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2 years ago
// XTPSyntaxEditLexColorFileReader.h: interface for the CXTLexColorFileReader class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme;
class CXTPNotifyConnection;
class CXTPNotifyConnectionMT;
class CXTPSyntaxEditSchemaFileInfoList;
// Summary:
// This enumeration describes allowable configuration managers flags.
enum XTPSyntaxEditCfgFlags
xtpEditCfgFileAdd = 0x0001, // file should be added
xtpEditCfgFileRemove = 0x0002, // file should be removed
// Summary:
// This storage class is designed to contain information from the color
// settings file section. It helps easy retrieve color information.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo
// Summary:
// Object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pTheme : [in] Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme object (theme
// this color information belongs to)
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo(CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pTheme);
// Summary:
// Object constructor.
// Parameters:
// strClassName : [in] Lex Class name
// pTheme : [in] Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme object (theme
// this color information belongs to)
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo(const CString& strClassName, CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pTheme);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme() object, handles cleanup and
// de-allocation
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo ();
// Summary:
// Adds parameter.
// Parameters:
// strName : [in] Parameter name.
// strValue : [in] Parameter value.
void AddParam(const CString& strName, const CString& strValue);
// Summary:
// Returns string of parameter value.
// Parameters:
// strName : [in] Parameter name.
// bDynamic : [in] If TRUE - search parameter value in parent
// themes (dynamically), otherwise it is searched
// only in the current theme.
// Returns:
// CString object with parameter value.
const CString GetParam(const CString& strName, BOOL bDynamic = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns hexadecimal value.
// Parameters:
// strName : [in] Parameter name.
// bDynamic : [in] If TRUE - search parameter value in parent
// themes (dynamically), otherwise it is searched
// only in the current theme.
// Returns:
// DWORD parameter value.
DWORD GetHexParam(const CString& strName, BOOL bDynamic = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns firs parameter position.
// Returns:
// POSITION value.
POSITION GetFirstParamNamePosition();
// Summary:
// Returns next parameter position.
// Parameters:
// pos : [in] position.
// Returns:
// POSITION value.
const CString GetNextParamName(POSITION& pos);
// Summary:
// Use this function to get lex class name.
// Returns:
// A lex class name
const CString GetClassName() const;
CString m_strClassName; // lex class name
CMapStringToString m_mapParams; // name/value parameters map
CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* m_pTheme; // pointer to the theme this color information belongs to
// Summary:
// This collection class hold the color info objects.
class CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfoArray : public
CArray<CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo*, CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo*>
typedef CArray<CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo*, CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo*> TBase;
// Summary:
// Constructor, create and initializes the object.
// Summary:
// Destructor, do the cleaups and destroys the object.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfoArray()
// Summary:
// Call this function to remove all the color info objects.
void RemoveAll()
for(int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i++)
delete GetAt(i);
class CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager;
class CXTPSyntaxEditFileChangesMonitor;
class CXTPSyntaxEditPropertiesTheme;
// Summary:
// This class provides functionality to read configuration information
// from configuration files with predefined structure. Its information
// describes color settings for corresponding lexical items for given
// language.
// You construct instance of CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme by calling
// constructor. Then you should call Load() member function
// to read data from persistent storage (file for this implementation),
// CXTPSyntaxEditLexColorInfo structures.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme
friend class CXTPSyntaxEditPropertiesTheme;
// Summary:
// Determines custom array type to store CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo structures.
// See also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo.
typedef CMap<CString, LPCTSTR, CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo *, CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo *> CXTPSyntaxEditMapLexColorInfo;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Parameters:
// pThemesManager : [in] Pointer to the parent themes manager.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme(CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager* pThemesManager);
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme() object, handles cleanup and
// de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme();
// Summary:
// Parses associated color schema file and fills internal color info
// structures.
// Parameters:
// csFileName : [in] configuration file name string.
virtual void Load(const CString& csFileName);
// Summary:
// used in non-file mode config to Load Color Sheme from string
// Parameters:
// arPassedString : [in] CStringArray of Color Scheme attributets.
virtual void LoadFromString(CStringArray& arPassedString);
// Summary:
// Returns name of the parent schema.
