// XTPChartTitle.cpp // // This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library. // (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE FILE IS THE PROPERTY OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE AND IS NOT TO BE // RE-DISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN // CONSENT OF CODEJOCK SOFTWARE. // // THIS SOURCE CODE CAN ONLY BE USED UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED // IN THE XTREME TOOLKIT PRO LICENSE AGREEMENT. CODEJOCK SOFTWARE GRANTS TO // YOU (ONE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER) THE LIMITED RIGHT TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON A // SINGLE COMPUTER. // // CONTACT INFORMATION: // support@codejock.com // http://www.codejock.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "Common/XTPPropExchange.h" #include "Types/XTPChartTypes.h" #include "XTPChartDefines.h" #include "XTPChartElement.h" #include #include "XTPChartTitle.h" #include "XTPChartElementView.h" #include "XTPChartTitleView.h" #include "Utils/XTPChartTextPainter.h" #include "Drawing/XTPChartDeviceCommand.h" #include "Appearance/XTPChartAppearance.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXTPChartTitle IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CXTPChartTitle, CXTPChartTextElement) CXTPChartTitle::CXTPChartTitle() { m_clrTextColor = CXTPChartColor::Empty; m_bVisible = TRUE; m_bAntialiasing = TRUE; m_pFont = CXTPChartFont::GetTahoma18(); m_nDocking = xtpChartDockTop; m_nAlignment = xtpChartAlignCenter; m_nIndent = 0; m_nInnerIndent = 5; } CXTPChartTitle::~CXTPChartTitle() { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pFont); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetText(LPCTSTR lpszTitle) { m_strText = lpszTitle; OnChartChanged(); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetFont(CXTPChartFont* pFont) { SAFE_RELEASE(m_pFont); m_pFont = pFont; OnChartChanged(); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetTextColor(const CXTPChartColor& clrTextColor) { m_clrTextColor = clrTextColor; OnChartChanged(); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetDocking(XTPChartDocking nDocking) { m_nDocking = nDocking; OnChartChanged(); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetIndent(int nIndent) { m_nIndent = nIndent; OnChartChanged(); } void CXTPChartTitle::SetAlignment(XTPChartStringAlignment nAlignment) { m_nAlignment = nAlignment; OnChartChanged(); } int CXTPChartTitle::GetTextAngle() const { int nAngle = 0; switch(m_nDocking) { case xtpChartDockTop: case xtpChartDockBottom: nAngle = 0; break; case xtpChartDockRight: nAngle = 90; break; case xtpChartDockLeft: nAngle = 270; break; } return nAngle; } CXTPChartColor CXTPChartTitle::GetTextColor() const { return m_clrTextColor; } CXTPChartColor CXTPChartTitle::GetActualTextColor() const { if (!m_clrTextColor.IsEmpty()) return m_clrTextColor; return GetAppearance()->GetContentAppearance()->GetTitleAppearance()->TextColor; } CPoint CXTPChartTitle::CalcOrigin(CRect bounds, CRect startBounds, CRect rect) { if (m_nDocking == xtpChartDockLeft) { int x = bounds.left + m_nInnerIndent; if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignCenter) return CPoint(x, startBounds.top + startBounds.Height() / 2); if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignNear) return CPoint(x, bounds.bottom - rect.Height() / 2 - m_nInnerIndent); return CPoint(x, bounds.top + rect.Height() / 2 + m_nInnerIndent); } else if (m_nDocking == xtpChartDockRight) { int x = bounds.right - m_nInnerIndent; if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignCenter) return CPoint(x, startBounds.top + startBounds.Height() / 2); if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignNear) return CPoint(x, bounds.top + rect.Height() / 2 + m_nInnerIndent); return CPoint(x, bounds.bottom - rect.Height() / 2 - m_nInnerIndent); } else { int y = m_nDocking == xtpChartDockTop ? bounds.top + m_nInnerIndent : bounds.bottom - m_nInnerIndent; if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignCenter) return CPoint(startBounds.left + startBounds.Width() / 2, y); if (m_nAlignment == xtpChartAlignNear) return CPoint(bounds.left + rect.Width() / 2 + m_nInnerIndent, y); return CPoint(bounds.right - rect.Width() / 2 - m_nInnerIndent, y); } } XTPChartNearTextPosition CXTPChartTitle::GetNearTextPosition() { if (m_nDocking == xtpChartDockLeft) return xtpChartTextNearRight; else if (m_nDocking == xtpChartDockRight) return xtpChartTextNearLeft; else if (m_nDocking == xtpChartDockTop) return xtpChartTextNearBottom; return xtpChartTextNearTop; } CXTPChartElementView* CXTPChartTitle::CreateView(CXTPChartDeviceContext* /*pDC*/, CXTPChartElementView* pParentView) { if (!m_bVisible) return NULL; CXTPChartString strText = m_strText; CXTPChartTitleView* pView = new CXTPChartTitleView(this, strText, pParentView); return pView; } void CXTPChartTitle::DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX) { PX_Bool(pPX, _T("Visible"), m_bVisible, FALSE); PX_Enum(pPX, _T("Docking"), m_nDocking, xtpChartDockTop); PX_Enum(pPX, _T("Alignment"), m_nAlignment, xtpChartAlignCenter); PX_Bool(pPX, _T("Antialiasing"), m_bAntialiasing, TRUE); PX_Int(pPX, _T("Indent"), m_nIndent, 0); PX_Color(pPX, _T("TextColor"), m_clrTextColor); PX_String(pPX, _T("Text"), m_strText); PX_Font(pPX, _T("Font"), m_pFont); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXTPChartTitleCollection CXTPChartTitleCollection::CXTPChartTitleCollection(CXTPChartElement* pOwner) { m_pOwner = pOwner; } CXTPChartTitleCollection::~CXTPChartTitleCollection() { } CXTPChartTitle* CXTPChartTitleCollection::Add(CXTPChartTitle* pTitle) { InsertAt(GetCount(), pTitle); return pTitle; } void CXTPChartTitleCollection::DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX) { if (pPX->IsLoading()) { RemoveAll(); CXTPPropExchangeEnumeratorPtr pEnumerator(pPX->GetEnumerator(_T("Title"))); POSITION pos = pEnumerator->GetPosition(0); while (pos) { CXTPPropExchangeSection pxItem(pEnumerator->GetNext(pos)); CXTPChartTitle* pTitle = new CXTPChartTitle(); Add(pTitle); pTitle->DoPropExchange(&pxItem); } } else { CXTPPropExchangeEnumeratorPtr pEnumerator(pPX->GetEnumerator(_T("Title"))); POSITION pos = pEnumerator->GetPosition((int)m_arrElements.GetSize()); for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) { CXTPPropExchangeSection pxItem(pEnumerator->GetNext(pos)); m_arrElements[i]->DoPropExchange(&pxItem); } } } void CXTPChartTitleCollection::CreateView(CXTPChartDeviceContext* pDC, CXTPChartElementView* pParentView) { for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) { CXTPChartElementView* pTitleView = GetAt(i)->CreateView(pDC, pParentView); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pTitleView); } } void CXTPChartTitleCollection::CalculateView(CXTPChartDeviceContext* pDC, CRect& rcChart, CXTPChartElementView* pParentView) { CRect rc(rcChart); for (int i = 0; i < pParentView->GetCount(); i++) { CXTPChartTitleView* pTitleView = (CXTPChartTitleView*)pParentView->GetAt(i); pTitleView->CalculateView(pDC, rcChart, rc); } }