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// XTPReportRow.h: interface for the CXTPReportRow class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME REPORTCONTROL MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPREPORTROW_H__)
#define __XTPREPORTROW_H__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPReportRecord;
class CXTPReportControl;
class CXTPReportTip;
class CXTPReportRecordItem;
class CXTPReportRows;
class CXTPReportColumn;
class CXTPReportRecordMergeItems;
class CXTPReportSection;
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPReportRowBase : public CCmdTarget, public CXTPAccessible
// Summary:
// CXTPReportRow class represents an row of the report control
// window.
// Remarks:
// Each item has corresponding a CXTPReportRecord, and could have a list
// of sub-items associated with it. By clicking a Row item, the user
// can expand and collapse the associated list of sub-items.
// CXTPReportRow handles a behavior of report row. It processes
// user mouse and keyboard events, it also implements external control
// member functions. It is also handling drawing logic for the row.
// A collection of report row items is combined into CXTPReportRows
// and could be accessed via CXTPReportControl::GetRows() method.
// See Also:
// CXTPReportControl overview, CXTPReportRows, CXTPReportRecord,
// CXTPReportRecordItem, CXTPReportGroupRow
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPReportRow : public CXTPHeapObjectT<CXTPReportRowBase, CXTPReportRowAllocator>
// Summary:
// A constructor of the CXTPReportRow object.
// Summary:
// Destroys CXTPReportRow object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPReportRow();
// Summary:
// This method is called for initial initialization of the row.
// Parameters:
// pRow - Pointer to the row which settings will be copied.
// pControl - Pointer to the parent report control.
// pControl - Pointer to the parent section.
// pRecord - Pointer to the record associated with the row.
virtual void InitRow(CXTPReportRow *pRow);
virtual void InitRow(
CXTPReportControl *pControl,
CXTPReportSection *pSection,
CXTPReportRecord *pRecord);// <COMBINE CXTPReportRow::InitRow@CXTPReportRow*>
// Summary:
// Get associated record.
// Returns:
// Associated list record with data.
// Example:
// <code>CXTPReportRecord* pRecord = pRow->GetRecord();</code>
// See Also: CXTPReportRecord overview
virtual CXTPReportRecord* GetRecord() const;
// Summary:
// Draws the row on the provided DC.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to control drawing context.
// rcRow - Coordinates of the rectangle for drawing this row.
// rcClip - Coordinates of the rectangle for drawing rows
// nLeftOffset - Start drawing left offset in pixels (Horizontal scroll position).
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to draw an item. This function
// only prepares data for drawing and calls needed drawing functions
// from PaintManager.
// Thus if you wish to change the look of your report item, you must just
// provide your own implementation of PaintManager
// See Also: CXTPPaintManager
virtual void Draw(CDC *pDC, CRect rcRow, CRect rcClip, int nLeftOffset,
CXTPReportRecordMergeItems &mergeItems, int nColumnFrom, int nColumnTo);
virtual void DrawItemGrid(CDC *pDC, CXTPReportColumn *pColumn, CRect rcGridItem);
// Summary:
// Calculates height of the row depending on the provided DC.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Provided DC.
// nWidth - Row width.
// Remarks:
// Row height depends of many factors: provided device context,
// font to print text, visibility of rows items. GetHeight()
// takes into account all of them to get real height of Row.
// Returns:
// Returns height of the row in logical units.
virtual int GetHeight(CDC* pDC, int nWidth);
// Summary:
// Returns current row index in the view.
// Remarks:
// ReportControl draws row in some order. It depends of Index value
// You use GetIndex() to get current index value for particular row
// Returns:
// Current row index in the view.
virtual int GetIndex() const;
// Summary:
// Returns row focused state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// this row is focused in the report control or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if row is focused, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsSelected
virtual BOOL IsFocused() const;
// Summary:
// Returns row selected state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// this row is selected in the report control or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if row is selected, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: IsFocused
virtual BOOL IsSelected() const;
// Summary:
// Returns row expanded state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// this row is expanded in the report control or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if row is expanded, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetExpanded
virtual BOOL IsExpanded() const;
// Summary:
// Sets row expanded state.
// Parameters:
// bExpanded - New row expanded state.
// bRecursive - BOOL flag to expand till the end
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to expand or collapse
// this row.
