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// XTPCalendarData.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarData class.
// This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
// (c)1998-2012 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
#if !defined(_XTPCALENDARDATA_H__)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern;
class CXTPCalendarEventLabels;
class CXTPCalendarSchedules;
class CXTPNotifyConnection;
class CXTPCalendarOptions;
class CXTPCalendarEventCategories;
class CXTPCalendarCustomProperties;
class CXTPCalendarEvents;
class CXTPCalendarEvent;
// Summary:
// Cache table size.
// Remarks:
// Should be a prime number!
// like: 503, 1021, 1511, 2003, 3001, 4001, 5003, 6007, 8009, 12007, 16001,
// 32003, 48017, 64007
static const LPCTSTR cszProcess_RecurrenceState = _T("process_RecurrenceState"); // String name for a corresponding property
static const LPCTSTR cszProcess_RecurrencePatternID = _T("process_RecurrencePatternID");// String name for a corresponding property
// Summary:
// This class defines an abstract representation of the Calendar
// control data with all necessary methods and some predefined
// functionality added,
// Remarks:
// This class is the definition of the XTPCalendarData abstract
// class which represents a data portion of the Calendar control.
// To implement a custom Data Provider solution you should create a class
// derived from CXTPCalendarData and implement necessary virtual methods.
// The first main set of methods to be implemented are Open, Close, Save,
// Create, IsOpen, etc.
// The second main set of methods to be implemented is starting from Do verb.
// Those are: DoRetrieveDayEvents, DoRead_Event, DoUpdate_RPattern, etc.
// To use a descendant of CXTPCalendarData in a regular way you first
// construct an instance of CXTPCalendarData object, then use Open()
// member function to establish connection to the data source and
// initialize the object. Class provides a number of functions to
// manipulate events and events related data. After finishing working
// with data source you should call Close() member function to close
// connection, de-initialize the object and free unused resources.
// This class also contains an implementation of the data provider cache,
// which is used by default and gets a great performance increase in case
// when any slow connections are used (for example database connection).
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarData overview, CXTPCalendarEvents, CXTPCalendarEvent,
// CXTPCalendarCustomDataProvider
class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarData : public CXTPCmdTarget
friend class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern;
friend class CXTPCalendarEvent;
friend class CXTPCalendarOptions;
friend class CXTPCalendarControl;
// Summary:
// Default constructor.
// Remarks:
// Constructs a Data object. To establish a connection to a
// specified data source and initialize the object you must
// call Open() member function immediately after construction.
// See Also: Open()
// Summary:
// Default Destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles all deallocation.
virtual ~CXTPCalendarData();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to initialize a newly constructed
// Data object. Your data object must be created before you
// can call Open().
// Returns:
// Boolean value represents succsess/failure result
virtual BOOL Open();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to create a file for storing custom
// data provider data.
// Remarks:
// It will be opened by default.
// Returns:
// TRUE is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Create();
// Summary:
// This method saves data to the file.
// Remarks:
// The most recent data from the data provider will be saved in
// the same external file as before.
// Note that all the data inside the data provider is already up to
// date, this method just allows it to be saved externally.
// Returns:
// TRUE is successful. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL Save();
// Summary:
// Call this member function to close the connection to a data source.
virtual void Close();
// Summary:
// This method determines whether a data source connection is opened..
// Returns:
// TRUE when a connection is already opened. FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsOpen() const;
// Summary:
// This method determines a type of the current Data Provider
// implementation.
// Returns:
// Current Data Provider implementation type.
// See also:
// XTPCalendarDataProvider enumeration.
virtual XTPCalendarDataProvider GetType() const;
// Summary:
// Retrieves day events for a specified day from the data source.
// Parameters:
// dtDay - A specified day.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all appointments for a specified day from
// the data source. It includes recurrence appointments occurrences,
// regular appointments for this day, multi day appointments which
// also have a part of this day.
// This method uses DoRetrieveDayEvents realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// A collection of events for a specified day.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr RetrieveDayEvents(COleDateTime dtDay);
// Summary:
// Creates a new empty CXTPCalendarEvent object.
// Parameters:
// dwEventID - ID for a new event
// Remarks:
// This method creates a new CXTPCalendarEvent class and
// initializes it's ID.
