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2 years ago
The zlib/libpng License
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Phillip Castaneda (pjcast --
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will
the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that
you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product,
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2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef OIS_MultiTouch_H
#define OIS_MultiTouch_H
#include "OISObject.h"
#include "OISEvents.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#define OIS_MAX_NUM_TOUCHES 4 // 4 finger touches are probably the highest we'll ever get
namespace OIS
Represents the state of the multi-touch device
All members are valid for both buffered and non buffered mode
//! Touch Event type
enum MultiTypeEventTypeID
MT_None = 0, MT_Pressed, MT_Released, MT_Moved, MT_Cancelled
class _OISExport MultiTouchState
MultiTouchState() : width(50), height(50), touchType(MT_None) {};
/** Represents the height/width of your display area.. used if touch clipping
or touch grabbed in case of X11 - defaults to 50.. Make sure to set this
and change when your size changes.. */
mutable int width, height;
//! X Axis component
Axis X;
//! Y Axis Component
Axis Y;
//! Z Axis Component
Axis Z;
int touchType;
inline bool touchIsType( MultiTypeEventTypeID touch ) const
return ((touchType & ( 1L << touch )) == 0) ? false : true;
//! Clear all the values
void clear()
touchType = MT_None;
/** Specialised for multi-touch events */
class _OISExport MultiTouchEvent : public EventArg
MultiTouchEvent( Object *obj, const MultiTouchState &ms ) : EventArg(obj), state(ms) {}
virtual ~MultiTouchEvent() {}
//! The state of the touch - including axes
const MultiTouchState &state;
To receive buffered touch input, derive a class from this, and implement the
methods here. Then set the call back to your MultiTouch instance with MultiTouch::setEventCallback
class _OISExport MultiTouchListener
virtual ~MultiTouchListener() {}
virtual bool touchMoved( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
virtual bool touchPressed( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
virtual bool touchReleased( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
virtual bool touchCancelled( const MultiTouchEvent &arg ) = 0;
MultiTouch base class. To be implemented by specific system (ie. iPhone UITouch)
This class is useful as you remain OS independent using this common interface.
class _OISExport MultiTouch : public Object
virtual ~MultiTouch() {}
Register/unregister a MultiTouch Listener - Only one allowed for simplicity. If broadcasting
is necessary, just broadcast from the callback you registered.
@param touchListener
Send a pointer to a class derived from MultiTouchListener or 0 to clear the callback
virtual void setEventCallback( MultiTouchListener *touchListener ) {mListener = touchListener;}
/** @remarks Returns currently set callback.. or 0 */
MultiTouchListener* getEventCallback() {return mListener;}
/** @remarks Clear out the set of input states. Should be called after input has been processed by the application */
void clearStates(void) { mStates.clear(); }
/** @remarks Returns the state of the touch - is valid for both buffered and non buffered mode */
std::vector<MultiTouchState> getMultiTouchStates() const { return mStates; }
/** @remarks Returns the first n touch states. Useful if you know your app only needs to
process n touches. The return value is a vector to allow random access */
const std::vector<MultiTouchState> getFirstNTouchStates(int n) {
std::vector<MultiTouchState> states;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mStates.size(); i++ ) {
if(!(mStates[i].touchIsType(MT_None))) {
return states;
/** @remarks Returns the first n touch states. Useful if you know your app only needs to
process n touches. The return value is a vector to allow random access */
const std::vector<MultiTouchState> getMultiTouchStatesOfType(MultiTypeEventTypeID type) {
std::vector<MultiTouchState> states;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mStates.size(); i++ ) {
if(mStates[i].touchIsType(type)) {
return states;
MultiTouch(const std::string &vendor, bool buffered, int devID, InputManager* creator)
: Object(vendor, OISMultiTouch, buffered, devID, creator), mListener(0) {}
//! The state of the touch device, implemented in a vector to store the state from each finger touch
std::vector<MultiTouchState> mStates;
//! Used for buffered/actionmapping callback
MultiTouchListener *mListener;