You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1011 lines
43 KiB

2 years ago
DisplayName = Office 2007 Style
ColorScheme = Aqua
FontSize = NormalSize
IniFileName = NormalAqua.ini
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ContentMargins = 18, 18, 26, 0
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ContentMargins = 14, 14, 16, 0
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ContentMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
CaptionMargins = 4, 3, 0, 0
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ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
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SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
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CaptionMargins = 4, 3, 0, 0
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ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
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TextShadowType = Single
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SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
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SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
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ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
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BorderOnly = False
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SizingMargins = 5, 5, 2, 2
SizingType = Stretch
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = False
BorderOnly = False
ImageFile = Aqua\FrameLeft.png
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = False
BorderOnly = False
ImageFile = Aqua\FrameRight.png
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 2
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SizingMargins = 5, 5, 2, 2
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ImageLayout = Vertical
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FillColor = 236 233 216
BorderColor = 236 233 216
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ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
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MinDpi3 = 170
ImageFile3 = Aqua\CloseGlyph19.png
ImageFile4 = Aqua\CloseGlyph19.png
ImageFile5 = Aqua\CloseGlyph19.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
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ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -49, 5
ImageSelectType = Size
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\MaximizeGlyph13.png
ImageFile2 = Aqua\MaximizeGlyph13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 126
MinDpi3 = 170
ImageFile3 = Aqua\MaximizeGlyph19.png
ImageFile4 = Aqua\MaximizeGlyph19.png
ImageFile5 = Aqua\MaximizeGlyph19.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
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ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
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ImageCount = 8
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ImageFile1 = Aqua\RestoreGlyph13.png
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MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 126
MinDpi3 = 170
ImageFile3 = Aqua\RestoreGlyph19.png
ImageFile4 = Aqua\RestoreGlyph19.png
ImageFile5 = Aqua\RestoreGlyph19.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -73, 5
ImageSelectType = Size
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ImageFile1 = Aqua\MinimizeGlyph13.png
ImageFile2 = Aqua\MinimizeGlyph13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 126
MinDpi3 = 170
ImageFile3 = Aqua\MinimizeGlyph19.png
ImageFile4 = Aqua\MinimizeGlyph19.png
ImageFile5 = Aqua\MinimizeGlyph19.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -73, 5
MirrorImage = True
ImageSelectType = Size
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\HelpGlyph13.png
ImageFile2 = Aqua\HelpGlyph13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 126
MinDpi3 = 170
ImageFile3 = Aqua\HelpGlyph19.png
ImageFile4 = Aqua\HelpGlyph19.png
ImageFile5 = Aqua\HelpGlyph19.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\CaptionButton.png
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\CloseGlyph13.png
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -16, 3
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Stretch
ContentMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ImageFile = Aqua\Button.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
TextColor = 0 0 0
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TextColor = 161 161 146
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingType = TrueSize
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 12
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TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
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ImageFile1 = Aqua\CheckBox13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
Transparent = True
SizingType = TrueSize
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 8
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\RadioButton13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
SizingType = Tile
ImageFile = Aqua\GroupBox.png
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Transparent = True
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NormalSize = 9999, 9999
TextColor = 21 74 147
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarBackground.png
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
Font = Tahoma, 8
TextColor = 127 124 115
BgType = None
ContentMargins = 2, 0, 0, 0
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BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 2, 1, 4, 2
ContentMargins = 2, 1, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarGripper.png
SizingType = Tile
Transparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 2, 1
ContentMargins = 1, 2, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarGripperVert.png
SizingType = Tile
Transparent = True
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtons.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\Chevron.bmp
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VAlign = Top
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtons.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\Chevron.bmp
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VAlign = Top
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 0
FillColor = 236 233 216
TextColor = 0 21 110
TextColor = 255 255 255
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtons.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
SizingMargins = 5, 2, 2, 1
ImageFile = Aqua\Separator.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Tile
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
SizingMargins = 2, 1, 5, 1
ImageFile = Aqua\SeparatorVert.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Tile
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtons.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
SizingMargins = 4, 2, 4, 4
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtonsSplit.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
SizingMargins = 2, 4, 4, 4
ImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtonsSplitDropdown.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageCount = 6
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\ToolbarButtonsSplitDropdownGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 5, 5
ImageFile = Aqua\StatusBackground.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Stretch
SizingMargins = 0, 2, 0, 1
ImageFile = Aqua\StatusPane.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Stretch
TextColor = 9 32 97
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