// Returns:
// CString containing name of the parent schema.
const CString GetParentThemeName();
// Summary:
// Returns parent schema.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme object if exists;
// NULL lf parent schema doesn't exist.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* GetParentTheme();
// Summary:
// Returns color information.
// Parameters:
// strLexClass : [in] Lex Class name string
// strThemeFilename : [in] configuration file name string.
// bDynamic : [in] If TRUE - search color info in parent
// themes (dynamically), otherwise it is
// searched only in this theme.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo object.
// Remarks:
// strThemeFilename is required to avoid calling recursion.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo* GetColorInfo(const CString& strLexClass,
const CString& strThemeFilename,
BOOL bDynamic = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Returns configuration file name.
// Returns:
// CString containing file name.
CString GetFileName();
// Summary:
// Use this method to save colors to configuration file.
// Parameters:
// strParentThemeName - The parent theme name.
// pColorInfoArray_new - Colors information array.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: GetFileName
BOOL WriteCfgFile(CString strParentThemeName,
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfoArray* pColorInfoArray_new);
// Summary:
// Cleans up collection.
void Cleanup();
// Summary:
// Parses a single section and creates CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo
// object from it.
// Parameters:
// csSection : [in] section name (in configuration file) string.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo with resulting colors set.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo* ParseSection(const CString& csSection);
// Summary:
// used for non-file mode config to parses a single section
// and creates CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo object from it.
// Parameters:
// csSection : [in] section name (in configuration file) string.
// arPassedString : [in] CStringArray of passed string
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo with resulting colors set.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo* ParseSectionFromString(const CString& csSection, CStringArray& arPassedString);
CStringList m_arSections; // All section names from the theme config file
CString m_csFileName; // filename of the corresponding theme config file
CXTPSyntaxEditMapLexColorInfo m_mapLexColorInfo; // internal map - lex class name to color info
CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager* m_pThemesManager; // pointer to the parent themes manager
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme::GetFileName()
return m_csFileName;
// Summary: This class provides functionality to store set of all color themes
// that would be written from configuration files. For short it is
// custom collection class.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager
typedef CMap<CString, LPCTSTR, CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme*, CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme*> CXTPSyntaxEditMapThemes;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager() object,
// handles cleanup and de-allocation
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager();
// Summary:
// Loads theme by given theme name and configuration file.
// Parameters:
// strThemeName : [in] theme name string.
// strThemeFilename: [in] configuration file name.
void LoadTheme(const CString& strThemeName, const CString& strThemeFilename);
// Summary:
// Loads theme by given theme name and used in non-file mode config
// Parameters:
// strThemeName : [in] theme name string.
// arPassedString : [in] array of attributes strings.
void LoadThemeFromString(const CString& strThemeName, CStringArray& arPassedString);
// Summary:
// Adds new entity to "theme name - configuration file" map.
// Parameters:
// strThemeName : [in] theme name string.
// strThemeFilename: [in] configuration file name.
void AddThemeInfo(const CString& strThemeName, const CString& strThemeFilename);
// Summary:
// Returns color theme by given name.
// Parameters:
// strThemeName : [in] theme name string.
// Returns:
// Pointer to CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme.
// See also:
// class CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme
CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* GetTheme(const CString& strThemeName);
// Summary:
// Returns CStringArray with themes names.
// Returns:
// CStringArray with themes names.
CStringArray& GetThemes();
// Summary:
// Reloads configuration settings from the specified configuration file.
// Parameters:
// csFileName : [in] configuration file name.
// nCfgFlags : [in] action flags.
// Returns:
// Reloaded Theme name if found, or empty string if theme was not found.
// Remarks:
// Does nothing if specified file is not found in the collection of
// files from the main configuration file.
// See also:
// enum XTPSyntaxEditCfgFileRemove.
