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// XTPControlExt.h
// This file is a part of the XTREME COMMANDBARS MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(__XTPCONTROLEXT_H__)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
class CXTPTabClientWnd;
class CXTPMarkupUIElement;
// Summary:
// CXTPControlWindowList is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It is used internally to create window list items.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlWindowList : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControl, CXTPControlWorkspaceActions, CXTPControlToolbars,
// CXTPControlOleItems, CXTPControlRecentFileList, CXTPControlSelector,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// Call this member to check if the user can drop the control.
// Parameters:
// pCommandBar - Points to a CXTPCommandBar object
// point - Mouse position.
// dropEffect - DROPEFFECT enumerator.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE
virtual BOOL IsCustomizeDragOverAvail(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar, CPoint point, DROPEFFECT& dropEffect);
// Summary:
// Adds the number and an ampersand "&" before the caption of in item that
// appears in the Windows List.
// Parameters:
// lpszTitle - Text string to display in Windows List, this test will be appended
// after the number.
// nIndex - Position within the Windows list that the Item should appear.
// Returns:
// Returns the text string containing the entire string that will appear in
// the Windows List.
static CString AFX_CDECL ConstructCaption(const CString& lpszTitle, int nIndex);
static UINT m_nFistMDIChild; // First MDI child id.
static UINT m_nItemCount; // Maximum allowed items.
static BOOL m_bShowRadioButtons; // TRUE to show Radio buttons.
// Summary:
// CXTPControlWorkspaceActions is a CXTPControlButton derived class. It used internally to
// add workspace actions to window menu.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlWorkspaceActions : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControlWindowList, CXTPControl, CXTPControlToolbars,
// CXTPControlOleItems, CXTPControlRecentFileList, CXTPControlSelector,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// Adds action command to parent controls.
// Parameters:
// pClient - Pointer to MDI tabbed client
// nID - Specifies the object's child-window ID.
// nIndex - Index to add.
void AddCommand(CXTPTabClientWnd* pClient, UINT nID, int& nIndex);
// Summary:
// CXTPControlToolbars is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It is used internally to create toolbars list items.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlToolbars : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlToolbars object
// Summary:
// Represents single toolbar item.
class CXTPControlToolbar : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// This method is called when the control is executed.
virtual void OnExecute();
// Summary:
// Creates a list of toolbars for the CommandBars Context Menu.
// Parameters:
// pPopupBar - Points to a CXTPCommandBar object
// nInsert - Position to start inserting items in the context menu.
// nID - ID to assign the menu items in the context menu
// bAddCustomize - TRUE to add the "Customize..." option at the bottom of the
// menu that allows the Toolbar Customization dialog to be opened.
// bBeginGroup - TRUE to start new group.
// Remarks:
// This is the context menu that appears when a toolbar is right-clicked,
// it lists all the toolbars and allows them to be hidden\displayed.
static void AFX_CDECL CreateToolbarMenu(CXTPCommandBar* pPopupBar, int nInsert, int nID, BOOL bAddCustomize, BOOL bBeginGroup = FALSE);
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControlWindowList, CXTPControlWorkspaceActions, CXTPControl,
// CXTPControlOleItems, CXTPControlRecentFileList, CXTPControlSelector,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// Call this member to check if the user can drop the control.
// Parameters:
// pCommandBar - Points to a CXTPCommandBar object
// point - Mouse position.
// dropEffect - DROPEFFECT enumerator.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE
virtual BOOL IsCustomizeDragOverAvail(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar, CPoint point, DROPEFFECT& dropEffect);
// Summary:
// CXTPControlOleItems is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It is used internally to create ole items.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlOleItems : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControlWindowList, CXTPControlWorkspaceActions, CXTPControlToolbars,
// CXTPControl, CXTPControlRecentFileList, CXTPControlSelector,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// Call this member to check if the user can drop the control.
// Parameters:
// pCommandBar - Points to a CXTPCommandBar object
// point - Mouse position.
