/*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dvp.h * Content: DirectDrawVideoPort include file * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DVP_INCLUDED__ #define __DVP_INCLUDED__ /* * GUIDS used by DirectDrawVideoPort objects */ #if defined( _WIN32 ) && (!defined( _NO_COM ) || defined( DEFINE_GUID )) DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDDVideoPortContainer, 0x6C142760,0xA733,0x11CE,0xA5,0x21,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xE5,0x60 ); DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort, 0xB36D93E0,0x2B43,0x11CF,0xA2,0xDE,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xB9,0x33,0x56 ); DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify, 0xA655FB94,0x0589,0x4E57,0xB3,0x33,0x56,0x7A,0x89,0x46,0x8C,0x88); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFH, 0x54F39980L,0xDA60,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFL, 0x92783220L,0xDA60,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFH, 0xA07A02E0L,0xDA60,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFL, 0xE09C77E0L,0xDA60,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_CCIR656, 0xFCA326A0L,0xDA60,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_BROOKTREE, 0x1352A560L,0xDA61,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); DEFINE_GUID( DDVPTYPE_PHILIPS, 0x332CF160L,0xDA61,0x11CF,0x9B,0x06,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x03,0xA3,0xB8); #endif #ifndef GUID_DEFS_ONLY #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _NO_COM ) #define COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #include #else #define IUnknown void #endif /* * These definitions are required to allow polymorphic structure members (i.e. those * that are referred to both as DWORDs and as pointers) to resolve into a type * of correct size to hold the largest of those two types (i.e. pointer) on 64 bit * systems. For 32 bit environments, ULONG_PTR resolves to a DWORD. */ #ifndef MAXULONG_PTR #define ULONG_PTR DWORD #endif //MAXULONG_PTR #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*============================================================================ * * DirectDraw Structures * * Various structures used to invoke DirectDraw. * *==========================================================================*/ struct IDirectDraw; struct IDirectDrawSurface; struct IDirectDrawPalette; struct IDirectDrawClipper; typedef struct IDDVideoPortContainer FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTCONTAINER; typedef struct IDirectDrawVideoPort FAR *LPDIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT; typedef struct IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify FAR *LPDIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORTNOTIFY; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTCONNECT; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTCAPS FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTDESC FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTDESC; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTINFO FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTINFO; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTSTATUS; typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY FAR *LPDDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY; typedef struct IDDVideoPortContainerVtbl DDVIDEOPORTCONTAINERCALLBACKS; typedef struct IDirectDrawVideoPortVtbl DIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORTCALLBACKS; typedef struct IDirectDrawVideoPortNotifyVtbl DIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORTNOTIFYCALLBACKS; /* * API's */ typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL * LPDDENUMVIDEOCALLBACK)(LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS, LPVOID); /* * INTERACES FOLLOW: * IDirectDrawVideoPort * IVideoPort */ /* * IDirectDrawVideoPortContainer */ #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _NO_COM ) #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IDDVideoPortContainer DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IDDVideoPortContainer, IUnknown ) { /*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /*** IDirectDrawVideoPort methods ***/ STDMETHOD(CreateVideoPort)(THIS_ DWORD, LPDDVIDEOPORTDESC, LPDIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT FAR *, IUnknown FAR *) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnumVideoPorts)(THIS_ DWORD, LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS, LPVOID,LPDDENUMVIDEOCALLBACK ) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetVideoPortConnectInfo)(THIS_ DWORD, __inout LPDWORD pcInfo, __out_ecount_part_opt(*pcInfo, *pcInfo) LPDDVIDEOPORTCONNECT ) PURE; STDMETHOD(QueryVideoPortStatus)(THIS_ DWORD, LPDDVIDEOPORTSTATUS ) PURE; }; #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) #define IVideoPortContainer_QueryInterface(p, a, b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p, a, b) #define IVideoPortContainer_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p) #define IVideoPortContainer_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p) #define IVideoPortContainer_CreateVideoPort(p, a, b, c, d) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateVideoPort(p, a, b, c, d) #define IVideoPortContainer_EnumVideoPorts(p, a, b, c, d) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumVideoPorts(p, a, b, c, d) #define