// XTPSyntaxEditView.h : header file // // This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library. // (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE AND IS NOT TO BE // RE-DISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN // CONSENT OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE. // // THIS SOURCE CODE CAN ONLY BE USED UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED // IN THE XTREME SYNTAX EDIT LICENSE AGREEMENT. CODEJOCK SOFTWARE GRANTS TO // YOU (ONE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER) THE LIMITED RIGHT TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON A // SINGLE COMPUTER. // // CONTACT INFORMATION: // support@codejock.com // http://www.codejock.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #if !defined(__XTPSYNTAXEDITSYNTAXEDITVIEW_H__) #define __XTPSYNTAXEDITSYNTAXEDITVIEW_H__ //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 class CXTPSyntaxEditFindReplaceDlg; namespace XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser { class CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser; } //=========================================================================== // Summary: // Describes printing options for the Calendar Control. // Remarks: // Use this class when you want to programmatically customize printing // options for the Calendar control. // // See each property description to examine which customization options // are available. // See Also: // CXTPPrintOptions //=========================================================================== class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions : public CXTPPrintOptions { //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions) //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Default constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions(); protected: }; //=========================================================================== // Summary: This class represents a View portion of the Edit Control. It // extends functionality provided by CView class from MFC's document-view // model implementation. CXTPSyntaxEditView class works together with // CXTPSyntaxEditDoc and provides facilities for it to be displayed on // a screen or printed on a printer. // See Also: CXTPSyntaxEditDoc //=========================================================================== class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditView : public CView { //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE friend class CXTPSyntaxEditDoc; DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CXTPSyntaxEditView) //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE protected: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Protected object constructor. Used by dynamic creation. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditView(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditView() object, handles cleanup and // de-allocation. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditView(); public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Set the font of the edit control pointer. // Parameters: // pLogFont - [in] The LOGFONT pointer to be set. // bUpdateReg - [in] Set TRUE to save font in registry. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetFontIndirect(LOGFONT *pLogFont, BOOL bUpdateReg=FALSE); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Enable/Disable the line numbering. // Parameters: // bEnable : [in] The LOGFONT pointer to be set. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetLineNumbers(BOOL bEnable); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns the if horizontal scrollbar is enabled. // Returns: // TRUE if horizontal scrollbar is enabled, FALSE otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetHorzScrollBar() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns the if vertical scrollbar is enabled. // Returns: // TRUE if vertical scrollbar is enabled, FALSE otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetVertScrollBar() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Enable/disable scroll bar. // Parameters: // bHorz - [in] TRUE if horizontal scroll bar need to be enabled/disabled. // bVert - [in] TRUE if vertical scroll bar need to be enabled/disabled. // bUpdateReg - [in] Set TRUE to save these options in registry. // bRecalcLayout - [in] Set TRUE to recalculate layout. // Returns: // TRUE if scrollbars were updated, FALSE otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetScrollBars(BOOL bHorz, BOOL bVert, BOOL bUpdateReg=FALSE, BOOL bRecalcLayout=TRUE); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Enable/disables gutter. // Parameters: // bEnable : [in] Pass TRUE/FALSE if gutter is to be enabled/disbaled. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetSelMargin(BOOL bEnable); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Enable/disables auto indent. // Parameters: // bEnable : [in] Pass TRUE/FALSE if auto indent is to be enabled/disbaled. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetAutoIndent(BOOL bEnable); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Enable/disables syntax colorization. // Parameters: // bEnable : [in] Pass TRUE/FALSE if syntax color is to be enabled/disbaled. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetSyntaxColor(BOOL bEnable); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Updates all active sibling views. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateAllViews(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Set the view ready for redraw. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetDirty(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns the smart edit control pointer for this editor. // Returns: // Edit control pointer. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl& GetEditCtrl(); const CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl& GetEditCtrl() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Set external smart edit control for the view. // Parameters: // pControl - A pointer to smart edit control object. // Remarks: // Default edit control window is destroyed. // InternalRelease will be called for external control object in the // view object destructor. // See Also: // GetEditCtrl //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void SetEditCtrl(CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* pControl); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns a buffer manager which maintains a buffer of a smart edit // control. // Returns: // Pointer to the CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* GetEditBuffer() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Use this function to get associated configuration manager. // Returns: // Pointer to the associated configuration manager. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager* GetLexConfigurationManager() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Refreshes the whole document, recalculates the scrollbar. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Refresh(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Set the current top row. // Parameters: // iRow : [in] Row to set as top row. // Returns: // TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetTopRow(int iRow); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Return the topmost row. // Returns: // The top row integer identifier. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int GetTopRow() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Updates the sibling views while in split mode. // Parameters: // dwUpdate : [in] Specifies the view update flags. // pSender : [in] Pointer to a sender object (or NULL). //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateScrollPos(CView* pSender, DWORD dwUpdate = XTP_EDIT_UPDATE_ALL); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns Document. // Returns: // Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditDoc. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditDoc* GetDocument() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns the edit buffer manager pointer. // Returns: // Buffer manager pointer. // See also: // class CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager * GetDataManager() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns pointer to the associated lexical parser. // Returns: // Pointer to a XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser::CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser::CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser* GetLexParser() const; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns pointer to the attached Find/Replace dialog object. // Returns: // Pointer to a CXTPSyntaxEditFindReplaceDlg object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual CXTPSyntaxEditFindReplaceDlg* GetFindReplaceDlg(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Used to get document title when printing. // Returns: // Returns document title string. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual CString GetPageTitle(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Call this method to access print options for this view. // Returns: // Pointer to an object describing print options of this view. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions* GetPrintOptions() const; //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE public: virtual void OnInitialUpdate(); virtual void OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo = NULL); virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragEnter(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point); virtual void OnDragLeave(); virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragOver(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point); virtual BOOL OnDrop(COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point); protected: afx_msg void OnPaint(); virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); // overridden to draw this view virtual BOOL OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult); virtual void OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual void OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual BOOL PaginateTo(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); virtual void OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView); virtual void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo); virtual void OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint=0L, CObject* pHint=NULL); //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE protected: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGING // message which sent before editing applied. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to NMHDR structure. // pResult - [out] Pointer to a LRESULT value. Set as TRUE to cancel editing // or FALSE to allow editing. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: OnEditChanged, XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGING, XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGED //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnEditChanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGED // message which sent when editing applied. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_EDITCHANGED structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGING, XTP_EDIT_NM_EDITCHANGED, // XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_EDITCHANGED //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnEditChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_SETDOCMODIFIED // message which sent when document (edit control) modified state changed. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_DOCMODIFIED structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_SETDOCMODIFIED, XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_DOCMODIFIED //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnSetDocModified(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_DRAWBOOKMARK // message which sent before draw bookmark. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_SENMBOOKMARK structure. // pResult - [out] Pointer to a LRESULT value. Set as TRUE to cancel // default processing (bookmark drawing), // or FALSE to allow default processing. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_DRAWBOOKMARK, XTP_EDIT_SENMBOOKMARK //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnDrawBookmark(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_ROWCOLCHANGED // message which sent current row or col changed. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_ROWCOLCHANGED structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_ROWCOLCHANGED, XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_ROWCOLCHANGED //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnRowColChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_UPDATESCROLLPOS // message which sent scroll bar position changed. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NM_UPDATESCROLLPOS structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_UPDATESCROLLPOS //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnUpdateScrollPos(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_ENABLESCROLLBAR // message which sent scroll bar state changed. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_ENABLESCROLLBAR structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_ENABLESCROLLBAR //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnEnableScrollBar(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_INSERTKEY // message which sent when 'Ins' (VK_INSERT) key down (insert mode changed). // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to NMHDR structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_INSERTKEY //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnInsertKey(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_SELINIT // message which sent when selection reseted. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to NMHDR structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_SELINIT //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnSelInit(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_STARTOLEDRAG // message which sent when OLE dragging started. