@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import com.platform.service.clientmanage.ClientManager;
import com.platform.service.clientmanage.HaborClient;
import com.platform.service.clientmanage.HaborClient;
import com.platform.util.*;
import com.platform.util.*;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.channel.*;
import io.netty.channel.*;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleState;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleState;
@ -120,115 +119,22 @@ public class InMessageHandler1 extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg0) throws Exception {
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg0) throws Exception {
String address = getAddress(ctx);
String address = getAddress(ctx);
final ByteBuf msgBuf = (ByteBuf) msg0;
final ByteBuf msgBuf = (ByteBuf) msg0;
// 上线握手阶段
if (!sessionCache.addToSnMap.containsKey(address)) { // 判断连接是否已经建立,如未建立则先握手
try {
// if (msgBuf.getByte(0) != (byte) 0xAA || msgBuf.getByte(1) != (byte) 0x44) {
// return;
// }
byte[] msg = new byte[msgBuf.readableBytes()];
log.info("【接收握手原数据】 " + ByteUtils.bytes2HexString(msg));
// 握手数据不满足协议长度,立即返回
// String d = stringUtil.bytesToHexString(msg);
// byte[] crc = CRC.crc16(msg, 2, 16);
// if (crc[0] != msg[18] || crc[1] != msg[19]){
// log.warn("握手数据crc校验错误,期望crc " + stringTool.bytesToHexString(crc) + ", 实际收到 " + d);
// protocolAck(ctx,(byte) 0);
// return;
// }
// 数据类型 1为地面站 2为终端设备
String type = new String(msg, 5, 1, Charset.defaultCharset());
// deviceCode 终端设备取后六位
String deviceCode;
String typeName;
if (type.equals("1")) {
// 首先读取deviceCode, 哈勃deviceCode是后6个byte
typeName = "地面站";
deviceCode = new String(msg, 6, 12, Charset.defaultCharset()).toUpperCase(); // 地面站
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 1);
} else if (type.equals("2")) {
typeName = "哈勃终端";
deviceCode = new String(msg, 12, 6, Charset.defaultCharset()).toUpperCase(); // 哈勃上线
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 1);
haborSignIntoCac(deviceCode, ctx.channel());
} else {
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 0); // 握手失败
log.info("【读取握手数据】======> deviceCode = " + deviceCode + " type = " + typeName);
// 删除旧的连接。如果存在异常断开的时候,旧连接并未清除。这里在上线的时候检查并清除
String addr0 = sessionCache.snToAddMap.get(deviceCode);
if (Objects.nonNull(addr0)) {
log.info("【握手删除旧连接】====> " + addr0 + "(" + deviceCode + ")删除");
// 添加新连接
sessionCache.addToSnMap.put(address, deviceCode); // ip-mac
sessionCache.snToAddMap.put(deviceCode, address); // mac- ip
sessionCache.tcpSession.put(address, ctx.channel()); // ip - channel
return; // 握手结束立即返回
try {
} finally {
// 上线握手阶段
if (!sessionCache.addToSnMap.containsKey(address)) { // 判断连接是否已经建立,如未建立则先握手
handshake(ctx, msgBuf, address);
return; // 握手结束立即返回
else {
// 已经建立连接且非地面站控制信息,则进行数据转发
// 已经建立连接且非地面站控制信息,则进行数据转发
else {
transfer(ctx, msgBuf, address);
final ByteBuf bufToTransfer = msgBuf.duplicate(); // 转发,保留原始索引
String sn = sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(address); // sn =mac
// 监控相关
if (!sessionCache.snToMonitorMap.isEmpty()) {
Optional<Channel> sendChannelOpt = sessionCache.findMonitorChannel(address);
if (sendChannelOpt.isPresent()) {
Channel sendChannel = sendChannelOpt.get();
log.info("(监控)out channel: " + sendChannel.remoteAddress() + "(" + sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", ""))
+ ") 即将发送 --- " + "in channel: " + ctx.channel().remoteAddress() + "(" + sn + ")发来的TCP消息");
future -> {
// TODO 2025/1/17: 需优化
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
if (!sessionCache.mappingListMap.isEmpty() && sessionCache.mappingListMap.get(sn) != null) {
if (debug) {
// log.info("【转发数据】======> " + ByteBufUtil.hexDump(msgBuf));
List<Channel> sendChannelOpt = sessionCache.findMappingTargetChannel(sn); // 设备编号对应的通道
// log.info("send channel count of {} = {}", sn, sendChannelOpt.size());
sendChannelOpt.forEach(sendChannel -> {
// log.info("out channel: " + sendChannel.remoteAddress() + "(" + sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", "")) + ")即将发送 --- " + "in channel: " + ctx.channel().remoteAddress() + "(" + sn + ")发来的TCP消息");
// TODO 2025/1/17: 大量打印日志消耗性能,需要优化,用更合理的方式显示通信对象状态
// log.debug("out channel: {} ({})即将发送 --- from channel: {} ({})", sendChannel.remoteAddress(), sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", "")), ctx.channel().remoteAddress(), sn);
