/*************************************************************************** * * * XInput.h -- This module defines XBOX controller APIs * * and constansts for the Windows platform. * * * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _XINPUT_H_ #define _XINPUT_H_ #include // Current name of the DLL shipped in the same SDK as this header. // The name reflects the current version #define XINPUT_DLL_A "xinput1_3.dll" #define XINPUT_DLL_W L"xinput1_3.dll" #ifdef UNICODE #define XINPUT_DLL XINPUT_DLL_W #else #define XINPUT_DLL XINPUT_DLL_A #endif // // Device types available in XINPUT_CAPABILITIES // #define XINPUT_DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD 0x01 // // Device subtypes available in XINPUT_CAPABILITIES // #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GAMEPAD 0x01 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_WHEEL 0x02 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_ARCADE_STICK 0x03 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_FLIGHT_SICK 0x04 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_DANCE_PAD 0x05 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GUITAR 0x06 #define XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_DRUM_KIT 0x08 // // Flags for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES // #define XINPUT_CAPS_VOICE_SUPPORTED 0x0004 // // Constants for gamepad buttons // #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP 0x0001 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN 0x0002 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT 0x0004 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT 0x0008 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START 0x0010 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK 0x0020 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB 0x0040 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB 0x0080 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER 0x0100 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER 0x0200 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A 0x1000 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B 0x2000 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X 0x4000 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y 0x8000 // // Gamepad thresholds // #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE 7849 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE 8689 #define XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD 30 // // Flags to pass to XInputGetCapabilities // #define XINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPAD 0x00000001 // // Devices that support batteries // #define BATTERY_DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD 0x00 #define BATTERY_DEVTYPE_HEADSET 0x01 // // Flags for battery status level // #define BATTERY_TYPE_DISCONNECTED 0x00 // This device is not connected #define BATTERY_TYPE_WIRED 0x01 // Wired device, no battery #define BATTERY_TYPE_ALKALINE 0x02 // Alkaline battery source #define BATTERY_TYPE_NIMH 0x03 // Nickel Metal Hydride battery source #define BATTERY_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0xFF // Cannot determine the battery type // These are only valid for wireless, connected devices, with known battery types // The amount of use time remaining depends on the type of device. #define BATTERY_LEVEL_EMPTY 0x00 #define BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW 0x01 #define BATTERY_LEVEL_MEDIUM 0x02 #define BATTERY_LEVEL_FULL 0x03 // User index definitions #define XUSER_MAX_COUNT 4 #define XUSER_INDEX_ANY 0x000000FF // // Codes returned for the gamepad keystroke // #define VK_PAD_A 0x5800 #define VK_PAD_B 0x5801 #define VK_PAD_X 0x5802 #define VK_PAD_Y 0x5803 #define VK_PAD_RSHOULDER 0x5804 #define VK_PAD_LSHOULDER 0x5805 #define VK_PAD_LTRIGGER 0x5806 #define VK_PAD_RTRIGGER 0x5807 #define VK_PAD_DPAD_UP 0x5810 #define VK_PAD_DPAD_DOWN 0x5811 #define VK_PAD_DPAD_LEFT 0x5812 #define VK_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT 0x5813 #define VK_PAD_START 0x5814 #define VK_PAD_BACK 0x5815 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_PRESS 0x5816 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_PRESS 0x5817 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UP 0x5820 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN 0x5821 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT 0x5822 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_LEFT 0x5823 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPLEFT 0x5824 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPRIGHT 0x5825 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT 0x5826 #define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNLEFT 0x5827 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UP 0x5830 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN 0x5831 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT 0x5832 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_LEFT 0x5833 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPLEFT 0x5834 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPRIGHT 0x5835 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT 0x5836 #define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNLEFT 0x5837 // // Flags used in XINPUT_KEYSTROKE // #define XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_KEYDOWN 0x0001 #define XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_KEYUP 0x0002 #define XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_REPEAT 0x0004 // // Structures used by XInput APIs // typedef struct _XINPUT_GAMEPAD { WORD wButtons; BYTE bLeftTrigger; BYTE bRightTrigger; SHORT sThumbLX; SHORT sThumbLY; SHORT sThumbRX; SHORT sThumbRY; } XINPUT_GAMEPAD, *PXINPUT_GAMEPAD; typedef struct _XINPUT_STATE { DWORD dwPacketNumber; XINPUT_GAMEPAD Gamepad; } XINPUT_STATE, *PXINPUT_STATE; typedef struct _XINPUT_VIBRATION { WORD wLeftMotorSpeed; WORD wRightMotorSpeed; } XINPUT_VIBRATION, *PXINPUT_VIBRATION; typedef struct _XINPUT_CAPABILITIES { BYTE Type; BYTE SubType; WORD Flags; XINPUT_GAMEPAD Gamepad; XINPUT_VIBRATION Vibration; } XINPUT_CAPABILITIES, *PXINPUT_CAPABILITIES; typedef struct _XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION { BYTE BatteryType; BYTE BatteryLevel; } XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION, *PXINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION; typedef struct _XINPUT_KEYSTROKE { WORD VirtualKey; WCHAR Unicode; WORD Flags; BYTE UserIndex; BYTE HidCode; } XINPUT_KEYSTROKE, *PXINPUT_KEYSTROKE; // // XInput APIs // #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif DWORD WINAPI XInputGetState ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __out XINPUT_STATE* pState // Receives the current state ); DWORD WINAPI XInputSetState ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __in XINPUT_VIBRATION* pVibration // The vibration information to send to the controller ); DWORD WINAPI XInputGetCapabilities ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __in DWORD dwFlags, // Input flags that identify the device type __out XINPUT_CAPABILITIES* pCapabilities // Receives the capabilities ); void WINAPI XInputEnable ( __in BOOL enable // [in] Indicates whether xinput is enabled or disabled. ); DWORD WINAPI XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __out GUID* pDSoundRenderGuid, // DSound device ID for render __out GUID* pDSoundCaptureGuid // DSound device ID for capture ); DWORD WINAPI XInputGetBatteryInformation ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __in BYTE devType, // Which device on this user index __out XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION* pBatteryInformation // Contains the level and types of batteries ); DWORD WINAPI XInputGetKeystroke ( __in DWORD dwUserIndex, // Index of the gamer associated with the device __reserved DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use __out PXINPUT_KEYSTROKE pKeystroke // Pointer to an XINPUT_KEYSTROKE structure that receives an input event. ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //_XINPUT_H_