// XTPCalendarDefines.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarEvent class. // // This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library. // (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE AND IS NOT TO BE // RE-DISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN // CONSENT OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE. // // THIS SOURCE CODE CAN ONLY BE USED UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED // IN THE XTREME TOOLKIT PRO LICENSE AGREEMENT. CODEJOCK SOFTWARE GRANTS TO // YOU (ONE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER) THE LIMITED RIGHT TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON A // SINGLE COMPUTER. // // CONTACT INFORMATION: // support@codejock.com // http://www.codejock.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #if !defined(_XTPCALENDARDEFINES_H__) #define _XTPCALENDARDEFINES_H__ //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #ifndef DBG_TRACE_TIMER #define DBG_TRACE_TIMER #endif #ifndef DBG_DATA_ASSERT #define DBG_DATA_ASSERT #endif #ifndef DBG_DATA_VERIFY #define DBG_DATA_VERIFY #endif #ifndef LAYOUT_LTR #define LAYOUT_LTR 0x00000000 #endif //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CXTPCalendarEvent; class CXTPCalendarEvents; class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern; class CXTPCalendarEventLabel; class CXTPCalendarEventLabels; typedef long XTP_DATE_VALUE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Paint themes used by calendar. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarTheme { xtpCalendarThemeUnknown = -1, //Undefiend theme. xtpCalendarThemeOffice2000, // Office 2000 theme. xtpCalendarThemeOfficeXP, // Office XP theme. xtpCalendarThemeOffice2003, // Office 2003 theme. xtpCalendarThemeResource, // Office 2007 theme. // xtpCalendarThemeCustom // Custom theme. }; // obsolete #define xtpCalendarThemeOffice2007 xtpCalendarThemeResource //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Paint theme versions used by calendar. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarThemeVersion { xtpCalendarVersionUnknown = -1, xtpCalendarVersion2000, xtpCalendarVersionXP, xtpCalendarVersion2003, xtpCalendarVersion2007, xtpCalendarVersion2010 }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define unknown event ID. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID 0 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define an unknown recurrence pattern ID. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_RECURRENCE_PATTERN_ID 0 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define unknown schedule ID. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_SCHEDULE_ID 0 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define maximum text length for calendar event subject, location or body // which will be drawn on the screen. // Used to optimize drawing performance. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_DRAW_EVENTITEMTEXT_MAX 255 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define light and dark colors which are used by // CXTPImageManager::DisableBitmap to draw disabled calendar window content. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_DISABLED_COLOR_LIGHT RGB(250, 250, 250) #define XTP_CALENDAR_DISABLED_COLOR_DARK RGB(128, 128, 128) //<COMBINE XTP_CALENDAR_DISABLED_COLOR_LIGHT> //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Timeout before appearing event tool tip window. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_SHOW_TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT_MS 400 #define XTP_CALENDAR_SHOW_BUTTON_TIMEOUT_MS 1400 //<COMBINE XTP_CALENDAR_SHOW_TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT_MS> //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates busy status values. // Example: // <code> // CXTPCalendarData* pData; // CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent = pData->CreateNewEvent(); // ptrEvent->SetBusyStatus(xtpCalendarBusyStatusTentative); // VERIFY(pCalendarData->AddEvent(ptrEvent)); // </code> // See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent::SetBusyStatus //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus { xtpCalendarBusyStatusUnknown = -1, // Typed unknown value. xtpCalendarBusyStatusFree = 0, // Free event status. xtpCalendarBusyStatusTentative = 1, // Tentative event status. xtpCalendarBusyStatusBusy = 2, // Busy event status. xtpCalendarBusyStatusOutOfOffice = 3 // OutOfOffice event status. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates importance level values. // Example: // <code> // CXTPCalendarData* pData; // CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent = pData->CreateNewEvent(); // ptrEvent->SetImportance(xtpCalendarImportanceHigh); // VERIFY(pCalendarData->AddEvent(ptrEvent)); // </code> // See Also: CXTPCalendarEvent::SetImportance //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventImportance { xtpCalendarImportanceUnknown = -1, // Typed unknown value. xtpCalendarImportanceLow = 0, // Low importance level. xtpCalendarImportanceNormal = 1, // Normal importance level. xtpCalendarImportanceHigh = 2 // High importance level. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates standard Event Categories for office 2007 theme. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventCategories { xtpCalendarEventCategoryUnknown = 0, // Typed unknown value. xtpCalendarEventCategoryYellow = 1, // The Yellow category ID. xtpCalendarEventCategoryGreen = 2, // The Green category ID. xtpCalendarEventCategoryRed = 3, // The Red category ID. xtpCalendarEventCategoryPink = 4, // The Pink category ID. xtpCalendarEventCategoryOrange = 5, // The Orange category ID. xtpCalendarEventCategoryBlue = 6 // The Blue category ID. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates recurrence states. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceState { xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring = 0, // Event is not recurring. xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster = 1, // Event is a Master (template to generate occurrences). xtpCalendarRecurrenceOccurrence = 2, // Event is Occurrence. xtpCalendarRecurrenceException = 3 // Event is Exception (changed occurrence). }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Type definition for an array of dates. //=========================================================================== typedef CArray<COleDateTime, COleDateTime&> CXTPCalendarDatesArray; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Specify the end of the recurrence pattern type. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarPatternEnd { xtpCalendarPatternEndDate , // End of the recurrence pattern specified by the date. xtpCalendarPatternEndAfterOccurrences , // End of the recurrence pattern specified by the occurrences amount. xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate // Recurrence pattern has no End. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates Recurrence Pattern Types. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType { xtpCalendarRecurrenceUnknown = 0, // Typed unknown value. xtpCalendarRecurrenceDaily = 1, // Every N days. N = { 1, 2 .. } xtpCalendarRecurrenceWeekly = 2, // Every N weeks on specified 'DaysMask'. // N = { 1, 2 .. }, // DaysMask = {see enum XTPCalendarWeekDay} xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthly = 3, // D day of every N months. // D = { 1, 2 .. 31} // N = { 1, 2 .. } xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthNth = 4, // The first, second, ... X of every N months. // first, second, ... = {see enum XTPCalendarWeek} // X = {see enums XTPCalendarWeekDay} // N = { 1, 2 .. } xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearly = 5, // Every month(M) day(D). // M = { 1, 2 .. 12} // D = { 1, 2 .. 31} xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearNth = 6 // The first, second, ... X of month(M). // first, second, ... = {see enum XTPCalendarWeek} // X = {see enums XTPCalendarWeekDay} // M = { 1, 2 .. 12} }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates Day of Weeks codes. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarWeekDay { xtpCalendarDaySunday = 0x001, // Sunday xtpCalendarDayMonday = 0x002, // Monday xtpCalendarDayTuesday = 0x004, // Tuesday xtpCalendarDayWednesday = 0x008, // Wednesday xtpCalendarDayThursday = 0x010, // Thursday xtpCalendarDayFriday = 0x020, // Friday xtpCalendarDaySaturday = 0x040, // Saturday xtpCalendarDayAllWeek = xtpCalendarDayMonday | xtpCalendarDayTuesday | xtpCalendarDayWednesday | xtpCalendarDayThursday | xtpCalendarDayFriday | xtpCalendarDaySaturday | xtpCalendarDaySunday, // All week mask. xtpCalendarDaySaSu = xtpCalendarDaySaturday | xtpCalendarDaySunday, // Saturday, Sunday mask. xtpCalendarDayMo_Fr = xtpCalendarDayAllWeek ^ xtpCalendarDaySaSu // Monday to Friday mask. }; //=========================================================================== // Remarks: // Determines allowable values for the alignment of clock images used // by the DrawClock function. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags { xtpCalendarClockAlignLeft = 0x01, // Align to the left side of the rectangle area. xtpCalendarClockAlignCenter = 0x02, // Align on the middle of the rectangle area. xtpCalendarClockAlignRight = 0x04 // Align to the right side of the rectangle area. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates a sequence numbers for days. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarWeek { xtpCalendarWeekFirst = 1, // First xtpCalendarWeekSecond = 2, // Second xtpCalendarWeekThird = 3, // Third xtpCalendarWeekFourth = 4, // Fourth xtpCalendarWeekLast = 5 // Last }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumeration used to determine the calendar data provider in use. // Remarks: // This enumeration contains all available data provider types. // See Also: // CXTPCalendarData, CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider, // CXTPCalendarDatabaseDataProvider //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarDataProvider { xtpCalendarDataProviderUnknown = 0, // Unknown data provider xtpCalendarDataProviderMemory = 1, // Memory data provider - CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider. xtpCalendarDataProviderDatabase = 2, // Database data provider - CXTPCalendarDatabaseDataProvider. xtpCalendarDataProviderMAPI = 3, // MAPI (Exchange server) data provider - CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider. xtpCalendarDataProviderCustom = 4 // Custom data provider - CXTPCalendarCustomDataProvider. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumeration used to determine the calendar view type in use. // Remarks: // This enumeration contains all available Calendar view types. // See Also: // CXTPCalendarView, CXTPCalendarDayView, CXTPCalendarWeekView, // CXTPCalendarMonthView //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarViewType { xtpCalendarDayView, // Day view - CXTPCalendarDayView xtpCalendarWorkWeekView, // Day view - CXTPCalendarDayView. Work week days are shown. xtpCalendarWeekView, // Week view - CXTPCalendarWeekView xtpCalendarMonthView, // Month view - CXTPCalendarMonthView xtpCalendarFullWeekView, // Day view - CXTPCalendarDayView. All week days are shown. xtpCalendarTimeLineView // TimeLine view - CXTPCalendarTimeLineView }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumeration of operational mouse modes. // Remarks: // Calendar Control has several // Mouse states that handled by control. This enumeration helps to // clearly identify each of these // - Sends Notifications: // - Sends Messages: // See Also: //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarMouseMode { xtpCalendarMouseNothing, // User is doing nothing - just watching to the control. xtpCalendarMouseEventPreResizeV, // User is moving mouse under event view vertical "resize" area. xtpCalendarMouseEventPreResizeH, // User is moving mouse under event view horizontal "resize" area. xtpCalendarMouseEventPreDrag, // User is moving mouse under event view "drag" area. xtpCalendarMouseEventResizingV, // User is resizing event vertically (holding mouse left button down). xtpCalendarMouseEventResizingH, // User is resizing event horizontally (holding mouse left button down). xtpCalendarMouseEventDragCopy, // User is dragging event view (holding left mouse button down). xtpCalendarMouseEventDragMove, // User is dragging event view (holding left mouse button down and Control key is down). xtpCalendarMouseEventDraggingOut // User is dragging event out of dragging area. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Contains bit-masks for adjusting the calendar control. // Remarks: // This enumeration contains bit masks for using with // CXTPCalendarControl::CUpdateContext. // Depending on members of this enum there will be specific // redrawing functionality called on exiting adjuster's scope. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarUpdateOptions { xtpCalendarUpdateLayout = 0x0001, // Adjust positions of control's elements. xtpCalendarUpdateScrollBar = 0x0002, // Recalculate control's scrollbar positions. xtpCalendarUpdateRedraw = 0x0004, // Redraw control picture. xtpCalendarUpdateAll = 0x000F, // Redraw all portions of the control on exiting adjuster scope. xtpCalendarUpdateRedrawIfNeed = 0x0010 // Redraw control's picture if needed. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // This enumeration contains options for // CXTPCalendarControl::CViewChangedContext. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarViewChangedUpdateOptions { xtpCalendarViewChangedSend = 1, // Set send request for XTP_NC_CALENDARVIEWWASCHANGED notification and lock sending. xtpCalendarViewChangedLock = 2 // Lock sending only, send request for XTP_NC_CALENDARVIEWWASCHANGED notification is not set. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates allowable hit test codes. // Remarks: // ResizeV, ResizeH flags are used together with // ResizeBegin or ResizeEnd. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarHitTestCode { xtpCalendarHitTestUnknown = 0, // The position is unknown or does not belong to our control. xtpCalendarHitTestDayArea = 0x000001, // The position is inside the days area. xtpCalendarHitTestDayHeader = 0x000002, // The position is inside control's header. xtpCalendarHitTestDayExpandButton = 0x000004, // The position is over Expand day button icon. xtpCalendarHitTestGroupArea = xtpCalendarHitTestDayArea, // The position is inside a group area (formerly day). xtpCalendarHitTestGroupHeader = 0x000008, // The position is inside Group (resource) header. xtpCalendarHitTestDay_Mask = 0x00000F, // The mask for any position inside days area with the header. xtpCalendarHitTestEventDragArea = 0x000010, // The position is on Event drag area. xtpCalendarHitTestEventTextArea = 0x000020, // The position is on Event text view area. xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeVArea = 0x000100, // Event vertical resize area. xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeHArea = 0x000200, // Event horizontal resize area. xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeArea_Mask = xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeVArea | xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeHArea, // The mask for both event resize areas. xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeBegin = 0x000400, // Event start resizing area. xtpCalendarHitTestEventResizeEnd = 0x000800, // Event end resizing area. xtpCalendarHitTestEvent_Mask = 0x000FF0, // The mask for event area at whole. xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewTimeScale = 0x001000, // Time scale part of the day view. xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewCell = 0x002000, // Day view cells - its general part. xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewAllDayEvent = 0x004000, // All day zone on the day view. xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollUp = 0x010000, // DayView Scroll Up button. (presents in office 2007 theme only) xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollDown = 0x020000, // DayView Scroll Down button. (presents in office 2007 theme only) xtpCalendarHitTestAllDayEventsScrollUp = 0x030000, xtpCalendarHitTestAllDayEventsScrollDown = 0x040000, xtpCalendarHitTestDayView_Mask = 0x0FF000, // The mask for all DayView areas. xtpCalendarHitTestPrevEventButton = 0x100000, // Go to Rrevious event button. (presents in office 2007 theme only) xtpCalendarHitTestNextEventButton = 0x200000, // Go to Next event button. (presents in office 2007 theme only) xtpCalendarHitTestTimeLineScale = 0x400000, // Calendar HitTest TimeLineScale xtpCalendarHitTestAllDayExpandButton = xtpCalendarHitTestDayExpandButton | xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewAllDayEvent, // The position is over Expand button icon in allday header. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates allowable dragging mode state codes. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarDraggingMode { xtpCalendaDragModeUnknown = 0, // No dragging mode. xtpCalendaDragModeCopy = 1, // Copying event. xtpCalendaDragModeMove = 2, // Moving event. xtpCalendaDragModeResizeBegin = 3, // Resizing event begin. xtpCalendaDragModeResizeEnd = 4, // Resizing event end. xtpCalendaDragModeEditSubject = 5 // Editing event subject. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates allowable flags for driving subject editors. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEndEditSubjectAction { xtpCalendarEditSubjectUnknown = 0, // Action is undefined. xtpCalendarEditSubjectCommit = 1, // Apply and commit dragging. xtpCalendarEditSubjectCancel = 2 // Cancel editing and dragging changes. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates flags to identify undo mode. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarUndoMode { xtpCalendarUndoModeUnknown = 0, // Undo mode is undefined. xtpCalendarUndoModeUndo = 1, // Undo action is pending. xtpCalendarUndoModeRedo = 2 // Redo action is pending. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates additional flags used in clipboard operations. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarClipboardCopyFlags { xtpCalendarCopyFlagROccurrence2RException = 0x0001, // Convert recurrence Occurrence to Exception before paste. xtpCalendarCopyFlagKeepRException = 0x0002, // Keep recurrence Exception event state before paste. xtpCalendarCopyFlagClearCBAfterPaste = 0x0004, // Clear clipboard after paste. xtpCalendarCopyFlagCutMask = xtpCalendarCopyFlagROccurrence2RException | xtpCalendarCopyFlagKeepRException | xtpCalendarCopyFlagClearCBAfterPaste // Default flags for Cut operation. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates parameters used in configuring reminders for recurrence // patterns occurrences. //=========================================================================== enum XTPEnumCalendarReminderForOccurrenceParameters { xtpCalendarRmdPrm_Default = LONG_MAX, // Set default reminders value. xtpCalendarRmdPrm_DontChange = LONG_MIN // Do not change reminders time value. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates flags to CXTPCalendarOptions.nDayView_CurrentTimeMarkVisible // member. // This set of flags define when Current Time Mark on the timescale is // visible. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarCurrentTimeMarkFlags { xtpCalendarCurrentTimeMarkNone = 0, // Time Mark invisible. xtpCalendarCurrentTimeMarkVisibleForToday = 1, // Time Mark visible if today day is visible. xtpCalendarCurrentTimeMarkVisibleAlways = 2, // Time Mark always visible. xtpCalendarCurrentTimeMarkPrinted = 4 // If this flag set - Time Mark is visible for printed calendar also, otherwise it is hidden when printing. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Icons IDs set to be used with calendar event custom icons to customize // standard event glyphs. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEventIconIDs { xtpCalendarEventIconIDReminder = -1, // Reminder glyph ID. xtpCalendarEventIconIDOccurrence = -2, // Recurrence glyph ID. xtpCalendarEventIconIDException = -3, // Recurrence exception glyph ID. xtpCalendarEventIconIDMeeting = -4, // Meeting glyph ID. xtpCalendarEventIconIDPrivate = -5 // Private glyph ID. }; class CXTPCalendarViewDay; class CXTPCalendarViewGroup; class CXTPCalendarViewEvent; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Structure contains the calendar day view selection block. // Remarks: // This structure describes a selection bounds on the calendar day view. // See Also: CXTPCalendarDayView //=========================================================================== struct XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION { //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default constructor. // Remarks: // Initializes a XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION object to the empty // selection bounds. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION() { nGroupIndex = -1; bAllDayEvent = FALSE; dtBegin.SetStatus(COleDateTime::null); dtEnd.SetStatus(COleDateTime::null); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Copy operator. // Parameters: // rSrc - The source object. // Remarks: // Initialize members from the specified object. // Returns: // Reference to the current object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION& operator=(const XTP_CALENDAR_VIEWSELECTION& rSrc) { nGroupIndex = rSrc.nGroupIndex; bAllDayEvent = rSrc.bAllDayEvent; if(rSrc.dtBegin.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid) { dtBegin = rSrc.dtBegin; } else { dtBegin.SetStatus(rSrc.dtBegin.GetStatus()); } if(rSrc.dtEnd.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid) { dtEnd = rSrc.dtEnd; } else { dtEnd.SetStatus(rSrc.dtEnd.GetStatus()); } return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Determines are times members values valid. // Returns: // TRUE if date time object members are valid, otherwise FALSE. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsValid() const { return dtBegin.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid && dtEnd.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid && nGroupIndex >= 0; } public: //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE int nGroupIndex; // Numeric index of the corresponding resource group. COleDateTime dtBegin; // Selection start time. COleDateTime dtEnd; // Selection finish time. BOOL bAllDayEvent; // TRUE when all day is selected, FALSE otherwise. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumeration used to determine the scroll direction. // Remarks: // The enumeration determines if scrolling is necessary based on the // scroll mode(up, down, or NotNeeded.) // See Also: CXTPCalendarDayView //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarDayViewScrollDirection { xtpCalendarDayViewScrollUp, // ScrollV Up. xtpCalendarDayViewScrollDown, // ScrollV Down. xtpCalendarDayViewScrollNotNeeded, // Scrolling not needed. xtpCalendarDayViewScrollLeft, // ScrollH Left. xtpCalendarDayViewScrollRight // ScrollH Right. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Defines a set of data and methods to easily manipulate with day // positions in month view. Used to convert Week/Day indexes pair to // sequential integer value and vice versa. //=========================================================================== struct XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS { int nWeekIndex; // Week index. From 0 to XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_SHOW_WEEKS_MAX int nWeekDayIndex; // Week day cell index. From 0 to 6 //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default object constructor. // Parameters: // nPOS - Initial sequential integer value. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS(int nPOS = -1) { nWeekIndex = nWeekDayIndex = -1; if (nPOS >= 0) { SetPOS(nPOS); } } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to obtain the sequential integer value. // Remarks: // This is the overloaded int operator. // Returns: // Sequential integer value. // See Also: GetPOS //----------------------------------------------------------------------- operator int() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to set a new Sequential integer value. // Parameters: // nPOS - An int that contains the new value. // Remarks: // This is the overloaded assignment operator. // Returns: // An XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS object reference. // See Also: SetPOS //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS& operator=(int nPOS); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to pre-increment a sequential // position by 1. // Remarks: // This is the overloaded pre-increment operator.(++i) // Returns: // This object reference incremented by 1. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS& operator++(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to post-increment a sequential // position by 1. // Remarks: // This is the overloaded post-increment operator.(i++) // Returns: // Object value before incrementing. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS operator++(int); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to obtain a sequential integer value. // Returns: // An int that represents the sequential integer value. // See Also: SetPOS, operator int() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetPOS() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to set a new week/day index value. // Parameters: // nWidx - An int that contains the Week index. // Valid values are from 0 to XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_SHOW_WEEKS_MAX // nWDidx - An int that contains the Week day cell index. // Valid values are From 0 to 6. // See Also: operator=(int nPOS), SetPOS(int nPOS) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetPOS(int nWidx, int nWDidx); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to set a new sequential integer value. // Parameters: // nPOS - An int that contains the new integer value. // See Also: operator=(int nPOS), SetPOS(int nWidx, int nWDidx) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetPOS(int nPOS); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This member function is used to determine if the WeekIndex and // WeekDayIndex values are valid. // Remarks: // The valid values are nWeekIndex >= 0 || nWeekDayIndex >= 0. // Returns: // TRUE if values are valid. Otherwise FALSE. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsValid() const; //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE }; class CXTPCalendarMonthViewDay; class CXTPCalendarMonthViewEvent; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Basic set of parameters transferred from calendar items to // mouse handlers. // Remarks: // This structure groups together all essential parameters used in // items processing activities. It is a basic structure for all // particular calendar's structures. // See Also: XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO, XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO, // XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO //=========================================================================== struct XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO { COleDateTime dt; // Time stamp on the specified point. BOOL bTimePartValid; // Specifies whether date's time part is valid, // i.e. if we hit on all day events area, bTimePartValid will be FALSE. int uHitCode; // A bitwise combination of XTPCalendarHitTestCode constants. int nDay; // Number of the day. int nGroup; // Number of the group. int nEvent; // ID of the specified event. CXTPCalendarViewDay* pViewDay; // Pointer to affected CXTPCalendarViewDay object. CXTPCalendarViewGroup* pViewGroup; // Pointer to affected CXTPCalendarViewGroup object. CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent; // Pointer to affected CXTPCalendarViewEvent object. union { XTP_CALENDAR_MONTHVIEW_DAYPOS dayPOS; // MonthView Day position. POINT pt; // DayView Point where the mouse was clicked in client coordinates. }; //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default constructor. // Remarks: // Initializes a XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO object to the empty // and zero values. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO() { dt.SetStatus(COleDateTime::null); bTimePartValid = FALSE; uHitCode = xtpCalendarHitTestUnknown; pViewDay = NULL; pViewGroup = NULL; pViewEvent = NULL; nDay = -1; nGroup = -1; nEvent = -1; memset(&dayPOS, -1, sizeof(dayPOS)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default destructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ~XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO() { }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Equality operator. // Parameters: // hitInfo2 - Second XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO object to compare. // Remarks: // Compare 2 XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO objects. // Returns: // TRUE if specified objects are equal, otherwise FALSE. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL operator==(const XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO& hitInfo2); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Non-Equality operator. // Parameters: // hitInfo2 - Second XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO object to compare. // Remarks: // Compare 2 XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO objects. // Returns: // TRUE if specified objects are not equal, otherwise FALSE. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL operator!=(const XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO& hitInfo2) { return !(*this == hitInfo2); } //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE }; //#define XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO_DAY_VIEW XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO //#define XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO_MONTH_VIEW XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO //#define XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO_WEEK_VIEW XTP_CALENDAR_HITTESTINFO //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates DB Provider cache modes. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarDataProviderCacheMode { xtpCalendarDPCacheModeOff = 0x000, // Cache is not used. xtpCalendarDPCacheModeOnRepeat = 0x001, // Repeat all event manipulations in cache. xtpCalendarDPCacheModeOnClear = 0x002, // Clear cache after every event manipulation. xtpCalendarDPCacheModeOnMask = 0x00F, // Cache mode on mask. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define unknown event label ID. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_LABEL_ID -1 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define event label ID which is used by default for a new event. // (Valid for default labels list only) //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_DEFAULT_LABEL_ID 0 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define event label ID which signifies no label. // (Valid for default labels list only) //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_NONE_LABEL_ID 0 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Define default reminders value minutes which is for a new event. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_DEFAULT_REMINDER_MINUTES 15 //=========================================================================== // Summary: // The location in the registry that contains time zone information // for Windows NT family (NT/2000/XP). // See also: // Microsoft KB221542 //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TIMEZONESKEY_NT _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones") //=========================================================================== // Summary: // The location in the registry that contains time zone information // for Windows 9x family. // See also: // Microsoft KB221542 //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TIMEZONESKEY_9X _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones") //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Registry key name for a StandardName member value of // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION. // See also: // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION WinAPI structure //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_StandardName _T("Std") // <COMBINE XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_StandardName> #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_StandardNameW L"Std" //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Registry key name for a DaylightName member value of // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION. // See also: // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION WinAPI structure //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_DaylightName _T("Dlt") // <COMBINE XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_DaylightName> #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_DaylightNameW L"Dlt" //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Registry key name for a time zone display string value. // For example: "(GMT+02:00) Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Minsk" //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_DisplayStr _T("Display") //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Registry key name for a time zone order index value. // Remarks: // This index value is used to sort time zones in the right order. //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_Index _T("Index") //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Registry key name for some TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure members. // See also: // Microsoft KB115231, // CXTPCalendarTimeZones::REGISTRY_TIMEZONE_INFORMATION //=========================================================================== #define XTP_CALENDAR_TZIRegValName_DATA _T("TZI") //=========================================================================== //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #define XTP_EVENT_PLACE_POS_UNDEFINED 0xFFFF //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #define XTP_SAFE_GET1(_ptr1, _member, _defVal) (_ptr1 ? _ptr1->_member : (_defVal)) #define XTP_SAFE_GET2(_ptr1, _ptr2, _member, _defVal) ((_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2) ? _ptr1->_ptr2->_member : (_defVal) ) #define XTP_SAFE_GET3(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _member, _defVal) ((_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3) ? _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_member : (_defVal) ) #define XTP_SAFE_GET4(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _ptr4, _member, _defVal) ((_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4) ? _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_member : (_defVal) ) #define XTP_SAFE_GET5(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _ptr4, _ptr5, _member, _defVal) ((_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_ptr5) ? _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_ptr5->_member : (_defVal) ) #define XTP_SAFE_SET1(_ptr1, _member, _Val) \ if (_ptr1){ \ _ptr1->_member = _Val; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_SET2(_ptr1, _ptr2, _member, _Val) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2){ \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_member = _Val; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_SET3(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _member, _Val) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3){ \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_member = _Val; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_CALL1(_ptr1, _member) \ if (_ptr1){ \ _ptr1->_member; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_CALL2(_ptr1, _ptr2, _member) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2){ \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_member; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_CALL3(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _member) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3){ \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_member; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_CALL4(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _ptr4, _member) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3 && \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4) \ { \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_member; \ } #define XTP_SAFE_CALL5(_ptr1, _ptr2, _ptr3, _ptr4, _ptr5, _member) \ if (_ptr1 && _ptr1->_ptr2 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3 && \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4 && _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_ptr5) \ { \ _ptr1->_ptr2->_ptr3->_ptr4->_ptr5->_member; \ } //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE //=========================================================================== // Summary: // The WM_XTP_CALENDAR_BASE constant is used by Calendar Control to help // define private messages for use by private window classes, usually of // the form WM_XTP_CALENDAR_BASE+X, where X is an integer value. // See Also: // WM_USER overview //=========================================================================== const UINT WM_XTP_CALENDAR_BASE = (WM_USER + 9600); // Internal properties (has prefix *xtp*) static const LPCTSTR cszEventCustProp_NextReminderTime_Snoozed = _T("*xtp*NextReminderTime_Snoozed"); // String name of the corresponding property. static const LPCTSTR cszEventCustProp_IconsIDs = _T("*xtp*CustomIcons"); // String name of the corresponding property. static const LPCTSTR cszEventCustProp_CategoryIDs = _T("*xtp*Categories"); // String name of the corresponding property. // Public custom properties static const LPCTSTR cszEventCustProp_MarkupTemplate = _T("xtpMarkupTemplate"); // String name of the MarkupTemplate property. // Markup template params static const LPCTSTR cszCalendarMarkupPrm_Subject = _T("/Calendar/Events/Event/Subject"); //Subject. static const LPCTSTR cszCalendarMarkupPrm_Location = _T("/Calendar/Events/Event/Location"); //Location. static const LPCTSTR cszCalendarMarkupPrm_Body = _T("/Calendar/Events/Event/Body"); //Body. static const LPCTSTR cszCalendarMarkupPrm_StartTime = _T("/Calendar/Events/Event/StartTime"); //Start time. static const LPCTSTR cszCalendarMarkupPrm_EndTime = _T("/Calendar/Events/Event/EndTime"); //End