/* * File: BasicTracker.h * Author: Joao F. Henriques, Joao Faro, Christian Bailer * Contact address: henriques@isr.uc.pt, joaopfaro@gmail.com, Christian.Bailer@dfki.de * Instute of Systems and Robotics- University of COimbra / Department Augmented Vision DFKI * * This source code is provided for for research purposes only. For a commercial license or a different use case please contact us. * You are not allowed to publish the unmodified sourcecode on your own e.g. on your webpage. Please refer to the official download page instead. * If you want to publish a modified/extended version e.g. because you wrote a publication with a modified version of the sourcecode you need our * permission (Please contact us for the permission). * * We reserve the right to change the license of this sourcecode anytime to BSD, GPL or LGPL. * By using the sourcecode you agree to possible restrictions and requirements of these three license models so that the license can be changed * anytime without you knowledge. */ #pragma once #include #include class Tracker { public: Tracker() {} virtual ~Tracker() { } virtual void init(const cv::Rect &roi, cv::Mat image) = 0; virtual cv::Rect update( cv::Mat image)=0; protected: cv::Rect_ _roi; };