IVideoPortContainer_GetVideoPortConnectInfo(p, a, b, c) (p)->lpVtbl->GetVideoPortConnectInfo(p, a, b, c) #define IVideoPortContainer_QueryVideoPortStatus(p, a, b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryVideoPortStatus(p, a, b) #else #define IVideoPortContainer_QueryInterface(p, a, b) (p)->QueryInterface(a, b) #define IVideoPortContainer_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef() #define IVideoPortContainer_Release(p) (p)->Release() #define IVideoPortContainer_CreateVideoPort(p, a, b, c, d) (p)->CreateVideoPort(a, b, c, d) #define IVideoPortContainer_EnumVideoPorts(p, a, b, c, d) (p)->EnumVideoPorts(a, b, c, d) #define IVideoPortContainer_GetVideoPortConnectInfo(p, a, b, c) (p)->GetVideoPortConnectInfo(a, b, c) #define IVideoPortContainer_QueryVideoPortStatus(p, a, b) (p)->QueryVideoPortStatus(a, b) #endif #endif /* * IDirectDrawVideoPort */ #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _NO_COM ) #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IDirectDrawVideoPort DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IDirectDrawVideoPort, IUnknown ) { /*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /*** IVideoPort methods ***/ STDMETHOD(Flip)(THIS_ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetBandwidthInfo)(THIS_ LPDDPIXELFORMAT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LPDDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetColorControls)(THIS_ LPDDCOLORCONTROL) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetInputFormats)(THIS_ LPDWORD lpNumFormats, __out_ecount_part_opt(*lpNumFormats, *lpNumFormats) LPDDPIXELFORMAT, DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetOutputFormats)(THIS_ LPDDPIXELFORMAT, LPDWORD lpNumFormats, __out_ecount_part_opt(*lpNumFormats, *lpNumFormats) LPDDPIXELFORMAT, DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetFieldPolarity)(THIS_ LPBOOL) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetVideoLine)(THIS_ LPDWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetVideoSignalStatus)(THIS_ LPDWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetColorControls)(THIS_ LPDDCOLORCONTROL) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetTargetSurface)(THIS_ LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE, DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(StartVideo)(THIS_ LPDDVIDEOPORTINFO) PURE; STDMETHOD(StopVideo)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(UpdateVideo)(THIS_ LPDDVIDEOPORTINFO) PURE; STDMETHOD(WaitForSync)(THIS_ DWORD, DWORD, DWORD) PURE; }; #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) #define IVideoPort_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b) #define IVideoPort_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p) #define IVideoPort_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p) #define IVideoPort_SetTargetSurface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->SetTargetSurface(p,a,b) #define IVideoPort_Flip(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->Flip(p,a,b) #define IVideoPort_GetBandwidthInfo(p,a,b,c,d,e) (p)->lpVtbl->GetBandwidthInfo(p,a,b,c,d,e) #define IVideoPort_GetColorControls(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetColorControls(p,a) #define IVideoPort_GetInputFormats(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->GetInputFormats(p,a,b,c) #define IVideoPort_GetOutputFormats(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->GetOutputFormats(p,a,b,c,d) #define IVideoPort_GetFieldPolarity(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetFieldPolarity(p,a) #define IVideoPort_GetVideoLine(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetVideoLine(p,a) #define IVideoPort_GetVideoSignalStatus(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetVideoSignalStatus(p,a) #define IVideoPort_SetColorControls(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->SetColorControls(p,a) #define IVideoPort_StartVideo(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->StartVideo(p,a) #define IVideoPort_StopVideo(p) (p)->lpVtbl->StopVideo(p) #define IVideoPort_UpdateVideo(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->UpdateVideo(p,a) #define IVideoPort_WaitForSync(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->WaitForSync(p,a,b,c) #else #define IVideoPort_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b) #define IVideoPort_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef() #define IVideoPort_Release(p) (p)->Release() #define IVideoPort_SetTargetSurface(p,a,b) (p)->SetTargetSurface(a,b) #define IVideoPort_Flip(p,a,b) (p)->Flip(a,b) #define IVideoPort_GetBandwidthInfo(p,a,b,c,d,e) (p)->GetBandwidthInfo(a,b,c,d,e) #define IVideoPort_GetColorControls(p,a) (p)->GetColorControls(a) #define IVideoPort_GetInputFormats(p,a,b,c) (p)->GetInputFormats(a,b,c) #define IVideoPort_GetOutputFormats(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->GetOutputFormats(a,b,c,d) #define IVideoPort_GetFieldPolarity(p,a) (p)->GetFieldPolarity(a) #define IVideoPort_GetVideoLine(p,a) (p)->GetVideoLine(a) #define IVideoPort_GetVideoSignalStatus(p,a) (p)->GetVideoSignalStatus(a) #define IVideoPort_SetColorControls(p,a) (p)->SetColorControls(a) #define IVideoPort_StartVideo(p,a) (p)->StartVideo(a) #define IVideoPort_StopVideo(p) (p)->StopVideo() #define IVideoPort_UpdateVideo(p,a) (p)->UpdateVideo(a) #define IVideoPort_WaitForSync(p,a,b,c) (p)->WaitForSync(a,b,c) #endif #endif /* * IDirectDrawVideoPort */ #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP) #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _NO_COM ) #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IDirectDrawVideoPortNotify, IUnknown ) { /*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /*** IVideoPort methods ***/ STDMETHOD(AcquireNotification)(THIS_ HANDLE *, LPDDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY) PURE; STDMETHOD(ReleaseNotification)(THIS_ HANDLE) PURE; }; #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) #define IVideoPortNotify_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b) #define IVideoPortNotify_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p) #define IVideoPortNotify_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p) #define IVideoPortNotify_AcquireNotification(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->AcquireNotification(p,a,b) #define IVideoPortNotify_ReleaseNotification(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->ReleaseNotification(p,a) #else #define IVideoPortNotify_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b) #define IVideoPortNotify_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef() #define IVideoPortNotify_Release(p) (p)->Release() #define IVideoPortNotify_AcquireNotification(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->AcquireNotification(a,b) #define IVideoPortNotify_ReleaseNotification(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->ReleaseNotification(a) #endif #endif #endif /* * DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT { DWORD dwSize; // size of the DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT structure DWORD dwPortWidth; // Width of the video port GUID guidTypeID; // Description of video port connection DWORD dwFlags; // Connection flags ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; // Reserved, set to zero. } DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT; /* * DDVIDEOPORTCAPS */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTCAPS { DWORD dwSize; // size of the DDVIDEOPORTCAPS structure DWORD dwFlags; // indicates which fields contain data DWORD dwMaxWidth; // max width of the video port field DWORD dwMaxVBIWidth; // max width of the VBI data DWORD dwMaxHeight; // max height of the video port field DWORD dwVideoPortID; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1)) DWORD dwCaps; // Video port capabilities DWORD dwFX; // More video port capabilities DWORD dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces; // Max number of autoflippable surfaces allowed DWORD dwAlignVideoPortBoundary; // Byte restriction of placement within the surface DWORD dwAlignVideoPortPrescaleWidth;// Byte restriction of width after prescaling DWORD dwAlignVideoPortCropBoundary; // Byte restriction of left cropping DWORD dwAlignVideoPortCropWidth; // Byte restriction of cropping width DWORD dwPreshrinkXStep; // Width can be shrunk in steps of 1/x DWORD dwPreshrinkYStep; // Height can be shrunk in steps of 1/x DWORD dwNumVBIAutoFlipSurfaces; // Max number of VBI autoflippable surfaces allowed DWORD dwNumPreferredAutoflip; // Optimal number of autoflippable surfaces for hardware WORD wNumFilterTapsX; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the X direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.) WORD wNumFilterTapsY; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the Y direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.) } DDVIDEOPORTCAPS; /* * The dwMaxWidth and dwMaxVBIWidth members are valid */ #define DDVPD_WIDTH 0x00000001l /* * The dwMaxHeight member is valid */ #define DDVPD_HEIGHT 0x00000002l /* * The dwVideoPortID member is valid */ #define DDVPD_ID 0x00000004l /* * The dwCaps member is valid */ #define DDVPD_CAPS 0x00000008l /* * The dwFX member is valid */ #define DDVPD_FX 0x00000010l /* * The dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces member is valid */ #define DDVPD_AUTOFLIP 0x00000020l /* * All of the alignment members are valid */ #define DDVPD_ALIGN 0x00000040l /* * The dwNumPreferredAutoflip member is valid */ #define DDVPD_PREFERREDAUTOFLIP 0x00000080l /* * The wNumFilterTapsX and wNumFilterTapsY fields are valid */ #define DDVPD_FILTERQUALITY 0x00000100l /* * DDVIDEOPORTDESC */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTDESC { DWORD dwSize; // size of the DDVIDEOPORTDESC structure DWORD dwFieldWidth; // width of the video port field DWORD dwVBIWidth; // width of the VBI data DWORD dwFieldHeight; // height of the video port field DWORD dwMicrosecondsPerField; // Microseconds per video field DWORD dwMaxPixelsPerSecond; // Maximum pixel rate per second DWORD dwVideoPortID; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1)) DWORD dwReserved1; // Reserved for future use - set to zero (struct padding) DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT VideoPortType; // Description of video port connection ULONG_PTR dwReserved2; // Reserved for future use - set to zero ULONG_PTR dwReserved3; // Reserved for future use - set to zero } DDVIDEOPORTDESC; /* * DDVIDEOPORTINFO */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTINFO { DWORD dwSize; // Size of the structure DWORD dwOriginX; // Placement of the video data within the surface. DWORD dwOriginY; // Placement of the video data within the surface. DWORD dwVPFlags; // Video port options RECT rCrop; // Cropping rectangle (optional). DWORD dwPrescaleWidth; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the X direction (optional). DWORD dwPrescaleHeight; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the Y direction (optional). LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfInputFormat; // Video format written to the video port LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfVBIInputFormat; // Input format of the VBI data LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfVBIOutputFormat;// Output format of the data DWORD dwVBIHeight; // Specifies the number of lines of data within the vertical blanking interval. ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; // Reserved for future use - set to zero ULONG_PTR dwReserved2; // Reserved for future use - set to zero } DDVIDEOPORTINFO; /* * DDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH { DWORD dwSize; // Size of the structure DWORD dwCaps; DWORD dwOverlay; // Zoom factor at which overlay is supported DWORD dwColorkey; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ colorkey is supported DWORD dwYInterpolate; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ Y interpolation is supported DWORD dwYInterpAndColorkey; // Zoom factor at which ovelray w/ Y interpolation and colorkeying is supported ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; // Reserved for future use - set to zero ULONG_PTR dwReserved2; // Reserved for future use - set to zero } DDVIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH; /* * DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS { DWORD dwSize; // Size of the structure BOOL bInUse; // TRUE if video port is currently being used DWORD dwFlags; // Currently not used DWORD dwReserved1; // Reserved for future use DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT VideoPortType; // Information about the connection ULONG_PTR dwReserved2; // Reserved for future use ULONG_PTR dwReserved3; // Reserved for future use } DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS; /* * DDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY */ typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY { LARGE_INTEGER ApproximateTimeStamp; // Timestamp in the event notification LONG lField; // 0 if even, 1 if odd, -1 if unknown UINT dwSurfaceIndex; // Index in the surface chain of the surface that received the sample LONG lDone; // Call InterlockedIncrement on this when done with sample } DDVIDEOPORTNOTIFY; /*============================================================================ * * Video Port Flags * * All flags are bit flags. * *==========================================================================*/ /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT DDVIDEOPORTCONNECT FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of double clocking the data. * When this is set by the client, this indicates that the video port * should enable double clocking. This flag is only valid with external * syncs. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_DOUBLECLOCK 0x00000001l /* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of using an external VACT * signal. When this is set by the client, this indicates that the * video port should use the external VACT signal. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_VACT 0x00000002l /* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of treating even fields * like odd fields and visa versa. When this is set by the client, * this indicates that the video port should treat even fields like odd * fields. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_INVERTPOLARITY 0x00000004l /* * Indicates that any data written to the video port during the VREF * period will not be written into the frame buffer. This flag is read only. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_DISCARDSVREFDATA 0x00000008l /* * When this is set be the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the device will write half lines into the frame buffer * if half lines are provided by the decoder. If this is set by the client, * this indicates that the decoder will be supplying half lines. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_HALFLINE 0x00000010l /* * Indicates that the signal is interlaced. This flag is only * set by the client. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_INTERLACED 0x00000020l /* * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port * will use the even fields. This flag is only set by the client. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_SHAREEVEN 0x00000040l /* * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port * will use the odd fields. This flag is only set by the client. */ #define DDVPCONNECT_SHAREODD 0x00000080l /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT DDVIDEOPORTDESC CAPS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Flip can be performed automatically to avoid tearing. */ #define DDVPCAPS_AUTOFLIP 0x00000001l /* * Supports interlaced video */ #define DDVPCAPS_INTERLACED 0x00000002l /* * Supports non-interlaced video */ #define DDVPCAPS_NONINTERLACED 0x00000004l /* * Indicates that the device can return whether the current field * of an interlaced signal is even or odd. */ #define DDVPCAPS_READBACKFIELD 0x00000008l /* * Indicates that the device can return the current line of video * being written into the frame