// It could be reimplemented in a descendant if it has its own
// ID's source (for example, database key field).
// Returns:
// Created empty event.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr CreateNewEvent(DWORD dwEventID = XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID);
// Summary:
// Creates a new empty CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
// Parameters:
// dwPatternID - ID for a new Recurrence Pattern
// Remarks:
// This method creates a new CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern class and
// initializes it's ID.
// It could be reimplemented in a descendant if it has its own
// ID's source (for example, database key field).
// Returns:
// Created empty Recurrence Pattern.
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr CreateNewRecurrencePattern(DWORD dwPatternID = XTP_CALENDAR_UNKNOWN_RECURRENCE_PATTERN_ID);
// Summary:
// Read event from the data source.
// Parameters:
// dwEventID - Event ID of the read target.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all data for a specified event.
// This method uses DoRead_Event realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the new CXTPCalendarEvent object which fields
// are filled with a data from the data source.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr GetEvent(DWORD dwEventID);
// Summary:
// Read recurrence pattern from the data source
// Parameters:
// dwPatternID - Pattern ID of the read target.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all data for a specified recurrence pattern.
// This method uses DoRead_RPattern realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the new CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr object which
// fields are filled with a data from the data source.
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr GetRecurrencePattern(DWORD dwPatternID);
// Summary:
// Creates a new event in the data source
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of a newly created record.
// Remarks:
// This method creates a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// This method uses DoCreate_Event realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// TRUE if event created successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL AddEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Creates a set of events in the data source
// Parameters:
// pEvents - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvents collection which
// contains a number of CXTPCalendarEvent objects.
// Remarks:
// This method adds a collection of events into the data source.
// Returns:
// TRUE if all events were added successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL AddEvents(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
// Summary:
// Removes all events from the data source.
// Remarks:
// This method removes all appointments from the data source.
// This method uses DoRemoveAllEvents realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
virtual void RemoveAllEvents();
// Summary:
// Deletes an event from the data source.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of an event.
// Remarks:
// This method deletes a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// This method uses DoDelete_Event realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an event deleted successfully,
// FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
virtual BOOL DeleteEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Updates event properties in the data source.
// Parameters:
// pNewEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of an event.
// Remarks:
// This method updates a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// This method uses DoUpdate_Event realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an event updated successfully,
// FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
virtual BOOL ChangeEvent(CXTPCalendarEvent* pNewEvent);
// Summary:
// Returns a connection pointer for source.
// Returns:
// A connection pointer.
// See also;
// CXTPNotifyConnection overview.
virtual CXTPNotifyConnection* GetConnection() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a custom properties collection.
// Returns:
// A custom properties collection associated with the data source..
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarCustomProperties overview.
virtual CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* GetCustomProperties() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a collection of Labels used in this Data source.
// Returns:
// A collection of Labels used in this Data source.
// By default it has some predefined values.
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarEventLabels overview, SetLabelList(),
// CXTPCalendarEventLabels::InitDefaultValues
virtual CXTPCalendarEventLabels* GetLabelList() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a collection of Event categories.
// Returns:
// A collection of Event categories.
// By default it has some predefined values.
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarEventCategories overview,
// CXTPCalendarEventCategories::InitDefaultValues()
virtual CXTPCalendarEventCategories* GetEventCategories() const;
// Summary:
// Set custom collection of Labels to be used in this Data source.
// Parameters:
// pLabelList - A custom collection of Labels to be used there.
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarEventLabels overview, GetLabelList()
virtual void SetLabelList(CXTPCalendarEventLabels* pLabelList);
// Summary:
// Returns a collection of schedules used in this data source.
// Returns:
// A collection of schedules associated with the data source.
// See also;
// CXTPCalendarSchedules overview.
virtual CXTPCalendarSchedules* GetSchedules() const;
// Summary:
// Sets a data provider connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A connection string.
// See also;
// GetConnectionString(), GetDataSource()
virtual void SetConnectionString(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
// Summary:
// Returns a data provider connection string.
// Returns:
// Current connection string.
// See also;
// SetConnectionString(), GetDataSource()
virtual CString GetConnectionString() const;
// Summary:
// Returns a data provider data source.
// Returns:
// String with current data source settings.
// Remarks:
// This method parses a connection string and returns a data source
// as a part of it.