// 如果需要发送,则增加一次计数引用,便于中心指控继续使用buffer
future -> {
// TODO 2025/1/17: 需优化
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
} else {
// log.info("发送成功: {}, {} ", sendChannel.remoteAddress(), ByteBufUtil.hexDump(bufToTransfer));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
BaseClient client = ClientManager.getClient(ctx.channel());
BaseClient client = ClientManager.getClient(ctx.channel());
@ -243,6 +149,110 @@ public class InMessageHandler1 extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
private boolean handshake(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf msgBuf, String address) {
if (msgBuf.getByte(0) != (byte) 0xAA || msgBuf.getByte(1) != (byte) 0x44) {
return false;
byte[] msg = new byte[msgBuf.readableBytes()];
log.info("【接收握手原数据】 " + ByteUtils.bytes2HexString(msg));
// 握手数据不满足协议长度,立即返回
// String d = stringUtil.bytesToHexString(msg);
// byte[] crc = CRC.crc16(msg, 2, 16);
// if (crc[0] != msg[18] || crc[1] != msg[19]){
// log.warn("握手数据crc校验错误,期望crc " + stringTool.bytesToHexString(crc) + ", 实际收到 " + d);
// protocolAck(ctx,(byte) 0);
// return;
// }
// 数据类型 1为地面站 2为终端设备
String type = new String(msg, 5, 1, Charset.defaultCharset());
// deviceCode 终端设备取后六位
String deviceCode;
String typeName;
if (type.equals("1")) {
// 首先读取deviceCode, 哈勃deviceCode是后6个byte
typeName = "地面站";
deviceCode = new String(msg, 6, 12, Charset.defaultCharset()).toUpperCase(); // 地面站
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 1);
log.info("{} {} 握手成功: {}", typeName, deviceCode, ByteUtils.bytes2HexString(msg));
} else if (type.equals("2")) {
typeName = "哈勃终端";
deviceCode = new String(msg, 12, 6, Charset.defaultCharset()).toUpperCase(); // 哈勃上线
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 1);
log.info("{} {} 握手成功: {}", typeName, deviceCode, ByteUtils.bytes2HexString(msg));
haborSignIntoCac(deviceCode, ctx.channel());
} else {
protocolAck(ctx, (byte) 0); // 握手失败
log.info("握手失败: {}", ByteUtils.bytes2HexString(msg));
return false;
// 删除旧的连接。如果存在异常断开的时候,旧连接并未清除。这里在上线的时候检查并清除
String addr0 = sessionCache.snToAddMap.get(deviceCode);
if (Objects.nonNull(addr0)) {
log.info("【握手删除旧连接】====> " + addr0 + "(" + deviceCode + ")删除");
// 添加新连接
sessionCache.addToSnMap.put(address, deviceCode); // ip-mac
sessionCache.snToAddMap.put(deviceCode, address); // mac- ip
sessionCache.tcpSession.put(address, ctx.channel()); // ip - channel
return true;
private void transfer(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf msgBuf, String address) throws RuntimeException {
final ByteBuf bufToTransfer = msgBuf.duplicate(); // 转发,保留原始索引
String sn = sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(address); // sn =mac
// 监控相关
if (!sessionCache.snToMonitorMap.isEmpty()) {
Optional<Channel> sendChannelOpt = sessionCache.findMonitorChannel(address);
if (sendChannelOpt.isPresent()) {
Channel sendChannel = sendChannelOpt.get();
log.info("(监控)out channel: " + sendChannel.remoteAddress() + "(" + sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", ""))
+ ") 即将发送 --- " + "in channel: " + ctx.channel().remoteAddress() + "(" + sn + ")发来的TCP消息");
future -> {
// TODO 2025/1/17: 需优化
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
if (!sessionCache.mappingListMap.isEmpty() && sessionCache.mappingListMap.get(sn) != null) {
if (debug) {
// log.info("【转发数据】======> " + ByteBufUtil.hexDump(msgBuf));
List<Channel> sendChannelOpt = sessionCache.findMappingTargetChannel(sn); // 设备编号对应的通道
// log.info("send channel count of {} = {}", sn, sendChannelOpt.size());
sendChannelOpt.forEach(sendChannel -> {
// log.info("out channel: " + sendChannel.remoteAddress() + "(" + sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", "")) + ")即将发送 --- " + "in channel: " + ctx.channel().remoteAddress() + "(" + sn + ")发来的TCP消息");
// TODO 2025/1/17: 大量打印日志消耗性能,需要优化,用更合理的方式显示通信对象状态
// log.debug("out channel: {} ({})即将发送 --- from channel: {} ({})", sendChannel.remoteAddress(), sessionCache.addToSnMap.get(sendChannel.remoteAddress().toString().replace("/", "")), ctx.channel().remoteAddress(), sn);
// 如果需要发送,则增加一次计数引用,便于中心指控继续使用buffer
future -> {
// TODO 2025/1/17: 需优化
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
* 接入中心指控系统, 上线
* 接入中心指控系统, 上线