CString ReloadFile(const CString& csFileName, int nCfgFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// Remove all loaded data.
void RemoveAll();
CXTPSyntaxEditMapThemes m_mapThemes; // Themes map
CStringArray m_arThemeNames; // Themes names array
CMapStringToString m_mapFileToTheme; // Theme name to configuration file name map
typedef XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser::CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema;
typedef CXTPSmartPtrInternalT<XTPSyntaxEditLexAnalyser::CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema> CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchemaPtr;
typedef CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchemaPtr CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr;
// Summary:
// This class provides functionality to store set of all color themes
// that would be written from configuration files. For short it is
// custom collection class.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager
typedef CMap<CString, LPCTSTR,
CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr&> CXTPSyntaxEditMapSchemes;
// Summary:
// Default object constructor.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager() object,
// handles cleanup and de-allocation.
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager();
// Summary:
// Add information about text scheme.
// Parameters:
// info : [in] A reference to schema information.
void AddTextSchemeInfo(XTP_EDIT_SCHEMAFILEINFO& info);
// Summary:
// Implements common logic on creating new text scheme object and
// loading it from file or resources.
// Parameters:
// info : [in] A reference to schema information.
void LoadTextScheme(XTP_EDIT_SCHEMAFILEINFO& info);
// Summary:
// Implements common logic on creating new text scheme object and
// loading it string - used fo non-file configuration mode.
// Parameters:
// info : [in] A reference to schema information.
// p_sSyntaxScheme : pointer to syntax scheme string
void LoadTextStringScheme(XTP_EDIT_SCHEMAFILEINFO& info, CString* p_sSyntaxScheme);
// Summary:
// Returns schema by its name.
// Parameters:
// strSchemeName : [in] schema name.
// Returns:
// CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr object.
// See also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr.
CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr GetSchema(const CString& strSchemeName);
// Summary:
// Returns schema name by its file name.
// Parameters:
// csFileName : [in] file name.
// Returns:
// CString object.
CString GetSchemaName(const CString& csFileName) const;
// Summary:
// Returns file name by its schema name.
// Parameters:
// strSchemeName : [in] schema name.
// Returns:
// CString object.
CString GetSchemaFileName(const CString& strSchemeName) const;
// Summary:
// Returns all schemes names
// Returns:
// Reference to CStringArray.
CStringArray& GetSchemes();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to get schemas list.
// Returns:
// A reference to CXTPSyntaxEditSchemaFileInfoList object.
CXTPSyntaxEditSchemaFileInfoList* GetSchemaList() const;
// Summary:
// Finds a schema by file extension.
// Parameters:
// strFileExt : [in] file extension string.
// Returns:
// CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr object.
// See also:
// CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr.
CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr FindSchema(const CString& strFileExt) const;
// Summary:
// Applys theme to all text schemes.
// Parameters:
// pTheme : [in] Pointer to theme to be set.
// See also:
// class CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme.
void SetTheme(CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pTheme);
// Summary:
// Reloads configuration settings from the specified configuration file.
// Parameters:
// csFileName : [in] configuration file name.
// nCfgFlags : [in] action flags.
// Does nothing if specified file is not found in the collection of files
// from the main configuration file
BOOL ReloadFile(const CString& csFileName, int nCfgFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// Remove all loaded data.
void RemoveAll();
CXTPSyntaxEditMapSchemes m_mapSchemes;
CXTPSyntaxEditSchemaFileInfoList* m_plistSchemes;
CStringArray m_arSchemeNames;
CCriticalSection m_csReadFile;
AFX_INLINE CStringArray& CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager::GetSchemes()
return m_arSchemeNames;
AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditSchemaFileInfoList* CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager::GetSchemaList() const {
return m_plistSchemes;
// Summary: This class manages all configuration parameters of the control.
// It worries about read configuration files from disk when the Edit
// control is starting, store it in internal structures and refresh
// parameters in case configuration files are changed after control
// was started.
// See Also: CXTPSyntaxEditFileChangesMonitor, CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager : public CXTPCmdTarget
// Configuration manager sub-objects
enum XTPSyntaxEditCfgObjects
xtpEditCfgObjSchMan = 0x0001, // Schemes manager
xtpEditCfgObjThemeMan = 0x0002, // Themes manager
xtpEditCfgObjMainConfig = 0x0004, // Main configuration file
// Summary: Default object constructor.