// See also;
// GetConnectionString(), SetConnectionString()
virtual CString GetDataSource();
// Summary:
// Determines current cache mode.
// See also:
// XTPCalendarDataProviderCacheMode enumeration,
// SetCacheMode().
virtual int GetCacheMode() const;
// Summary:
// Set common data provider cache mode.
// Parameters:
// eCacheMode - Cache mode. See XTPCalendarDataProviderCacheMode
// pCacheDataProvider - Data Provider object which you want to use
// for cache purposes. By default it is
// CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider.
// Remarks:
// This method updates an internal cache mode.
// See also:
// XTPCalendarDataProviderCacheMode enumeration.
virtual void SetCacheMode(int eCacheMode, CXTPCalendarData* pCacheDataProvider = NULL);
// Summary:
// Clears common data provider cache.
virtual void ClearCache();
// Summary:
// Retrieves a collection of events expiring in the period from
// dtFrom during next spPeriod.
// Parameters:
// dtFrom - Start date and time of a specified period.
// spPeriod - A duration of a specified period.
// Remarks:
// This method is used by a reminders manager.
// This method uses DoGetUpcomingEvents realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
// upcoming events.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarRemindersManager overview
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr GetUpcomingEvents(COleDateTime dtFrom = (DATE)0, COleDateTimeSpan spPeriod = (DATE)0);
// Summary:
// This method Gets all events without generating recurrence
// occurrences.
// Remarks:
// Simple events are included as is.
// For the recurrence events only master events are included,
// recurrence occurrences are not generated.
// This method uses DoGetAllEvents_raw realization and implements
// some additional service processing.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
// all events.
// See Also: _Save(), Serialize(), DoGetAllEvents_raw()
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr GetAllEvents_raw();
BOOL m_bOwnershipMode;
//flag to set protected mode of using Calendar when some schedules can be protected and other - public
// Summary:
// Retrieves day events for a specified day from the data source.
// Parameters:
// dtDay - A specified day.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all appointments for a specified day from
// the data source. It includes recurrence appointments occurrences,
// regular appointments for this day, multi day appointments which
// also have a part of this day.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// A collection of events for a specified day.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoRetrieveDayEvents(COleDateTime dtDay);
// Summary:
// Removes all events from the data source.
// Remarks:
// This method removes all appointments from the data source.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
virtual void DoRemoveAllEvents();
// Summary:
// Read event from the data source.
// Parameters:
// dwEventID - Event ID of the read target.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all data for a specified event.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the new CXTPCalendarEvent object which fields
// are filled with a data from the data source.
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr DoRead_Event(DWORD dwEventID);
// Summary:
// Read recurrence pattern from the data source
// Parameters:
// dwPatternID - Pattern ID of the read target.
// Remarks:
// This method retrieves all data for a specified recurrence pattern.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the new CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr object which
// fields are filled with a data from the data source.
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr DoRead_RPattern(DWORD dwPatternID);
// Summary:
// Creates a new event in the data source
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of a newly created record.
// rdwNewEventID - [out] EventID of a newly created record
// Remarks:
// This method creates a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if event created successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL DoCreate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent, DWORD& rdwNewEventID);
// Summary:
// Updates event properties in the data source.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of an event.
// Remarks:
// This method updates a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an event updated successfully,
// FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
virtual BOOL DoUpdate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Deletes an event from the data source.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
// all data fields of an event.
// Remarks:
// This method deletes a data record corresponding with the
// specified event.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an event deleted successfully,
// FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
virtual BOOL DoDelete_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Creates a new recurrence pattern in the data source
// Parameters:
// pPattern - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object which
// describes all data fields of a newly created record.
// rdwNewPatternID - [out] ID of a newly created record
// Remarks:
// This method creates a data record corresponding with the
// specified recurrence pattern.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if recurrence pattern created successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL DoCreate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern, DWORD& rdwNewPatternID);
// Summary:
// Updates a recurrence pattern in the database
// Parameters:
// pPattern - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
// Remarks:
// This method updates a data record corresponding with the
// specified recurrence pattern.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if recurrence pattern updated successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL DoUpdate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// Deletes a recurrence pattern from the database
// Parameters:
// pPattern - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object
// which should be deleted.