// See Also: IsExpanded
virtual void SetExpanded(BOOL bExpanded, BOOL bRecursive = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Sets row expanded state (VB - oriented call) till the last child
// Parameters:
// bExpanded - New row expanded state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to expand or collapse this row.
void SetFullExpanded(BOOL bExpanded);
// Summary:
// Returns row visible state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// this row is visible in the report control or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if row is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: SetVisible
virtual BOOL IsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Sets row visibility state.
// Parameters:
// bVisible - New row visibility state.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to show or hide
// this row.
// See Also: IsVisible
virtual void SetVisible(BOOL bVisible);
// Summary:
// Returns whether collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
// Returns:
// TRUE if collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
virtual BOOL IsLockExpand() const;
// Summary:
// Sets whether collapsing/expanding rows is locked.
// Parameter:
// bLockExpand - TRUE to lock collapsing/expanding rows.
virtual void LockExpand(BOOL bLockExpand);
// Summary:
// Call this member to select/set focus to the row. If multiple
// selection is enabled, then this row will be added to the selection.
// Parameters:
// bSelected - TRUE to select the row, FALSE to de-select the row.
virtual void SetSelected(BOOL bSelected);
// Summary:
// Call this member to select all child items of specified row.
virtual void SelectChilds();
// Summary:
// Determines if this row is a group row.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to determine whether
// this row is a group row or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if it is a group row, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsGroupRow() const;
// Summary:
// Determines which report item, if any, is at a specified position.
// Parameters:
// ptPoint - Point to test.
// pRectItem - Returns item rect.
// ppColumn - Returns a pointer to the column at tested position.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to test a row contents at the
// specified position.
// Returns:
// The record item at the specified position, if any,
// or NULL otherwise.
virtual CXTPReportRecordItem* HitTest(CPoint ptPoint, CRect* pRectItem = NULL, CXTPReportColumn** ppColumn = NULL) const;
// Summary:
// Process mouse clicks. Called by the framework when the user
// has clicked the mouse button in the row area.
// Parameters:
// ptClicked - Position of the cursor, in screen coordinates,
// at the time of the mouse click.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want a row to process
// a mouse button click message.
// You should provide the method with the coordinates of the
// mouse message to proceed.
// See Also: OnDblClick, OnMouseMove, OnContextMenu
virtual void OnClick(CPoint ptClicked);
// Summary:
// Processes mouse left button down clicks.
// Parameters:
// pClickArgs - structure which contains mouse click arguments
// Returns:
// TRUE if successfully handled the event, FALSE else.
// See Also: OnLButtonUp, OnClick
// Summary:
// Processes mouse left button up clicks.
// Parameters:
// pClickArgs - structure which contains mouse click arguments
// Returns:
// TRUE if successfully handled the event, FALSE else.
// See Also: OnLButtonDown, OnClick
// Summary:
// Process mouse double clicks. Called by the framework when
// the user has double-clicked the mouse button in the row area.
// Parameters:
// ptClicked - Position of the cursor, in screen coordinates,
// at the time of the mouse click.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want a row to process
// a mouse button double click message.
// You should provide the method with the coordinates of the
// mouse message to proceed.
// See Also: OnClick, OnMouseMove, OnContextMenu
virtual void OnDblClick(CPoint ptClicked);
// Summary:
// Process mouse moving.
// Parameters:
// nFlags - Indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
// point - Point coordinates where the message was fired from.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want a row to process
// a mouse move message. You should provide the method with the
// coordinates of the mouse message to proceed and a flag
// showing which of virtual keys were down.
// See Also: OnClick, OnDblClick, OnContextMenu
virtual void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Summary:
// Process context menu. Called by the framework when the user
// has clicked the right mouse button (right clicked) in the window.
// Parameters:
// ptClick - Position of the cursor, in screen coordinates,
// at the time of the mouse click.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want a row to process
// a mouse right button down (context menu call) message.
// You should provide the method with the coordinates of the
// mouse message to proceed.
// See Also: OnClick, OnDblClick, OnMouseMove
virtual void OnContextMenu(CPoint ptClick);
// Summary:
// Shows a specified tooltip window at the specified position.
// Parameters:
// ptTip - A screen position to show tooltip at.
// pTipWnd - Pointer to the specified tooltip window.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to show a report
// tip window for this row.
// See Also: CXTPReportTip overview
virtual void ShowToolTip(CPoint ptTip, CXTPReportTip* pTipWnd);
// Summary:
// Returns a pointer to the parent report control.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to retrieve a pointer to the
// CXTPReportControl which this item belongs to.
// Returns:
// A pointer to an associated report control object.