buffer. */ #define DDVPCAPS_READBACKLINE 0x00000010l /* * Allows two gen-locked video streams to share a single video port, * where one stream uses the even fields and the other uses the odd * fields. Separate parameters (including address, scaling, * cropping, etc.) are maintained for both fields.) */ #define DDVPCAPS_SHAREABLE 0x00000020l /* * Even fields of video can be automatically discarded. */ #define DDVPCAPS_SKIPEVENFIELDS 0x00000040l /* * Odd fields of video can be automatically discarded. */ #define DDVPCAPS_SKIPODDFIELDS 0x00000080l /* * Indicates that the device is capable of driving the graphics * VSYNC with the video port VSYNC. */ #define DDVPCAPS_SYNCMASTER 0x00000100l /* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can * be written to a different surface. */ #define DDVPCAPS_VBISURFACE 0x00000200l /* * Indicates that the video port can perform color operations * on the incoming data before it is written to the frame buffer. */ #define DDVPCAPS_COLORCONTROL 0x00000400l /* * Indicates that the video port can accept VBI data in a different * width or format than the regular video data. */ #define DDVPCAPS_OVERSAMPLEDVBI 0x00000800l /* * Indicates that the video port can write data directly to system memory */ #define DDVPCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY 0x00001000l /* * Indicates that the VBI and video portions of the video stream can * be controlled by an independent processes. */ #define DDVPCAPS_VBIANDVIDEOINDEPENDENT 0x00002000l /* * Indicates that the video port contains high quality hardware * de-interlacing hardware that should be used instead of the * bob/weave algorithms. */ #define DDVPCAPS_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE 0x00004000l /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT DDVIDEOPORTDESC FX * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Limited cropping is available to crop out the vertical interval data. */ #define DDVPFX_CROPTOPDATA 0x00000001l /* * Incoming data can be cropped in the X direction before it is written * to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_CROPX 0x00000002l /* * Incoming data can be cropped in the Y direction before it is written * to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_CROPY 0x00000004l /* * Supports interleaving interlaced fields in memory. */ #define DDVPFX_INTERLEAVE 0x00000008l /* * Supports mirroring left to right as the video data is written * into the frame buffer. */ #define DDVPFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT 0x00000010l /* * Supports mirroring top to bottom as the video data is written * into the frame buffer. */ #define DDVPFX_MIRRORUPDOWN 0x00000020l /* * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the X direction before it * is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKX 0x00000040l /* * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the Y direction before it * is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKY 0x00000080l /* * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the X * direction before it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKXB 0x00000100l /* * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the Y * direction before it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKYB 0x00000200l /* * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the X direction * (where X is specified in the DDVIDEOPORTCAPS.dwPreshrinkXStep) * before it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKXS 0x00000400l /* * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the Y direction * (where X is specified in the DDVIDEOPORTCAPS.dwPreshrinkYStep) * before it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESHRINKYS 0x00000800l /* * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the X direction before * it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHX 0x00001000l /* * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the Y direction before * it is written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHY 0x00002000l /* * Data can be integer stretched in the X direction before it is * written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHXN 0x00004000l /* * Data can be integer stretched in the Y direction before it is * written to the surface. */ #define DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHYN 0x00008000l /* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can * be converted independently of the remaining video data. */ #define DDVPFX_VBICONVERT 0x00010000l /* * Indicates that scaling can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. */ #define DDVPFX_VBINOSCALE 0x00020000l /* * Indicates that the video data can ignore the left and right * cropping coordinates when cropping oversampled VBI data. */ #define DDVPFX_IGNOREVBIXCROP 0x00040000l /* * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. */ #define DDVPFX_VBINOINTERLEAVE 0x00080000l /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT DDVIDEOPORTINFO FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Perform automatic flipping. Auto-flipping is performed between * the overlay surface that was attached to the video port using * IDirectDrawVideoPort::AttachSurface and the overlay surfaces that * are attached to the surface via the IDirectDrawSurface::AttachSurface * method. The flip order is the order in which the overlay surfaces * were. attached. */ #define DDVP_AUTOFLIP 0x00000001l /* * Perform conversion using the ddpfOutputFormat information. */ #define DDVP_CONVERT 0x00000002l /* * Perform cropping using the specified rectangle. */ #define DDVP_CROP 0x00000004l /* * Indicates that interlaced fields should be interleaved in memory. */ #define DDVP_INTERLEAVE 0x00000008l /* * Indicates that the data should be mirrored left to right as it's * written into the frame buffer. */ #define DDVP_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT 0x00000010l /* * Indicates that the data should be mirrored top to bottom as it's * written into the frame buffer. */ #define DDVP_MIRRORUPDOWN 0x00000020l /* * Perform pre-scaling/zooming based on the pre-scale parameters. */ #define DDVP_PRESCALE 0x00000040l /* * Ignore input of even fields. */ #define DDVP_SKIPEVENFIELDS 0x00000080l /* * Ignore input of odd fields. */ #define DDVP_SKIPODDFIELDS 0x00000100l /* * Drive the graphics VSYNCs using the video port VYSNCs. */ #define DDVP_SYNCMASTER 0x00000200l /* * The ddpfVBIOutputFormatFormat member contains data that should be used * to convert the data within the vertical blanking interval. */ #define DDVP_VBICONVERT 0x00000400l /* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval * should not be scaled. */ #define DDVP_VBINOSCALE 0x00000800l /* * Indicates that these bob/weave decisions should not be * overriden by other interfaces. */ #define DDVP_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE 0x00001000l /* * Indicates that the video data should ignore the left and right * cropping coordinates when cropping the VBI data. */ #define DDVP_IGNOREVBIXCROP 0x00002000l /* * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. */ #define DDVP_VBINOINTERLEAVE 0x00004000l /* * Indicates that the video port should use the hardware * de-interlacing hardware. */ #define DDVP_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE 0x00008000l /**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT GETINPUTFORMAT/GETOUTPUTFORMAT FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Return formats for the video data */ #define DDVPFORMAT_VIDEO 0x00000001l /* * Return formats for the VBI data */ #define DDVPFORMAT_VBI 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT SETTARGETSURFACE FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Surface should receive video data (and VBI data if a surface * is not explicitly attached for that purpose) */ #define DDVPTARGET_VIDEO 0x00000001l /* * Surface should receive VBI data */ #define DDVPTARGET_VBI 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT WAITFORSYNC FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Waits until the beginning of the next VSYNC */ #define DDVPWAIT_BEGIN 0x00000001l /* * Waits until the end of the next/current VSYNC */ #define DDVPWAIT_END 0x00000002l /* * Waits until the beginning of the specified line */ #define DDVPWAIT_LINE 0x00000003l /**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT FLIP FLAGS * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Flips the normal video surface */ #define DDVPFLIP_VIDEO 0x00000001l /* * Flips the VBI surface */ #define DDVPFLIP_VBI 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT GETVIDEOSIGNALSTATUS VALUES * ****************************************************************************/ /* * No video signal is present at the video port */ #define DDVPSQ_NOSIGNAL 0x00000001l /* * A valid video signal is present at the video port */ #define DDVPSQ_SIGNALOK 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH Flags * ****************************************************************************/ /* * The specified height/width refer to the size of the video port data * written into memory, after prescaling has occured. */ #define DDVPB_VIDEOPORT 0x00000001l /* * The specified height/width refer to the source size of the overlay. */ #define DDVPB_OVERLAY 0x00000002l /* * This is a query for the device to return which caps this device requires. */ #define DDVPB_TYPE 0x00000004l /**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH Caps * ****************************************************************************/ /* * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay source size. */ #define DDVPBCAPS_SOURCE 0x00000001l /* * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay destination * size. */ #define DDVPBCAPS_DESTINATION 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * DDVIDEOPORTCONTAINER CreateVideoPort flags * ****************************************************************************/ /* * The process only wants to control the VBI portion of the video stream. */ #define DDVPCREATE_VBIONLY 0x00000001l /* * The process only wants to control the non-VBI (video) portion of * the video stream. */ #define DDVPCREATE_VIDEOONLY 0x00000002l /**************************************************************************** * * DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS flags * ****************************************************************************/ /* * The video port interface is only controlling the VBI portion of the * video stream */ #define DDVPSTATUS_VBIONLY 0x00000001l /* * The video port interface is only controlling the video portion of the * video stream */ #define DDVPSTATUS_VIDEOONLY 0x00000002l #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif // GUID_DEFS_ONLY #endif