// Remarks:
// This method deletes a data record corresponding with the
// specified recurrence pattern.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// TRUE if recurrence pattern deleted successfully,
// FALSE in case of any error during the process.
virtual BOOL DoDelete_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
// Summary:
// Retrieves a collection of events expiring in the period from
// dtFrom during next spPeriod.
// Parameters:
// dtFrom - Start date and time of a specified period.
// spPeriod - A duration of a specified period.
// Remarks:
// This method is used by a reminders manager.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
// upcoming events.
// See Also:
// CXTPCalendarRemindersManager overview
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoGetUpcomingEvents(COleDateTime dtFrom, COleDateTimeSpan spPeriod);
// Summary:
// Retrieves all events without generating
// recurrence occurrences.
// Remarks:
// Simple events are included as is.
// For the recurrence events only master events are included,
// recurrence occurrences are not generated.
// It has empty implementation in this class and should be
// implemented by any custom realization of CXTPCalendarData.
// Returns:
// A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
// all events.
// See Also: GetAllEvents_raw()
virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoGetAllEvents_raw();
// Summary:
// Sends a notification to all listeners.
// Parameters:
// EventCode - Notification event code.
// wParam - First notification parameter.
// lParam - Second notification parameter.
// See Also:
// CXTPNotifyConnection overview
virtual void SendNotification(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
// Summary:
// This method is called by the calendar control framework when Time Zone is Changed.
// Remarks:
// The data provider implementation may use this method to adjust its data for
// a new timezone.
// Returns:
// TRUE if internal data changed and calendar must be re-populated, FALSE if this
// event is ignored (no data changed).
// Base implementation do nothing and returns FALSE.
// See Also:
virtual BOOL OnTimeZoneChanged() { return FALSE; };
virtual BOOL _AddRPatternWithExceptions(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
virtual BOOL _RemoveRPatternWithExceptions(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
virtual BOOL _ChangeRPatternWithExceptions(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pRecurrencePattern);
virtual BOOL _ChangeRExceptionOccurrence_nf(CXTPCalendarEvent* pExcOcc, BOOL bSend_EventDeleted);
virtual void _PostProcessOccurrencesFromMaster(COleDateTime dtDay, CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
virtual void _PostProcessOccurrencesFromMaster2(COleDateTime dtDayFrom, COleDateTime dtDayTo, CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
virtual BOOL _PostProcessRecurrenceIfNeed(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
virtual void _PostProcessRecurrenceIfNeed(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
virtual void _FilterDayEventsInstancesByEndTime(COleDateTime dtDay, CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents);
virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr _GetRecurrencePattern_raw(DWORD dwPatternID);
virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr _GetEvent_raw(DWORD dwEventID);
BOOL m_bOpened; // Stores a flag whether a data source connection is open
CXTPNotifyConnection* m_pConnection; // Connection object to send notifications.
BOOL m_bDisableNotificationsSending; // Stores a flag whether notifications sending is disabled.
CXTPCalendarEventLabels* m_pLabelList; // Event labels list.
CXTPCalendarSchedules* m_pSchedules; // Data source Schedules list
CXTPCalendarEventCategories* m_pEventCategories; // Store a collection of Event categories.
CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* m_pCustomProperties; //Custom properties collection object.
CString m_strConnectionString; // default connection string;
XTPCalendarDataProvider m_typeProvider;// Data provider type.
// Remarks:
// Implementation of the data provider cache.
// Summary:
// Default class constructor.
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
virtual ~CXTPDPCache();
// Summary:
// Closes a cache.
void SafeClose();
// Summary:
// Safely removes all elements from cache.
void SafeRemoveAll();
// Summary:
// Checks whether events for this day are already stored in cache.
// Parameters:
// dtDay - A day to check.
// Returns:
// TRUE if day is already stored in cache,
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsDayInCache(COleDateTime dtDay);
// Summary:
// Sets a flag that this day is in cache.
// Parameters:
// dtDay - A day to set.
// bSet - Whether to set or clear flag.
virtual void SetDayInCache(COleDateTime dtDay, BOOL bSet = TRUE);
// Summary:
// Checks whether a specified event is already stored in cache.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - An event to check.
// Returns:
// TRUE if an event is already stored in cache,
// FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL IsEventInCache(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Adds a collection if events to the cache for a specified day.
