// XTPDefaultTheme.cpp : implementation of the CXTPDefaultTheme class. // // This file is a part of the XTREME COMMANDBARS MFC class library. // (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE AND IS NOT TO BE // RE-DISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN // CONSENT OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE. // // THIS SOURCE CODE CAN ONLY BE USED UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED // IN THE XTREME TOOLKIT PRO LICENSE AGREEMENT. CODEJOCK SOFTWARE GRANTS TO // YOU (ONE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER) THE LIMITED RIGHT TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON A // SINGLE COMPUTER. // // CONTACT INFORMATION: // support@codejock.com // http://www.codejock.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "Common/XTPImageManager.h" #include "Common/XTPDrawHelpers.h" #include "Common/XTPSystemHelpers.h" #include "Common/XTPHookManager.h" #include "Common/XTPColorManager.h" #include "XTPCommandBarsDefines.h" #include "XTPCommandBar.h" #include "XTPPopupBar.h" #include "XTPCommandBars.h" #include "XTPControl.h" #include "XTPControlButton.h" #include "XTPControlPopup.h" #include "XTPControlEdit.h" #include "XTPControlComboBox.h" #include "XTPPaintManager.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // CXTPDefaultTheme IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CXTPDefaultTheme, CXTPPaintManager) CXTPDefaultTheme::CXTPDefaultTheme() { m_iconsInfo.bUseFadedIcons = FALSE; m_iconsInfo.bIconsWithShadow = FALSE; m_nPopupBarText = COLOR_BTNTEXT; } void CXTPDefaultTheme::RefreshMetrics() { CXTPPaintManager::RefreshMetrics(); m_clrFloatingGripper.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION)); m_clrFloatingGripperText.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT)); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawRectangle(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bPressed, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bChecked, BOOL bPopuped, XTPBarType barType, XTPBarPosition barPosition = xtpBarPopup) { if (m_bSelectImageInPopupBar && barPosition == xtpBarPopup && barType == xtpBarTypePopup && bChecked) { DrawShadedRect(pDC, rc); Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); return; } if (barType == xtpBarTypePopup && !bChecked) { if (bSelected || bPressed) { Rectangle(pDC, rc, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); } return; } if (!bEnabled) { if (bChecked) Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); if (IsKeyboardSelected(bSelected)) Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } else if (bChecked && !bSelected && !bPressed) { DrawShadedRect(pDC, rc); Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } else if (bChecked || bPopuped || IsKeyboardSelected(bPressed) || (bSelected && bPressed)) Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); else if (bSelected || bPressed) Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawImage(CDC* pDC, CPoint pt, CSize sz, CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bPressed, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bChecked, BOOL bPopuped, BOOL) { if (!bEnabled) { if (!m_iconsInfo.bUseDisabledIcons && !pImage->IsAlpha()) { pImage->DrawMono(pDC, pt + CPoint(1, 1), pImage->GetIcon(), sz, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); pImage->DrawMono(pDC, pt, pImage->GetIcon(), sz, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); } else { if (m_iconsInfo.bOfficeStyleDisabledIcons && !pImage->HasDisabledIcon()) { pImage->CreateDisabledIcon(m_clrDisabledIcon.clrLight, m_clrDisabledIcon.clrDark); } pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, pImage->GetDisabledIcon(), sz); } } else if (bChecked == 2 && !bPressed) { if (!pImage->IsAlpha()) { pImage->DrawMono(pDC, pt, pImage->GetCheckedIcon(), sz, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); } else { if (m_iconsInfo.bOfficeStyleDisabledIcons && !pImage->HasDisabledIcon()) { pImage->CreateDisabledIcon(m_clrDisabledIcon.clrLight, m_clrDisabledIcon.clrDark); } pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, pImage->GetDisabledIcon(), sz); } } else if (bPopuped || bChecked) pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, bChecked ? pImage->GetCheckedIcon() : pImage->GetIcon(), sz); else if (!bSelected && !bPressed) { pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, m_iconsInfo.bUseFadedIcons ? pImage->GetFadedIcon() : pImage->GetIcon(), sz); } else