// dropEffect - DROPEFFECT enumerator.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE
virtual BOOL IsCustomizeDragOverAvail(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar, CPoint point, DROPEFFECT& dropEffect);
// Summary:
// CXTPControlRecentFileList is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It is used internally to create recent items list.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlRecentFileList : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControlWindowList, CXTPControlWorkspaceActions, CXTPControlToolbars,
// CXTPControlOleItems, CXTPControl, CXTPControlSelector,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// Call this member to check if the user can drop the control.
// Parameters:
// pCommandBar - Points to a CXTPCommandBar object
// point - Mouse position.
// dropEffect - DROPEFFECT enumerator.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE
virtual BOOL IsCustomizeDragOverAvail(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar, CPoint point, DROPEFFECT& dropEffect);
// Summary:
// Returns pointer to recent file list collection
// Returns:
// Pointer to recent file list collection
virtual CRecentFileList* GetRecentFileList();
// Summary:
// Returns ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1.
virtual int GetFirstMruID();
// Summary:
// XTP_SLN_SELCHANGE is sent to the parent commandbar when the
// number of selected items has changed in the control selector.
// Remarks:
// The number of selected items changes as the mouse is moved
// over the controls in the control selector.
// XTP_SLN_SELCHANGE is sent in CXTPControlSelector::SetItemsActive.
// Example:
// Here is an example of how an application would process the XTP_LBN_SELCHANGE
// message.
// <code>
// BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CExtendedControlsView, CEditView)
// //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CExtendedControlsView)
// //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// void CExtendedControlsView::OnColumnsSelChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pRes)
// {
// ASSERT(pRes != NULL);
// CControlColumns* pControlColumns = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CControlColumns,
// ((NMXTPCONTROL*)pNMHDR)->pControl);
// if (pControlColumns)
// {
// CXTPControlStatic* pInfo = FindInfoControl(pControlColumns);
// if (pInfo)
// {
// int nCount = pControlColumns->;
// CString str = _T("Cancel");
// if (nCount != 0)
// {
// str.Format(_T("%i Columns"), nCount);
// }
// pInfo->SetWidth(pControlColumns-> *
// pControlColumns->;
// pInfo->SetCaption(str);
// pInfo->DelayRedrawParent();
// }
// *pRes = 1;
// }
// }
// </code>
// See Also:
// CXTPControlSelector::SetItemsActive
const UINT XTP_SLN_SELCHANGE = 0x1006;
// Summary:
// CXTPControlSelector is a CXTPControl derived class that represents
// a control selector.
// Remarks:
// A control selector is an x by y grid of controls of which can be
// selected by the user. This control is like the "Insert Table" and
// "Insert Column" controls seen in Microsoft Word.
// When the control selector is created, m_szItemsCount holds the number
// items that will initially be shown. By clicking and dragging inside
// the control selector, up to m_szItemsMax items can be shown. For example,
// if m_szItemsCount = CSize(5, 4) and m_szItemsMax = CSize(12, 12), then
// the control selector will always display a 5x4 grid of items unless the
// mouse is clicked and dragged to expand the grid up to 12x12.
// The size of the items is set by m_szItem, all items in the grid will
// be sized according to m_szItem.
// The current number of active items (highlighted items) is stored in
// m_szItemsActive. OnLButtonUp will store the number of selected items
// in m_szResult.
// When the number of selected (active\highlighted) items changes,
// XTP_SLN_SELCHANGE is send in a message to the parent commandbar. The
// message is sent while in the SetItemsActive function.
// The Office 2003 GUI sample illustrates how to use this class.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlSelector : public CXTPControl
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlSelector object.
// Summary:
// This method is called to determine the size of the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// Returns:
// Size of the control.
CSize GetSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This member is called when the mouse cursor moves.
// Parameters:
// point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor.
void OnMouseMove(CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This method is called when the control becomes selected.