// Parameters:
// pEvents - An events collection.
// dtDay - A specified day.
virtual void AddToCache(CXTPCalendarEvents* pEvents, COleDateTime dtDay);
// Summary:
// Checks whether a specified event is already stored in cache
// and adds it there if not.
// Parameters:
// pEvent - An event to check / add.
virtual void AddToCacheIfNeed(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
// Summary:
// Checks whether a specified recurrence pattern is already
// stored in cache and adds it there if not.
// Parameters:
// pPattern - An pattern to check / add.
virtual void _AddToCacheIfNeed(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
CXTPCalendarData* m_pCacheDP; // Cache Data Provider.
int m_eCacheMode; // see XTPCalendarDataProviderCacheMode
CMap<DWORD, DWORD, BOOL, BOOL> m_mapIsDayInCache; // whether events for this day are already stored in cache
CXTPDPCache m_cache; // Common data provider cache.
// Remarks:
// This template class is used as a map (see CMap) to store
// ID and object pairs. Using the map allows for quick access
// using the ID.
// See Also: CMap
template<class _TObject>
class EventsMapByID_T
// Summary:
// Default class constructor.
// Parameters:
// uHashTableSize - Size of the map hash table.
// See Also: CMap, CMap::InitHashTable
m_mapID2Object.InitHashTable(uHashTableSize, FALSE);
// Summary:
// Default class destructor.
// Remarks:
// Handles member items deallocation. Decreases references of
// stored objects.
// See Also: CMap
virtual ~EventsMapByID_T() {};
// Summary:
// This member function is used to add new or to replace existing
// pairs of IDs and Objects.
// Parameters:
// dwID - Object ID.
// pObj - Object Pointer.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to add new or to replace existing
// elements in the map. InternalAddRef is called for the
// stored object.
// See Also: Get, Remove, CMap::SetAt
void Add(DWORD dwID, _TObject* pObj)
if (!pObj)
TObjPtr ptrObj(pObj, TRUE);
m_mapID2Object.SetAt(dwID, ptrObj);
// Summary:
// This member function is used to obtain a pointer to an object
// using the specified ID.
// Parameters:
// dwID - Object ID.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to search for the object using the ID.
// InternalAddRef is called for the non-NULL returned object.
// Returns:
// Object pointer or NULL.
// See Also: Add, CMap::Lookup
_TObject* Get(DWORD dwID)
TObjPtr ptrObj;
if (m_mapID2Object.Lookup(dwID, ptrObj) && ptrObj)
return (_TObject*)(CCmdTarget*)ptrObj;
return NULL;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to determine if an object with the
// specified ID exists.
// Parameters:
// dwID - Object ID.
// Remarks:
// Similar to Get method, but calls InternalAddRef for
// the returned object.
// Returns:
// TRUE if object with ID exists. Otherwise FALSE.
// See Also: Get, CMap::Lookup
TObjPtr ptrObj;
return m_mapID2Object.Lookup(dwID, ptrObj) && ptrObj;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to remove an object with the
// specified ID.
// Parameters:
// dwID - Object ID.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to remove an element with the supplied ID
// from the map.
// InternalAddRef is called for the removed object.
// Returns: Nonzero if the entry was found and successfully removed; otherwise 0.
// See Also: Add, RemoveAll, CMap::RemoveKey
BOOL bRes = m_mapID2Object.RemoveKey(dwID);
return bRes;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to remove all stored objects
// from the map.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to cleanup the map.
// InternalAddRef is called for all objects.
// See Also: Remove, CMap::RemoveAll
void RemoveAll()
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get start iteration position.
// Returns: A POSITION value that indicates a starting position for
// iterating the map; or NULL if the map is empty.
// See Also: GetNextElement, CMap::GetStartPosition
POSITION GetStartPosition()
return m_mapID2Object.GetStartPosition();
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get next object pointer.
// Parameters:
// rPos - [in/out] Iteration position of the element.
// rID - [out] Element ID.
// Remarks:
// Call this method to iterate on elements stored in the map.
// InternalAddRef is not called for the returned object.
// rPos parameter value is set to the element next position
// or NULL if iterating is finished.
// Returns:
// A pointer to the object which corresponds to the specified
// position (rPos parameter value).