if ((bSelected && !bPressed) || (!bSelected && bPressed == TRUE)) { if (m_iconsInfo.bIconsWithShadow && !pImage->GetShadowIcon().IsEmpty()) { pImage->Draw(pDC, CPoint(pt.x + 1, pt.y + 1), pImage->GetShadowIcon(), sz); pImage->Draw(pDC, CPoint(pt.x - 1, pt.y - 1), pImage->GetHotIcon(), sz); } else { pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, pImage->GetHotIcon(), sz); } } else if ((bSelected && bPressed) || (IsKeyboardSelected(bPressed))) pImage->Draw(pDC, CPoint(pt.x + 1, pt.y + 1), pImage->GetPressedIcon(), sz); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlEditSpin(CDC* pDC, CXTPControlEdit* pControlEdit) { BOOL bPressed = pControlEdit->GetPressed(); BOOL bEnabled = pControlEdit->GetEnabled(); BOOL bSelected = pControlEdit->GetSelected(); CRect rcSpin(pControlEdit->GetSpinButtonsRect()); CRect rcTop(rcSpin.left + 1, rcSpin.top + 1, rcSpin.right - 1, rcSpin.CenterPoint().y); CRect rcBottom(rcSpin.left + 1, rcTop.bottom, rcSpin.right - 1, rcSpin.bottom - 1); if (!bEnabled) { } else if (!bSelected) { rcSpin.DeflateRect(1, 1); Rectangle(pDC, rcSpin, COLOR_WINDOW, COLOR_3DFACE); } else { pDC->FillSolidRect(rcSpin, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); if (bPressed == XTP_EDITSPIN_UP) pDC->Draw3dRect(rcTop, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); else pDC->Draw3dRect(rcTop, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); if (bPressed == XTP_EDITSPIN_DOWN) pDC->Draw3dRect(rcBottom, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); else pDC->Draw3dRect(rcBottom, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); } CPoint pt = rcTop.CenterPoint(); Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x, pt.y - 1), CPoint(pt.x - 2, pt.y + 1), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y + 1), GetXtremeColor(bEnabled ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); pt = rcBottom.CenterPoint(); Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x, pt.y + 1), CPoint(pt.x - 2, pt.y - 1), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y - 1), GetXtremeColor(bEnabled ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlEdit(CDC* pDC, CXTPControlEdit* pControlEdit, BOOL bDraw) { if (!bDraw) { return CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlEdit(pDC, pControlEdit, bDraw); } BOOL bEnabled = pControlEdit->GetEnabled(); BOOL bSelected = pControlEdit->GetSelected(); CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlEdit(pDC, pControlEdit, bDraw); CRect rc = pControlEdit->GetRect(); rc.left += pControlEdit->GetLabelWidth(); COLORREF clrBackground = GetControlEditBackColor(pControlEdit); if (bEnabled) { CRect rcEntry(rc); rcEntry.DeflateRect(1, 1); pDC->FillSolidRect(rcEntry, clrBackground); } DrawControlEditFrame(pDC, rc, bEnabled, bSelected); CRect rcText(pControlEdit->GetRect()); rcText.DeflateRect(pControlEdit->GetLabelWidth() + 3, 1, 3, 1); pControlEdit->DrawEditText(pDC, rcText); if (pControlEdit->IsSpinButtonsVisible()) { DrawControlEditSpin(pDC, pControlEdit); } if (pControlEdit->IsBuddyButtonVisible()) { BOOL bPressed = pControlEdit->GetPressed(); CRect rc(pControlEdit->GetBuddyButtonRect()); DrawRectangle(pDC, rc, bSelected == XTP_EDITBUDDYBUTTON, bPressed == XTP_EDITBUDDYBUTTON, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarTop); CXTPImageManager* pImageManager = pControlEdit->GetParent()->GetImageManager(); CXTPImageManagerIcon* pIcon = pImageManager->GetImage(pControlEdit->GetBuddyButtonId()); if (pIcon) { CSize sz(pIcon->GetExtent()); pIcon->Draw(pDC, CPoint((rc.left + rc.right - sz.cx) / 2, (rc.top + rc.bottom - sz.cy) / 2), pIcon->GetIcon(!bEnabled ? xtpImageDisabled : pControlEdit->GetSelected() == XTP_EDITBUDDYBUTTON ? xtpImageHot : xtpImageNormal)); } } return 0; } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlEditFrame(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bSelected) { if (!bEnabled) { rc.DeflateRect(1, 1); Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, IsKeyboardSelected(bSelected) ? COLOR_3DSHADOW: COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT, IsKeyboardSelected(bSelected) ? COLOR_3DSHADOW : COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT); } else { if (bSelected) { Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT); } rc.DeflateRect(1, 1); Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DFACE, COLOR_3DFACE); } } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlComboBoxButton(CDC* pDC, CRect