void OnRemoved();

	// System accessibility Support
	virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState);
	virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDefaultAction);
	virtual HRESULT AccessibleDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild);

	void RepositionAutoHeightControls(int nHeightOffset);
	void RepositionScrollOffset();


	CRect m_rcGroupTarget;              // Target rectangle of group during animation.
	CRect m_rcGroupCurrent;             // Current rectangle of group during animation.

	CRect m_rcMarginsOuter;             // Outer margins.
	CRect m_rcMarginsInner;             // Inner margins.

	int m_nCaptionHeight;               // Height of caption.

	BOOL m_bSpecial;                    // TRUE if group is special.

	BOOL m_bExpandable;                 // TRUE if group is expandable.
	BOOL m_bExpanded;                   // TRUE if group is expanded.
	BOOL m_bExpanding;                  // TRUE if group is expanding now.
	int m_nExpandedClientHeight;        // Expanded client height.
	int m_nMinClientHeight;             // Minimum client height.
	BOOL m_bCaptionVisible;             // TRUE if caption is visible.

	int m_nScrollOffset;                // Scroll offset of group.  Only applies if the task panel behavior is set to xtpTaskPanelBehaviourList or xtpTaskPanelBehaviourToolbox.
	int m_nItemsInRow;                  // Number of group items in a row when using the xtpTaskPanelBehaviourToolbox XTPTaskPanelBehaviour. For all other behaviors it will only be 1 unless the layout is set to to xtpTaskPanelBehaviourExplorer or xtpTaskPanelBehaviourList.
	CSize m_szItemIcon;                 // Size of group item icons.

	CXTPTaskPanelGroupItems* m_pItems;  // Collection of items.
	XTPTaskPanelItemLayout m_itemLayout;// Currently set layout for the group.

	int m_nBackgroundImage;             // Index of image in ImageManager that will be background for Group
	int m_nBackgroundAlignemnt;         // Alignment of Background image


	friend class CXTPTaskPanel;

AFX_INLINE CXTPTaskPanelItems* CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetItems() const {
	return (CXTPTaskPanelItems*)m_pItems;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetExpandedClientHeight() const {
	return m_nExpandedClientHeight;
AFX_INLINE CRect& CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetOuterMargins() {
	return m_rcMarginsOuter;
AFX_INLINE CRect& CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetInnerMargins() {
	return m_rcMarginsInner;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetItemsInRow() const {
	return m_nItemsInRow;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPTaskPanelGroup::GetCaptionHeight() const {
	return m_nCaptionHeight;

#endif // !defined(__XTPTASKPANELGROUP_H__)