// Parameters:
// bSelected - TRUE if the control becomes selected.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE
BOOL OnSetSelected(int bSelected);
// Summary:
// This member is called when the user releases the left mouse button.
// Parameters:
// point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor.
void OnLButtonUp(CPoint point);
// Summary:
// This method is called before recalculating the parent command
// bar size to calculate the dimensions of the control.
// Parameters:
// dwMode - Flags used to determine the height and width of the
// dynamic command bar. See Remarks section for a list of
// values.
// Remarks:
// The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and
// width of the dynamic command bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to
// combine the flags.<p/>
// * <b>LM_STRETCH</b> Indicates whether the command bar should be
// stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is
// not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set
// when the bar is docked or floating (available for
// docking). If set, LM_STRETCH returns dimensions based
// on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to
// the the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout;
// see that member function for more information about
// the relationship between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_HORZ</b> Indicates that the bar is horizontally or
// vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally
// oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not
// set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the the bHorz
// parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member
// function for more information about the relationship
// between stretching and orientation.
// * <b>LM_MRUWIDTH</b> Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Uses the
// remembered most recently used width.
// * <b>LM_HORZDOCK</b> Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Returns the
// dynamic size with the largest width.
// * <b>LM_VERTDOCK</b> Vertical Docked Dimensions. Returns the dynamic
// size with the largest height.
// * <b>LM_COMMIT</b> Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of
// floating command bar.
// The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions
// of a dynamic command bar.<p/>
// Override this member function to provide your own layout in classes
// you derive from CXTPControl. XTP classes derived from CXTPControl,
// such as CXTPControlComboBox, override this member function to provide
// their own implementation.
// See Also:
// CXTPControlComboBox, CXTPControlCustom, CXTPControlEdit,
// CXTPControlWindowList, CXTPControlWorkspaceActions, CXTPControlToolbars,
// CXTPControlOleItems, CXTPControlRecentFileList, CXTPControl,
// CXTPControlListBox
virtual void OnCalcDynamicSize(DWORD dwMode);
// Summary:
// This method is called to copy the control.
// Parameters:
// pControl - Points to a source CXTPControl object
// bRecursive - TRUE to copy recursively.
void Copy(CXTPControl* pControl, BOOL bRecursive = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Reads or writes this object from or to an archive.
// Parameters:
// pPX - A CXTPPropExchange object to serialize to or from.
void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
// Summary:
// This member is called to set the number of active items.
// Parameters:
// szActive - Number of active items (on screen). If m_szItemsActive
// is not equal to szActive, then SetItemsActive will
// set m_szItemsActive = szActive.
// bNotify - TRUE to send XTP_SLN_SELCHANGE message to parent
// commandbar even if m_szItemsActive = szActive. This
// is necessary when the number of items has changed and
// m_szItemsActive = szActive, which occurs when the mouse
// is clicked and dragged to select items more items than
// are currently visible.
// Remarks:
// Active items are the items that are currently highlighted in the
// control selector.
void SetItemsActive(CSize szActive, BOOL bNotify = FALSE);
// Summary:
// Them member is called when a control item in the control
// selector is drawn.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
// rcItem - Bounding rectangle of item being drawn.
// clrText - Color to use when drawing.
// Remarks:
// Override this member to draw your own custom control. In
// the Office 2003 GUI sample, this is used to draw the column
// lines in the column selector control.
virtual void OnDrawItem(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem, COLORREF clrText);
CSize m_szItemsCount; // Number of items to draw in the control selector's view. By clicking and dragging the mouse, the number of items drawn can be up to m_szItemsMax.
CSize m_szItemsMax; // Maximum number of items to draw in the control selector.
CSize m_szItemsActive; // Number of items currently "active", this is current number of items that are highlighted as the mouse moves across the control selector.
CSize m_szItem; // Size of the items.
CSize m_szResult; // Number of items that were selected from the control selector.