rcBtn, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bDropped) { rcBtn.DeflateRect(1, 2, 2, 2); if (bEnabled) { Rectangle (pDC, rcBtn, COLOR_3DFACE, COLOR_3DFACE); if (bDropped) { pDC->FillSolidRect(rcBtn.left - 1, rcBtn.top, 1, rcBtn.Height(), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); Draw3dRect(pDC, rcBtn, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); rcBtn.OffsetRect(1, 1); } else if (bSelected) { pDC->FillSolidRect(rcBtn.left - 1, rcBtn.top, 1, rcBtn.Height(), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); Draw3dRect(pDC, rcBtn, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } else { Draw3dRect(pDC, rcBtn, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } } DrawComboExpandMark(pDC, rcBtn, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlComboBox(CDC* pDC, CXTPControlComboBox* pControlCombo, BOOL bDraw) { if (!bDraw) { return CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlComboBox(pDC, pControlCombo, bDraw); } CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetIconFont()); CRect rc = pControlCombo->GetRect(); BOOL bEnabled = pControlCombo->GetEnabled(); CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlComboBox(pDC, pControlCombo, bDraw); rc.left += pControlCombo->GetLabelWidth(); int nThumb = pControlCombo->GetThumbWidth(); CRect rcBtn (rc.right - nThumb, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); BOOL bDropped = pControlCombo->GetDroppedState() != 0; BOOL bSelected = pControlCombo->GetSelected(); COLORREF clrBackground = GetControlEditBackColor(pControlCombo); if (bEnabled) { CRect rcEntry(rc); rcEntry.DeflateRect(1, 1); pDC->FillSolidRect(rcEntry, clrBackground); } CRect rcText(rc.left + 3, rc.top + 1, rc.right - rcBtn.Width() + 1, rc.bottom - 1); pControlCombo->DrawEditText(pDC, rcText); DrawControlComboBoxButton(pDC, rcBtn, bEnabled, bSelected, bDropped); DrawControlEditFrame(pDC, rc, bEnabled, bSelected); return 0; } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawSpecialControl(CDC* pDC, XTPSpecialControl controlType, CXTPControl* pButton, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bDraw, LPVOID lpParam) { if (controlType == xtpButtonExpandFloating || controlType == xtpButtonHideFloating) { if (pButton->GetPressed() || pButton->GetSelected() || (controlType == xtpButtonExpandFloating && pButton->GetPopuped())) pDC->FillSolidRect(pButton->GetRect(), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); } return CXTPPaintManager::DrawSpecialControl(pDC, controlType, pButton, pBar, bDraw, lpParam); } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::GetPopupBarImageSize(CXTPCommandBar* pBar) { CSize szIcon = pBar->GetIconSize(); CSize szImage(max(szIcon.cx + 4, m_nTextHeight), max(szIcon.cy + 4, m_nTextHeight)); return szImage; } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawControlPopupParent(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, BOOL bDraw) { CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetControlFont(pButton)); CXTPCommandBar* pParent = pButton->GetParent(); CRect rcButton = pButton->GetRect(); XTPControlType controlType = pButton->GetType(); XTPButtonStyle buttonStyle = pButton->GetStyle(); BOOL bDrawImage = (buttonStyle == xtpButtonAutomatic && controlType != xtpControlPopup) || (buttonStyle != xtpButtonCaption); BOOL bSelected = pButton->GetSelected(), bEnabled = pButton->GetEnabled(), bChecked = pButton->GetChecked(), bPopuped = pButton->GetPopuped(); if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup && bEnabled == TRUE_SPLITDROPDOWN) bEnabled = FALSE; BOOL bLayoutRTL = pParent->IsLayoutRTL(); BOOL bDoubleGripper = pParent->IsPopupBar() ? ((CXTPPopupBar*)pParent)->IsDoubleGripper() : FALSE; CString strCaption = pButton->GetCaption(); if (bLayoutRTL) UpdateRTLCaption(strCaption); CSize szIcon = GetIconSize(pButton); CSize szImage(max(szIcon.cx + 4, m_nTextHeight), max(szIcon.cy + 4, m_nTextHeight)); if (bDraw) { CRect rcSelection(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom); CRect rcImageRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.left + szImage.cx, rcButton.bottom); CRect rcCheck (CPoint(rcImageRect.left + rcImageRect.Width()/2 - 10, rcImageRect.top + rcImageRect.Height()/2 - 10), CSize(20, 20)); if (pButton->GetExpanded()) { int nGripperWidth = GetPopupBarGripperWidth(pParent); pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT)); if (pButton->GetExpanded() && rcButton.left < nGripperWidth) { DrawPopupBarGripper(pDC, rcButton.left - 1, rcButton.top, nGripperWidth + 1, rcButton.Height(), TRUE); } } COLORREF clrText = GetRectangleTextColor(bSelected, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); pDC->SetTextColor(clrText); if (m_bSelectImageInPopupBar && bSelected) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcSelection, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); if (bChecked) { DrawRectangle(pDC, rcImageRect, bSelected, FALSE, bEnabled, bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); rcSelection.left = rcImageRect.right + 1; } if (bDoubleGripper) rcImageRect.OffsetRect(szImage.cx + 1, 0); CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = pButton->GetIconId() != 0 && bDrawImage ? pButton->GetImage(szIcon.cx) : NULL; if (pImage) { szIcon = GetStretchIconSize(pImage, szIcon); if (!m_bSelectImageInPopupBar) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcImageRect, bSelected, FALSE, bEnabled, bDoubleGripper ? FALSE : bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarPopup); CPoint ptImage = CPoint(rcImageRect.left + rcImageRect.Width()/2 - szIcon.cx/2, rcImageRect.top + rcImageRect.Height()/2 - szIcon.cy/2); DrawImage(pDC, ptImage, szIcon, pImage, bSelected, FALSE, bEnabled, bChecked, FALSE, FALSE); rcSelection.left = rcImageRect.right + 1; } if (bChecked && (bDoubleGripper || !pImage)) { if (controlType != xtpControlRadioButton) DrawPopupBarCheckMark(pDC, rcCheck, bEnabled, GetXtremeColor(!bEnabled ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT : m_nPopupBarText)); else DrawPopupBarRadioMark(pDC, rcCheck, bEnabled, GetXtremeColor(!bEnabled ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT : m_nPopupBarText)); } pDC->SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT); if (IsPopupControlType(controlType)) { CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.right - 11, rcButton.CenterPoint().y); if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup) { if (!bPopuped || !bSelected || !bEnabled) { if (bSelected && !m_bSelectImageInPopupBar) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcSelection, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup);; VerticalLine(pDC, rcButton.right - 20, rcButton.top + 1, rcButton.bottom - 1, !bEnabled ? clrText : GetXtremeColor(bSelected ? COLOR_3DSHADOW : m_nPopupBarText)); } else { rcSelection.right -= 20; Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcButton.right - 20, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); if (bSelected && !m_bSelectImageInPopupBar) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcSelection, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); } Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x, pt.y - 3), CPoint(pt.x + 3, pt.y), CPoint(pt.x, pt.y + 3), m_bSelectImageInPopupBar || !bPopuped || !bSelected ? clrText : GetXtremeColor(m_nPopupBarText)); } else { if (bSelected && !m_bSelectImageInPopupBar) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcSelection, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x, pt.y - 3), CPoint(pt.x + 3, pt.y), CPoint(pt.x, pt.y + 3), clrText); } } else if (bSelected && !m_bSelectImageInPopupBar) DrawRectangle(pDC, rcSelection, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypePopup, xtpBarPopup); } return CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlPopupParent(pDC, pButton, bDraw); } COLORREF CXTPDefaultTheme::GetRectangleTextColor(BOOL bSelected, BOOL /*bPressed*/, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bChecked, BOOL /*bPopuped*/, XTPBarType barType, XTPBarPosition barPosition) { if (barType == xtpBarTypePopup) { return GetXtremeColor(!bEnabled ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT: bSelected && !bChecked ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : m_nPopupBarText); } int nColorFace = barPosition == xtpBarPopup ? m_nPopupBarText : COLOR_BTNTEXT; return GetXtremeColor(!bEnabled ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT : nColorFace); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawShadedRect(CDC* pDC, CRect& rect) { WORD bits[] = { 0x0055, 0x00AA, 0x0055, 0x00AA, 0x0055, 0x00AA, 0x0055, 0x00AA }; CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, &bits); CBrush brush; brush.CreatePatternBrush(&bitmap); CBrush* pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&brush); COLORREF crBack = pDC->SetBkColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); COLORREF crText = pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT)); pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), PATCOPY); pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush); pDC->SetBkColor(crBack); pDC->SetTextColor(crText); brush.DeleteObject(); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawSplitButtonFrame(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, CRect rcButton) { BOOL bPressed = pButton->GetPressed(), bSelected = pButton->GetSelected(), bEnabled = pButton->GetEnabled(), bChecked = pButton->GetChecked(), bPopuped = pButton->GetPopuped(); if (pButton->GetStyle() == xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow) { int nSplitDropDownHeight = GetSplitDropDownHeight(); BOOL bVert = GetControlTextOrientation(pButton) == xtpBarTextVertical; if (bVert) DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.left + nSplitDropDownHeight, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom), bSelected || bPopuped, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); else DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom - nSplitDropDownHeight), bSelected || bPopuped, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); if ((bSelected || bPressed || bPopuped) && bEnabled) { if (bVert) DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.left + nSplitDropDownHeight, rcButton.bottom), TRUE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, bPopuped, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); else DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - nSplitDropDownHeight, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom), TRUE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, bPopuped, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); } return; } DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - 12, rcButton.bottom), bSelected || bPopuped, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.right - 7, rcButton.CenterPoint().y); if ((bSelected || bPressed || bPopuped) && bEnabled) DrawRectangle(pDC, CRect(rcButton.right - 12, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom), TRUE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, bPopuped, xtpBarTypeNormal, pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition()); if (bEnabled == TRUE_SPLITCOMMAND) bEnabled = FALSE; DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, bSelected, bPopuped, bEnabled, FALSE); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::FillCommandBarEntry(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBar* pBar) { CRect rc; pBar->GetClientRect(&rc); pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarFloating || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarPopup) { Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_3DFACE, COLOR_3DDKSHADOW); rc.DeflateRect(1, 1); Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } else if (!IsFlatToolBar(pBar)) { Draw3dRect(pDC, rc, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawDialogBarGripper(CDC* pDC, CXTPDialogBar* /*pBar*/, BOOL bDraw) { CSize sz(6, max(22, m_nTextHeight + 4)); if (pDC && bDraw) { Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 3, 6, sz.cy), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } return sz; } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawCommandBarGripper(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bDraw) { if (pBar->IsDialogBar()) return DrawDialogBarGripper(pDC, (CXTPDialogBar*)pBar, bDraw); CRect rc; pBar->GetClientRect(&rc); if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarFloating) { return CXTPPaintManager::DrawCommandBarGripper(pDC, pBar, bDraw); } else if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft) { if (pDC && bDraw) Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 3, rc.right - 3, 6), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); return CSize(0, 8); } else if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarTop || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarBottom) { if (pDC && bDraw) Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 3, 6, rc.bottom - 3), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); return CSize(6, 0); } return 0; } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawCommandBarSeparator(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, CXTPControl* pControl, BOOL bDraw) { if (!bDraw) { if (pBar->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup) return CSize(8, 8); return CSize(6, 6); } CRect rc; pBar->GetClientRect(&rc); CRect