You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
1.9 KiB

#include "networkDetection.h"
#include <QDateTime>
networkDetection::networkDetection(QObject *parent, int id)
: QObject(parent), m_id(id) {
flagRun = true;
CmdListChanged = false;
m_process = new QProcess(this);
networkDetection::~networkDetection() { delete m_process; }
void networkDetection::dowork(int id, QStringList cmdlist) {
m_cmd = cmdlist;
if (id != m_id)
QString result;
while (flagRun) {
m_process->start("cmd", m_cmd);
// if(id == 1)
// {
// QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
// QString str = time .toString("start yyyy-MM-dd
// hh:mm:ss\n");//格式化时间 .toString("yyyy-MM-dd
// hh:mm:ss");//格式化时间 qDebug()<< str;
// }
m_process->waitForFinished(); // 等待指令执行完毕
// if(id == 1)
// {
// QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
// QString str = time .toString("end yyyy-MM-dd
// hh:mm:ss\n");//格式化时间 .toString("yyyy-MM-dd
// hh:mm:ss");//格式化时间 qDebug()<< str;
// }
result = QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_process->readAll()); // 获取指令执行结果
// qDebug() << result;
if (result.contains(QString("TTL="))) // 若包含TTL=字符串则认为网络在线
// qDebug() << "在线";
QString delay = selectTTL(result);
emit resultReady(m_id, "在线", delay);
} else {
// qDebug() << "离线";
emit resultReady(m_id, "离线", "通信异常");
QThread::sleep(3); // 加sleep降低CPU占用率
void networkDetection::stopwork(int id) {
if (id == m_id) {
flagRun = false;
void networkDetection::DyChangeCmdList(QStringList changeCmdList) {
m_cmd = changeCmdList;
CmdListChanged = true;
// 查找延迟
QString networkDetection::selectTTL(QString str) {
str = str.remove(0, str.indexOf("平均 = ") + 5);
str = str.left(str.indexOf("ms") + 2);
return "通信正常\n" + str;