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to NMHDR structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_STARTOLEDRAG //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnStartOleDrag(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_MARGINCLICKED // message which sent when left mouse button clicked on bookmarks area. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_MARGINCLICKED structure. // pResult - [out] Pointer to a LRESULT value. Set as TRUE to cancel // default processing (breakpoint set/reset), // or FALSE to allow default processing. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_MARGINCLICKED, XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_MARGINCLICKED //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnMarginClicked(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // This function is a default handler for XTP_EDIT_NM_PARSEEVENT // message which reflect parser event. // Parameters: // pNMHDR - [in] Pointer to XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_PARSEEVENT structure. // pResult - unused for this handler. // Returns: // TRUE is message handled, FALSE otherwise. // See Also: XTP_EDIT_NM_PARSEEVENT, XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_PARSEEVENT //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL OnParseEvent(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); protected: #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: Overwrite this method to customize the read-only file handling // Returns: TRUE if read-only file can be changed, FALSE otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual BOOL CanChangeReadonlyFile(); //{{AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy); afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags); afx_msg void OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags); afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar); afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar); afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd); afx_msg void OnEditUndo(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditRedo(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditRedo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditCut(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCut(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditCopy(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditPaste(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditDelete(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditSelectAll(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSelectAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditFind(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditFind(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditReplace(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditReplace(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditRepeat(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditRepeat(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC); afx_msg void OnFilePageSetup(); afx_msg void OnUpdateKeyIndicator(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); virtual void _EditFindReplace(BOOL bReplaceDlg); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() //}}AFX_CODEJOCK_PRIVATE protected: //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Performs specific update for all sibling views. // Parameters: // pNMHDR_EC : [in] Pointer to the parameters header. // bTextChanged: [in] This parameters is TRUE if document text was changed, // FALSE otherwise. // Remarks: // This method process events from parser, updates the editing results // or selection for all sibling views. It is called when an user edits // text or switches between views or parser is running. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateSiblings(XTP_EDIT_NMHDR_EDITCHANGED* pNMHDR_EC = NULL, BOOL bTextChanged = TRUE); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Called when a sibling view is needed to be updated. // Parameters: // pSender : [in] The source to be updated from // dwUpdate : [in] Type of update. Allowed values are: // XTP_EDIT_UPDATE_HORZ, XTP_EDIT_UPDATE_VERT, XTP_EDIT_UPDATE_DIAG. // See also // class CXTPSyntaxEditView //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateSiblingScrollPos(CXTPSyntaxEditView* pSender, DWORD dwUpdate); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Returns the view pointer of a certain pane of the splitter // Parameters: // nRow : [in] Row of the splitter frame. // nCol : [in] Column of the splitter frame. // Returns: // Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditView. // See also: // class CXTPSyntaxEditView //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CXTPSyntaxEditView* GetSplitterView(int nRow, int nCol); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary: // Starts OLE drag //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void StartOleDrag(); LOGFONT m_lfPrevFont; // Temporarily stores editor font int m_nPrevTopRow; // Temporarily stores previous top row protected: int m_nParserThreadPriority_WhenActive; // Parser priority (active state). int m_nParserThreadPriority_WhenInactive; // Parser priority (inactive state). BOOL m_bDraggingOver; // TRUE if dragover is going on, FALSE otherwise BOOL m_bDraggingStartedHere; // TRUE if dragging is started in this view, FALSE otherwise BOOL m_bScrollBars; // Whether to create control with own scrollbars, or // let to manage scrolling for parent window //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static CXTPSyntaxEditView *ms_pTargetView; // Target view pointer to be filled in by drag-drop routine static BOOL ms_bDroppedHere; // TRUE if text is dropped in this view, FALSE otherwise static POINT ms_ptDropPos; // Stores drop mouse position. static DWORD_PTR ms_dwSignature; // A signature used during drag-drop operation BOOL m_bOleDragging; // TRUE if OLE dragging is enabled, FALSE otherwise BOOL m_bFilesDragging; // TRUE when dragging files, FALSE otherwise. COleDropTarget m_dropTarget; // OLE drop target CSize m_szPage; // Page size for printing or preview int m_iTopRow; // Top row for display CWnd* m_pParentWnd; CXTPSyntaxEditCtrl* m_pEditCtrl; // Edit control instance static CXTPSyntaxEditFindReplaceDlg* m_pFindReplaceDlg; // Pointer to find or replace dialog. BOOL m_bOnSizeRunning; // Indicate that OnSize message handler is in progress. CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions* m_pPrintOptions; // Printing options. CUIntArray m_aPageStart; // Stores Printed page start row indexes. public: BOOL m_bPrintDirect; // if TRUE - the Print Dialog is bypassed. FALSE by default. BOOL m_bResizeControlWithView; // if FALSE - attached Calendar control will not be resized with view. TRUE by default. }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager* CXTPSyntaxEditView::GetEditBuffer() const { return GetEditCtrl().GetEditBuffer(); } AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager* CXTPSyntaxEditView::GetLexConfigurationManager() const { return GetEditCtrl().GetLexConfigurationManager(); } AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditViewPrintOptions* CXTPSyntaxEditView::GetPrintOptions() const { return m_pPrintOptions; } #endif // !defined(__XTPSYNTAXEDITSYNTAXEDITVIEW_H__)