rcControl = pControl->GetRect(); CRect rcRow = pControl->GetRowRect(); if (pBar->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup) { if (!pControl->GetWrap()) Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcControl.left + 11, rcControl.top - 2 - 2 -1, rcControl.right - 11, rcControl.top - 0 - 2 - 1), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); else Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcControl.left - 5 , rcRow.top + 3, rcControl.left - 3, rcRow.bottom - 3), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } else if (pBar->GetPosition() != xtpBarPopup && IsVerticalPosition(pBar->GetPosition())) { if (!pControl->GetWrap()) Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcRow.left, rcControl.top - 4, rcRow.right, rcControl.top - 2), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); else Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcRow.right + 2, rcRow.top + 4, rcRow.right + 4, rcRow.bottom), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } else { if (!pControl->GetWrap()) Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcControl.left - 4, rcRow.top, rcControl.left - 2, rcRow.bottom), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); else Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(rcRow.left + 4, rcRow.top - 4, rcRow.right, rcRow.top - 2), COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT); } return 0; } void CXTPDefaultTheme::AdjustExcludeRect(CRect& rc, CXTPControl* pControl, BOOL bVertical) { CXTPCommandBar* pParent = pControl->GetParent(); ASSERT(pParent); if (!pParent) return; if (pControl->GetType() == xtpControlComboBox) return; if (pParent->GetType() != xtpBarTypePopup) { if (bVertical) rc.InflateRect(0, 1); else rc.InflateRect(1, 0); } else { rc.DeflateRect(1, 0); } } CRect CXTPDefaultTheme::GetCommandBarBorders(CXTPCommandBar* pBar) { if (pBar->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup) return CRect(3, 3, 3, 3); else return CXTPPaintManager::GetCommandBarBorders(pBar); } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawListBoxControl(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, CRect rcButton, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bDraw, CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars) { CSize szIcon = pCommandBars && pCommandBars->GetCommandBarsOptions()->szPopupIcons != CSize(0) ? pCommandBars->GetCommandBarsOptions()->szPopupIcons : GetAutoIconSize(FALSE); CSize szImage(max(szIcon.cx + 4, m_nTextHeight), max(szIcon.cy + 4, m_nTextHeight)); if (bDraw) { if (pButton == NULL) { pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); return 0; } pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); CRect rcSelection(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - 1, rcButton.bottom); XTPControlType controlType = pButton->GetType(); XTPButtonStyle buttonStyle = pButton->GetStyle(); BOOL bDrawImage = (buttonStyle == xtpButtonAutomatic && controlType != xtpControlPopup) || (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIcon) || (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIconAndCaption); CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = pButton->GetIconId() != 0 && bDrawImage ? pButton->GetImage(szIcon.cx) : NULL; if (pImage) { szIcon = GetStretchIconSize(pImage, szIcon); CRect rcImageRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.left + szImage.cx, rcButton.bottom); DrawRectangle(pDC, rcImageRect, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarPopup); CPoint ptImage = CPoint(rcImageRect.left + rcImageRect.Width()/2 - szIcon.cx/2, rcImageRect.top + rcImageRect.Height()/2 - szIcon.cy/2); DrawImage(pDC, ptImage, szIcon, pImage, bSelected, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); rcSelection.left = rcImageRect.right + 1; } if (bSelected) Rectangle(pDC, rcSelection, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); COLORREF clrText = GetXtremeColor(bSelected ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : COLOR_BTNTEXT); pDC->SetTextColor(clrText); pDC->SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT); CString strText = pButton->GetCaption(); StripMnemonics(strText); if (pCommandBars && pCommandBars->IsLayoutRTL()) UpdateRTLCaption(strText); CRect rcText(rcButton.left + szImage.cx + 4, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom); CXTPFontDC fnt(pDC, &m_fontRegular); pDC->DrawText(strText, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX); if (controlType == xtpControlPopup || controlType == xtpControlButtonPopup || controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup) { CPoint pt(rcButton.right - 7, rcButton.CenterPoint().y); Triangle(pDC, pt, CPoint(pt.x - 5, pt.y - 5), CPoint(pt.x - 5, pt.y + 5), clrText); } if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup) { Line(pDC, rcButton.right - 20, rcButton.top + 1, rcButton.right - 20, rcButton.bottom - 1, bSelected ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : COLOR_BTNTEXT); } if (controlType == xtpControlComboBox || controlType == xtpControlEdit) { rcText.SetRectEmpty(); pDC->DrawText(strText, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT); int nThumb = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 2; CRect rcCombo(rcButton.left + szImage.cx + 4 + rcText.Width() + 5, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom); CRect rcThumb(rcButton.right - nThumb, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom); Rectangle(pDC, rcCombo, bSelected ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_3DFACE, COLOR_WINDOW); if (controlType == xtpControlComboBox) { if (!bSelected) pDC->FillSolidRect(rcThumb.left + 2, rcThumb.top + 2, rcThumb.Width() - 4, rcThumb.Height() - 4, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); else Rectangle(pDC, rcThumb, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, COLOR_3DFACE); rcThumb.DeflateRect(1, 1, 1, 1); DrawComboExpandMark(pDC, rcThumb, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); } } } return szImage; } CSize CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawTearOffGripper(CDC* pDC, CRect rcGripper, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bDraw) { if (bDraw) { CRect rc(rcGripper.left, rcGripper.top, rcGripper.right, rcGripper.bottom - 1); pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(bSelected ? COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION : COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION)); } return CSize(0, 8); } void CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawPopupResizeGripper(CDC* pDC, CRect rcGripper, int nFlags) { int c = rcGripper.CenterPoint().x; if (nFlags == 2) { for (int x = c - 8; x < c + 8; x += 4) { pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x + 1, 4 + rcGripper.top, x + 3, 6 + rcGripper.top), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x, 3 + rcGripper.top, x + 2, 5 + rcGripper.top), GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_TOOLBAR_GRIPPER)); } } else { int x = rcGripper.right - 4; int y = rcGripper.bottom - 4; pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x + 1, 1 + y, x + 3, 3 + y), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x, 0 + y, x + 2, 2 + y), GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_TOOLBAR_GRIPPER)); x-= 4; pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x + 1, 1 + y, x + 3, 3 + y), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x, 0 + y, x + 2, 2 + y), GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_TOOLBAR_GRIPPER)); x += 4; y -=4; pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x + 1, 1 + y, x + 3, 3 + y), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); pDC->FillSolidRect(CRect(x, 0 + y, x + 2, 2 + y), GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_TOOLBAR_GRIPPER)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXTPVisualStudio6Theme CSize CXTPVisualStudio6Theme::DrawCommandBarGripper(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bDraw) { if (pBar->IsDialogBar() || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarFloating) return CXTPDefaultTheme::DrawCommandBarGripper(pDC, pBar, bDraw); CRect rc; pBar->GetClientRect(&rc); if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft) { if (pDC && bDraw) { Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 3, rc.right - 3, 6), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 7, rc.right - 3, 10), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } return CSize(0, 10); } else if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarTop || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarBottom) { if (pDC && bDraw) { Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(3, 3, 6, rc.bottom - 3), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); Draw3dRect(pDC, CRect(7, 3, 10, rc.bottom - 3), COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_3DSHADOW); } return CSize(10, 0); } return 0; }