CSize m_szItemsVisible; // Number of items currently visible. Item range is from m_szItemsCount to m_szItemsMax.
BOOL m_bLockUpdate;
// Summary:
// CXTPControlLabel is a CXTPControl derived class.
// It represents a label control.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlLabel : public CXTPControl
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlLabel Object.
m_dwFlags = xtpFlagSkipFocus | xtpFlagNoMovable | xtpFlagManualUpdate;
m_controlType = xtpControlLabel;
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the state of the control.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the control is selected; otherwise FALSE. Controls of
// type CXTPControlLabel can not receive focus so this will always
// return FALSE.
int GetSelected() const {
return FALSE;
// Summary:
// This method is called when the user clicks the control.
// Parameters:
// bKeyboard - TRUE if the control is selected using the keyboard.
// pt - Mouse cursor position.
virtual void OnClick(BOOL bKeyboard = FALSE, CPoint pt = CPoint(0, 0));
// Summary:
// CXTPControlCheckBox is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It represents a checkbox control.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlCheckBox : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlCheckBox Object.
// Summary:
// The framework calls this member function when a non-system key
// is pressed.
// Parameters:
// nChar - Specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// Returns:
// TRUE if key handled, otherwise returns FALSE
BOOL OnHookKeyDown(UINT nChar, LPARAM lParam);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the focused state of the control.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the control has focus; otherwise FALSE.
BOOL IsFocused() const;
// Summary:
// CXTPControlRadioButton is a CXTPControlButton derived class.
// It represents a radio button control.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlRadioButton : public CXTPControlButton
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlRadioButton Object.
// Summary:
// The framework calls this member function when a non-system key
// is pressed.
// Parameters:
// nChar - Specifies the virtual key code of the given key.
// lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
// Returns:
// TRUE if key handled, otherwise returns FALSE
BOOL OnHookKeyDown(UINT nChar, LPARAM lParam);
// Summary:
// Call this member to get the focused state of the control.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the control has focus; otherwise FALSE.
BOOL IsFocused() const;
// Summary:
// CXTPControlMarkupLabel is a CXTPControlLabel derived class.
// It can be used to draw markup text
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlMarkupLabel : public CXTPControlLabel
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlMarkupLabel Object.
// Summary:
// Destroys a CXTPControlMarkupLabel object, handles cleanup and deallocation
// Summary: This method is called when the control's caption is changed
void OnCaptionChanged();
// Summary:
// This method is called to determine the size of the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// Returns:
// Size of the control.
virtual CSize GetSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
CXTPMarkupUIElement* m_pMarkupUIElement; // Markup element
// Summary:
// CXTPControlHyperlink is a CXTPControl derived class.
// It can be used to add hyperlink text.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlHyperlink : public CXTPControl
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlHyperlink Object.
// Summary:
// This method is called to determine the size of the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// Returns:
// Size of the control.
virtual CSize GetSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called when the user clicks the control.
// Parameters:
// bKeyboard - TRUE if the control is selected using the keyboard.
// pt - Mouse cursor position.
virtual void OnClick(BOOL bKeyboard = FALSE, CPoint pt = CPoint(0, 0));
// Summary: This method is called when the control is executed.
void OnExecute();
// Input: point - Specifies the x- and y coordinate of the cursor.
// Summary: This member is called when the mouse cursor moves.
void OnMouseMove(CPoint point);
HCURSOR m_hCursor; // Cursor display when item is hovered.
// Summary:
// CXTPControlBitmap is a CXTPControlLabel derived class.
// It can be used to add bitmap to toolbar.
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPControlBitmap : public CXTPControlLabel
// Summary:
// Constructs a CXTPControlBitmap Object.
// Summary:
// This method is called to determine the size of the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context
// Returns:
// Size of the control.
virtual CSize GetSize(CDC* pDC);
// Summary:
// This method is called to draw the control.
// Parameters:
// pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC);
#endif // #if !defined(__XTPCONTROLEXT_H__)