// See Also: CXTPReportControl overview
CXTPReportControl* GetControl() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the parent row of the current row.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function returns a pointer to the parent CXTPReportRow item.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the parent row if any, or NULL otherwise.
// See Also: HasParent, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual CXTPReportRow* GetParentRow() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the parent rows of the current row.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function returns a pointer to the parent CXTPReportRows item.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the parent rows if any, or NULL otherwise.
// See Also: HasParent, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual CXTPReportRows* GetParentRows() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a depth of this row in tree view.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function returns a depth level of the row, which means
// the number of parent elements for the row..
// Returns:
// A depth of this row in tree view in levels.
// See Also: GetParentRow, HasParent, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual int GetTreeDepth() const;
// Summary:
// Determines if a row has a parent in tree view.
// Parameters:
// pRow - A row to check.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function calculates whether this row has a parent row or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if specified row has a parent, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// HasParent, GetParentRow, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual BOOL HasParent(CXTPReportRow* pRow);
// Summary:
// Returns a collection of this row children.
// Parameters:
// BOOL bCreate - flag to create child if not exist
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to retrieve access to the collection
// of row children.
// Returns:
// CXTPReportRows collection of row children.
// See Also:
// CXTPReportRows overview, GetParentRow, HasParent, GetTreeDepth, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual CXTPReportRows* GetChilds(BOOL bCreate = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Adds a child row to the current row.
// Parameters:
// pRow - Pointer to a child CXTPReportRow object.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function if you want to add a CXTPReportRow
// object as a child of current row in tree view mode.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the added CXTPReportRow object.
// See Also: GetParentRow, HasParent, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds
virtual CXTPReportRow* AddChild(CXTPReportRow* pRow);
// Summary:
// Determines if a row has children in tree view.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function calculates whether this row has children rows or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the specified row has children rows, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also:
// HasParent, GetParentRow, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual BOOL HasChildren() const;
// Summary:
// Returns the next sibling row of the current row.
// Remarks:
// When report rows are arranged as a tree view, this member
// function returns a pointer to the next CXTPReportRow item.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the next sibling row if any, or NULL otherwise.
// See Also: HasParent, GetTreeDepth, GetChilds, AddChild, HasChildren
virtual CXTPReportRow* GetNextSiblingRow() const;
// Summary:
// Sets coordinates of the collapse/expand button for this row.
// Parameters:
// rcCollapse - The rectangle in report window client coordinates.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to setup the coordinates of the
// collapse/expand button for the row. Note that it could be
// different depending on the row tree depth.
// See Also: GetTreeDepth, GetRect
virtual void SetCollapseRect(CRect rcCollapse);
// Summary:
// Determines if preview item is visible.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to determine whether preview item
// for this row is visible or not.
// Returns:
// TRUE if preview item is visible, FALSE otherwise.
// See Also: CXTPReportRecordItemPreview overview, CXTPReportRecord::GetItemPreview
virtual BOOL IsPreviewVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Determines if items are visible
// Returns:
// TRUE if items are visible
// See Also IsPreviewVisible
virtual BOOL IsItemsVisible() const;
// Summary:
// Returns coordinates of the row rectangle.
// Returns:
// Coordinates of the row rectangle in report window client coordinates.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function to determine the coordinates of
// the region where this row is drawn on the parent window.
// See Also: SetCollapseRect
virtual CRect GetRect() const;
// Summary:
// Returns drawing metrics for the row.
// Parameters:
// pDrawArgs - Pointer to the provided draw arguments
// structure for calculating metrics.
// pItemMetrics - Pointer to the metrics structure to fill.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function when you want to retrieve drawing metrics.
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine the row depth level when row is a group row.
// Returns:
// Row depth level when row is a group row.
virtual int GetGroupLevel() const;
// Summary:
// Determines rectangle of specified item
// Parameters:
// pItem - Record Item
// Returns:
// Rectangle of the item.
virtual CRect GetItemRect(CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem);
// Summary:
// Call this member to determine if the row is the last tree row.