BgType = None
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ResizeGrip2.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 2
SizingType = TrueSize
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
VAlign = Bottom
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BorderSize = 1
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BorderColor = 189 196 212
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 3, 3
ImageFile = Aqua\ListviewHeaderBackground.png
SizingType = Stretch
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 3, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Aqua\ListViewHeader.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingType = Stretch
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
ProgressChunkSize = 6
ProgressSpaceSize = 2
BgType = BorderFill
FillType = Solid
FillColor = 46 211 49
BorderSize = 1
BorderColor = 235 235 228
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\ProgressTrack.png
MinSize = 10, 10
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 3, 3
SizingType = Tile
NormalSize = 100, 18
SourceShrink = True
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\ProgressChunk.png
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 6, 5
SizingType = Tile
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\ProgressTrackVert.png
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 4, 4
SizingType = Tile
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\ProgressChunkVert.png
SizingMargins = 6, 5, 0, 0
SizingType = Tile
BgType = BorderFill
FillType = Solid
FillColor = 236 233 216
BorderSize = 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabPaneEdge.png
SizingType = Stretch
ImageCount = 1
SizingMargins = 2, 4, 2, 4
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemTop.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemLeft.bmp
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemRight.bmp
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemBoth.bmp
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemTop.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemTopLeft.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemTop.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TabItemTopBoth.bmp
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
BgType = ImageFile
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ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TabBackground.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 164
ImageFile2 = Aqua\TabBackground133.png
BgType = BorderFill
FillType = Solid
FillColor = 235 235 228
BorderSize = 1
BorderColor = 235 235 228
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TrackbarHorizontal.png
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingMargins = 3, 4, 3, 4
SizingType = Tile
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
Transparent = True
SizingType = TrueSize
TransparentColor = 242 241 231
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TrackBarUp13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 5
Transparent = True
SizingMargins = 3, 6, 6, 10
SizingType = TrueSize
TransparentColor = 242 241 231
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TrackBarDown13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TrackbarVertical.png
ImageCount = 5
SizingMargins = 3, 4, 3, 4
SizingType = Tile
ImageLayout = Vertical
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageCount = 5
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 242 241 231
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TrackBarLeft13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
ImageLayout = Vertical
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\TrackbarRight13.png
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageCount = 5
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 242 241 231
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TrackBarRight13.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 118
MinDpi3 = 185
ImageLayout = Vertical
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\sliderTrack.png
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Stretch
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
BgType = ImageFile
ImageFile = Aqua\sliderTrack.png
ImageCount = 1
SizingType = Stretch
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageCount = 2
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageSelectType = Dpi
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50
UniformSizing = True
ImageFile1 = Aqua\TreeExpandCollapse.png
ImageFile2 = Aqua\TreeExpandCollapse10.png
ImageFile3 = Aqua\TreeExpandCollapse15.png
MinDpi1 = 96
MinDpi2 = 133
MinDpi3 = 150
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Tile
ImageFile = Aqua\FieldOutlineBlue.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
ImageCount = 1
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\SpinButtonBackgroundUp.png
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\SpinUpGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Tile
ImageFile = Aqua\SpinButtonBackgroundDown.png
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\SpinDownGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\SpinButtonBackgroundRight.png
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Horizontal
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\SpinRightGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\SpinButtonBackgroundLeft.png
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Horizontal
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\SpinLeftGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 3, 3
SizingType = Stretch
ImageCount = 20
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageSelectType = Size
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollArrows.png
ImageFile1 = Blue\ScrollArrowGlyphs.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 4, 4, 0, 0
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollThumbHorizontal.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageLayout = Vertical
Transparent = True
ImageCount = 5
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollThumbGripperHorizontal.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 4, 4
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollThumbVertical.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageCount = 5
Transparent = True
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollThumbGripperVertical.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 1, 1
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollShaftHorizontal.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 1, 1
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollShaftHorizontal.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 0, 0
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollShaftVertical.png
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 0, 0
ImageCount = 5
ImageLayout = Vertical
ImageFile = Blue\ScrollShaftVertical.png
BgType = ImageFile
ImageCount = 2
SizingType = TrueSize
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
VAlign = Bottom
ImageFile = Blue\ResizeGrip2.png
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
FillColor = 235 235 228
TextColor = 161 161 146
FillColor = 235 235 228
TextColor = 0 0 0
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
BorderColor = 171 180 199
BorderColor = 201 199 186
FillColor = 245 244 234
BgType = ImageFile
ImageLayout = Vertical
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Aqua\ComboButton.png
Transparent = False
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Aqua\ComboButtonGlyph.png
GlyphTransparent = True
BgType = ImageFile
BgType = ImageFile
Color = 161 161 146
Color = 161 161 146