time. //=========================================================================== // Summary: // This structure describes parameters of the end of the recurrence // pattern type. //=========================================================================== struct XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END { //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default constructor of the structure. // Handles members initialization. // See Also: ~XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END() { m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate; m_dtPatternEndDate = (DATE)0; m_nEndAfterOccurrences = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default destructor of the structure. // Handles members deallocation. // See Also: XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ~XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END(){}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This assignment operator is used to initialize a // XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END object. // Parameters: // rSrc - Source value. // Returns: // A reference to a valid XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END& operator=(const XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END& rSrc) { m_nUseEnd = rSrc.m_nUseEnd; if (rSrc.m_dtPatternEndDate.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid) { m_dtPatternEndDate = rSrc.m_dtPatternEndDate; } else { m_dtPatternEndDate.SetStatus(rSrc.m_dtPatternEndDate.m_status); } m_nEndAfterOccurrences = rSrc.m_nEndAfterOccurrences; return *this; } //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE public: XTPCalendarPatternEnd m_nUseEnd; // End type. COleDateTime m_dtPatternEndDate; // End date. int m_nEndAfterOccurrences; // End number of occurrences. }; struct XTP_DAY_VIEW_GROUP_LAYOUT { CRect m_rcAllDayEvents; // The coordinates of the all day area. CRect m_rcDayDetails; // The coordinates of days details area. BOOL m_bShowHeader; // TRUE to show resource group header; FALSE otherwise. // for office 2007 theme int m_nHotState; // Last Items Hot state. enum XTPEnumHotItem { xtpHotHeader = 0x001, xtpHotScrollUp = xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollUp, xtpHotScrollDown = xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollDown, xtpHotAllDayEventsScrollUp = xtpCalendarHitTestAllDayEventsScrollUp, xtpHotAllDayEventsScrollDown = xtpCalendarHitTestAllDayEventsScrollDown }; }; struct XTP_VIEW_DAY_LAYOUT { CRect m_rcDay; // Day rectangle. CRect m_rcDayHeader; // Day header rectangle. CRect m_rcExpandSign; // Expand Sign rectangle. int m_nHotState; // Last Items Hot state. enum XTPEnumHotItem { xtpHotExpandButton = 0x001, xtpHotDayHeader = 0x002, }; }; struct XTP_DAY_VIEW_LAYOUT { int m_nVisibleRowCount; // Visible rows count on the day view. CRect m_rcDayHeader; CRect m_rcAllDayEvents; int m_nRowCount; // Total rows count on the day view. int m_nTopRow; // Top visible row on the day view. int m_nAllDayEventsCountMax; // Reserved amount of all day events area to avoid area 'blinking' when dragging. int m_nAllDayEventHeight; // The height of one event in all day events area. int m_nVisibleAllDayCount; int m_nTopAllDayRow; }; struct XTP_VIEW_LAYOUT { int m_nRowHeight; // One row height in pixels. }; struct XTP_TIMESCALE_LAYOUT { CRect m_rcHeader; // Time scale header rectangle. CRect m_rcTimeZone; // Time zone rectangle. int m_nXPosBase; }; struct XTP_VIEW_GROUP_LAYOUT { CRect m_rcGroup; // Group View rectangle. CRect m_rcGroupHeader; // Group View header rectangle. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // This struct store a Week View layout. //=========================================================================== struct XTP_WEEK_VIEW_LAYOUT { int m_nGridColumns; // Number of columns in a week day grid. int m_nDayHeaderHeight; // Height of a day header. int m_nDayWidth; // Width of day rectangle. int m_nDayHeidht; // Height of day rectangle. }; //============================================================================ // Summary: // predefine set of different scales based on time intervals //============================================================================ enum XTPEnumCalendarTimeScaleParamsID { xtpTSPID_Unknown = 0, xtpTSPID_Day = 1, //Day scale xtpTSPID_Week = 2, //Week scale xtpTSPID_Month = 3, //Month scale xtpTSPID_WorkWeek = 4, //WorkWeek scale }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates customizable event edit operations. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarEditOperation { xtpCalendarEO_Unknown = 0, // Unknown operation value. xtpCalendarEO_DragCopy = xtpCalendaDragModeCopy, // Drag copy event. xtpCalendarEO_DragMove = xtpCalendaDragModeMove, // Drag move event xtpCalendarEO_DragResizeBegin = xtpCalendaDragModeResizeBegin, // Drag Resizing event begin. xtpCalendarEO_DragResizeEnd = xtpCalendaDragModeResizeEnd, // Drag Resizing event end. xtpCalendarEO_EditSubject_ByF2, // In-place edit event subject by F2. xtpCalendarEO_EditSubject_ByMouseClick, // In-place edit event subject by Mouse Click. xtpCalendarEO_EditSubject_ByTab, // In-place edit event subject by TAB. xtpCalendarEO_EditSubject_AfterEventResize, // In-place edit event subject after event resize. xtpCalendarEO_Cut, // Cut events xtpCalendarEO_Copy, // Copy events xtpCalendarEO_Paste, // Paste event. wParam = XTP_EVENT_PASTE_OPERATION_PARAMS*. pEventViews member is NULL. xtpCalendarEO_DeleteSelectedEvents, // Delete selected events. xtpCalendarEO_DeleteEvent, // Delete event. Sent for a single event or for each selected event. xtpCalendarEO_InPlaceCreateEvent // In-place event creation. }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Enumerates calendar selection types. //=========================================================================== enum XTPCalendarSelectionChanged { xtpCalendarSelectionUnknown = 0, // Unknown selection value. xtpCalendarSelectionDays = 1, // Days (or day hours for day view) selection. Use GetSelection() method to retrieve current selection. xtpCalendarSelectionEvents = 2 // Events selection. Use GetSelectedViewEvents() and GetSelectedEvents() methods to retrieve currently selected events. }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This enum defines parameters for xtpCalendarUserAction_OnExpandDay // user action. // See Also: XTP_NC_CALENDAR_USERACTION, XTP_CALENDAR_USERACTION_PARAMS //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarExpandDayButton { xtpCalendarExpandDayButton_MonthView = 0x01, // Defines Month view expand button. xtpCalendarExpandDayButton_WeekView = 0x02, // Defines Week view expand button. }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This enum defines parameters for xtpCalendarUserAction_OnScrollDay // user action. (valid for office 2007 theme only) // See Also: XTP_NC_CALENDAR_USERACTION, XTP_CALENDAR_USERACTION_PARAMS //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarScrollDayButton { xtpCalendarScrollDayButton_DayViewUp = xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollUp, // Defines Day view Scroll Up button. xtpCalendarScrollDayButton_DayViewDown = xtpCalendarHitTestDayViewScrollDown, // Defines Day view Scroll Down button. //xtpCalendarScrollDayButton_DayViewAllDayUp = 5, //xtpCalendarScrollDayButton_DayViewAllDayDown = 6, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This enum defines set of flags which enable calendar items // to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification. // See Also: // XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx, XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT, // CXTPCalendarControl::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::SetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarTheme::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarTheme::SetAskItemTextFlags //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarGetItemText { xtpCalendarItemText_EventSubject = 0x00000001, // Send request to customize Event subject text before draw it. xtpCalendarItemText_EventLocation = 0x00000002, // Send request to customize Event location text before draw it. xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeader = 0x00000004, // Send request to customize Day view day header text. Used for office 2003 theme only. xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeader = 0x00000008, // Send request to customize Week view day header text. Used for office 2003 theme only. xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeader = 0x00000010, // Send request to customize Month view day header text. Used for office 2003 theme only. xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewWeekDayHeader = 0x00000020, // Send request to customize month view week day header text. xtpCalendarItemText_EventToolTipText = 0x00000040, // Send request to customize event tooltip text. //xtpCalendarItemText_GroupToolTipText = 0x00000080, xtpCalendarItemText_EventStartTimeText = 0x00000100, // Send request to customize event start time text. xtpCalendarItemText_EventEndTimeText = 0x00000200, // Send request to customize event end time text. xtpCalendarItemText_CaptionBarDayViewDateLabel = 0x00000300, // Send request to customize caption bar date label for day view xtpCalendarItemText_CaptionBarWeekViewDateLabel = 0x00000400, // Send request to customize caption bar date label for week view xtpCalendarItemText_CaptionBarMonthViewDateLabel = 0x00000500 // Send request to customize caption bar date label for month view }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This enum defines set of flags which enable calendar items // to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification. // These flags are used for office 2007 theme only. // See Also: // XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT, // CXTPCalendarControl::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager::SetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarTheme::GetAskItemTextFlags, // CXTPCalendarTheme::SetAskItemTextFlags //----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx { xtpCalendarItemText_EventBody = 0x00010000, // Send request to customize Event body text before draw it. xtpCalendarItemText_EventMarkupTemplate = 0x04000000, // Send request to set Event Markup Template text before draw it. xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderLeft = 0x00020000, // Send request to customize Day view day header text on the left. xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderCenter = 0x00040000, // Send request to customize Day view day header text on the center. xtpCalendarItemText_DayViewDayHeaderRight = 0x00080000, // Send request to customize Day view day header text on the right. xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderLeft = 0x00100000, // Send request to customize Week view day header text on the left. xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderCenter = 0x00200000, // Send request to customize Week view day header text on the center. xtpCalendarItemText_WeekViewDayHeaderRight = 0x00400000, // Send request to customize Week view day header text on the right. xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderLeft = 0x00800000, // Send request to customize Month view day header text on the left. xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderCenter= 0x01000000, // Send request to customize Month view day header text on the center. xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewDayHeaderRight = 0x02000000 // Send request to customize Month view day header text on the right. // xtpCalendarItemText_MonthViewWeekHeader = 0x08000000, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom class name for the Calendar control window static const LPCTSTR XTPCALENDARCTRL_CLASSNAME = _T("XTPCalendar"); static const LPCTSTR XTPCALENDARCAPTIONBAR_CLASSNAME = _T("XTPCalendarCaptionBar"); // for compatibility with previous versions // see xtp_wm_UserAction // //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE // String name of the calendar switch view custom message static const LPCTSTR XTPCALENDARCTRL_SWITCHVIEWMSG = _T("XTPCalendarSwitchView"); // A message identifier of the calendar switch view custom message const UINT xtp_wm_SwitchView = RegisterWindowMessage( XTPCALENDARCTRL_SWITCHVIEWMSG ); //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE // String name of the calendar switch view custom message static const LPCTSTR XTPCALENDARCTRL_USERACTION = _T("XTPCalendarUserAction"); // A message identifier of the Calendar User Action custom message const UINT xtp_wm_UserAction = RegisterWindowMessage( XTPCALENDARCTRL_USERACTION ); // The font name for Office 2007 theme #define XTP_CALENDAR_OFFICE2007_FONT_NAME _T("Segoe UI") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef DWORD XTP_NOTIFY_CODE; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARDEFINES_H__)