// Or is not part of a tree row.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the row is the last tree row. FALSE if the row is not
// part of a tree row or is not the last tree row.
virtual BOOL IsLastTreeRow() const;
// Summary:
// Call this member to force this row to be visible. This will cause
// the report control to scroll to this row. This is also called by
// CXTPReportControl::SetFocusedRow to make visible the newly focused row.
virtual void EnsureVisible();
// Summary:
// This method is call to update rectangle of item
// Parameters:
// rcItem - Bounding Rectangle of item cell
// pColumn - Column to test for tree column
// See Also: CXTPReportColumn::IsTreeColumn
virtual void ShiftTreeIndent(CRect& rcItem, CXTPReportColumn* pColumn) const;
// Summary:
// Fill XTP_REPORTRECORDITEM_METRICS structure with drawing metrics
// Parameters:
// pColumn - Column of the item
// pItem - Item to be draen
// pMetrics - Output drawing metrics for the item
// See Also: GetItemMetrics
virtual void FillMetrics(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem, XTP_REPORTRECORDITEM_METRICS* pMetrics);
// Summary:
// The framework calls this member function to determine whether a
// point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool.
// Parameters:
// point - Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor. These
// coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner of the window
// pTI - A pointer to a TOOLINFO structure.
// Returns:
// If the tooltip control was found, the window control ID. If
// the tooltip control was not found, -1.
virtual INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI);
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine the row type: body, header, or footer.
// Returns:
// A value of enum XTPReportRowType.
XTPReportRowType GetType() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a pointer to the section this row belongs to.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the section this row belongs to.
CXTPReportSection* GetSection() const;
// Summary:
// Call this method to determine if this row has merged items.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the row has merged items, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL HasMergedItems() const;
// Summary:
// Sets new row index in the view.
// Parameters:
// nNewIndex - New row numeric index.
// Remarks:
// Call this member function when you want to change the row
// position in the corresponding row collection.
virtual void SetIndex(int nNewIndex);
// Summary:
// Get the latest row index from the group specified.
// Parameters:
// pChilds - Children collection.
// Returns:
// Last row index in group.
int GetLastChildRow(CXTPReportRows* pChilds) const;
// System accessibility support.
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChildCount(long* pcountChildren);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChild(VARIANT varChild, IDispatch** ppdispChild);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarRole);
virtual HRESULT AccessibleLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long* pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild);
virtual HRESULT AccessibleHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT* pvarChild);
virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState);
virtual CCmdTarget* GetAccessible();
CXTPReportControl *m_pControl; // Pointer to the parent report control.
CXTPReportRecord *m_pRecord; // Pointer to the associated CXTPReportRecord object.
CXTPReportRow *m_pParentRow; // Pointer to the parent row in the tree.
CXTPReportRows *m_pParentRows; // Pointer to the parent rows in the tree.
CXTPReportRows *m_pChilds; // Pointer to collection of children.
CXTPReportSection *m_pSection; // Pointer to section the row belongs to.
CRect m_rcRow; // A rectangle where a row is to be drawn.
CRect m_rcCollapse; // A rectangle with coordinates of collapse/expand bitmap.
int m_nIndex; // Item index.
int m_nGroupLevel; // Contains row depth level when row is a group row.
int m_nRowLevel; // Row depth level in a tree.
BOOL m_bVisible; // TRUE if this row should be visible, FALSE if row is hidden.
BOOL m_bExpanded; // TRUE if row is expanded in a tree view, FALSE if row is collapsed.
BOOL m_bLockExpand; // TRUE if row can not be expanded/collapsed by the user
BOOL m_bHasSelectedChilds; // TRUE if has selected childs (on any deep level)
int m_nPreviewHeight; // Height of the preview item of this row.
int m_nFreeHeight; // Height of row in FreeHeight RC mode.
int m_nChildIndex; // Index of row inside parent rows.
friend class CXTPReportControl;
friend class CXTPReportSelectedRows;
friend class CXTPReportRows;
friend class CXTPReportRecordItem;
friend class CXTPReportSection;
friend class CXTPReportPaintManager;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportRow::SetIndex(int nNewIndex)
m_nIndex = nNewIndex;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportRecord* CXTPReportRow::GetRecord() const
return m_pRecord;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportRow* CXTPReportRow::GetParentRow() const
return m_pParentRow;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportControl* CXTPReportRow::GetControl() const
return m_pControl;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPReportRow::SetCollapseRect(CRect rcCollapse)
m_rcCollapse = rcCollapse;
AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPReportRow::GetRect() const
return m_rcRow;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPReportRow::GetGroupLevel() const
return m_nGroupLevel;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportRows* CXTPReportRow::GetParentRows() const
return m_pParentRows;
AFX_INLINE CXTPReportSection* CXTPReportRow::GetSection() const
return m_pSection;
#endif //#if !defined(__XTPREPORTROW_H__)