// See Also: GetStartPosition, CMap::GetNextAssoc
_TObject* GetNextElement(POSITION& rPos, DWORD& rID)
TObjPtr ptrElement;
m_mapID2Object.GetNextAssoc(rPos, rID, ptrElement);
return (_TObject*)(CCmdTarget*)ptrElement;
// Summary:
// This member function is used to get object count.
// Returns:
// Count of the objects in the map.
// See Also: CMap::GetCount
int GetCount()
return (int)m_mapID2Object.GetCount();
//typedef CXTPSmartPtrInternalT<_TObject> TObjPtr; // Smart pointer object type.
// to avoid warning C4786 CCmdTarget used.
typedef CXTPSmartPtrInternalT<CCmdTarget> TObjPtr; // Smart pointer object type.
CMap<DWORD, DWORD, TObjPtr, TObjPtr&> m_mapID2Object; // The map of ID to object.
// Summary:
// Call this member function to get a unique temporary event ID.
// Returns:
// New value for event ID.
static DWORD GetNextFreeTempID();
static DWORD ms_dwNextFreeTempID; // Next unique event ID.
CXTPCalendarOptions* m_pCalendarOptions; // This member stores user's calendar view options.
// Summary:
// Call this method to create a data provider from
// a specified Calendar connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which creates calendar's data provider of
// the specified type with settings taken from the connection string.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the created Calendar Data Provider object.
static CXTPCalendarData* AFX_CDECL CreateDataProvider(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
// Summary:
// Call this method to create a data provider of the
// specified type.
// Parameters:
// eDataProvider - A member of XTPCalendarDataProvider enumeration,
// which specifies a type of the Data Provider to create.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which creates calendar's data provider of
// the specified type.
// Returns:
// Pointer to the created Calendar Data Provider object.
static CXTPCalendarData* AFX_CDECL CreateDataProvider(XTPCalendarDataProvider eDataProvider);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve a type of the data provider from
// its connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// eDPDefault - Default data provider type to be returned if
// it can't be determined from the string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which parses a connection string and
// identifies a type of the data provider which is specified there.
// Returns:
// One of the values from XTPCalendarDataProvider enumeration.
// See Also:
// DataSourceFromConStr(), CreateDataProvider()
static XTPCalendarDataProvider AFX_CDECL DataProviderTypeFromConStr(
LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString,
XTPCalendarDataProvider eDPDefault = xtpCalendarDataProviderUnknown);
// Summary:
// Call this method to retrieve a data source connection string from
// a regular Calendar connection string.
// Parameters:
// lpszConnectionString - A text Calendar connection string.
// Remarks:
// This is a helper method which parses a connection string and
// identifies a data source connection string there.
// Returns:
// Identified data source connection string.
// See Also:
// DataProviderTypeFromConStr(), CreateDataProvider()
static CString AFX_CDECL DataSourceFromConStr(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString);
void SetOptionsToUpdate(CXTPCalendarOptions* pOptions);
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarData::Open() {
return m_bOpened = TRUE;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarData::Create() {
return m_bOpened = TRUE;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarData::IsOpen() const {
return m_bOpened;
AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarData::Save() {
return TRUE;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarData::Close() {
m_bOpened = FALSE;
AFX_INLINE CXTPNotifyConnection* CXTPCalendarData::GetConnection() const {
return m_pConnection;
AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarData::GetNextFreeTempID() {
return ms_dwNextFreeTempID--;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarEventLabels* CXTPCalendarData::GetLabelList() const {
return m_pLabelList;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarEventCategories* CXTPCalendarData::GetEventCategories() const {
return m_pEventCategories;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarSchedules* CXTPCalendarData::GetSchedules() const {
return m_pSchedules;
AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarData::SetConnectionString(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString) {
if (lpszConnectionString)
m_strConnectionString = lpszConnectionString;
AFX_INLINE CString CXTPCalendarData::GetConnectionString() const {
return m_strConnectionString;
AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarDataProvider CXTPCalendarData::GetType() const {
return m_typeProvider;
AFX_INLINE int CXTPCalendarData::GetCacheMode() const {
return m_cache.m_eCacheMode;
AFX_INLINE CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* CXTPCalendarData::GetCustomProperties() const {
return m_pCustomProperties;
#endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARDATA_H__)