// Summary: Destroys a CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager() object,
// handles cleanup and de-allocation
virtual ~CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager();
// Summary:
// Reloads settings from provided file.
// Parameters:
// strConfigFilePath - string of file's full path.
// Remarks:
// Reloads configuration settings from the specified new configuration file.
void ReloadConfig(const CString& strConfigFilePath);
// Summary:
// Reloads configuration settings from the stored main configuration file.
void ReloadConfig();
// Summary:
// Asynchronously reloads configuration settings from the stored main
// configuration file.
// Parameters:
// nAsyncThreadPriority - The priority for the working thread which
// reloads configuration.
void ReloadConfigAsync(int nAsyncThreadPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
// Summary: Get main configuration file name.
// Remarks: Return configuration file name previously stored by
// ReloadConfig(configFile).
// Returns: Main configuration file name.
// See also: CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager::ReloadConfig().
CString GetConfigFile() const;
// Summary:
// Reloads configuration settings from the specified configuration file.
// Parameters:
// csFileName : [in] configuration file name.
// dwOwnerFlags : [in] owner flags
// nCfgFlags : [in] action flags.
// Remarks:
// Does nothing if specified file is not found in the collection of
// files from the main configuration file.
// See also:
// enum XTPSyntaxEditCfgFileRemove.
void ReloadFile(CString csFileName, DWORD dwOwnerFlags, int nCfgFlags = 0);
// Summary:
// Returns color theme manager.
// Returns:
// Reference to CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager object.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager& GetThemeManager();
// Summary:
// Returns text theme manager.
// Returns:
// Reference to CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager object.
CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager& GetTextSchemesManager();
// Summary:
// Use this member function to set current theme.
// Parameters:
// strThemeName : [in] Theme name.
// pActiveSch : [in] A pointer to active schema to apply current theme.
void SetTheme(const CString& strThemeName, CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema* pActiveSch = NULL);
// Summary:
// Closes configuration monitor session.
void Close();
// Summary:
// Returns current theme name.
CString GetCurrentTheme() const;
// Summary:
// Returns notification connection.
// Returns:
// CXTPNotifyConnectionPtr pointer.
CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection() const;
// Summary:
// Call this function to set the syntax and color scheme.
// Parameters:
// pSyntaxScheme - The syntax scheme.
// pColorScheme - The color scheme.
void SetSyntaxAndColorScheme(CString* pSyntaxScheme, CString* pColorScheme)
p_sSyntaxScheme = pSyntaxScheme;
p_sColorScheme = pColorScheme;
BOOL m_bUseMonitor; //TRUE if control use special thread to synchronize syntax rules with files with Syntax and Color schemes
//FALSE if control works "off-line"
BOOL m_bConfigFileMode; // TRUE if control read Config file with links to detailed setting (Syntax and Color schemes)
// FALSE if Syntax and Color schemes passed as strings using special functions
CString m_sIniSet; //The ini file settings.
CString* p_sSyntaxScheme; //Pointer to the syntax scheme.
CString* p_sColorScheme; //Pointer to the color scheme.
static UINT AFX_CDECL ReloadConfigAsync_Proc(LPVOID pThis);
CString m_strMainIniFilename; // Stores main configuration file name.
CXTPSyntaxEditFileChangesMonitor* m_pFolderMonitor; // Stores folder monitor object.
CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager m_ColorThemeManager; // Stores color theme manager.
CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager m_TextSchemesManager; // Stores text theme manager.
CString m_strCurrentThemeName; // Current theme name
CXTPNotifyConnectionMT* m_pConnectMT; // Notification connection.
CCriticalSection m_DataLockerCS; // Critical section
HANDLE m_hReloadThread; // Stores handle of monitoring thread.
CEvent* m_pBreakReloadEvent; // Stores pointer to event.
AFX_INLINE const CString CXTPSyntaxEditColorInfo::GetClassName() const
return m_strClassName;
AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditColorThemesManager& CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager::GetThemeManager()
return m_ColorThemeManager;
AFX_INLINE CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemesManager& CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager::GetTextSchemesManager()
return m_TextSchemesManager;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager::GetCurrentTheme() const
return m_strCurrentThemeName;